Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1590 223. Why Are You Laughing, It Will Be Your Turn Next

Chapter 1590 223. Why are you laughing, it will be your turn next

"Speaking of which, why did you happen to pass by the evil ceremony of the Fire Demon King?"

In the air from Ulduar to the mountains of the Storm Peaks, Bu Laike sat in the pilothouse of the Shadowsong, and asked the little star who was sitting in the back row, swaying left and right, curious about everything:

"Shouldn't you be taking care of the spellweaver in Coldarra? Why did you come here?"

"Caifeng! Caifeng, do you understand?"

Little Xingxing consciously stopped an evil conspiracy from the Fire Demon King to invade the material world, so she will be very excited and proud. She shook her head and said:

"I'm preparing to write an adventure story that really belongs to me, which is the love and hatred between me and the fallen Arygos. Didn't that incident happen in the storm cliff?

I just come here for a walk, to see the strange scenery here, and then add it to my autobiography as a description of the environment.

As a result, I felt the abnormal gathering of fire elements when I turned around. "

Little Xingxing snorted proudly, folded his arms and said:

"It's not easy to have such a huge gathering of fire elements in a place full of cold winter breath like the Storm Cliff. I heard that the civilization of the flame titan that once lived here has long since died out, so the scorching breath must not be born naturally.

So I ran over to have a look.

As a result, at a glance, it was found that the Black Iron Emperor was leading a group of shamans to worship the flame, and threw the holy object that the dwarves had just made into the flame.

I felt right then that something was wrong.

So I appeared from the sky, and with the flying thunder and the power of the powerful and righteous dragon, I drove the power of Ragnaros back to the dangerous realm of fire.

And that coward Thaurissan escaped while I was fighting Ragnaros' evil servants. They were sitting on a dwarven drilling machine. I'm not very familiar with those mechanical things, so I didn't catch them.

Oh, what a pity. "

"Look at you, your little tail is going up to the sky."

Boo Laike, smoking a pipe, shook his head and whispered:

"Your story has also been 'touched up' by your excellent grammar, right?

I mean, if the Firelord really projected his own illusion onto the physical world, then Ulduar's defenses would be activated in no time without you.

This is essentially a 'stealing' operation.

If the Fire Demon King wasn't stupid, he wouldn't have staged a big fight to expose his whereabouts. I guess, at most, you killed a few lava dogs or fire demons who came to meet you."

"What's wrong with the lava dogs? Lava dogs are also dangerous, okay?"

Little Xingxing complained unconvinced:

"Do you know what terrible things can happen if a dangerous lava dog is allowed to run loose in the physical world? Poor farmer can't kill that dangerous thing with a pitchfork.

The fire it unleashes can burn a village and kill many, many people. "

"Uh, I need to remind you, little Xingxing."

Bu Laike sighed and said:

"This is the storm cliff, and in terms of the ecological environment here, even if a lava dog runs over, it will be treated as a delicious picnic by the dangerous creatures here.

They can't even beat the mammoths who are at the bottom of the food chain here. "

"Hmph, no matter! Anyway, I saved the world from Ragnaros' evil plot!"

Little Xingxing crossed his arms, closed his eyes, twisted his neck to the right, pouted and shook his hair and said:

"I'm going to write that in my book."

"Okay, okay, whatever you want, that's your story, you can write whatever you want."

Bu Laike comforted Little Xingxing helplessly like a child, and whispered to Maiev who was sitting on the driver's seat searching the ground:

"If our child becomes like this in the future, I will definitely beat her up."

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm a priest! I'm still a chosen one."

Maiev immediately blushed, eyes widened and scolded:

"You are blasphemy!"

"What happened to the clergy?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes and said:

"You have hugged and held high with the pirates. I think this is definitely not allowed in the teachings of the moon god, right? You see, if you do one wrong thing and many wrong things, you will go to hell.

It's better to do 10,000 wrong things according to your mood, and become a legend in hell directly after you go down.

Moreover. "

The pirate lowered his voice, pointed to the sky and said:

"The two of us are in a special situation. We are covered by someone above us. What are we afraid of?"

"Shut up, you devil."

Maiev clenched her fists.

She wanted to refute but couldn't think of a reason, because everything seemed to make sense along the lines of Bo Laike's evil train of thought.

The overly explicit conversation between these adults also made the innocent little star in the back seat stare round. She pretended not to care, and while whistling and looking at the scenery, she pricked up her ears to eavesdrop on Braike and Maiev. whisper.

