Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1587 220. Who Will Punch Me?

Chapter 1587 220. Who will punch me?

The Wind Rider is dead.

Although Al'Akir did not make a sound from the beginning to the end of this battle, the anomaly caused by the moment of his death was still felt by the whole world.

The whirring sandstorm on the great desert of Uldum subsided without warning, and it only took a few seconds for the sky to change from a cloudy sky to a clear sky.

And those tol'vir people who were cornered by the Endless Wind Legion just stood dumbfounded in the city that had turned into a desert, watching the wind elemental elites who were still vicious just now swarming into the sky in a daze.

They don't look like routs.

Instead, it looked like an organized retreat, as unexpected as they came.

But under the clear sky, the tol'vir with better eyesight can see the strange palace floating above the clouds. It has never been as clear as it is today, as if it can be touched with one's hand.

In ancient legends, the palace in the clouds represents the majesty of the Lord of the Sky. All the tol'vir grew up listening to these ancient stories.

The legendary king of the sky is tyrannical and mad.

It hates all living life, and takes pleasure in destruction and destruction. No one can guess what it thinks in its heart, and no one can stop it from unleashing its passive anger on this world.

In the memory of the tol'vir, the sky is always gloomy, and thunderstorms and lightning turn into the legendary sky king's scepter to punish all those who disrespect the sky.

But today's skyline is different.

So clear, so calm, even the ruthless wind that always blows in the great desert seems to become gentle, the wind in this great desert has never been so gentle.

Like lovers touching the tips of their hair and giggling as they fly through the tol'vir's mane.

All this left the big cat people bewildered, but the wisest of them could already feel from the change of the wind that a terrible time had passed.

"no no!!"

The changes in the will of the wind that Tol'vir can feel must be felt more deeply by the elemental lord.

Nan Feng and the Lord of West Wind, who had been captured by Raiden with guardians under Mimiron's magical device, tasted a terrible news from the change of wind.

The two powerful and ancient wind elements roared like crazy, hitting their own cage.

Their wind gods are dead.

Al'Akir died on the wall of the sky, where all wind elements originated, which meant that he would never be resurrected again, and the era of the wind rider was over.

Although the two Windlords don't like the moody Al'Akir very much, they are remnants of the age of the Wind Rider.

At the moment when this new era belonging to all wind elements begins, they have lost all their power and noble status in the past, and they have been reduced from the noble wind masters to the prisoners of the guardians of the titans.

The guardians also said they would be sent to the lowly tol'vir for trial, holding them responsible for the war Al'Akir waged that nearly destroyed the tol'vir homeland.

It's a frightening future indeed.

However, the two Wind Lords have no other way to go except to accept and endure.

In desperation, they even prayed to N'Zoth, the only remaining ancient god in Azeroth, the Thousand-bearded Demon. They were willing to endure the slavery of returning to the age of the Dark Empire, and asked N'Zoth to rescue them. That bleak and sad future.

N'Zoth, however, showed no interest in their calling.

Hey, what are you shouting for? It's very noisy, you know? Do you have a sense of public morality? Don't Queen Azshara and the folks in Nazjatar need to rest?

and also!

Don't contact me in the future, I'm afraid the queen and Bu Laike Xiao will misunderstand

That horrible creature has killed all the Old Ones but him, and ate poor Yogg-Saron along with Xal'atath.

N'Zoth would be terrified to death.

It has a good memory.

It still remembers the scene when it ate Xal'atath with Yogg Saron, C'Thun and Y'Shaarj, although at that time it only ate a small part because of its weakness.

But it's not guaranteed that the crazy woman in Xalatas will hate it as much as anyone else. Now N'Zoth is only glad that his Titan cage is strong enough, even if Xalatas comes, he can't slip in so easily.

It is also doing its best to repair the relationship between itself and Azshara.

N'Zoth knew very well that if those two lunatics really came to kill him, perhaps only Azshara would have enough power to protect it.

In general, the Demon of Thousand Beards can't protect himself at this time, how can he have the mood to take care of two bereaved dogs?

But the good news is that Bu Laike, who is currently in the throne of the wind god, has no thoughts of N'Zoth, nor does he have any plans to kill him in the short term.

That job has been taken by Queen Azshara.

Laike never cared much about things that weren't part of his job.

What he cares more about is his own future and the benefits he will get right now.

At this time, the wall of the sky was full of jubilation. After confirming that Al'Akir was completely dead, the wind elements were celebrating the birth of the new king.

As elemental creatures, they rarely have the tradition of celebrating, but as the No. 1 henchman of His Majesty the Wind Chaser, Gaboya, the former foreign elemental lord, came up with an idea at this time.

