Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1574 207. Ka, Call Me Director From Now On, Thank You

Chapter 1574 207. Ka, call me "director" from now on, thank you

"Ha, you still dare to play games with me, using my dice, isn't this offering me money?"

In the remote military camp in Ulduar, Bu Laike whistled and watched the dejected Lord of War leave. He laughed and boasted proudly to Queen Moira who was full of awe beside him:

"It's not me. I haven't lost a game of dice yet."

"But you cheated with lead-filled dice, and you were still with a titan guardian. God, you are really hopeless. I thought Odin would smash your head in anger."

The Black Iron Queen said in a horrifying tone:

"How on earth did you make the legendary guardian of the angriest and most violent titan willing to gamble and lose?"

"Well, it's very simple, because I have value, my dear Queen."

Bo Laike played with the lucky dice in his hands. He winked at Moira and said:

"Odin knows how to make me happy. He knows very well that only when I am happy will I do things well and not make trouble for them. You see, the Lord of War knows how to communicate with me.

He is a person who can do whatever it takes to win. If just pleasing a crazy guy can help him win, then Lord Odin will definitely be willing to pretend that he doesn't know the problem with my dice.

You also have to work hard to make yourself worthwhile.

In this way, when you do something wrong in the future, you will be generously forgiven by others instead of being ruthlessly abandoned. "

The pirate snorted and glanced at the already spelled Valanar Hammer of Kings' Guardian.

He said:

"Take that thing to the Furnace Master, it will reshape it in the Genesis Furnace, then take it to the Earth Spirit, and finally take the Earth Spirit to Raiden, ask the Great Guardian to help you in this Titan The coronation ceremony was held there.

It just so happens that your father, your husband and your partner are all here, and a coronation with them in it will have real gold.

It just so happens that this weapon is also a sacred object for healing, which is very suitable for your identity as a priest of the Holy Light, and it is perfect as your scepter and your weapon to defend against enemies. "

"Well, I'll go right away."

Moira rubbed her stomach. This empress with superb political skills, in order to leave a big country for her children, now has explosive execution power.

Maybe she persuaded the Uncrowned Dwarves with the reason of changing a civilization, but as long as Moira can really bring about changes in her own civilization, these Uncrowned are absolutely willing to help her at any time.

Under the leadership of Bo Laike, the Uncrowned have become a hopeless "idealist" in the assassin world.

They were a source of pride and headache for Bo Laike.

I am proud that these assassins have finally got rid of the shameful situation of working for money, but the headache is that a group of idealists will always bring together many "exciting" things.

At least in the eyes of the frightened kings, any large-scale gathering of the uncrowned might bring them a terrible mutiny and assassination.

But it's a good thing.

This can at least supervise the current and future kings not to go too far. Once public anger is aroused, the uncrowned will gather like sharks smelling blood.

A group of assassins who are not bound by rules and money, and who are willing to stain their hands with blood in order to change the world, feel their scalps go numb just thinking about it.

What's even more frightening is that their organization is still expanding.

Now even if Laike is left alone, every Assassin training camp in Silithus is full of members of all races from all over the world who are willing to devote themselves to great causes.

I heard that in order to suppress the more active activities of the Uncrowned, the king and the nobles have secretly united with a group of radical order priests in the Church of the Holy Light who are not used to the rampant assassins.

They are going to come up with a similar organization to check and balance the uncrowned.

Pope Faul is said to have acquiesced in the event.

But these have little to do with Laike, he has reached an otherworldly state, just look at the identities of the enemies he has to face now.

Void gods, great demons, and conspirators from beyond.

Tsk tsk, these are all mythical characters.

Being able to become an enemy with such a person fully proves that the stinky pirates have also become the existence in the myth of mortals, which really makes him feel proud and proud.


After Moira led a group of Uncrowned and escorted the shattered hammer away, Bo Laike picked up the black blood-stained "trophy" at his feet in the empty barracks.

He put it on the table, and the little murloc with an exquisite compass hanging around his neck also turned his head at this moment. It jumped onto the table nimbly, rubbed its paws and stared wide-eyed to see Laike "open the box".

The treasure hunter's intuition told the little murloc that this dirty-looking thing was definitely not ordinary.

"You know it's good stuff, too, right?"

Bo Laike grinned and said:

"This is something I found in Yogg Saron's stomach. It can be hidden by the ancient gods in this way. If you think about it with your heels, you know it is absolutely extraordinary."


