Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1573 206. Don't! And Boo Laike! Play Games!

Chapter 1573 206. Don't! And Boo Laike! play games!

After the guardians of the titans sent the remains of Yogg-Saron into the furnace of creation, they did not rest idle, because the "big event" that directly triggered the battle of Ulduar was not over yet.

The observatory at the top of the front hall of Ulduar has been opened, which means that the world observers, the strange beings called "star saints" or "star observers" are about to come to Azeroth.

Although they also serve the order of the Titans, the mission of the Star Saints serving the Pantheon is different from that of the Titan Guardians. Those cold and completely rational guys are responsible for judging whether a world operates according to the blueprint designed by the Titans.

These guys are pretty unpopular guys in the pantheon system because of their rather obnoxious way of judging world developments:

There are no rewards for doing well in the world.

But if the development is not good, you will accept the "punishment" of material remodeling.

And with the current situation of Azeroth, it can't be exactly the same as the blueprint designed by Titan for this world, it can also be said to be completely different.

The Titan Guardian system has completely collapsed and is being rebuilt. There are traitors within the Guardian Dragon Legion, which almost destroyed the world. The time network compiled by Aman'Thul himself for Azeroth is now in chaos because of the birth of the Eternal Dragon.

A series of chain reactions caused the sealed ancient god to do things crazily in his cage. Although he was eliminated a lot, it is an indisputable fact that the heart of the world was polluted by void infusion.

There is no unity between mortals, and a big battle is urgently needed to bridge the contradictions of various ethnic groups.

Randomly picking out one of the above is enough for a star saint to make up his mind to reshape the world. However, these guys have extremely high authority. They have the ability to bypass the world creation system and directly launch the origin furnace to reshape the world when necessary.

This has led to a very embarrassing situation, that is, after killing Yogg Saron who occupies the Holy Land, the Titan Guardians still need to persuade the upcoming Ruthless Star Saint to beg him to give up reshaping the world.

Based on everyone in Odin's understanding of Xing Sheng, this job is as difficult as heaven.

Therefore, they must be prepared for "physical persuasion" when necessary, but the next problem is that the abilities of star saints are generally quite strange, and their combat effectiveness is generally very strong. It can be said that they are "universe-level" observers.

Because they were born from and grew from the stars, not all star saints serve the Pantheon, but the Titans trust them very much, which makes them generally aloof.

It's going to be an absolutely tough fight.

The guardians knew that they had to be fully prepared. They had to concentrate Ulduar's titan energy so that when necessary, they could use these pure energies to restrain the ruthless star saint.

To do this, Mimiron must gather the energy of the city of titans to create a cage, but when the neurotic guardian of wisdom leads a group of people into his scruffy laboratory, he challenges himself. The funny mechanical eyebrows let out a sharp and harsh scream:

"Oh my god! My lab has been broken into!"

Mimiron stared dumbfounded at the Titan console that had been sliced ​​open by a sharp weapon as if to vent his anger. The jumping sparks and broken data lines on it made the Wisdom Guardian fall into despair and mania.

It also made the other guardians look ugly.

The console was destroyed by the Unknown, and while Mimiron could easily rebuild one, it would take time, and the Guardians are short on time right now.

"Who the hell!"

Thorim raised his spherical hammer, and he said angrily:

"Could it be the accomplices of the Old Gods? They destroyed the Land of Creation while we were dealing with Yogg Saron's bones? That bastard must know the news that the Star Saint is coming!

He did it absolutely to drag us and this world to death.

Without Mimiron's energy cage, we can't trap a star saint who can come and go freely among the stars. "

"It's okay guys, I've installed cameras in my lab to protect my horrific creations! Let's see who made this mess that makes me angry!"

Mimiron screamed and raised his hand, and in the next moment, more than a dozen surveillance images were projected in front of the guardians. Those images recorded everything that happened in the laboratory from various angles.

Including Mimiron and "Mechanical Ghost" Mechagon arguing about Titan Engineering to fighting each other with wrenches for physical persuasion in a heated "hot scene".

But as time progressed, those cameras dimmed one by one, and this scene drove Mimiron crazy, and he shouted:

"A repeat offender! Definitely a repeat offender! He destroyed all the cameras ahead of time, he must have come prepared, damn it! Let me catch him and I'll transform him into a mechanical pig!"

"cough cough"

The great guardian next to the Lord of War coughed a few times, and Raiden watched the dangerous countdown of 00:03 on the countdown board on the damaged console.

He whispered something to Odin, the Lord of War nodded, and said:

"Since the accidental destruction of the console prevents us from making energy cages, get ready to fight head-on.

