Chapter 1589

Bu Laike this guy is undeniably annoying.

In the past, when he planned some conspiracies, he would at least keep it from others and carry out it secretly, but now he seems to have pushed his dark art to a new level.

He simply doesn't pretend when he does bad things now.

Directly reveal the card.

What makes people feel the most uncomfortable is that with the continuous growth of Laike's strength, identity and influence, even if he speaks out about his conspiracy directly, it is difficult for the people who are threatened to find a reason to refuse.

It is even difficult to make up your mind to refuse under the pirate's quite superb psychological manipulation.

He already has the evil talent of perceiving people's hearts, and now he has the evil wisdom that is well-deserved as the "Demon of a Thousand Tongues". In addition, this guy's bottom line cannot be said to be absent, but it is just like the display on the product packaging bag. As in the picture, it belongs to the kind that can basically be ignored.

The superposition of several factors led to the noble guardians having to let him raise the conditions arbitrarily.

In short, a few minutes later, Laike came to the celebration ceremony carefully packed by the dwarves in the front hall of Ulduar with a very contented and evil smile, pulled out a chair and sat on it.

He crossed his legs, leaned on the chair, and looked at the busy three-clan dwarves around him, as well as some ice dwarves and earth spirits who came to help.

He observed the details of the actions of these dwarves and deduced the information he wanted from them.

After a legendary battle in the land of creation and the epic story of jointly forging the ruler's hammer, the original ignorance and even tense confrontation between the three clans of dwarves has obviously been weakened.

Especially between copper beard and black iron.

Although the two parties still try to avoid contact and occasionally provoke each other with their eyes, they can stay together without fighting, which already shows the progress of the relationship between the two parties.

If it were in the past, a bronze beard and a black iron would be thrown into any cage at random, without even explaining the rules or distributing weapons, both sides would try their best to kill each other with their fists and teeth.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the devil and the bronze beard go to war, the black irons will speak a few good words to the devil against their conscience.

Of course, the two sides can get along peacefully now because they have a little friendship in battle because they have faced a strong enemy together, but such a little relationship is a thought between individuals, and it still arises in the dire straits of the two big clans, the Bronzebeard and the Black Iron. No key role.

Healing blood feuds is a long and difficult process.

But the good news is that the leaders of both sides seem to have reached an agreement for this.

"Oh, my dear queen and drinking buddy, I really don't know what else to talk about between you and your father. I just saw you crying?"

When Her Majesty the Black Iron Queen Moira was escorted by several black iron royal guards, she was holding a bottle of wine and drinking herself. Braike, who was enjoying himself, raised his brows and said to Moira in a bad tone :

"Is it your father who once again scolded you for running away from home irresponsibly, and once again expressed his regret for being a daughter? Didn't your father and daughter often quarrel because of this kind of thing before? And scattered?

Come, tell your loyal servant Bu Laike about your dissatisfaction and entanglements. I'm free, so I'm happy to hear your complaints.

I can also do some dangerous things for you if you are willing to pay a high price. "

Bo Laike took a sip of his wine and said to Moira:

"Like shaving off your father's beard, hair, or something while he's drunk, I'm absolutely professional in this area, and the whole of Azeroth knows that I've never been a child when it comes to rewards for assassins. bully.

As long as your starting price, there is nothing I can't get. "

"Don't say those nasty words, Bo Laike, it's not what you think it is."

Moira had obviously just cried.

But she was not in a depressed state, on the contrary, she looked relieved and finally untied the shackles in her heart.

She sat beside Bu Laike and waved to the royal guards who were guarding her. The black iron guards, who were big and powerful, stepped aside obediently and continued to perform their guarding and protection tasks.

This detail made Bo Laike notice the lofty status of Moira in the hearts of these royal guards, but she was a Bronzebeard royal and should theoretically be the Dark Iron clan's greatest enemy.

From this, it can also be inferred from the side that Moira's very clever means of controlling Wang Quan and people's hearts.

"Give me a bottle of wine, I'm in a good mood today, my drinking buddy.

I want the good wine from last time, cold as snow and hot as fire. I heard that it is the unique wine of the Woodmaw furbolgs, and I sent someone to buy it.

