Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1554 187. I Swear I Will Buy A Boat Like This When I Have Money!

Chapter 1554 187. I swear I will buy a boat like this when I have money!

The area of ​​Ulduar City far exceeds the understanding of the concept of "city" by ordinary people. As a place of creation that hides too many secrets, Ulduar has a super-giant "front hall" that fits its sacred positioning.

This can be counted as a large platform on the ground to enter this giant city, just like the thousands of steps that pilgrims must pass through to go to a sacred place, full of a sense of grandeur.

But in fact, the real size of this area is comparable to one-tenth of the entire Burning Plain, and it is even larger than the battlefield where the Alliance and the Orcs fought a few years ago.

And on this endless platform, there is a strange black spire standing every fifty meters. Odin and the others call this thing "Storm Beacon".

You can tell from the name that this is a special teleportation device.

Around this densely packed square filled with storm beacons like a black forest, there are four mechanical temples located in different areas, all of which are in a unified Titan-forged style, and currently seem quiet.

And at the end of this large platform area is a golden city gate.

To be precise, that is the gate that can really enter the main building of Ulduar City. The place where the Legion of Heroic Spirits is now can only be regarded as an excessively wide "front yard" of the Land of Creation.

At this time, in the dead and silent front yard, the first batch of heroic warriors had already stepped onto the platform with the support of the Valkyries and giant dragons. Almost as soon as they entered this area, hundreds of storm beacons filled the space. can start.

With the beating blue energy, a portal opened under each beacon, and a steady stream of iron dwarves and iron vrykul rushed out of it.

They didn't look very intelligent either, just like standard industrial consumables that had just appeared on the scene, swinging their weapons and killing the intruders the moment they appeared on the scene.

Their fighting methods are also very rigid. The steel soldiers who have not been implanted in the combat circuit only know how to swing their weapons instinctively, and then they are easily cut down by the heroic spirits who are brave and good at fighting.

the only problem is

The teleportation speed of these guys is too fucking fast!

In just a few minutes, more than 10,000 basic structures appeared on the battlefield, and the heroic spirits who made the first wave of tentative attacks were forced back to the main formation with a brutal numerical advantage.

Their cutting speed is not as fast as the opponent's teleportation speed.

And the Valkyries and giant dragons flying around in the sky were also suppressed by the high-energy light beams constantly shooting out from the four mechanical temples and couldn't move forward.

"Damn Yogg Saron!"

The King of War looked at the storm beacons that were activated one after another on the endless platform in front of him, and he felt tricky.

Odin leaned on the Lightning Spear and threw the thunder forward, easily destroying more than a dozen storm beacons, but this kind of damage was nothing compared to the number of remaining black spires.

"The lunatic ancient god activated all the storm beacons, and now only Mimiron's authority can turn them off, or we can fight all the way through.

However, although the furnace of will has been shut down for a long time, the steel legion in Ulduar's internal inventory alone is enough to form a crushing number advantage.

I knew it wasn't that simple. "

"We can provide air suppression, lord of war."

The Red Dragon Queen maintained her human form. She stood on a high platform and looked forward. After discussing with Ysera and Senegos representing the Blue Dragon Army here, she said to Odin and several guardians:

"We can mobilize the adult dragons of the Dragon Legion to come to Ulduar in a short period of time. This place is not far from Wyrmrest Temple. The battle just now proved that our dragon's breath can destroy these junior steel warriors and storm beacons.

Perhaps you can wait until the dragon arrives.

We can also be responsible for transporting heroic spirits in the air during the war. Your Rainbow Bridge should not be used at will in Ulduar, right? "

"Can not do it now."

Odin frowned and said:

"The technology of the Rainbow Bridge originated from the genius design of my brother Mimiron, but the authority of the entire mechanical creation of Ulduar is in his hands.

Since the Hall of Valor was once part of the city, if he didn't allow it, the Valgara Fortress wouldn't even be able to stop for supplies. "

"Summon the dragon."

Raiden held his lightning-wrapped fist and said to several dragon kings:

"In addition to supporting the battle in the future, the dragons also need to block the front hall of Ulduar!

Yogg Saron will fight back desperately. Once these structures that are not loaded with the will of the Titans are allowed to rush out of the land of creation, the entire Northrend will usher in catastrophe.

Just because we can stand against them doesn't mean the mortal races can stand against beings of steel.