He thought that a simple but significant celebration should be held on the Throne of the Wind God, which was waiting to be rebuilt. In the celebration, the God of Wind will be crowned by the lamp god who assisted His Majesty Sunderland all the way to today.

It is best to invite other elemental monarchs to come to watch the ceremony, so as to solemnly announce the arrival of a new era of Sky Wall to the entire elemental world.

His Majesty the Tidehunter is here. We just need to send someone to invite His Majesty the Stone Mother. Everyone just got together to discuss how to fight against the last unstable factor in the elemental world, which is the matter of the land of fire.

Gaboya's suggestion was quickly approved by a group of high-level wind elementals.

There is very little formal diplomacy between the elementals, but these days, perhaps it's time to fix the poor relationship between the air elementals and the other elementals caused by Al'Akir's capriciousness.

With the current weak posture of the sky wall, if other elements invade in disorder, they may not be able to stop it.

So, under the command of the lamp god and Gaboa, the wind elementals began to collect the items used in the celebration, because it was the first time that the wind elementals held such a celebration in history, and many wind elementals were very excited.

For example, Bu Laike saw a wind element flying past his eyes with a ritual lightning rod on his head, saying, the lightning magic rod is used to call thunderstorms, right?

So the content of the celebration of the wind elements is to let His Majesty the Windchaser perform a trick for other elemental monarchs to destroy human cities with thunderstorms, to cheer everyone up?

Hiss, this is a bit too exciting, right?

"Unfortunately, it was punctured."

The pirate who had finished complaining was playing with Al'Akir's elemental core, and he looked at the fist-sized sapphire in his hand.

There are obvious rips on it.

When the Wind Rider was alive, this thing was the size of a mammoth, but as we all know, changing size at any place is a unique skill of elemental creatures.

After Al'Akir's death, due to the dissipation of the essence of the wind, this thing "shrunk" to this in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Bo Laike is not a shaman, he does not need the huge amount of wind essence stored in Al'Akir's storm core, what he needs is something else.


Al'Akir's Anima of the Storm.


The pirate violently clasped the storm core in his hand, and the shattered core shattered quickly when his fingers struck forcefully with the force of the void, then he shook it vigorously, and took out a ball of anima glowing with orange streamer from it. ball.

It is said that anima is actually the condensation of skills and strength, and it will always carry a trace of its master's characteristics.

Therefore, when Laike held Al'Akir's telekinesis, he could even feel that it was as light as the wind, as if it would slip away at any moment, but it was also stimulated by the beating of lightning, which made his fingers numb.

Bu Laike stared at it, and the entry of anima appeared in front of him quickly:

Name: God of the Wind

Quality: Legendary [Elemental Crown]

Anima effect:

1. Four fashions:

The Heart of the Storm from Al'Akir will grant the animator the power to harness the storm.

While holding this heart energy, the user and his allies will be periodically strengthened by the power of the four winds, and will weaken the enemy with different effects. This effect will be activated at the beginning of the battle and will continue to reincarnate until the end of the battle.

The effects of the four winds are as follows:

Grinding East Wind: Provide [Legendary Cutting Wind] magical enhancement to the weapons of the user and their allies, and cause [Wind Blowing Breath] magic armor-breaking effect on all enemies.

Healing Zephyr: Restores vitality to the user and allies and grants [Legendary Grace of the Wind] additional attack speed and evasion bonus effects, causing [Poisoning] and [Life Loss] effects on enemies.

Freezing North Wind: Provides [Legendary Ice Shield] defensive effect for the user and allies, and weakens [Howling Frozen] and [Heat Absorption] to enemies.

Nan Feng of Thunder: Provide the user and their allies with the temporary enchantment effect of [Legendary Thunder Armament], causing [Lightning Strike] and [Paralysis] to weaken the enemy.

2. Rider of the Wind:

Possessing this Anima grants the user the highest level of nature resistance, and adds a natural damage effect based on 50% of the destructive power of each hit to any attack of the user.

The effect type is true damage.

If divine power is attached, the effect damage cannot be saved by any form of defense.

Holding the power of the wind rider allows the user to walk on the wind. Wherever there is natural wind, the user's movement speed will continue to increase until the user's physical fitness cannot bear it.

Possessing the power of a wind rider will give the user immunity to any attack containing the "wind" attribute, and the upper limit of the immunity is [Demigod].


The effect of [Wind Rider] can be combined with the special effect of [Shenzhu Lord] anima currently possessed by the holder, so that the upper limit of the elemental attack immunity granted by the Lord of Killing God will be increased from [Legendary] to [Demigod].

When the attack triggers [Thunderbolt], it will additionally have the knockdown effect of [Gust Blast].

Item description:

At this time, you only need to say: Gale! Follow my orders! ! !

"Really, that's all I need."