But the furbolg told me that some big-budget villain bought up their thirty-year-old stock, and it's no longer for sale. "

The Iron Queen said something to Bo Laike, and at her urging, the pirate took out a bottle of Winterspring firewine from his bag and handed it to Moira.

The latter laughed, bit off the cork with the boldness of an alcoholic, took a few sips, took a deep breath and let out a comfortable moan.

She looked at Muradin and Magni who were talking and drinking with old Dailin not far away, and the old cow Kane was presenting the tobacco leaves carefully dried by the bloodhoof tauren to his comrades.

Even the green orc Va Locke was allowed to sit at their table.

But old Brian, who almost destroyed the world, was squeezed out by everyone and could only sit on the edge, drinking dull wine alone.

Moira held up the bottle and whispered to Boo Laike:

"My father apologized to me for his indifference and contempt for me in the past, for his desire for a male heir that made him overlook my own excellence.

It's really hard to imagine that a guy as stubborn as my dad would say so many heartwarming words to me at this momentous moment.

He seemed to have changed overnight.

He didn't even force me to return to Ironforge anymore. He said that he would let my two Uncles temporarily take charge of Ironforge's kingdom affairs with him until his grandson or granddaughter became an adult.

He was ready to accept a half-blood heir with Thaurissan's blood, and he would find a way to make the dwarves of Ironforge accept it.

He also praised my statecraft, saying that I turned the Dark Iron from a gang of pathetic thugs back into one of the dwarves.

But he doesn't know that all my methods of governing the country are learned from him. "

Moira chuckled a few times in a dwarven tone, took a sip of her wine, and said:

"He is my best teacher, and maybe the best father I can find. In fact, he is not the only one who has changed. I also truly experienced the pressure of a king when I helped Thaurissan govern the country.

I can even understand why my father always wanted a male heir, even in the freest and most chaotic Dark Iron Kingdom, not everyone can accept being ruled by a woman.

That has nothing to do with ability, it is purely almost unshakable traditional power.


Our obstinacy and feudalism are as strong as our strength. "

"I could actually turn you into a man."

Bu Laike blinked and said suddenly:

"With some wicked void magic, I can easily do this, not just physically, but even psychologically make you a male, and then turn Emperor Thaurissan into a Thaurissan 'Queen'.

But I think it's just self-deception, right? "

"Yes, this is the most stupid self-deception."

Moira put down the bottle, glanced at Bo Laike, and said seriously:

"If I had done what I have now as a man, I wouldn't have felt any joy or fulfillment, but now that I'm ruling the iron as a woman, I've done by myself what the world thinks only men can do." do.

That's what I consider success.

Fate let me be born as a woman, probably looking forward to seeing that I can achieve great things. This road is full of difficulties, but only in this way can I feel a sense of accomplishment.

Thank you, Bo Laike, my drinking buddy.

You gave me this chance. "

"No, I just gave you a slight push on the road that you must remember in the annals of history."

Bo Laike put the bottle to his lips, winked and said:

"Everything you do now is the result of your own efforts instead of relying on men's charity, which makes me admire your tough and independent soul even more.

So, forget about stupid fate.

Come, let's drink to the glory of Queen Moira! "

"Hahaha, cheers to my glory!"

Moira cheered, raised the bottle and clinked glasses with Laike.

But just when the two were about to talk about some lighter topics, a black iron dwarf covered in blood suddenly appeared in the teleportation point in the front hall. He clutched his cut stomach and walked towards Moira with difficulty. direction to climb over.

The queen was very surprised by this scene, and she immediately directed her guards to help the dwarf over.

"The holy hammer, the holy hammer and the scepter, have been taken away!"

The dwarf cried out in a hoarse, distressed voice:

"Quick! Your Majesty, go and chase it back. It's the Fire Demon King. It's the one who manipulated the holy object and is about to be taken to the realm of fire!


It's too late. Ah. "

The black iron dwarf who came to report the news endured the severe pain and fell to the ground with a scream. He was seriously injured but did not die. With the tenacious vitality of the dwarf, he only needed to be healed to survive.

However, the injury of his intestines being severed made it impossible for him to set foot on the battlefield for the rest of his life.

