Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1601 234. Fool Me With An Unfinished Product? Is This How You Treat Party A's Father?

Chapter 1601 234. Fool me with an unfinished product? Is this how you treat Party A's father?

Nefarian, or Victor Nefarios.

As the last Black Dragon Prince and the only surviving son of Deathwing, this guy undoubtedly inherited the "excellent qualities" of the Destroyer.

It is the most cunning and ruthless of all black dragons. Compared with its younger sister Onyxia's fear and rejection of her father, Nefarian regards her father as a role model and idol.

It is determined to help its father complete the mission of destroying the world, so as to gain control of the entire world in a ruined doomsday.

Well, this ruthless desire to be the king of the trash is something Bo Laike can't understand anyway, but considering that everyone has their own ambitions, the pirates decided not to comment on this aspect.

Anyway, it’s always good to have a dream. As for what the dream is, it doesn’t matter.

From Braike's point of view, the various actions of the Black Dragon Prince in the past period can be regarded as a very qualified villain. It is not as jumping as the Church of the Storm, nor is it as eager as the Old Gods to promote the plan of repeated defeats. .

It is very patient.

Under the cover of endless incidents, it methodically advances the important people entrusted to it by its father, so low-key that it makes people feel distressed.

Of course, because the Prestor family has always had a "tradition" of serving the Alliance, Nefarian inevitably became interested in the Kingdom of Stormwind, which is close at hand, while conducting his beloved "biological experiment".

Before the demons infiltrated Stormwind, there were already black dragon pretenders in that city, and that time happened to be when Shaw got the "Dragonfather's Fang" dagger from Braike, and the black dragons were originally very secretive. Unfortunately, Shaw's infiltration behavior was discovered by Shaw holding the dagger, which led to Nefarian and his black dragons being targeted by MI7.

Of course, there are some personal grievances mixed in.

It is said that in order to control Stormwind, the black dragon actually wanted to pretend to be Mrs. Mary, Shaw's lover, but they obviously didn't know much about Shaw's different orientation from ordinary people, so they were too proactive to expose them.

From the information Shaw showed to Bu Laike before, SI:7 almost got a complete picture of the situation inside Blackwing Lair.

While Laike was confronting Nefarian and its mighty creations at this time, under the secret instructions of the pirates, agents hidden in various parts of Blackwing Lair had also begun sabotage operations.

Chief Red, who had just received the compensation, even waved his hand, and asked Va Locke to lead the Kor'Kron Legion to attack the Black Dragon's line from below. The residual value is also stripped clean.

Speaking of which, Chief Red has always had the grand idea of ​​forming an "orc dragoon", so he might as well take advantage of this time to catch all the dragon eggs of the black dragons and those strange and colorful dragon experiments.

Even if you don't need it in the future, you can give it to Mrs. Guo Ya to sell it for a high price in the black market to subsidize your family or something.

And it's useless even if the black dragons rush out of the Blackrock Tower.

Queen Moira had long ordered the Dark Iron Dwarves to secretly build a ballista capable of injuring black dragons, and now thanks to the orc's tip-off, Emperor Thaurissan's guards were also assembled.

This wave.

This wave can be regarded as the unity of the upper and lower sides of Heishi Mountain, and they will completely tear down the black dragons who want to rule Heishi Mountain.

Blackrock Mountain is the Blackstone Mountain of the natives of Blackrock Mountain. This most famous place of chaos and lawlessness in Azeroth has never been a place where shameful black dragons can run wild.

In short, it is just one word, send!


The void impact thrown by Bu Laike to the sky was blocked by the huge and terrifying black dragon head of the huge world-destroying dragon beast Chromatus. The void power exploded on this head, and the aftermath of gloomy and howling energy smashed into pieces. Apart from a group of solid scales, it failed to cause more damage to the Mieshidramon.

Obviously because this thing's resistance to void has reached a very strong point.

The tentative attack was caught by the shaking-head-shaking dragon beast, reassuring the black dragon prince suspended in the air. It is still very confident in the creation it made with its own hands. This is the Destroyer created for the purpose of destroying the world.

This is also the crystallization of the outstanding evil wisdom of World Destroyer and Nefarian.

Although the lack of a powerful bronze dragon's head caused Chromatus' power to not reach its full potential, this monster designed to devour the four dragon kings should be enough for a pirate, right?

"This thing is very good, cool and cool and practical enough, I am really satisfied."

Before Nefarian could speak, Bu Laike spoke first.

