Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1602 235. If I Have Learned Anything From The Dark Wisdom, It Is That I Must Be Prepared Und

Chapter 1602 235. If I have learned anything from the dark wisdom, it is that I must be prepared under any circumstances

Bu Laike failed to catch the "time train" to the past, and was left alone in the now disorganized Blackwing Lair to face Nefarian and his terrifying creations.

This treatment sounds miserable, and people can't help feeling worried about the fate of the stinky pirates.

But in fact, as long as you compare the difference in combat power between the two sides, it is not difficult to find that leaving Bu Laike to face a black dragon is basically putting a Tyrannosaurus rex and a tiger in a cage.

Perhaps it is not Bu Laike who should be worried about his fate, but the poor and helpless Black Dragon Prince.

Its powerful lunatic father is still sleeping in Deep Rock Continent to recover his body, he has changed his mind and found a small fresh meat outside, and his pregnant mother has returned to Dellano's Gorgrond wilderness to give birth went.

Its loyal followers are being hunted by humans, orcs and dwarves, and its perfect but unfinished creation is the only one trying to save itself.

Regrettably, when Bu Laike kept throwing out the fan of knives and forced the Devourer of the Dragon King to stop again and again, Nefarian, who turned into a dragon, could only struggle to survive alone in despair.

It knew that it had swallowed something terrible, so it burned the flames in its body, trying to burn the horrible thing to death or force it out of the body.

But unfortunately, as an evil parasite, Drake's parasitism was not carried out through physical infection. The moment it entered Nefarian's body, it began to "pollute" the black dragon prince at the level of existence.

Scientifically speaking, at the genetic level.

Every drop of blood, every piece of flesh, every cell infected by the void is a battlefield for Drake to gallop, and Laike gives his "good baby" complete freedom.

Go make trouble.

Go devour it.

Go kill.

When he saw that something was obviously wrong, the drunken Black Dragon Prince wailed, flapped his wings and smashed through the collapsed wall, and flew to the sky beyond the Black Rock Mountain wrapped in flames, Bu Laike put his hand to his mouth, Shouted to exhort:

"Remember to leave him half alive, and don't damage his brain, I still need it."

In response to him, there were only bursts of wailing from Nefarian.

Braike landed on the ground of the Blackwing Lair that was destroyed by the incineration and corrosion of various dragon breaths, holding the Prestor Scepter left by Nefarian, and complaining that eating indiscriminately is a dangerous habit .

Then he glanced at the Dragon King Devourer who quickly entered an uncontrolled state because the creator left, and began to destroy without thinking.

The latter didn't have a soul to drive it, and only had a destructive instinct that was worse than a beast. After being completely released, it seemed to feel the difficulty and danger of Bu Laike, so it turned around and ran to the depths of the Blackwing Lair.

After all, even paramecium knows to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The pirates didn't chase after them, but just listened in place, and after a while, they heard the screams of the black dragon coming from the depths of the black dragon city. It seemed that the dragon king devourer had found a new target.

Or maybe it's simply hungry and wants to have a taste of the black dragons.

Under the ravages of such a destruction machine specially designed for slaughtering giant dragons, if the black dragons in Blackwing Lair cannot escape quickly, they will be slaughtered by the uncontrolled Cromatus within an hour do.

This means that, except for those black dragons who followed the dragon mother to Dellano, the black dragons who remained in Azeroth are likely to be wiped out today.

But what does this have to do with Bo Laike?

Not only did the kind-hearted stinky pirates not stop them, but they took out the dragon scales of the little star, so that the idiot writer hurriedly brought his blue dragon girl to Black Rock Mountain to join in the fun, and by the way, rubbed against this rare glorious achievement of destroying the black dragon army.

Anyway, for the bitter blue dragons, the black dragon is simply the root of all evil, and it would be best to die!

After notifying the little star, Laike glanced at the messy palace behind him again. After thinking for a while, he activated the power of the demigod to project a power projection of himself across the continent to the dome of the Nightspring in Suramar.

The pirate's power projection looked at the peaceful Eye of Aman'Thul under his feet, squatted down and tapped the surface of the artifact with his fingers, and soon, Elisande's phantom of time appeared from the violet light.

"What are you doing?"

This old-fashioned and serious Elisande said with a cold face:

"Why bother me studying magic?"

"Uh, I need you to have the Eye of Aman'Thul ready."

Bu Laike's power projection says to Elisande's vision:

"In a while, there may be three bronze dragons and an eternal dragon chasing and fighting each other in the past timeline. I think one of them may borrow this time relic."

"Preparation is fine."

Elisande's time phantom nodded, and asked again:

"But how can you be sure whether it's a friend or an enemy? Let me ask a little simpler, do you need me to activate the Eye of Aman'Thul to a level that can isolate the flow of time? Or do you want to use this time relic as a Or lay a trap that can freeze time and space?