These Iron Warriors were not designed to slaughter mortals, their stated goal was to defend the world, not destroy it. "

Speaking of this, Leiden looked at this hometown that he had been away for countless years, he sighed, and said softly:

"Instead, I would like to thank Loken for his conspiracy to exhaust those first-generation steel beings who were most capable of fighting in the melee at the end of the Age of Gods. Controlled by God, the whole world will be destroyed at that time."

"Now is not the time to praise the enemy!"

Odin raised the Lightning Spear in his hand, and immediately Heimdall led a group of elite heroes ready to charge, and the Vrykul warriors commanded by Heja and the warriors of the three dwarves also howled and boarded the giant bear With the mounts of the battle sheep, they will also start their own battles in this sacred place.

"Thorim, you lead the vanguard, and your proto-dragon partner who can withstand energy shocks will guide them in the sky. I want you to summon lightning to destroy the four mechanical temples as quickly as possible.

Without their interference, Valarjar Fortress can enter the city of Ulduar. "

The Lord of War gave the order.

He obviously won't wait until the dragons' air support arrives before continuing to fight. Yogg Saron doesn't know what kind of counterattack he is preparing in the cage, and every minute and every second right now is very important.

Thorim, who was eager to repay the pain and pressure in his heart, jumped onto his loyal flying dragon without saying a word, and set foot on this steel battlefield with the heroic striker again.

Their second entry immediately triggered the activation of more storm beacons, and in the blink of an eye, dense hordes of iron dwarves and iron virykul were pressing towards them from all directions.

Those guys advancing silently looked like a sea of ​​undead, but they were made of steel, and they were much more dangerous than undead.

"Sorry I'm late, it took a while to build up and parade over Coldarra, but I just heard someone say they need a little lightning?

I can do this, and I'm really good at it. "

At the moment when the heroic spirits fought against the Iron Legion, beside Odin who was about to step into the battlefield himself, with the flash of magic teleportation, a bluffing sound sounded beside everyone.

The King of War turned his head suddenly, and saw Little Xingxing appearing triumphantly on the platform with his two human servants riding his Thor Throne.

When they saw her, Sienni and Merlinsera, who were suppressing the battlefield with the breath of dragons in the sky above, immediately cheered.

It was as if His Royal Highness Little Xingxing had come down and no difficulties were to be feared.

that's the truth.

After Little Xingxing appeared with her Throne of Thunder God, a large number of portals opened in the sky behind her. Amidst the roars of various dragons, Little Xingxing spent a lot of effort to form the "little The "Star Legion" finally made its debut in a large-scale war for the first time.

From the storm dragon from the wall of the sky, to the jewel dragon in Deep Rock Continent full of crystal gems, to the cloud serpents of various colors from Pandaria, and the large number of dragons in the little star "Book friends".

They screamed and passed through the portal formed by the blue dragons drawing magic power from the magic hub, and in just a short time, they brought an army of dragons enough to cover the airspace for the heroic spirits.

Under the command of their respective leaders, these dragons of various colors gathered behind His Royal Highness Little Xingxing. This scene made the eyes of the two dragon kings widen.

They never imagined that this blue dragon who does everything like a joke can create such an army. No wonder Bu Laike is so confident that Xiao Xingxing will take over as the king of blue dragons.

Regardless of the combat effectiveness of the giant dragon army in front of you, the number and race alone are enough to make people speechless.

Not to mention, the little star who is the leader is no longer an ordinary young dragon after being strengthened by good luck several times.

Standing on her floating throne that was shining with thunder, she took a deep breath, then lifted the heavy metal pillar with both hands, and swung several long lightning whips in front of her eyes amidst the dazzling thunder that was flying all over the sky.

The dazzling thunder light bombarded the ground. After four or five consecutive bombardments, more than hundreds of storm beacons and thousands of steel soldiers were wiped out by the full blow of the little star.


Little Xingxing probably also knew that today was the moment she had been waiting for to show her face, so after she finished her big move, she simply turned into a thunder dragon and set off thunderstorms in the sky, commanding her little star army towards the front The dangerous airspace rushed out.

With the blessing of the Thunder Heart, she has become immune to those tickling high-energy impacts, and she is not afraid of the various beams shot from the ground at all.

He led his own group of giant dragons to charge around in a rushing posture, and quickly made a mess of the entire platform battlefield.

"It's now! The whole army is pressing!"

But Odin doesn't care if the little star is messing around.

The debut of the blue dragon provided the King of War with the opportunity he had been waiting for. The King of War stepped onto the battlefield in person with a spear in hand, and countless heroic spirits behind him charged forward.

Ra-den and the Virgin of Purity boarded two Valarjar storm dragons to support the ground with magical energy in the sky.