He stared at the terrifying thing that was ferocious and powerful enough in front of him with a kind of admiration. During the investigation of Braike, the entry belonging to this thing quickly appeared in front of him:

Name: Perfect Colorful Dragon Doomsday Knell Chromatus

Race: Dragon Stitch/Twisted Aberration

Status: Power of four-color dragon · void stitch · energy infusion · soulless [unfinished]

Occupation: Level 60 Black Dragon Legendary Template/Level 60 Red Dragon Legendary Template/Level 60 Green Dragon Legendary Template/Level 60 Blue Dragon Legendary Template/Empty

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Black Dragon Lord Leader/Level 12 Red Dragon Lord Leader/Level 12 Green Dragon Lord Leader/Level 12 Blue Dragon Lord Leader/Empty

Mythical Occupation: Twilight Dragon King Devourer [unfinished]

Biological properties:

1. The power of the dragon:

Chromatus has the power of all the dragons transplanted into his body, and can perfectly inherit the power of the guardian dragon. For each additional head, the basic attributes, physical and energy destructive power of the Dragon King Devourer will increase by 100 %.

Current enhancement: 400%.

The upper limit of perfect strengthening: 500%.

2. Twilight of the Dragon King:

Chromatus is designed by Deathwing, produced by Nefarian, and born under the blessing of the Fallen Void, the "Dragon King's Enemy". Its fusion characteristics determine that each additional head will have all the power of the dragon of that color. able immune immunity.

For every additional head, the physical and magic defense of Dragon King Devourer will increase by 100%.

Currently enhanced: four-color dragon power resistance, ice, poison, fire, arcane, life and other dragon magic immunity

The upper limit of perfect enhancement: five-color dragon power immunity

Three. Perfect body:

After the stitching of Cromatus's body is completed, it will have the entry of the highest level [Fallen Will · Twisted Immortality] and will be immune to the concept of [Death].

Because it has no soul, it can be defeated and enter a [dormant] state, but it will never die, it will only be resurrected again and again.

Endless Hunt · Weakness Discovery:

The design of Chromatus is specially made to restrain the dragon king and the devouring dragon. While it has near-invincible immunity to all dragon powers, it will appear to be more than defensive but not powerful against other legendary races.

Perhaps it would be a good choice to send a strong non-dragon race to hunt it down.

In addition, the Devourer of the Dragon King has only the will to destroy and no soul, probably because no soul can control such a violent and twisted abyssal creation.

Bio Description:

Chromatus, perhaps more than any other evil creature on Azeroth, fits the legendary notion of "abomination."

It represents Deathwing's hatred and disgust for this world, and it is also a "farewell gift" to his fellow dragons, and even a "doomsday gift" from the Destroyer.

The exaggerated power entry of the creature in front of him made the pirate see the joy of obtaining the treasure. He even took out his dragon leather wallet and said to Nefarian:

"It's a really good thing, like a 23rd birthday present that a full-fledged pirate should buy early for himself, so I bought it and asked for a price.

As long as it's not too outrageous, I'll pay the bill. "

Bu Laike took out a few steel coins from his luxury wallet and tossed them up and down in his hands. He glanced at Nefarian again and said:

"Of course, this thing is still a semi-finished product. Considering that I am about to pay the money, I am your father, so I ask you to complete the stitching of its last head as quickly as possible. This is a very reasonable request. problem?

Speaking of which, do I have to pay for a remodeling fee for an expedited order? "

For Bu Laike's nonsensical question, the Black Dragon Prince didn't even bother to respond.

Chromatus is the creation of his father and his life's hard work, sell?

How could it be sold!

It's not about money at all.

What's more, the Black Dragon Prince has already sensed the chaos around the Black Wing, and he can sense that the human agents hidden in the Black Dragon's servants are trying to find a way to enter the closed Black Wing Blood Ring.

There are still many important experimental products stored there, and the Black Dragon Prince will not allow those bastards to mess around in his laboratory full of "professional equipment".

"Cromatus, knell of the end of the world, attack him! Kill him!"

Nefarian raised the scepter of Prestor in his hand and issued an order to his perfect creation.

In the next moment, amidst the roar of the four monsters, its four ferocious dragon heads of different colors raised simultaneously, blocking all directions and spraying terrifying breaths at the pirates.

The fire of life of the red dragon, the emerald venom of the green dragon, the icy breath of the blue dragon, the shadow flame of the black dragon, and the breath of time of the bronze dragon have gathered the power of the five guardian dragons.

Moreover, these four heads were definitely not randomly selected. Judging from their shape and the power of their breath, they were at least taken from the bodies of legendary adult dragons.

What is certain is that the black dragons definitely did not obtain these precious materials through peaceful means such as inquiries, requests, or bequests.

No wonder the other dragons' distaste for these lunatics was palpable.

