Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1553 186. No Child's Dream Is A House And A Car... What A Ghost! What A Cool Batmobile!

Chapter 1553 186. No child's dream is a house, a car, and a ghost! What a cool Batmobile!

Bu Laike seemed to be full of sincerity, as if he told all the secrets he knew and the future he saw to everyone in front of him. He knew that such an answer could satisfy these doubting people.

But if you carefully distinguish the words of the pirates, you will know that this guy has once again made good use of the general principles of the prophets, saying that he must be crooked and never reveal specific things.

He's just declaring a disturbing future without telling the dragonlords and mortal warriors anything about what's going to happen in the future.

Of course, going to Argus to fight to save the Titans and demon invasions are all clichés before, and there is no need for Laike to make another prophecy.

But as Bo Laike said, that's enough of what he's saying right now.

He knows that when his speech outlines a dark future and the future is scary enough, it is enough to dispel all further inquiries about specific matters from the knowledge seekers who are worried about this.

Facts have proved that the business experience that Laike has summed up in the prophet industry until now is really useful. After he finished speaking, even the most irritable dwarf lost interest in asking questions.

What they didn't realize was that Laike had only answered one question, which meant the pirates didn't have to continue answering the next nine questions.

Tsk tsk, I made a lot of money.

Of course, Laike is not deliberately fooling these poor people who are worried about the future. The main reason is that the plot he is familiar with ends here. Although he can guess the next development by evaluating his current control of the situation, this kind of Indeterminate results certainly cannot be said.

As a prophet, one or two occasional false predictions is enough to ruin one's so far illustrious "career."

Laike, who is always on the safe side, will not take such a risk.

He admired the ruby ​​crystal given by the Red Dragon Queen as a reward for a while, then put it away, and took the heart energy collected from Loken's corpse in his hand to check.

Frankly speaking, this heart is very disappointing for Laike.

Because it doesn't have the power that a Titan Guardian's power level should have.

Its level has even just reached legend, which is probably because Loken's original divine power from the mysterious titan Norgannon has been corrupted by Yogg-Saron's void power for a long time in the past.

The conflict between the two completely opposite divine powers caused Loken's strength to decline severely, which directly led to the poor quality of this group of anima.

But in addition to the unsatisfactory quality, its effect is still at a super high level as always:

Title: Lord of Defiled Wisdom

Quality: Legendary [Pollution]

Item effects:

1. The Crown of the King of Wisdom:

Using or wearing this heart will strengthen the user's spellcasting ability, increasing the casting speed of all magic that needs to be chanted by 50%, and the basic destructive power of magic that does not need to be chanted is increased by 20%.

The user's ability to manipulate the energy derived from various original forces has been greatly improved.

The user's resistance to the energy derived from various original forces has been greatly improved.

Every time the user casts a spell, there is a high chance of obtaining the effect of [Multiple Casting]. The arcane magic power will actively copy the user's magic and cause damage based on 50% of the base destructive power.

Every time the user casts a spell, there is a small chance of obtaining the [Awakening] effect, and the mana recovery speed increases by 300% in a short period of time.


The effect of [Ishset·Magic Power] possessed by [Bu Laike's Titan Lucky Dice] in the user's hand can be strengthened and replaced with [Loken·Magic Power].

While maintaining the attack effect of [Ishset·Magic Power], the strengthening of the Anima is added to the effect of the good luck dice.

2. The lure of the thousand-throat demon:

This Anima has been tainted, causing the user to receive Yogg-Saron's Curse of the Void when using it.

While further changing the tendency of the user's power alignment, the more serious curse of flesh and blood is added to the user himself, and the user is given the ability to manipulate [Phantom Sound] and attack the mind.


Currently, the user has the blessing of the will of the void, which can strip the curse effect from Loken's anima ball and become an anima ball that can be used independently.

Heart energy description:

Loken was not a weak guy, he just encountered the temptation of Yogg-Saron when he was most desperate. This fully proves that every life should protect its own weaknesses and stay away from all void monsters.


When the pirate saw this anima, he immediately became interested. This was the first time he encountered an anima ball that could be split.

Without any hesitation, he wrapped his void divine power around his fingers, grabbed the ball of anima with both hands and pulled it lightly, and there was a mass of purple anima in his hand.

Pirates definitely don't like this stuff.

