Chapter 1552

The entire Hall of Valor was dead silent.

It was as if Loken's self-destruction in despair before his death had suppressed the air in this place that was always full of vitality.

But the Heroic Spirits are actually in a good mood.

They have long been informed that after the liberation of Ulduar, they will step into the stars to rescue their gods.

Although the heroic spirits are warriors, and warriors' brains are generally not very useful, they can still think of a very simple and simple truth.

Being able to be saved means that the gods of the Pantheon must still be alive, and may not be living in a "normal" posture, but the existence of the gods cannot be confused with ordinary life forms.

Therefore, even after Loken revealed the fact that the Pantheon had been destroyed, the heroic spirits were only stunned for a moment, but quickly recovered their fighting spirit.

The benefits of being brainless are fully reflected at this time.

They don't always think too much.

Anyway, it would be nice if there was a battle and a drink.

But for those with brains, the facts exposed by Loken are very shocking, such as the dragon kings, such as mortal warriors, such as the storm guardian Thorim who just got his revenge.

This "handsome" Guardian is the only one not living in Ulduar,

There is no trace of erosion by the void on his body.

But according to Loken's previous self-explosion, he knew that this guy's experience was indeed very miserable. The Old God didn't even need to corrupt him with the void to ensure that he would not interfere with the affairs of Ulduar.

To be precise, the biggest difference between Thorim and other guardians is that he was not defeated by the Old Gods, but by Loken's vicious conspiracy and his very irritable, overly rich and delicate personality inherited from Odin. The emotional circuit is broken.

During these hundreds of thousands of years of self-exile, he has been staying in his Storm Temple, ignoring everything outside, in a terrible depression, and turning a blind eye to everything that happened close at hand.

To put it simply, this guy chose to lie down for a long time because of those things in the past.

Judging from the non-existent traces of war on his body, the heroic spirits, dwarves and Vrykul sent by Odin to attack the Temple of Storms probably did not have any battle at all, and invited him to the Hall of Valor peacefully.

But this is Odin's face is big enough.

If someone else went to "invite", it is estimated that they would not even be able to touch the edge of the Temple of Storms, and they would be beaten all over the ground by the Brunhildavik family members of Thorim.

But at this time, Thorim was half kneeling in the "remains of Loken" that he had crushed with his own hands. Among the scattered rubble and half of the rock's head, the Storm Guardian was caught in a more serious situation. In the more painful emotions when he learned of his wife's death.

Once, he thought it was just a vicious accident, so he set off a war in anger.

With Ra-den missing, Odin imprisoned, and Loken malicious, no Titan Guardian can stop him from unleashing his wrath on the innocent Frost titan.

Under Loken's malicious guidance, he single-handedly triggered a war to destroy civilization at the end of the Age of Mythology, because the world-wide melee caused by this war directly led to Tyr's death in battle and the end of the Age of Mythology.

He failed his mission as a guardian and became a shameful perpetrator.

In Loken's words, in all the disasters caused by Loken's fall, Thorim did not interfere.

Although it was just a vicious curse used to attack Thorim's mind, unfortunately, no matter from which angle you looked at it, there was nothing wrong with Loken's words.

While Loken was alive, Thorim could still push all this on Loken.

But now that Loken was dead, he had to bear this terrible pressure alone.

If Thorim is a heartless bastard like Braike, it is actually okay, and he does not regard those past sins as a burden, but unfortunately, it is also because of inheriting Odin's emotional circuit that Thorim Lim couldn't forgive himself for the things he did in spite of his maliciously directed anger.

He knelt there.

He who didn't need to breathe was breathing hard like a fragile mortal. He looked at Loken's broken head in front of him, and those dim eyes seemed to be mocking him for becoming a sharp sword in the hands of evil to harm the world.

The best vanguard of the void, Yogg-Saron should award Thorim a ten-ton medal.

All this made Thorim unbearable, and the terrible truth that the Pantheon had been destroyed was a terrifying pressure enough to defeat Raiden.

He let out a heart-piercing roar, not knowing that the string in his brain was wrong, grabbed the spherical warhammer that smashed Loken's head, and smashed it towards his own forehead.

Seems like self-sacrifice to make up for horribly wrong things I've done in the past.


With a deep roar, the Lightning War Spear struck with a thunderous thrust, knocking away the warhammer in Thorim's hand, and made the man who was supposed to burst into tears but could only make a distorted expression like crying because he had no tear ducts Guardian knocked to the ground.

