Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1592 225. No! The Only Loyal Servant Of The Noble Queen Is Me! Come On, Damn Shaw, Let'

Chapter 1592 225. No! The only loyal servant of the noble queen is me! Come on, damn Shaw, let's fight!

The Shadowsong is powered by a fel engine, and the Burning Legion has developed to an extremely high level of energy utilization, allowing it to travel all the way from Northrend back to the Eastern Continent without stopping to refuel at the goblin oil station What.

Of course, even if the spacecraft needs to be refueled, Laike will not let it stop.


damn it!

Fly straight forward for me, don't stop even if you fall into the sea.

This is probably the longest "toss" between him and Maiev. You have to know that once the fire in a man's heart is completely ignited, it is not so easy to let it go out.

Lady Maiev clearly still doesn't understand this.

In other words, she had underestimated the level of this "battle" a little too much before.

Like a kid playing with fire, never knowing what he's doing until he actually sets fire to a forest, despite begging for mercy many times

At this time, Ms. Shadow Song is only thankful that she has undergone ten thousand years of training, which has made her body extremely tough, otherwise, under the violent storm like a category eight hurricane, her small sampan sailing into the Sea of ​​Thieves arrogantly It's really possible that when a certain wave hits fiercely, it will be completely broken.

Maybe it was evenly matched at first.

But soon the situation of the battle changed, from a weak disadvantage to a partial collapse, and then from a collapse to a thousand miles of collapse, and finally had to give up resistance and let others be slaughtered as a loser.

She thought she was fully prepared, but when it was time to "cede land and pay compensation", she realized that her previous understanding of creatures like "men" might be a little too shallow

In other words, the bastard Bo Laike is obviously not like most male creatures, he has a lot of multiple "deadly weapons" that can be used in any war.


No wonder this bastard called himself "The Demon of a Thousand Tongues".

What the hell.

When the Shadowsong reached its intended destination on the coast of Tol Barad, it began circling the Great Barrier of Shadows of Leaves, waiting for the order to land.

However, when turning to the third circle, a deep and irritable voice sounded from the messy command cabin:

"Bastard! Keep flying! It's not over yet, fly all the way south, along the coastline, I'm going to the Kingdom of Stormwind, don't run away! Come here!"

Therefore, the poor Shadowsong could only change its course automatically, and continue to head towards the Kingdom of Stormwind along the coastline of the eastern continent.

With its super speed, there is no need to turn in the air, so it only takes an hour to reach the Westfall of the Kingdom of Stormwind from the Khaz Modan sea area where Tol Barad is located.

The poor hunting airship turned on the optical camouflage and circled three times over the western wilderness. The tired airship finally got the order to land, and the hot mana engine could finally be turned off.

Look at the poor engine nozzles, almost melted away by the constant jet of flames.

"You are not allowed to come near me for the next month! You beast!"

In the tidied up command cabin, Ms. Maiev wearing a Warden's cloak on the flat co-pilot was pale. She stared weakly at Bu Laike, who was feeding her water gently. She gritted her teeth and said :

"I'm going back to Watch Island to rest."

"You expect a group of she-wolves who have spent their entire lives learning how to use moon wheels, pyramids, and knife wheels to take care of you now? Don't be brave, you won't be able to stand up for at least three days."

Bo Laike shook his head.

His state is unexpectedly good, probably because he finally got the prey he longed for, so that the last struggle of his inner beast was smoothed away.

The pirate gently fed moderate temperature water into Maiev's mouth with a golden spoon, and he helped Ms. Shadowsong push aside her sweaty hair.

He whispered:

"I will set the course, and the Shadowsong will take you to Tol Barad, and I will tell my mother, believe me, Lady Governor Catherine will take good care of you.

You've been too cold, maybe it's time to get on with your family. "

"I refuse. Your mother is very busy. I don't want to cause her any trouble. I can take care of myself."

Maiev huddled in her cloak and covered her head, perhaps out of indulgent shame, anyway, she said in a low voice:

"I'm going to Mount Hyjal, to my brother."

"Your brother also has a pregnant wife who needs to be taken care of. You used to make trouble for them."

Bu Laike said helplessly:

"Well, let's take a step back. I'll send you to Suramar and give yourself a vacation in Shadowsong Manor. I believe Lilith will take good care of you."


Maiev finally agreed.

The pirate stood up and glanced at the Westfall below. The Long Beach coast, like the white ribbon dotted on the coast, was so conspicuous in the sky.