Bu Laike was very satisfied with the effect of this anima. While whistling happily, he slapped the wind rider anima on the boots of his Moon Night Armor.

This is to replace the [Tidewalker] Anima that was previously taken from the sea titan demigod. Although this thing is also a legendary Anima, the combat effect it gives obviously cannot keep up with the strength of the stinky pirate.

But the value of legendary anima is very high, and Laike puts the replaced tidewalker anima into the anima container, and he will definitely sell it for a good price in the future.

After finishing this matter, Laike took out the elemental artifact of "Fist of the Storm" that he had put in his luggage for a long time and hadn't used it for a long time.

Laike got this thing a long time ago.

But because it was contaminated with Al'Akir's breath, it could not be used. Now that Al'Akir was dead, Laike naturally had no scruples.

He proudly put the "big fist" that seemed to be made of rock on his hands, just like wearing boxing gloves, with a sense of security and professionalism.

"Bang, bang, bang"

The stinky pirate collided his fists in front of him a few times, sparks danced and danced, and he posed several professional boxing poses above the clouds.

Afterwards, he looked at the cool big fist in his hand and sighed regretfully.

It's cool, it's great, and it's imbued with the breath of the Wind Rider, making it a true elemental relic, but sadly, the pirates' arsenal is full at the moment.

Even the bullying blade, which is very useful when abusing food, and the red-throated dog tooth, which can poison most of the enemies, are already difficult to occupy the first-hand weapon slot of Laike. It's been a long time since he played.

Right now, there is really no room for this pair of majestic big fists to play a role.

According to the game play in memory, this thing should belong to the professional artifact of monks, and its power given by the storm is also very suitable for melee monks to use, but in the real world, there is no difference between such occupations. So important.

"Fenner must like this violent glove very much, let's give her a gift to become a demigod in the future."

Bu Laike moved his mighty big fists, and put his jade pipe in his mouth. He put his big thunder-spattering fists on his hips, and looked back at the ceremony platform that had been built by the busy wind elements behind him.

He thought:

"Sister Stupid and Little Xingxing must also like this excitement, but it's a pity that they can't come. Then take a few more photos and show them back. It's really rare to come to this sky."


With one hand on Bo Laike's shoulder, Gaboa, the pirate god who was drunk and happy, hiccupped and said to Bo Laike:

"I'm really happy today, come and have a drink."

Involuntarily, he stuffed a bottle of ten thousand years old Zandalari wine that he treasured into Bo Laike's hand, which made the pirate raise his eyebrows.

Such fine wine is stored in the wine cellar of the Golden Dynasty of Zandalari. It is said that it has been handed down from the time of Emperor Dasa. This fine wine of more than 12,000 years is made from voodoo. holy relics.

Such a bottle of wine can be sold at a high price of hundreds of thousands of gold coins in the South China Sea black market run by Mrs. Guo Ya. It seems that Jiaboya is really happy today, otherwise this stingy old thing would not be able to produce such a good wine to share.


The pirate unscrewed the stopper and took a sip unceremoniously.

He let Gaboa hook his shoulders and whispered:

"You will be a big shot in the future. I just heard from the lamp god that Prince Sunderland decided to give you the title of 'Prince of Storms' to reward you for your contribution in overthrowing Al'Akir's brutal rule.

I will salute you when I see you in the future, you lucky bastard, when you ascend to the court of the King of Gold, Rastakhan and his daughter will take the initiative to greet you.

It's really a step out of the quagmire of the pirate industry.

Not to mention you're still a god.

In the future, you will also be admired by those rookies. "

"Hahaha, that's right, that's it, come on, talk more if you can talk, and make me happy."

Gaboya laughed triumphantly:

"I've really reached the pinnacle of my life, even if I die now, uh, I can't say this, anyone who said this will end up in a bad end.

And thanks to you, Laike, if you hadn't saved me from the execution rack in the port of Zemland, I'd probably be just a crazy skeleton pirate now.

I have nothing to thank you for."

"Then, big man, let's punch, I suddenly want to punch."

Bu Laike took a look at the big thunder-splashing fists in his hands, and he said to the drunken Gaboa:

"Come play with me.

I don't need any abilities, just use fists to decide the outcome, and satisfy the simple happiness I want to achieve at this time. I thought, I don't need you to thank me when my big fist hits your smug face. "

"Wow, are you serious?"

Gaboa, who was drunk, caught a glimpse of the big lightning-spattering fist in Laike's hand, and the Pirate God swallowed and said:

"It was agreed in advance that no slaps are allowed. I will attend the coronation ceremony later. We must set the rules, I mean"

"Bullshit bang"

"Go! Don't slap your face, you bastard! I'm a god, shameless, understand? I'm going to fight with you today! Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

(end of this chapter)

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