Originally, it was reasonable to accept the punishment of Xingsheng for the big mistakes we made in the past hundreds of thousands of years, but now the souls of the titans are waiting for us to rescue, we can't stop at this step no matter what!

My brothers and sisters, we may die, but we must die worthwhile!

Go to rest now, Our Lady of Purity will help you recover your strength as soon as possible, after five hours, we will actually carry out the mission of our birth in the observatory

We want to protect this world from being destroyed!

It may not be perfect, but protecting it is the meaning of our existence! "

Odin's speech made the guardians nod again and again, and they began to go back to their temples to recuperate, especially Hodir, the god of winter. This unlucky guy was almost exhausted of all his heart energy, making him extremely weak.

Can only rely on Ulduar's Titan energy to make him recover quickly.

But the Lord of War himself did not go to rest. On the contrary, he asked Freya and Mimiron for the blessings of their respective divine powers, and walked to the remote corner of the city of Titans alone.

After Ulduar returned to the guardian circle, the Valagar Fortress, which was once part of the city, was also allowed to land and dock to its original position, so as to connect with the system of the city of Titans to complete the energy of the Hall of Valor. Replenish.

The four spaceships of the Draenei guarded around the city of Titan. They set up a thick shield of holy light to ensure that the devastated city would not be attacked suddenly when needed.

Some draenei craftsmen walked around the city of Titan under the protection of the Vindicator, observing and learning the secrets of Titan engineering with a gesture of admiration.

The giant dragons rested in the quiet front hall square, and hunted down the void creatures and cultists hiding in the corners of the city by the way.

The Lord of War walks in the shadows, looking at the feeble dragons he once despised, and he still dislikes the large winged lizards because of Deathwing.

But he will no longer express his dissatisfaction wantonly like before.

He knew that he must unite these guardian dragons, he must unite all forces that could be united, even if those forces were born in darkness.

"Bang, bang"

Odin shrunk his body and stood in a quiet and empty barracks like an ordinary Vrykul. He politely reached out and knocked on the door, then pushed it away.

"Are you in there? Laike, I have something important to tell you. It is! Is this Valanaar Keeper of Kings? Damn it! I thought it was destroyed in the chaos in Ulduar !"

Bu Laike is indeed an amazing man, he can surprise people every moment.

When Odin walked into the empty barracks, he immediately saw a group of dwarven uncrowned men dressed in black under the command of Bu Laike, putting together dozens of strangely shining weapon fragments.

Beside the pirate, there was a gracefully dressed female dwarf looking excitedly and looking forward to the ancient holy relic being put together in front of her.

"The Earthen Creator was indeed destroyed, but guess what?"

The pirate was not surprised by Odin's arrival. He turned to Odin with a pipe in his mouth and said:

"These smart and capable assassins under my command are the best group of treasure hunters in the world. Of course, this is also thanks to the secret efforts of my dear Ben Boerba."

The praised little murloc croaked proudly and straightened up under the feet of the pirates. When everyone was fighting against evil and saving the guardian, it led a group of dwarf assassins around in Ulduar and scattered them all over the place. Weapon fragments were collected.

Its natural sensitivity to treasures made the job go ahead quickly and smoothly.

Of course, looking at Ben Boerba's bulging pockets, he knew that this guy made a "small fortune" for himself while doing his business, but this was something allowed by the pirate rules.

Bo Laike just asked it to pay a third as a "plunder tax".

"It just so happens that you're here, and we'll get this done once and for all."

Bu Laike sat on an empty box, and he breathed smoke rings and said to the Lord of War who came forward and reached out to touch the shattered Hammer of Creation:

"I didn't send people to look for this holy hammer when I was idle. Its power lies in creation and healing, but these two things are not comparable to the symbolic meaning of this sacred object in the creation of earth spirits for me. .

The earthen holding the hammer of Valanar is the king of the earthen, and the dwarves are the direct descendants of the earthen, so after Ignis the furnace master reshaped the hammer, my friend Princess Moira will become a dwarf And the titular king of the earth spirits.

But the dwarves have decided to return to the glory of the titan's creation system, so she needs a coronation from the Guardian to confirm her legitimacy. "

The pirate took down his pipe and said to Odin:

"I don't think it's too much for me to make this request. A united dwarf civilization should also be what the guardians want to see. So, can you preside over this coronation ceremony?"

"No, I don't like these ceremonial jobs."

Odin looked at the pieced holy hammer with emotion, he shook his head and said:

"Leave it to Raiden, he is very good at these things. It's not what I came to you for. Let me ask you, did you destroy Mimiron's console?"