This is already a famous landscape in the eastern continent.

Laike could sense that the Naglfar was further south on the coast, near the seas of the Burning Steppes, which was why he was coming to Stormwind.

I don't know if Sefiel's operation in Blackrock Tower is going well, so he has to come and see.

By the way, find out what is going on in Black Rock Mountain, and listen to Moira's complaints last time, Chief Red seems to be very tired recently, and seems to need to be taught a lesson.

"Then, go back and rest."

Bu Laike put on his battle armor, and before leaving the command pod, he grinned at Maiev who was sleeping drowsily:

"I've changed my mind. Maybe this ship shouldn't be called 'Shadowsong'. It might be better to call it 'Love Boat'."


Ms. Warden made a rare swearing, and threw two shadow throwing knives with her hands.

But she was so tired that she actually lost the most important precision for an assassin, and the two throwing knives brushed off the pirate's shoulders and head and flew out, causing Bo Laike to laugh strangely.

Then he blew a warm kiss, and hit Maiev's forehead with a faint purple halo of love condensed by the weak power of the void, just like a pair of gentle hands smoothed the last obstacle to her falling asleep, and let her enter the exhausted sleep. Dreamland.

The pirate stood tall in the air, watching the Shadowsong, which had just rested for a few minutes, set off again.

Of course, this time no one urged the poor Shadowsong to keep flying, and it could cross the endless sea to Suramar City at a leisurely speed.

Well, on the way, you can stop by the supply station at Mechagon's automaton dock to refill your fuel.

This kind of spaceship with an independent intelligence core is great. I can only say that the bastard Mimiron modified this ship really well. Although such a mechanical ship cannot give birth to the same ship spirit as Naglfar, there is a Titan Engineering AI is also very good.

The pirate fell down to Long Beach below with such joy, and then he suddenly realized a problem, a problem that was almost ignored but was actually serious

This lunatic Mimiron has a criminal record before!

Before it went crazy, it installed cameras in the temples of all the guardians, and it would not


Bo Laike cursed under his breath.

Almost immediately, he took out his Mechagon watch and contacted Prince Erazmin who was "studying" at Wisdom Spark, and asked him to do something.

In order to persuade the prince to do things for him, Bo Laike even reluctantly allocated a considerable amount of money from his little gold Curry to help the mechanical gnomes continue to study various Titan engineering gadgets.

He waited for more than ten minutes on the shore of Long Beach, and then got a message reply from Prince Erazmin:

"The remote self-explosion of the four cameras on the Shadow Song spacecraft has been activated, and the video has been completely deleted from the Wisdom Spark Titan database. Growth is also a disease.

Moreover, your time is a bit too exaggerated, right?

And your lady companion, is that Lady Maiev?

I almost didn't recognize her outfit, my God, once this video gets to the Kaldorei elves, it will definitely become the biggest scandal for those elves in thousands of years.

Are you too careless?

Hahaha, I can guess your expression now, but don't worry, Captain.

When you read this message, I have already cleared all the memory data I just had in my central data Curry, and you can't leave any suspicious traces when doing things. This is what you taught me.

You are always welcome to come and inspect. "

"Ah, dealing with these lunatics is a hell of a deal."

Bo Laike sighed, sitting on a long beach beach under the sun on a log that was blown ashore by the waves and dried in the sun, smoking a pipe and looking at the calm sea in front of him.

Thinking of the absurdity just now made him smile knowingly, and then his heart became a little heavier.

Although Maiev kept saying that it was all a request from the Moon God, based on what the pirates knew about Maiev, the warden lady, who was somewhat melancholy about the future, probably regarded this indulgence as a "farewell gift".

Maybe she felt something.

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

When Laike was staring at the sea in silence, a familiar voice sounded behind him, and then with the windbreaker swaying, Mathias Shaw, who was dressed like a traveling merchant, sat beside the pirate.

He took off his travel cap, put the suitcase next to him at his feet, and looked at the coast in front of him with Bo Laike.

A few seconds later, seeing that Bo Laike didn't answer, Shaw shrugged his shoulders, took out a delicate silver cigarette case from his pocket, took another dwarf cigar and handed it to Bo Laike, and took one himself.

This action made the pirate blink his eyes in surprise. He threw the helmet in his arms under his feet, rubbed out the void fire with his fingertips and ignited Xiao Er and himself, saying:

"Don't you use these treats? You said you can't leave a smell on your body as an assassin, and these treats will make you corrupt, although I always thought you were talking nonsense.