After all, he already has the burden of being an idol now, but if he doesn't need it, it doesn't mean it's useless. It can be used to reward his useless subordinates.

for example

"Hey, here's something delicious for you!"

The pirate laughed and threw the anima ball into the sky.

In the next moment, a sharp blade pierced through the air with a whoosh, and General Carl, who was in charge of protecting Laike in a hidden state, was like a pelican catching a fish. Pat yourself.

"Well, the feeling of strength is heating up the body!"

General Carl, who landed on the ground, showed a very comfortable expression. She moved her body to feel the newly acquired abilities. In the shadow world, there are few void forces, so this kind of power born in the void is also very special for General Carl. Rare and uncommon gadgets.

She tentatively regards this as the "salary" she has received after serving Bu Laike heartily for a period of time.

It's just that she's not happy with the way the pirates are fed.

She turned her head to look at Bo Laike, and said in a vicious voice:

"Next time you dare to use this method of feeding birds to lose your mind, I will beat you!"

"Ah, don't worry about it, it's just that I suddenly missed the past. It's good that I didn't throw it to you fat bug, my dear general."

The pirate shrugged, not taking General Carl's threat seriously.

He was very aware of the nature of these Stoneborn, despite General Carl's harsh words, but her desire for anima was enough to make her ignore the little rudeness of the pirates.

After all, greed has always been a good virtue in the bloody place of Revendreth.

Braike threw the rest of his heart energy on the Titan Good Luck Dice in his hand. Counting the divine blessings he had received from Raiden, Our Lady of Purity and Thorim, his twelve-sided dice had already been filled. Nine faces.

It is only the last three divine powers before it can be used in actual combat.

The pirates have undoubtedly seen the moment when this amazing artifact of theirs will shine in the future. To be precise, this dice is the "natural artifact" that Bu Laike found materials and made by himself.

It's a pity that it has been in an unfinished state, which has caused it to rarely show up in past battles.

"The battle is underway."

Maiev quietly appeared next to the pirates, reporting the situation on the front line to Bu Laike like the best war reporter, she said:

"The nodes of the Hall of Rock and the Hall of Lightning have been opened, making the gate of Ulduar undefended against the Legion of Heroes. The Lord of War and the Great Guardian have led people into the Lord of Titans, and the Legion of Heroes and Mogu has also advanced into it.

But they seem to have hit a snag.

Do you want to go down and have a look? "

"No, I don't need to look to know what happened there."

The pirate took out his pocket watch and looked at the time. He said:

"And am I not waiting for my good ship to arrive?"

"The evil name of this world?"

Maiev said in surprise:

"Isn't that ship being upgraded and maintained in Mechagon's dock? You said that it can't sail for at least half a month, and the Naglfar can't fly. What are you waiting for?

Could it be that Gaboa was called by you again? "

"Hey, does that weak pirate god dare to come to a battlefield of this level right now?"

Blair complained mercilessly:

"Any leader caught in that city can rub Gaboa on the ground, this is a serious place of creation, not Zandalari's kind of ghostly place full of 'sibe gods'.

Leveraging their courage, the Loa dare not act wild here.

I'm waiting for my other ship

That's right, I'm a magical man with several ships. In other words, with my current status and status, how many ships do I have that still surprise you? "

"Surprised, no."

Maiev said suspiciously:

"It's just that with your pickiness, I really can't imagine what kind of ship can make you so proud? Could it be that the mechanical gnomes have made new gadgets for you that I haven't seen before?"

"You must have seen it, I promise."

The pirate grinned, and ten seconds later, he and Maiev turned their heads to look at the gloomy sky at the same time, where a low sonic boom was echoing.

And what appeared in the sky with the deep voice was a "ship" that Maiev was very familiar with. Uh, calling it a ship is a bit inappropriate.

This is a not-so-standard Burning Legion Vanguard Landing Craft.

It has the unique trapezoidal structure of other demon spaceships, but it seems to have been specially modified. After knocking off the overly bulky metal, it was redesigned into the posture of a bat spreading its wings.

And its size is more than ten times smaller than the landing craft used by the demons, and its size is even much smaller than that of the Nagfar.

But in exchange for the advantage of sacrificing its size, this airship is super fast, and it is equipped with many weapons that Maiev can't understand, but it can be seen from its appearance that it is very violent and terrifying.

