Chapter 1591

The hammer and scepter, forged with all the dwarves' best efforts, was stolen, drawing a very unhappy end to the great events of the past few days in the Storm Peaks.

This made everyone unhappy.

Except little star.

His Highness Little Xingxing, who has a different brain than ordinary people, thinks this is not a bad thing, although in a practical sense, it means that a very difficult battle to regain the relic is about to begin, which is not a good thing.

But the storyline of His Highness Little Xingxing's next autobiography suddenly became exciting.

小星星把自己的想法给红龙女王big sister姐说了一番,然后理所当然的被揍了一顿,毕竟身为热爱生命的红龙女王怎么能允许新一代巨龙英雄拥有如此混乱可怕的想法Woolen cloth?

Little Xingxing was very unconvinced after being beaten, and ran to Ysera's big sister to seek comfort, and was beaten again as expected.


They are two sisters who love life. Only crazy black dragons and blue dragons with abnormal brains would like your idea, right?

But no matter what, the war in Ulduar finally came to an end amid the wailing of His Royal Highness Little Star.

On the whole, it ended successfully, anyway, all the problems that should be solved have been solved.

It's not that perfect though.

According to the next plan of Odin and Raiden, they will join the guardians to transfer the energy of the furnace of origin to Ulduar to restart the furnace of will that has been closed for millions of years.

In other words, they are going to prepare for a large-scale "violence".

The Furnace of Will is known by its name. It is a machine that gives will to certain things. This thing is located under the Storm Cliff. It can be said that the entire Storm Cliff is actually the "shell" of the Furnace of Will.

Its principle is very similar to Pandaria's Nalaksha engine, but the Nalaksha engine is a "low-profile version" made by Raiden imitating the furnace of will, and it is mainly used to serve Raiden's servants, the Mogu.

But the things produced by the furnace of will are much more terrifying than the stone figurines.

That is the Iron Legion that can be regarded as a low-profile version of the Thundercast Heroic Spirit. Millions of years ago, the Titan Guardians relied on the Iron Legion to defeat the dark empire built by the ancient gods around the world.

Now, they're going to do it all over again.

These Iron Guardians were born with only one mission, to follow the desperate Guardians to Argus, the fel heart of the stars, to save the soul of the Titans there.

This thing sounds outrageous, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that it is outrageous to the extreme.

This is completely a death mission!

It is to use the power of a planetary guardian system to attack the stronghold of all the demons in the stars. Although not all the elites of the Burning Legion are stationed in Argus, the front line of the demons is too long. Argus is just the headquarters and not the real The last bastion of the Titan Guardians, but the plan of the Titan Guardians at this time is still basically equivalent to a nest of ants vowing to cross the mountains and mountains to wipe out the elephant herds wandering on the plains below the mountains.

Well, just describing the incident itself has gone beyond the definition of the word "crazy".

"Then, we will see you in Dellano World."

Bu Laike will be standing next to the tarmac in Ulduar.

The black Shadowsong was docking quietly on the platform behind him. In front of Laike, who was wearing a pirate windbreaker today, was the great guardian Raiden who came to see him off.

He said to Lydon:

"The specific departure time will have to wait until the end of the first wave of Draenei investigation, but I don't think it will exceed one and a half months, so let's make as many as we can.

The energy of the Origin Furnace does not have to be reserved either.

If you fail, there's no point in leaving that thing to reshape the world. Without you, the world can't stand against the Burning Legion at all. "

"It's not 'you', it's 'us'."

Lydon shook his head and said:

"Although you have been reluctant to accept your new identity, but Laike, everyone knows that at least in this war, you are on our side."

"That's not necessarily the case, don't talk so full."

Bo Laike took down his pipe, exhaled a smoke ring and said:

"If Lord Sargeras promises me the title of 'True Talker' or 'Talentist', and gives me command of all the demon legions under his command scattered all over the stars, I will kneel down smoothly Praise his generosity before the dark titan.

After all, that's the man I admire second. "

"But the man you admired first has decided to join the crusade."

Lydon smiled.

The big guardian waved goodbye, and he said seriously:

"You can be trusted, I'm sure of that."

"Ha, give your precious trust to a pirate who has no bottom line, especially when this pirate is still a walking old god"

Bu Laike put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker, turned his head to the Shadowsong, and said sarcastically:

"You're really sick, Lydon.