A self-proclaimed good assassin who can't hide the smell of tobacco deserves to die. "

"I bid farewell to Hope Tianzun."

With a smile on the corner of Xiao Er's mouth, he said calmly:

"After a while, I'm going to marry my lover, Mrs. Mary. Do you have time? Come to the wedding. I didn't invite many people."

"Are you crazy?"

The pirate was almost choked by a puff of smoke. He stared at Xiao Er with wide eyes, and asked in a low voice:

"You corrected? Didn't I tell you earlier that it's not your fault that you're different from everyone else, that just proves that you're unique.

You don't have to be the same as everyone else. "

"No, I'm still my old self, still keeping women at arm's length."

Shaw smiled and said:

"What am I just saying? I have already agreed to be your God's Chosen, so I can't embarrass you. If it spreads, it will embarrass you in the 'circle of the gods'."

"Tell the truth! Don't use this nonsense to perfuse me, I must ensure that my future God Chosen has a healthy mind."

Bu Laike asked a serious question, and Xiao fell silent.

A few seconds later, he flicked his hair a little irritably, and said:

"Mary, who has been willing to be my 'disguised prop' for several years, wants to have a child, just as the Mathias family also needs a next generation, my grandma and I had a long talk.

She apologized to me.

She apologized to me for everything she did in the past, and I forgave her, and in the process, I wasn't as angry as I thought I would be.

Then I realized that my real enemy was not her, but myself. "

"Just because of this?"

The pirate said in surprise:

"Are you so worthless? What do you listen to what other people say? Then the evil and powerful Thousand Tongue Demon wants you to die, are you going?"

"No, don't pretend, I don't believe you can't understand me."

On the beach with only him and Boo Laike, Shaw whispered:

"People who live in the shadows have no future, and I have to learn to reconcile with myself, otherwise I will be suffocated by the pressure of the past.

I just decided to step out of the shadows.

I just made the same choice as you, Boo Laike.

You returned to your life, and you chose to become a Proudmoore. I think, if you can do this, then I should say goodbye to the old me who was hostile to the world.

Zhuhe Tianzun blessed me.

He said that the shadows in my soul had been healed and persuaded me to pursue or create a brighter future, and I think he was right. "

"Well, if that's your choice."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"Let's talk about the wedding. I don't necessarily have time, because I have to go to Blackstone Mountain and the Land of Fire. But if your child is born, I don't mind rushing back to celebrate.

I can be his godfather.

Although there is a high probability that she or he will become a follower of the Holy Light, and I am chosen by the Moon God, I think I am a sincere and outstanding priest, and I have the qualifications.

Also, what's in your box, why does it make me feel cold? "

"Ah, this one."

Shore patted the suitcase at his feet, winked at Bo Laike and said:

"The good thing I just stole from Northern Border, tell me honestly, did you teach His Majesty Varian to turn his troubles into my burden?

Tch, thanks to the secret assistance of His Majesty, otherwise I would really die in the Holy Light's Hope Chapel. "

"Oh, that thing!"

Bu Laike laughed, but then his face darkened.

He suddenly grabbed Xiao Er's collar and said viciously:

"Are you going to win the favor of Queen Azshara by giving her what the Queen desires with your own hands? You bastard, you just decided to start a new life and want to steal my glory, right?


There can only be one human favourite in Queen Azshara's court!

that's me

come on!

Shameful Shaw, draw your sword! "

"Are you crazy? Are you really drawing your sword?"

"I'm very upset now, you know, I may lose my lover in the not-too-distant future, and then I have to work so hard to bring her back.

It's troublesome, bastard! And there is no money to be made. "

"I'm also very upset. To use it as a mating tool to create offspring for the family, I feel that there is no difference between the 'personal toys' hidden by Mary's bedside that she doesn't want me to know, but I know the purpose very well.

Although I don't hate that woman who is sincere to me, it's really annoying!

I cried when I said goodbye to Tian Zun

You know, I really rarely cry. "

"Since you're not feeling well, what are you waiting for? Come on, come fencing, let me see if you've been hollowed out by wine, damn it! Your legs are a little weak, wait for me to recover for a few minutes.

Do you have wine?

Have a bottle first, and then listen to me talk about my troubles. I don't want the world to see my cowardly side. "

(end of this chapter)

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