This can be regarded as the whole army's pressure, and it is a very risky behavior. Once the small star army as the vanguard in the air cannot completely suppress the transmission of the storm beacon on the ground, this army of heroic spirits is likely to be trapped in a steady stream of steel structures. on this vast battlefield.

But Odin is not blind command.

He is so confident because he got a special signal from a certain guy.


Amidst the continuous low sonic boom, a black-painted, Burning Legion-style hunter airship rushed into the battlefield with ghostly speed.

Its target selection was very clear. When it dived, it ignored the storm beacon on the ground that was close at hand. Instead, it approached the nearest mechanical temple with a dazzling air dodge flight.

Then, amid the cheers of Braike, the hunting airship dropped bombs while circling at high speed, and dropped a large number of concussion bombs into the area below in just a few seconds, and then shook at a high speed in the air that even an ace pilot would exclaim as an expert. After the operation of opening the distance, two fel energy torpedoes were fired towards the bombed mechanical temple below.

Immediately afterwards, a dark green mushroom cloud rose from the ground in a huge shock. The scorching fel energy impact not only destroyed the core of the Mechanical Temple, but also spread the hard-to-remove fel energy pollution around the ruins, creating a burning pit of flames , and killed the iron dwarf engineers who came to the rescue.

"Hey! Take it easy!"

Thorim, who flew from the air, lowered lightning to clear up the miscellaneous soldiers on the ground, and at the same time shouted to Bu Laike's spaceship:

"That thing is very troublesome to repair! This sacred place does not allow the pollution of evil energy, let me tell you."

"Too much nonsense!"

Braike cursed, and after destroying a temple, he pulled the joystick to steer the Shadowsong to the next temple, but he estimated the distance and the charging speed of the heroic spirits, then the pirate shook his head and untied the driver's seat belt, pointed to the joystick at Maiev, and said:

"You come to sail the boat, did you learn it just now? I have taught you three times."

"What are you going to do?"

Madam Warden switched places with Bo Laike. She saw the pirates open the hatch in the high-speed flight of the airship and took out the Scepter of Sargeras again. Maiev pressed on.

Bu Laike grabbed the door of the hatch, and most of his body was swaying in the air. He said:

"At this time, of course it is time to call the fleet.

Yogg Saron doesn't feel sorry for the attrition of these Iron Warriors, but they are the cannon fodder I have scheduled for the next battle, and I can't let my cannon fodder be wasted here by the damn Old God.

I'll be right back, my little darling.

Be careful when sailing, don't scratch my Shadowsong, it's expensive to repair. "

After speaking, the pirate let go of the hand holding the hatch, and he was thrown into the sky behind him in an instant, but the "parachute" that the pirate had brought opened in the next instant.

The batwings of the two Doomguard flapped against the overload force enough to crush ordinary people into shards of meat, hovering Bo Laike in the air.

The pirate raised the scepter of Sargeras, and in the next moment, a huge space rift was pulled open in the air in the front hall of Ulduar. This beloved thing belonging to the Dark Titan completely ignored Yogg Saron's creation. The spatial blockade arranged by the place.

But Bo Laike is not trying to summon some small thing like a meteorite.

He said, he wants to summon the fleet!

"what is that?"

On the ground below, the dwarf prince Muradin, who was driving a high-end version of the dwarf motorcycle, rushed forward following the berserk heroic spirits, threw a storm hammer and knocked down a Tie Vikul who was rushing towards him, and fell on his back in the next instant. beginning.

The dwarves were shocked to see that in the space rift torn open by Bu Laike, there were very terrifying things "squeezing" into the sky of Ulduar bit by bit.

Compared with the terrifying floating hill-like volume of those few things, the sky of the entire Land of Creation seems not to be wide enough.

"That's a Draenei spaceship!"

Sitting in the body of Muradin's motorcycle, Dailin, the chosen warrior holding a dwarf ray gun and playing the game of tug tug, looked up and said to the dwarf who made a fuss:

"When I was cruising in the South China Sea, I saw and visited their Storm Fortress. The ark ship was much larger than these frigates, and it landed on the sea like a piece of land.

You're making such a fuss, haven't you seen a spaceship before? Muradin, haven't you seen Dellano's battle report? "

Having said that, Dai Lin shook her head.

The admiral stared at the strange shape of the Exodar overhead into the sky, with a flash of desire in his eyes, and he whispered:

"After I finish the war, when I am old, I must get a ship like this, and then take my family members to the stars before I die of old age.

The stars and the sea, that is the last frontier, and that is the last romance of the old seals. "

(end of this chapter)

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