Seeing that Bu Laike was submerged by the four-color dragon's breath, the Black Dragon Prince didn't want to stay for a long time. Anyway, staying with a dangerous ancient god is a matter of life.

Nefarian is a life-saving villain.

It threw a teleportation spell and disappeared into the hall that had been completely destroyed by the dragon's breath.

"I, Party A's father, haven't finished talking yet, you humble Party B wants to leave, how rude! Come back to me! Before you leave, I have a small question."

In the crazy spit of four-color dragon's breath, Bu Laike, who was not injured at all, was full of displeasure.

The dragon's breath from these four big heads is deadly, and it also has the power of a guardian dragon.

But the problem is that because Bo Laike's blood bar has grown enough to circle around Stormwind City, the magic shield that inherits a quarter of the value is of course thick enough to be as thick as the city wall.

Not to mention that the magic shield is refreshed every 30 seconds.

Up to this stage, it is basically impossible to kill Boo Laike by relying on the pure magical destructive power of an instant burst, unless there is still a chance for an outsider like Azshara.

He was upset, and Nefarian naturally didn't want to be happy either.

As the smelly pirate waved the scepter of Sargeras towards the sky, he forcibly sent Nefarian who had just left back to its original position.

Facing the frosty Black Dragon Prince, Bu Laike asked with his arms crossed:

"How on earth did you bring it to life? I've heard that Chromatus is a chaotic, twisted creation that requires a powerful infusion of energy to bring it to life.

You activated it while it was still in its incomplete state, you must have used some power wonder, let me guess. Focusing Iris? Right?

Arygos brought the Focusing Iris to the storm cliffs to recharge. In addition to releasing Yogg-Saron, he also wanted to find an opportunity to give the Focusing Iris to you?

But Little Star should have put the Focusing Iris back in the Eye of Eternity. So, Torchi the Eternal secretly got it for you? What a nuisance that guy is! "

"You arrogant mortal, I really don't have any interest in answering any of your crazy questions."

Nefarian really didn't want any more contact with Boo Laike.

Because its dragon perception is frantically alarming, with the identity and power of the son of the World Destroyer, as it spends more time with the stinky pirate, it rarely feels more and more uneasiness.

Especially seeing that Bu Laike was safe and sound under the attack of Cromatus' four-color dragon's breath, which made him feel the unfathomable depth of this pirate.

Perhaps it was luck that Bu Laike and his gang were able to repel its mighty Destroyer father in Dalaran back then, but now Bu Laike has obviously reached the point where he can truly confront Deathwing.

This guy in front of him is not an opponent that he, a "black dragon biologist" who is proficient in research, can deal with at all.

It must leave immediately!

Best to leave with Chromatus.

It's not safe here anymore.

However, wanting to run while Laike is already locked is something beyond Nefarian's ability.

The pirate mentioned Salamani, and the moonlight appeared in the flashing start, and appeared under the pillar-like front paws of the four dragon beasts again, starting with a whirlwind of blades.

Countless flying shadow knives hit the almost invincible defensive scale armor of the Dragon King Devourer in front of him.

The power attached to these throwing knives is weak.

But Laike was not so dizzy that he had to see the invincible defense of Cromatus and insisted on trying to penetrate it. He threw so many throwing knives just to gamble on a probability.

Well, it comes from the trigger probability of Elisande's legendary Anima Time.

Fortunately, the stinky pirates have always had good luck in battle. The first wave of group attacks triggered the mandatory time stop of the paradox of fate, and the world-killing dragon beast, which is almost immune to all dragon magic, was easily pulled into the time stop in the effect.

Like a horror frozen in the streamer of an old yellowing photograph.

Although compared with its absolute strength compared to Laike, the effect of this time stop does not last even more than a second, but for the best master assassin in Azeroth, one second is enough for him to do a lot of things.


The left hand of the flashing pirate clasped Nefarian's majestic and sinister chin with a masculine charm focused on scientific research.

He stared at the black dragon prince who wanted to fight back, and said:

"It still lacks a bronze dragon head, so it cannot be immune to all powers related to time. What a pity, you should wait for your perfect creation to be truly perfect before bringing it out on the street.

As a black dragon biologist, your mistake this time is really not rigorous.

Come on, open your mouth and let Dr. Bo Laike look into your brain. "


A ball of blood jumped out from the pirate's palm, and jumped into the mouth of the Black Dragon Prince. Although Nefarian transformed into a dragon and broke free from the pirate's control in the next moment, he was completely covered by a mouthful of shadow flames.

But the Black Dragon Prince always felt like he swallowed that thing just now.


What the hell is that?

(end of this chapter)

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