"Soulhunter's hunting spaceship, you haven't forgotten it? On Dellano's battlefield, that unlucky guy who was used as cannon fodder by Kil'jaeden gave me the weapon as money for his life.

It is said that it was custom-made by Kingaroth, the apocalyptic engineer of the Burning Legion, at a great price.

But it's mine now.

The mechagnomes just fixed it the other day. "

Bu Laike took out a very unmagical key, pressed it a few times in his hand, and made a weird crisp and sharp sound like a positioning device, making the ultra-fast flying hunting airship rush towards him.

At this moment, the stinky pirate is very much like those cashiers showing off their new cars to their girlfriends. He proudly held Mai Wei's slender waist, and introduced in a low voice:

"This thing is very powerful!

Four of the most advanced mana engines within the legion, twelve tubes of fel energy torpedo launchers, thirty-six cutting laser and small-caliber shock gun matrices, and three concussion bomb dispensers.

If the Naglfar is an elegant lady from ancient times, and the Evil of this world is a glorious queen aloft, then the hunting airship in front of you is the hot and slutty chick that all bad guys like.

When she is wearing a black leather jacket, showing tattooed arms, chewing gum, and holding a shotgun, she invites you to wait on her large-displacement motorcycle for a dark night hunt.

No man can resist such amorous feelings.

Just like owning a Batmobile is the common desire of all boys. "

"Well, furs, tattoos, and slutty hotness?"

Maiev's focus is completely different from Bo Laike's. She pursed her lips and said:

"So you like this style? No wonder you are so tolerant of Xalatas's love, so pampered. It turns out that she satisfies all your desires for slutty chicks."

"Hey, when men talk to you about their smug and proud favorites, you should show the same joy as they do, instead of picking on them here.

You are not like this! "

Bo Laike was angry.

It is a kind of anger when the thing you love is not accepted by the person you love, just like the mentality of a rubber guy when he faces his new girlfriend who proudly shows his "wall" and is despised by the other party.

It's the kind of awkward mood that I really want to say break up on the spot, but considering that if I miss this, there is a high probability that I will be alone.

But pirates are well-informed after all.

The slender and violent ship was modified by the mechanical gnomes according to the requirements of Laike and replaced with black spray paint. The hunting airship shaped like a bat with spread wings floated lightly in front of the pirates, and it used very high-tech When he opened the folding ladder for the pirates to enter, Braike still politely made a "please" gesture to Maiev.

He said:

"Ladies first, and I haven't named it yet, if you're interested"

"I am not interested."

Maiev snorted, put on his owl helmet and stepped into the hunting airship in front of him.

she says:

"This ship doesn't fit my aesthetics, but if you need it, I'd suggest calling it the 'Moonblade.'"

"Tsk tsk, what a stereotyped pure nun would give it a stereotyped name, why don't you call it 'Elune's dark secret'?"

Entering the airship and sitting on the cockpit, Bo Laike, who inserted the key in his hand into the control panel of the spaceship, made a complaint, and immediately won himself a serious look from Madam Maiev.

The pirate immediately raised his hands and surrendered, and at the moment the hatch of the airship closed, he said:

"Okay, I know I'm wrong, I shouldn't have made fun of you and my faith, but I think Lady Elune would like the name too. So I decided to call it 'Shadowsong'

Huh, it's not named after you, so don't give that fleeting weird smile, and I think as a normal woman, shouldn't you offer a kiss in this situation?

I named my new boat after you.

Don't tell Sefiel about this, especially Xalatas, she will make a fuss and ask me to build another ship.

I don't have that much money anymore. "

After complaining, Bu Laike grabbed the joystick in front of him, and he also put on a special dwarf sunglasses for himself in a very artistic way, then turned his head to Mavin who was sitting in the back row, and said:

"Sit next to me and buckle up. Ready for a killing spree? My hot chick."

"I don't like leather and I don't have tattoos"

Maiev complained and sat in the co-pilot, she glanced at Bu Laike and said something in a low voice.

The pirate curled his lips, and the moment he pulled the joystick to let the Shadowsong fly like a black arrow, he said softly:

"Really? Then you quietly tattooed on your heart some time ago, and every time I couldn't help but look carefully at that name."


"Okay, I won't say anymore, okay, take back your knife wheel, okay? That thing is very sharp, I admit defeat, you depraved priestess with a double-mindedness."

(end of this chapter)

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