These are two completely different usage methods, you must give me a confirmation message. "

"Freeze, without a doubt."

The pirate quickly made his choice, saying:

"Regardless of whether it is our own people or enemies, freeze them.

As soon as this side responds, I will send it over immediately to solve the trouble. Oops, the Eye of Aman'Thul is so annoying, the Scepter of Sargeras will be disturbed within its effective range.

Anyway, buy me some time. "

"Is it you who really hate it?"

Elisande's vision looked Boo Laike up and down, and she complained:

"You have also interfered with the time magic by becoming the Old God, and you should try to stay away from here as much as possible in the future, Your Excellency Laike, the holy object of order related to time like the Eye of Aman'Thul will reject your existence.

You don't come near until I'm done freezing. "

"I know, I know, it looks like I've stepped up to the next level of obnoxiousness, and I don't know whether to celebrate this improvement or feel sad."

The pirate's projection shrugged, and dissipated on the dome in the next instant.

Elisande's vision of time turned and merged into the Eye of Aman'Thul, and soon the titan relic began to spin.

A dastardly trap has been set for time travelers at the behest of Braike, just who will be the lucky one to jump into the trap first?


At the beginning of Dark Portal 7, the Burning Plain Alliance and the Horde battled on the edge of the battlefield.

A black dragon was running desperately, she was flying almost close to the ground, and a terrifying black shadow was chasing after her. The appearance of these two behemoths made the alliance knights who were fighting the orcs on the edge of the battlefield couldn't help but look up. Look.

"Keep running backwards! You idiot, she's right behind you, don't stop! Come towards me!"

The voice of Time Tinker Toki, who was hiding at that point in time, echoed in the ears of Sefiel and Chromie in her arms. Obviously, that cunning guy was guiding the escape route of the two fleeing bronze dragons.

Chromie was imprisoned for a long time and was very weak, so he could only be taken away by Sefiel.

But Sefiel's problem is that her body at this time is that of a black dragon. Although it does not affect her use of time magic on weekdays, at the current speed of life and death, the disadvantage of "mismatch" between her soul and body caused her It is impossible to get rid of the Eternal Dragon Toki who is chasing after him in the escape through time.

"Quick! Hide to the right!"

Chromie, who was riding on the back of Sefiel Dragon, yelled, and Sefiel rolled thousands of degrees in the air with great difficulty, narrowly dodging the Shisha breath from behind.

But the black dragon dodged the breath, which made the mortals below suffer bad luck.

The mortals who were blown by the Eternal Dragon's time-sand breath fell into the vicious circle of time chaos one after another. Some people were instantly changed from their 20s to their forties or fifties, and some were regressed back to their teens.

The most outrageous thing is that a few unlucky or lucky knights who were cut down by the orcs and had seen the souls of the other side world about to be separated, were covered by the time sand in the sky, and were returned to the state of life and death in the next instant.

Of course, the enemies they hacked to death also came back to life.

But it doesn't matter, just kill it again.

"For the alliance!"

These knights who came back from the dead felt that this was the grace of the holy light, so they rushed towards the green skins one by one with full morale.

More people looked at the black dragon that was still chasing in the clouds and the strange giant dragon wrapped in black smoke behind it.

But the scuffle caused by these two battlefield troublemakers did not last long. A few minutes later, seeing that Sefiel was really unable to avoid the fierce Eternal Toki's pursuit, Chromie, who was riding behind Sefiel, gritted his teeth and followed The guiding coordinates of the hidden bronze dragon Toki reversed the hourglass of time Seifel gave her.

In the next moment, Sefiel and her figure disappeared in the khaki time vortex flying all over the sky.

Losing her target caused the Eternal Torchi to hover in the air. The dark dragon of time sneered. She spent a few seconds sorting out the timeline, then raised her head and roared into the time vortex opened by her in the next moment.

This timeline has been abandoned, and the future is so chaotic that Sefiel and Chromie have no way to escape to the future, they can only flee all the way to the past.

It's a dire impasse for war on the timeline.

Because the future can continue forever, and the past always has an end, the more Sefiel and Chromie escape to the past, the closer they are to the end.

The most wonderful thing is that in a chaotic timeline, the only ones that the bronze dragons can call to fight are the weak ones in the past, and they cannot call the strong ones in the future to join the battle.

Although this limitation also works against Eternal Dragons, Torchi the Eternal, who has killed many normal Torchis, is already strong, and she doesn't need to call for a fight on her own.

Overall, this is a chase with a foregone conclusion.

But Toki obviously underestimated Sefiel and Chromie, or she underestimated the normal version of herself. The combination of these three bronze dragons performed a tough job for the eternal Toki in the next second.


The mighty Eternal Dragon Toki flapped his wings and rushed into a new time point with the chaotic sands of time. Before he had time to look around, he felt a deadly danger approaching.

She only had time to gather the black wings in front of her body, and tried her best to release a time-suspended magic towards her body.