Then I exclaimed in my heart again and again.

Wow, talking is the topic of having a baby!

So nasty and so exciting, so is this the dirty world of grown-ups?

"Hey, can you hear me? This is the Ulduar Wisdom Spark Laboratory. I am the mechanic Mimiron. I called the broken spaceship on the front line and heard the answer!"

Just when Maiev and Braike were about to have an in-depth verbal exchange of opinions on the issues of belief and blasphemy, a noisy voice sounded on the communicator of the Shadowsong, and it was said that Mimiron's weirdness always seemed to have a hint of comedian sound.

"Hey, you bastard, I was discussing children's education with my wife, and you interrupted this important matter! Pick a better time next time, please?"

Bu Laike grabbed the communicator and cursed, and then there was silence for a few seconds, and then Mimiron lowered his voice and asked nervously:

"Huh? Make children in a spaceship? Is it so hot and exciting? Ah, I have heard that you flesh and blood beings are extremely dissolute in this respect, ruining the good traditions left by the guardians of the titans.

Now it seems that it is so. "

"You crazy! That's not what you said about the nasty jokes, you are sexual harassment! Hurry up and register you with the Virgin of Purity and see your brain."

Bu Laike cursed, and then asked in a vicious voice:

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Oh, I'm so absorbed in this nasty chatter that I forget about business."

Mimiron apologized, and it said:

"The monitor near the exhaust port of the Furnace of Will has just been destroyed in the mountains. It should be caused by the dark iron dwarf's inferior drilling machine passing underground.

Thaurissan is in that direction, hurry up and bring him back.

I shall use this to assess the mental and physical effects of the Balrog's elemental curse on earthen creations.

Oh, by the way, I just had a discussion with Ignis about the physical properties of the Hammer of the Archon and the Rod of the Guardian of the Kings.

We pessimistically believe that if Ragnaros uses the precious Flame of Savras to destroy them, the two artifacts of civilization belonging to the earthen and dwarves are likely to be completely destroyed in a few days.

After all, it is the primary elemental fire of the world, and its pure destructive power is no less than the flame of the creation furnace, so after you capture Thaurissan, you must immediately prepare to enter the realm of fire.

Those dwarves are now screaming to launch a disciplinary expedition, and the warlike Odin is also angry. He even decides to lead the dwarves into the fire realm to punish Ragnaros for desecrating the land of creation.

Lydon was reassuring them. "

"Okay, I see, let them wait."

Bu Laike hung up the communication, he let out a long breath, stood up on the passenger seat, changed into the Moon Night God of War armor in a second, turned his head and said to Maiev:

"You take the Shadowsong back to Ulduar and hand it over to Mimiron, the lunatic said that he needs to modify the ship to meet the parameters of star travel.

Then wait for me there. "

The smelly pirate stretched out his hand, pinched Maiev's delicate chin domineeringly, and whispered in her ear:

"Let's seriously discuss the future education of our children tonight."

After speaking, Bo Laike disappeared into the cockpit with a whoosh.

He stands in the air in the cold wind of the north, and the aura of the wind rider on his boots gives him the ability to ride against the wind, making his already exaggerated speed continuously increase in the air, and disappears into the stormy cliffs in the blink of an eye. In the falling snow that is about to come.

Maiev sighed helplessly, swung the joystick to prepare to return, and then she noticed that the little star on the back seat was lowering her head, her face flushed.

Only then did Miss Priest startle.

Damn Bo Laike!

There's a kid next to him, and he's saying those damn nasty things

"Well, little Xingxing, ahem, we don't usually get along like this, don't think about it."

Maiev was embarrassed to appease Little Xingxing, but Princess Blue Dragon raised her hand to stop Maiev's pale explanation. She lowered her head, covered her eyes and said:

"Is this the dirty world of adults? Woohoo, I'm really not the same kind of person as you, sorry, I'm still trying to blend into your crazy and nasty daily life as a sewer.

No wonder the captain always avoids me and Sefiel alone.

I thought he was squeezing me out, but now it seems that he is protecting me, no wonder readers say that I should stop writing about love in my autobiography.

Ah, so that's what they mean, I'm too good at it.

Sorry, I apologize. "



The figure of Bu Laike appeared from the wind of shadows. He stretched his neck and buckled the helmet full of dark punishment on his head. In the BGM singing obscene and vulgar pirate songs, I walked into the hiding place of Thaurissan and his gang at this time.