And the news he desperately brought back almost immediately shocked everyone present. The drunken dwarves yelled and picked up their weapons and rushed out.

But Muradin stopped them.

As Guardian of the Hammer, he has a special bond with the Hammer of the Archon.

He should have carried the war hammer anytime and anywhere, but because of the grand ceremony to be held today, he stored the hammer and the newly reshaped scepter of Valanaar with the guardian and waited for the ceremony to begin.

No one would have imagined that someone would dare to steal things in Ulduar, and no one would have imagined that the Fire Demon Lord had instigated it.

Isn't the elemental monarch too courageous?

Most importantly, how did it know what happened in Ulduar?

"It's too late, I can feel the hammer leaving the material world and entering a scorching place, damn it!"

Muradin rubbed his aching forehead and said to his fellow dwarves:

"This must have been premeditated!

Their speed would definitely not be so fast if it was a sudden initiative. The expedition team we organized must have had the eyeliner of the Fire Demon King, and we almost completed the forging of the hammer under its nose.

Damn, there is a traitor among us! "

In the next moment, the eyes of the others turned to Bu Laike.

This made the pirate very dissatisfied. He drank his wine and shouted:

"That's right, I planted Uncrowned spies in your expedition team to keep track of your whereabouts, but you don't think Ragnaros can bribe me to do things for it, do you?"

Facing the question from the pirates, all the God of War candidates including old Dai Lin nodded in unison.

Apparently, they thought Boo Laike could do it, and didn't the guy keep saying he could do anything for the price?

"Hey, how bad is my image in your hearts! Bastard, I have a bottom line, okay?"

Bu Laike was so angry that he wanted to drop the bottle, but the wine in the bottle was not finished yet, so he was not willing to drop the bottle because he was stingy.

He just looked at the others angrily, and said directly:

"If Ragnaros really bought me to plan all this, it would have to give me at least half of the power to rule the Realm of Fire, which is my accurate price assessment for such a task.

Do you think the Fire Demon King can afford this money? "

"makes sense."

The green-skinned orc Wa Locke nodded approvingly, and whispered to Old Kane beside him:

"This kind of lion's behavior of opening his mouth is indeed his personal style. The Fire Demon King can't afford this price. It seems that it is really not him."

"You don't have to guess."

Moira, who was very happy just now, clenched her fists with a disappointed expression, and she said:

"My husband is Emperor Thaurissan. I read the diary of the previous emperor before he died in Darkforge City. I know that when the Firelord cast a curse on the Black Iron clan, he borrowed the blood of the Thaurissan royal family. as a medium.

Once the Firelord activates this curse, the bloodline of Thaurissan will not be able to resist the slavery of the soul. Among the people here, only my husband has enough power to approach the stored sacred objects without being vigilant by the Titan guards. It's him."

Tears welled up in Moira's eyes.

It's not just her husband who loves her deeply.

As she stroked her flat belly, it was clear that after witnessing the power the Firelord had over Thaurissan's bloodline, she also began to worry about the fate of her unborn child.

"Don't be afraid, daughter."

At this moment, King Magni strode out, hugging his worried daughter tightly, and said in a fatherly tone:

"I will not allow that terrible future to come. No one can hurt my daughter or my grandson, not even the Firelord. You just rest here and wait for the outcome.

I will bring back cowardly Thaurissan for you, and I will defeat Ragnaros for you! "

"woo woo woo"

In this touching scene, the stinky pirate didn't know whether he was really drinking too much or just playing tricks. He wiped his eyes hypocritically, and said to Maiev who appeared beside him at some point with a blank expression:

"How touching, you cold-blooded priestess, why don't you cry?"

The word "Chuan" suddenly popped out on Maiev's forehead.

She wished she could give her shameful boyfriend a few punches now, with so many people watching, bastard.

"Thaurissan sent the holy object out of the material world, but the evil ritual of the Firelord was interrupted by His Royal Highness Little Star who happened to pass by there. The Black Iron Emperor is still at the Storm Peak, everyone."

Maiev glanced at Moira who was suppressing her sadness and made a strong expression, she whispered:

"It's time for us to go."

(end of this chapter)

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