The little murloc waved its paw excitedly. It pointed at a pile of things it had scavenged from various places under the table, and smiled obsequiously at Laike.

Meaning, can it be replaced?


The tenth-level murloc pirate curled his lips in disdain, and said with a pipe in his mouth:

"Exchange a bunch of junk for my baby? You think it's beautiful, but considering that you have also paid a lot for my career, although you are occasionally clever, but most of the time you are very reliable, so, I I can give you a chance."

Bu Laike stretched out his hand and opened the sack that was stained with Yogg-Saron's black blood, revealing the boxy black iron box filled with various strange patterns. He breathed out smoke rings and said to Ben Boerba:

"It's not impossible to exchange, but you must find a treasure that is equivalent to this thing, or a lower level. If you find an equivalent or five lower level treasures, I will exchange it for you.

It's a bit difficult for you, but I don't think it's hopeless with your amazing treasure hunting abilities. "

The little murloc was a little dissatisfied when he heard this. He raised his paw and made a three-point movement, which meant that it would be more reasonable to exchange the three lower-level treasures.

Five is too many.

Bu Laike, who was in a good mood because he made a powerful Titan good fortune dice, was unexpectedly generous today, and he waved his hand, which was regarded as acquiescing to the little murloc's bargaining.

In the next moment, both master and servant set their eyes on the black box in front of them at the same time. The pirate took out the tidal stone and summoned pure water to wash the thing full of Yogg-Saron's black blood and gastric juice.

But after being washed several times it is still black and looks very worn and not outstanding at all.

But great treasure hunters like Laike and the murlocs know that it is foolish to look at treasures with worldly eyes.

The pirate exhaled the smoke ring, and put his hand on the cold surface of the black box in front of him. The next moment, a gray entry unfolded in front of his eyes:

Name: The Box of Mysteries of Yogg-Saron

Quality: no grade

Item effects:

1. Box of Mysteries:

No one knows where Yogg-Saron obtained this strange box full of secrets, but there is no doubt that the Thousand Maws have spent countless years trying to unravel its mysteries once and for all. .

Users can try to unlock the mystery box by cracking the mechanism. Every time a layer of mystery box is unlocked, this mysterious thing will randomly release 9-999 random magic to all the surrounding existences.

Its magical effect may be to increase, destroy, or weaken and destroy. Its number and power are completely random, but its magical destructive power will not be weaker than [high-level magic], and the upper limit of magic is [Demigod].


The random magic release of the Box of Mysteries will also target the user. Once the user dies in the bombardment of random magic, the Box of Mystery will devour the user's soul, and then continue to look for the next user.

This effect is regarded as [Curse].

2. The Wheel of Fortune:

After all three layers of the Mystery Box are unlocked, the user will get a chance to turn the [Wheel of Fortune] from inside the Mystery Box.

The Wheel of Fortune has six effects, and each spin will only get one of them randomly.

Wheel of Fortune has the following effects:

1. Randomly give the user various mysteries of the Force until the user's mind reaches its limit.

2. Randomly summon loyal servants from the void world for the user until the user's will to rule is satisfied.

3. Give the user the ability of [Forcing Call] three times, which can completely control all the targets the user wants to control (the upper limit of manipulation is demigod, but this effect is invalid for void demigod.)

4. Perform a [Limited Wish] release for the user to satisfy all the user's desires (maybe not satisfy the desire in the way the user wants to see, but it will definitely satisfy the user's desire at this time.)

5. Destroy ten of his enemies for the user, and transfer the power of the enemies to the user until the user's stamina reaches the limit.

6. Allow the user to designate a target, and the Box of Mysteries ignores the barriers of space and time, and continuously releases deadly magic until the latter is completely dead.

Item description:

Now you know how Yogg-Saron defeated all the guardians and occupied Ulduar in full view. Wait! Put down that box, idiot!

"this thing"

Bu Laike blinked and stroked the box of mysteries in front of him. After a few seconds, he shook his head and said:

"It's really a pit. Although it looks very powerful, every time I touch it, I feel like I'm trying my best. Every entry carries a fatal lie.

Giving knowledge sounds good, but if the knowledge of the void is bestowed, then the listener's unsteadiness will be transformed into a servant of the void.

Summoning followers is also a big pit.

Once the number of void creatures exceeds a certain limit, it will attract the attention of the will of the void, and ordinary people will be swallowed up the moment they come into contact with the will of the void.