Let your woman check your thinking circuit for you tonight. I think you may have been corrupted by the void, and you are only one step away from becoming Raiden the Void. "

"It's not that I have confidence in your integrity, but I realize that maintaining the existing order is beneficial to you, isn't it? So why actively disrupt it?"

Lydon responded.

The pirate, who turned his back on him, shrugged and made no reply.

A few minutes later, the Shadowsong, which was like a black bat, took off from the Ulduar apron, and quickly disappeared into the cold sky of the storm cliff with a low roar.

Bu Laike in the command cabin looked at Ulduar going away. He leaned on the co-pilot's chair and whispered:

"I must be crazy, to follow a group of desperate bastards to attack the heart of fel energy, this doesn't seem like a job I can do.

Hey Maiev, where did you go last night?

It was sad to leave me waiting all night alone. "

"I'm just preparing reasons to convince you to go the right way."

Maiev's voice came from the rear of the command cabin, accompanied by the crisp sound of high heels stomping on the ground, she said:

"I know that you are struggling between darkness and light, and you have walked the path between light and shadow, like a fragile balance, always swinging.

You may enjoy the feeling of being in control while taking the risk out of control, but for me, it made me very insecure.

So, I decided to convince you. "

"Tch, the tone of the priestess is really enough, you really think you can use the old moon god doctrine."

The pirate turned his chair, and just wanted to ridicule Maiev's beliefs every day. This was his "repertoire" with Ms. Shadowsong, although Bo Laike was also a believer in this belief in name.

But it is not necessary to expect the pirates to be sincere.

However, as he turned his chair, all his sarcasm was stuffed back down his throat like a chicken stuck in its neck.

Because he saw "terrible" things.

In front of his eyes, the entrance to the dim command cabin of the Shadowsong, Maiev stood there, no longer the ever-changing Warden armor or elf robes.

It was a tight-fitting black sleeveless leather jacket, wrapping slender legs and a graceful figure. On the exposed snow-white chest, one could see Maiev's name written in Salas language on the chest.

The leather coat was complemented by a matching black trench coat, which hung low at her side.

Today's hair style is no longer the neat and tidy hair in the past, but the casual long hair is replaced.

She even wears makeup.

I don't know if it's the weird makeup that I learned from it.

But it does look like the dashing short girls of Gnomeregan's dwarf bikers with their exaggerated make-up, even their lips are painted a weird purple.

She wears exaggerated hoop earrings next to her ears. This is due to the overall change that transformed Maiev's temperament from the icy Moon Priest and Black Moon Warrior to a night that wants to sleep with the night. The image of the queen.

Especially those crystal high heels on the feet.

Well, looking at the polishing and production techniques, you can tell that it is the fine work of Draenei gemsmiths.

It makes Ms. Yingge's already tall figure even more slender, enough to make most men feel ashamed in front of such height and body proportions.

"uh uh"

Bo Laike let out a weird sound from his throat like he was having a heart attack. A few seconds later, he shook his head vigorously and slammed his head against the console next to him.

While bumping, he said:

"Haha, I see, this must be another joke between you and me, Xalatath, I said, I don't like this, Maiev will be angry.

Change back, okay? "

"What? Who said a few days ago that all men would like that hot chick with leather tattoos? Or did you hurt your eye in the previous battle?

Can't even tell who is who?

You know it's provocative to mention another woman's name in front of a woman? Alas, I actually know how to learn, and this is what I learned from Xal'atath.

Maybe I should ask you to test it out. "

Maiev stepped forward.

She reached out her hand queenly to Boo Laike's chest, pinning him on the seat, kneeling with her legs above Boo Laike's knees, bringing her face close to the pirate's wide-eyed eyes.

In this very oppressive posture, she looked into Laike's eyes, and the pirate looked into hers.

Maiev's eyes were as bright as ever, but there seemed to be something extra in these eyes.

But it didn't destroy the beauty of these eyes, but added a different color to it, like the bright lights of Suramar in the night, under the splendor hides the joy that only belongs to the night.

Well, Bo Laike almost forgot that Maiev was born in that flashy and luxurious city. It is impossible for her not to understand the corrupt lives of those high elves.

She actually knows how to seduce a man's heart, she just doesn't want to show those qualities.