It can be seen that they don't seem to want to hide.

The escape after being hit and destroyed by the little star before was also out of shameful instinct. Now that they have calmed down, these self-destructive black iron dwarves casually threw their damaged drilling machine in the snow in the valley and plain.

He hid in the nearby cave and shivered.

They were terrified.

More than a dozen black iron savages including Thaurissan gathered around the bonfire in silence, and threw a lot of wine bottles on the ground beside them. Seeing Braike approaching, no one stood up to explain. Or rebel.

They did terrible things.

When the three hammer dwarves were just about to carry out the nominally unified celebration ceremony, they pierced the hearts of those compatriots who had trusted them as a vicious backstab.

Still the worst kind of behavior, even if it wasn't their intention.

"I said, this is not a bad thing, you understand?"

Braike walked into the cave with a knife, but he didn't kill the black iron dwarves who stopped resisting immediately. He sat on the stone next to him, watching the royal griffin approaching here in the snowstorm, and the griffin An angry dwarf king with a hammer in the background.

He turned to Thaurissan, dazed and blank-eyed, and said:

"Actually, in my opinion, these expeditions, forging, and other tricks between you dwarves will not change the fact that you are now hostile.

What you have to do is something deeper, to reverse the stubborn and awkward resentment of your race once and for all.

I mean, things that can be called 'great' are word of mouth at best, but you're going to have to pay for something much worse to reverse an ancient feud.


As he spoke, the pirate bent down and looked at Thaurissan, whose eyes were out of focus. He frowned, and the next moment he slapped the Black Iron Emperor on the face.

Thaurissan woke up from despair in an instant with the impact of the void, but the next moment, flames burned in the dark red eyes of the Black Iron Emperor.

Thaurissan covered his head and howled a few times, then let out a deep and weird laugh.


No, it stared at Bo Laike, and the evil spirit that dominated Thaurissan's body called to Bo Laike defiantly:

"I should thank you for killing that coward Al'Akir! I should thank you for bringing the other elements together, sending them to me, and then being mercilessly defeated by me!

Boo Laike Shaw!

It took you so much energy and so much time to bring the dwarves back together, but it took me only a few minutes to destroy everything you've done!

The you who are rumored by the material world are nothing more than this."

"Hey, I really don't know what N'Zoth promised you, so that you dare to talk so loudly in front of the Demon of Thousand Tongues, you must know that the Demon of Thousand Beards can't even protect himself.

You still believe its promises. "

Bu Laike was not provoked.

He stared into Thaurissan's eyes, and through the meeting of those eyes, he seemed to be able to see a burning world and the flame titan laughing wildly in the flames of the burning sky and earth.

The pirate's expression under the helmet became cold, and then he waved his hand again, this time wearing the might of the Old God, and slapped Thaurissan on the other cheek.

The Black Iron Emperor didn't feel any pain.

But the impact of the void followed the connection of will, and slapped Ragnaros's scorching will like an invisible slap. This behavior obviously provoked the Fire Demon King.

It roars.

"What are you laughing at, you, for a bastard with half a foot in a coffin, your mentality is really good."

Bu Laike sneered and said:

"I will come to you soon, Ragnaros, and I will show you how the mighty empire that took you millions of years to build can be destroyed by me in a few hours.

I hope you can still laugh by then.

get out.

Let's chat next time! "

While speaking, the pirate's hand was firmly pressed on Thaurissan's forehead, and the void impact of the Demon of Thousand Tongues continued to erupt, forcefully dispelling the power Ragnaros left in Thaurissan's will.

But this is only the dispelling of power, the curse engraved on the soul and blood is still there.

The Dark Iron dwarves will never be free until the Balrog, the source of the curse, is killed.


Thaurissan, who was fully awake, stood there blankly, and he wanted to say something. But Laike pointed to the angry short man who jumped off the griffin outside the cave.

He said:

"You should tell him.

Go ahead, have a conversation with His Majesty Magni between a husband and a son-in-law, and straighten your attitude. If you really want to marry someone else's daughter, then behave decently.

I don't want my good drinking buddy to be a widow at such a young age.

I know that you still have the stubbornness of black iron in your heart, but my dear friend"

Bu Laike patted Thaurissan on the shoulder, and he said softly:

"As a father, think more about your children."

(end of this chapter)

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