As for this forced recruitment, it is even more outrageous. For the weak, they will be killed by the strong before they can use compulsory control. For the strong, they can conquer their enemies with their personality charm, and they don't need this at all. Kind of thing.

Limited wishes.

Tsk tsk, the classic 'void deception' technique, Xalatas specifically reminded me to stay away from it.

If a man wishes to have an invincible gun, well, he will have it, but not necessarily where he wants it to grow.

It's really scary when you think about it.

Not to mention the last language trap that designated the target to kill the opponent, the idiots would definitely be ecstatic, planning to take this thing to challenge the Titan or something.

But the problem is that just casting spells until the opponent dies doesn't necessarily mean killing the opponent with magic.

Ants giving an elephant a pedicure until the elephant dies is considered eligible, right? "

Laike lost interest in this stupid thing almost immediately, he shook his head and threw the Mystic Box, which looked heavy but was actually as light as air, to the eager little murloc.

He said:

"Not to mention that every time you turn the wheel of fortune, you need to unlock the triple maze first, and you need to go through three fatal checks. Only by playing three lives can you get a choice that is almost ten deaths and no lives. I only use it when I am crazy. this thing.

Play with it yourself, but I warn you not to use it casually.

Oh, right.

You owe me an equal or three inferiors, don't forget. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate turned his back and ignored the little murloc who was very excited to get the "new toy". The latter held the box of mysteries in his arms and turned it like a Rubik's cube.

It's just playing around.

The mythical lock on the box of mysteries is a very advanced knowledge of magic, and the little murloc can't even think about unlocking the triple mythical lock so easily.

If this thing falls into the hands of an ignorant and stupid guy, it is like a piece of garbage in a bag. If I have to describe it, it is probably a scumbag who accidentally saw the test paper of the top student during an important exam and planned to copy it. .


I laughed so hard, I don't understand it at all.

The pirates are well aware of the little murloc's stupidity. This guy is lucky and smart, but cleverness and wisdom are two different concepts. After all, this guy has never received a day of formal magic education at Narsalas Academy.

As a result, Laike didn't pay any attention to Benbo Erba. He was about to study the upgrade of his mythical profession again, when he heard a crisp sound of "click" and the little murloc's terrified scream.

Bo Laike jerked his head back.

He saw that the myth lock on the first layer of the Mysterious Box in the arms of the little murloc had been pushed into the last card slot. The outermost layer of the black box was cracking, and a dangerous and violent magical energy was frantically preparing to explode. .

"Damn it!"

The pirate flashed past with a whoosh, and was about to flee with the little murloc.

Once this thing is opened, it will randomly release 9-999 spells with power between high-level and demigod to the surroundings without distinction.

Let alone Bu Laike, even Akunda, who was rough and fleshy, would have been killed on the spot if he was unlucky.

But when the pirate waved the scepter of Sargeras and was about to teleport away from this dangerous place, he suddenly rolled his eyes. Amidst the evil laughter, Bo Laike pointed the staff on the box of mysteries that was about to explode.

In the next moment, the space was violently closed, and the Box of Mysteries was accurately thrown into an unknown area according to the pirate's will.

As he himself said.

He has always been good at making his troubles a burden to others.


At the entrance to the sky wall, in the air temple called the Whirling Cloud Peak, it was another calm and boring day.

Since the traitor Jaboa escaped from the Li Tian wall, this glorious city that was originally the home port of the cursed pirates has been reoccupied by the wind elementals.

The Lord of the East Wind under the command of the Wind Rider sits here.

It likes this place, where it's easy to look out into the stupid world of mortals.

The cruel Lord of the East Wind has already made preparations to set off a storm and destroy the world.

The mighty elemental lord now awaits only a word from the Wind Rider.

Just when Master Lohassy, ​​Lord of the East Wind, was thinking about the war of destruction, a spatial rift suddenly opened on the top of the whirling cloud attracted his attention, and he felt something with powerful magic power being thrown out of the rift. The thing rolled twice on the ground, and just landed at the feet of a wind elemental commander.

The silly fellow bent down, intending to pick it up.

Elemental creatures are like this.

Low-level elements have little wisdom and can only do things by instinct, but just when the idiot was about to touch the humming thing, the Lord of the East Wind suddenly felt a chill.

"No! Stupid!"

"Don't touch it!!!"

(end of this chapter)

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