But today, that seal seems to be broken.

Lady Shadowsong looked down at Laike and said:

"I do what you want, aren't you happy?"

"It's not a question of being happy or not, is it?"

Bo Laike swallowed, he was always obscene and vulgar, he would dodge a little bit rarely, and said in an embarrassed tone:

"Don't do this, I'm afraid."

"What are you afraid of?"

Maiev reached out and unbuttoned the sailor blouse lining the pirate windbreaker, and touched the exaggerated and evil tattoo on his body and the scars around the tattoo with the nails dotted with weird manicure.

She whispered:

"Last night, I didn't run away but prayed to the moon god. Elune told me the circle of fate between us. She told me that my disaster was born of you, and my past was also shaped by you.

But I'm not angry, I'm not lost, I'm just

You know, I even feel a little happy.

Of all your women, perhaps I have the deepest bond with you, and even they cannot understand this strange bond. I know what Lady Elune told me this was for.

Cloth Laike."

Maiev leaned down and kissed the pirate's forehead lightly, she said:

"My god is asking me, she knows that it is never violence or conspiracy that can balance you on the neutral path, a bastard and bad boy like you can only be locked with invisible shackles.


Ms. Shadowsong stood upright in the pirate's arms. She took out something from the windbreaker pocket that made Laike stunned, and snapped the delicate black collar around her neck.

Another lock was fastened around Bo Laike's neck.

Maiev stared at Bo Laike and said seriously:

"You want to see me fall, don't you?

You've been thinking, the dark animal part of you has been yearning to make me yours, and the human part of you is resisting that desire.

I can feel, every night I spend with you, I can feel the hunger of the ravenous beast beneath your shell, craving sweet prey.

And the only one who can satisfy its appetite is me.

If this depravity, as you wish, will keep you from falling into darkness and becoming a vicious Destroyer mob."

Lady Shadowsong let out a bewitching laugh she had never had before, and she rolled herself into the pirate's arms, closing her eyes, and resting on Bo Laike's heart.

She whispered:

"Don't hold yourself back anymore, Bo Laike. Come on, lead me to that rotten good night."

"You religious lunatic!"

The pirate felt like he was going crazy.

Bloodshots even burst out from his eyes, the subdued beast roared in his heart, what Maiev said was right, he had been longing for this "prey" in front of him.

Maybe she realized it from the first day they got along.

But Bu Laike just didn't want to hurt her. Although he always advertised himself as a cold-blooded bastard, Bu Laike did have a bottom line, and he didn't want to vent his desire like a beast.

He held it firmly until a minute ago.

Clearly, Bo Laike had underestimated the terrifying allure that a priestess could exude when she decided to fall, and for a moment the pirate felt a lock that could never be opened on his heart.

Maybe it's love?

Ah, what a terrible conspiracy

"You lunatic, you are provoking the dangerous Demon of Thousand Throats, anyone who dares to do that is doomed, I just ate an ancient god!

you crazy"

Bo Laike's hand was working hard, leaving marks on Maiev's skin.

His eyes turned blood red, and Maiev laughed, tossed his hair, breathed in his ear, and kissed his earlobe lightly.

She whispered angrily:

"Come on, terrible thousand-tongued demon, eat me. Don't be afraid, this is my voluntary 'sacrifice'."


There was a loud bang in the pirate spirit.

The line called reason completely collapsed in an instant.

And in the wilderness of the distant Dellano world, in the reincarnation temple built by the mantid for their ancient venerable, Xalatath, who is recovering from his injuries, will hug himself like a defeated dog His knees curled up on his royal chariot.

She had never cried so sadly.

Because she lost.

This is a shameful failure.

In the field she thought she was best at, she was easily defeated by a staid ten thousand-year-old nun. She never thought that Maiev, who was like an iceberg, could show such a terrifying allure.

Although he was a little ashamed, when Xalatas quietly watched the scene just now, a shameful desire arose in his heart.

For a few moments, even she was attracted by Maiev's flair.


Is this the power of Elune's Chosen in a state of bursting faith?

It's shocking.

Ms. Luna, can you see me? Train me too, okay? Anyway, you've taken a pirate like Boo Laike, right?

One more Void Essence God's Choice is no big deal.

Think about it?

(end of this chapter)

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