In theory, this magic can stop all attacks on her.

But this time, it didn't work!

There was a loud "boom", and a sharp arrow of void essence flew out from under the boiling Lordamere Lake. The time-stop magic slowed it down a bit but failed to stop it completely.

Then, in the high-speed rotation, this terrifying thing of destruction carried the deep malice from Deathwing, and slammed on the wings of the eternal Torch like a fierce fist.

This scene is like a reenactment of the "Death of Sefiel", the only difference is that Sefiel, who was supposed to face the arrow of source matter, was replaced by the eternal Torchi.

Then there was an ear-piercing and low-pitched wailing sound that echoed in the night sky on the night that Sefiel was killed by Deathwing six years before the Dark Portal.

While the goals changed, the results remained the same.

Whether it's the young dragon Sefiel or the Eternal Torch who is much stronger than her, they will all be seriously injured and near death in the face of Deathwing's full blow.


Almost at the moment when Toki the Eternal was hit by the elemental arrow thrown by Deathwing, Sefiel, who was watching this scene from the sidelines, rubbed his forehead and let out a scream, twitching all over his body and fell to the ground with a disgraced face. Between Chromie and Toki, the Time Tinker who has already hidden here, laying a vicious trap for his "evil twin".

Under the watchful eyes of the two little dwarf bronze dragons, Sefiel's spirit body, which fell to the ground, was "pushed" out of Onyxia's body, and her figure kept going back and forth between illusion and reality. beat.

"You're crazy!"

Worried about his friend, Chromie grabbed Toki's collar angrily, and screamed at Toki who was wearing big glasses:

"In order to kill your lunatic Toki, you actually changed the fate of my Safir! Are you trying to kill her?"

"Don't be stupid, Chromie."

Time Tinker Toki took out a peculiar clock and twisted it a few times, and put it in Seifel's hands. With the ticking of the hands, Sefiel's chaotic situation was quickly calmed down.

The normal version of Torchi whistled triumphantly and said:

"Do you think I'm as reckless as you?

I have used the knowledge I learned from Nozdormu when I bet with Nozdormu to set a 'circle of time' for this night. All traces will be erased.

Sefiel must die here, then meet Boo Laike, and fall hopelessly in love with him.

This part of fate will not change.

I searched all over this timeline, only to find this time point that can set a deadly trap for the Eternal Dragon. During this time, I have been hiding here, patiently staring at the Eternal Torchi to take the bait.

Fortunately, the three of you acted as excellent bait and finally caught her out of hiding. "

After finishing speaking, Toki grabbed a monocular and looked in the direction where the source matter arrow exploded.

She saw Toki the Eternal flapping his badly damaged wings and torn abdomen miserably, opening a vortex to other time points in his painful wailing.

Time Tinker Toki cheered. She rubbed her hands and said to Chromie who was holding Sefiel:

"Hurry up! Come with me, we must kill the Eternal Toki before dawn, otherwise she will recover after getting rid of the circle of time. This is our only chance to win in this timeline."

"Take...Take this!"

The spirit body of Sefiel in pain pointed to the hourglass of time at Chromi's hand, she returned to Onyxia's body with difficulty, and said to the two bronze dragons:

"It's made of the Age Stone. I made it myself. Smashing it can create a time stop that freezes time. That's what Bu Laike taught me. Be prepared for any...time."

"Cool! Little sister, I'm starting to like you."

Time Tinker Toki snatched Sefiel's time hourglass, turned into a bronze dragon with a cry, grabbed the hourglass and chased after the time when the Eternal Toki escaped.

"Let's go too!"

Sefiel said to Chromie:

"I'm in so much pain, I can't fly anymore, you carry me to fly."

"No, Sefiel."

The disheartened Chromie grabbed the hand of her good sister, and she said in a crying voice:

"Let me take you out of this timeline, we leave forever, we don't participate in these shitty things, it's my fault that I didn't take care of you, give me a chance to make amends.

Just let Crazy Toki deal with her troubles, I'll take you to my timeline and find Somirian Dragon Queen to heal you.

Look at you, my poor Sefiel, what a life you've been living all these years, bruised and bruised from falling in love with that hateful pirate. "

"Don't cry, idiot."

Weak and trembling hands were placed on Chromie's cheeks, the painful Sefiel stared at her, tried to smile, and said:

"Bronze dragons will never give up on a compatriot, Chromie, you taught me this young dragon when you were very mature, why is it my turn to teach you now?

Falling in love with Bou Laike didn't make me miserable either, it was the best time of my life.

As for my death, I never blamed anyone.

Let's go, let's help Torci.

This is the last thing I can do for the bronze dragonflight in this timeline. And Bu Laike guessed that your dark body is also here, and she is hiding in the dark waiting for a chance to catch us all.

It's not just saving her, it's saving you, idiot!

go, hurry up.

We have no time to waste. "

(end of this chapter)

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