Odin turned into a thunderbolt and appeared in the arena. He stomped Loken's broken head to pieces. He looked at the painful Thorim in front of him and said:

"I know you are in pain, child, I know you can't accept all this cruelty, but this is not the reason for you to choose to escape. I, Raiden, and even the Virgin, we have all done wrong things.

In your mind, maybe we should have killed ourselves and left the mess we made to mortals to deal with.

But we are born with a noble ideal, we cannot die with humble desires.

Loken is a fool who has glimpsed the future but not seen it in its entirety, his mind crushed by a terrible catastrophe that made him ignore that our Shapers are not as fragile as he thinks.

Although the Pantheon is destroyed, the souls of the gods still persist among the stars. In this era of darkness pervading the stars, only we, the guardians shaped by the gods, can save them.

Whether you want to atone for your sins or face the pain, I cannot allow a precious combat power to become a coward!

I don't have time to listen to your regrets and difficulties now, because we are still at war.

stand up!

Stand up like a warrior! "

Under Odin's scolding, Thorim stood up quickly.

The twilight in his body is still there, and besides the pain of loss, there are also some desolation and loneliness of the victims, but with the surge of thunder and the roar of the proto-dragon, a blue progenitor entwined with Thunder just like Thorim Dragon Mother flapped her wings and flew into the sky.

That's Veranus.

That is Thorim's partner, war beast and mount, and also the dragon mother of the proto-dragon of Northrend. Counting the time, it should be an ancient person of the same era as the guardian dragon kings.

Although not lucky enough to be endowed with the power of a titan, the proto-dragon's huge body and ferocious minions are enough to make it one of the most dangerous creatures in the world.

Its appearance represented that Thorim was ready to go to the battlefield.

This also made Odin nodded in satisfaction.

Truth is a real warrior. Although his heart is full of despair and pain, he never hesitates when it is time to swing his sword. He inflicts his own pain on the enemy and makes them feel the pain of loss. This is anger. The true meaning of the way.

"I know you also have a lot of doubts, but I don't have time to answer them for you."

The Lord of War looked at the main city of Ulduar, which was already close at hand. He stood among the remains of the traitor Loken, and shouted to the Dragon King and the mortals:

"The holy war to liberate the land of creation has begun. If you want to embark on this path of glory with us, I welcome you at any time. If you fear the doomed destruction like Loken, then you can leave at any time.


I expressed strong distrust to you in the past, and I still haven't changed my opinion to this day. Although Loken's words were malicious, he also told the truth.

My dislike for you is not just my personal inclination, you have done a lot of things you shouldn't do.

As defenders of order, you are too involved in the development of this world, but maybe this is your choice, another choice besides the supreme managers.

Facts have proved that we Guardians have failed our mission, and perhaps in the future you will prove to me that you have not failed your duty.

That's what I'm going to talk about today!

I will no longer refuse your aid because of hostility. This is a war we must win together and I welcome you to my regiment.

So be it. "

After finishing speaking, Odin turned and walked towards the Rainbow Bridge that had been fully opened. Before leaving, he said to the dragon kings:

"My adjutant, the commander-in-chief of the next war, His Excellency Bu Laike Shaw, will answer your doubts on our behalf, but you'd better hurry up."

"Huh? This is obviously your job!"

This meeting has almost slipped into the arena, and Bu Laike, who just picked up the anima ball dropped by Loken and prepared to add more divine power to his Titan luck dice, raised his head in surprise, and he shouted in dissatisfaction:

"You can't just push your job to me, explaining all this is also very troublesome, and most importantly, you have to pay me! Bastard!

And the bounty for catching Loken, you haven't settled yet!

Don't run away like a coward who owes money and doesn't pay back!

Odin! "

Bu Laike's shout made the Lord of War quicken his pace, and disappeared into the Rainbow Bridge with a whoosh. Before the pirates turned their attention to the debt collectors, Laiden and his Virgin of Purity also disappeared into the beam of light with a whoosh.

It seems that everyone is well aware of the consequences of being entangled by Bu Laike.

Only Thorim is an "honest boy", he walked slowly and was immediately entangled by Bu Laike.

The pirate claims that the Stormkeeper owes him a great favor and insists on getting Thorim to bless his good luck dice, and also claims that he knows that Thorim has his own palace in Ulduar, which also has many great treasures .

Boo Laike the lion opened his mouth wide and asked for half.

But at this time, the pretty Storm Guardian was not in the mood to tangle with mortals at all, and Loken was indeed captured by Bu Laike, so he generously agreed to all the excessive demands of the pirates.