Bu Laike has not realized the consequences of his actions, he said in surprise:

"You bastards let a countdown bomb stay there, and I stopped its explosion for you. In theory, I saved Ulduar, you and even the entire Northrend continent.

So, what's wrong with this thing? "


The King of War rubbed his forehead with a headache, and said:

"There's nothing wrong with your approach, but without the console, you can't gather Titan energy to make a cage. Once the Star Saint arrives and makes an order to destroy the world, we can only choose physical persuasion."

"Ah this."

The pirate's eyes widened. He laughed a few times in embarrassment, snapped his fingers again, pointed at himself proudly, and said:

"Then let me do it, me, but the Demon of Thousand Tongues, who is best at persuading others psychologically or physically."

"I'm here to invite you."

Odin coughed twice and whispered:

"I mean, if things go the worst way, we might need you to use some nefarious means, like manipulating his mind to temporarily shatter his sanity.

Star Saints have no physical form, they are really difficult to deal with. "

"I understand, I understand, you don't need to explain, it's black work, I understand."

Bu Laike waved his hand very understandingly. According to his habit, it was time to talk about the remuneration next, but the Lord of War had already understood the process of asking Bu Laike for help after many "cooperations".

Without the pirate saying anything, he took out Freya's staff of nature and Mimiron's large wrench, and handed them to Bo Laike, and the smelly pirate whistled happily.

He took those two things over, and skillfully drew the divine power and threw it on his Titan Good Luck Die. As Mimiron's divine power was also injected, the gray-white, seemingly ordinary bone dice shone brightly in the next moment. A different kind of light comes.

The infusion of all the divine powers of the twelve realms completed the final process of the Titan's lucky dice. It shone reddish in front of the pirate's eyes, and also made Bo Laike's expression joyful:

Name: Bo Laike's Titan Lucky Dice

Quality: Artifact [Titan Forging]

Item Binding: Laike Shaw, "The Demon of a Thousand Tongues"

Item effects:

1. Echoes from the Age of Mythology:

Flip the bone dice, and you will randomly get the following twelve kinds of Titan power blessings, and the strengthening effects will last until the end of the battle.

The divine blessings are:

【Tyr·Justice Condemnation], 【Odin·Shackles of War】, 【Anshe·Rainbow Radiance】, 【Loken·Almighty Magic】, 【Freya·Wild Growth】, 【Satesh·Disorder Chaos], [Lai·Wanjun Thunder], [Pure Virgin·Selfless Healing], [Azadas·Forging of Wrath], [Thorim·Roaring Storm], 【Hodir·Era Winter], 【Mimir Long Wisdom Creation]

2. Pirate's lead-filled dice:

When the user rolls the bone dice, this lead-filled dice has a certain probability of throwing [Hand of Fate].

Its strengthening effect depends on the combination of different divine powers, but once the [Hand of Fate] appears, at least one Titan Soul can be summoned to bless the user and his allies.

The Titan Force combinations are:

【Ray】+【Odin】=【Aman'Thul's Foresight】

[Azadas] + [Azadas] = [Kazgros' Courage]

[Thorim] + [Hodir] = [Gorganes' Vitality]

【Freya】+【Freya】=【Eonar's Mercy】

【Tyr】+【Tyr】=【Agramar's Faith】

[Loken] + [Mimiron] = [The Mystery of Norgannon]

[The Virgin of Purity] + [The Virgin of Purity] = [The Power of Sargeras]


When the user triggers [Hand of Destiny], there will be a very small chance to summon multiple levels of Titan Souls and apply blessings at the same time.

Chances of summoning a Titan's Soul will be increased when facing Titan Enemies and while being enveloped by the Titan's Breath.

3. Unfinished things:

The Titan Lucky Dice already has the possibility of becoming an artifact of the creator. If the user is still eager to discover the full potential of this strange creation, they can try to collect the real power of the Titan.

After collecting all seven titanic powers, [Bu Laike's Titan Luck Dice] will be promoted to [Pantheon Emblem of the Thousand Tongue Demon].

Item description:

remember! If you don't want to get a beating or destroy the world, don't play dice with the Thousand Tongue Demon at any time!


Pirate's fingers twirled and the dice flew into the sky.

But before it could actually complete a spin call, it was held in the hands of the pirates.

He looked provocatively at the King of War in front of him, breathed in his hands, and eagerly said to Odin:

"Come on, do you want to play an exciting game of dice? My dear Odin, we won two out of three rounds. If you win, I won't charge extra for helping to convince Xingsheng this time.

But if you lose hehe. "

(end of this chapter)

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