This wave made Bu Laike very satisfied, but when he turned his head, he saw the three dragon kings standing behind him with indescribable expressions.

Those mortal warriors also surrounded them.

It looks like they want to beat up the stinky pirates in the arena, but in fact, the silent ones just want an answer, about the Pantheon, about that failure, about the next demon war, and those titans soul and so on.

They want to ask too many questions.

So the pirate had an idea. He realized that a chance to make a lot of money was in front of him, so he put his hands on his hips and arrogantly waved his fingers and said:

"Knowledge is priceless, but secrets are priceless. One hundred thousand gold coins for a question! No counter-offering, love to listen or not."


A ruby ​​gem, the purest and infused with the power of the Red Dragon, was dropped by the Dragon Queen at the pirate's side, complete enough to carve three life-size statues of Cloth Laike.

Ah Laike Straza said with a serious expression:

"Ten first!"

"Uh, I suddenly feel that my dark wisdom is priced conservatively. Can you please take this gem back and let me reorganize the language?"

The smelly pirate suddenly felt that he had lost a lot.

He realized that he was facing a group of giant dragons, and the whole world knew that the dragons lived for a long time, their eyes were taller, and one or two of them were the best at making money.

But when he saw the Red Dragon Queen and the Green Dragon Queen put their hands on his shoulders at the same time, and Malygos, who was exhausted, had already gritted his teeth, with a dangerous light of chaos shining in his eyes, Braike became serious, He coughed and said:

"Ask, ask, hurry up and finish asking us so that we can go to fight, and the following are urging."

"The Pantheon was really destroyed? Was it destroyed by the Dark Titan?"

The Red Dragon Queen asked her most concerned question, and the pirate immediately raised two fingers and said:

"These are two questions! I suggest you think about it before asking the question next time. I know you have money, but such a waste makes me a little sad.

I mean, would you like to ask something technical? "

"I swear, Boo Laike, if you're going to talk to us about money in the rest of the conversation, I'm going to beat you up."

The always gentle Ysera will grit her teeth and say:

"I can beat you in the two dimensions of reality and dream at the same time, so that you can experience double torture."

"Then you have to beat me in both dimensions."

The pirate snorted and said provocatively:

"You, the weakest dragon king who always plays a support role, don't play this kind of red-faced job, this is more appropriate for the spell weaver.

Okay okay, don't get excited.

Guys, this question is for you.

The Pantheon was indeed destroyed, and what Loken said in this matter is true. Long before the birth of civilization, the titans who shaped the world died at the sword of Lord Sargeras.

But they were dead and not quite dead, the dark titan obviously knew the potential of his titan brothers better than anyone, so he captured the souls of the titans, and ordered the most corrupt witch elders in the stars to corrupt the titans soul.

They've done it twice.

That's why we meet the fallen titan Aggramar on the world of Dellano, whose dark pantheon is no doubt being assembled by Lord Sargeras.

After completing the Burning Crusade that turned everything into ashes, it is very likely that He will command the Dark Pantheon, which represents the power of fel energy, and the power of the void to start a great war that can destroy the stars of matter.

From this point of view, our destruction is only a preview of an even more terrible destruction.

Practice your hands, you understand? "

Bu Laike grinned, looked around at the people in front of him, and said:

"Don't even think about Loken's last suggestion to you, even if you can avoid this time by taking refuge in the void, you will definitely not be able to avoid the final wrath of the Dark Titan.

Only a fool like Loken would believe that the Void is the only salvation.

In this matter, none of the six forces can save us.

Once the fel energy and the void go to war, it means that the original force is out of balance, which is a more terrible ending than destruction. All the original forces and all the worlds and transitions derived from them will be drawn into this endless war.

Death is most likely to be the last winner.

But it's also possible that there will be no winners at all.

I won’t hide it from you, I still know more secrets after this eternal war, but considering your already fragile minds, I want to keep these secrets and announce them after we survive the demon disaster.

In short, if you are a group of fighters, then you are blessed.

The era of chaos in Azeroth is just a sign that the stars are about to enter a turbulent era, and there will be no shortage of battles for countless times to come.

I hope you have sharpened your weapons and are eager to try.


Cowards will not live long in the coming age, so be brave, everyone, really, this is my last and most sincere advice to you.

Don't be afraid to face all difficulties, and face it with a smile. Of course, if you have enough money and treasures, the prophet in black will always stand by your side. "

(end of this chapter)

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