Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1608 241. I Appoint You As The Chief Time Exploration Officer Of The Undead Fleet--Jiagen 【6

Chapter 1608 241. I Appoint You as the Chief Time Exploration Officer of the Undead Fleet——Jiagen [625]

As his strength grew and the enemies he faced became more and more terrifying, Laike seldom took the initiative to negotiate terms with others.

Because if you want to take the lead in negotiating conditions, you need to have the support of strength, and the current strength of the stinky pirates is obviously not enough when facing those super bosses.

For example, he can't offer the position of leader of a pirate faction to lure fraudsters from the Burning Legion, nor can he expect to use his growing wealth to bribe Emperor Denathrius to serve him.

When you can't give enough benefits, negotiating terms is just asking for humiliation.

Blaike is obviously not a person who will make trouble for himself, but today it is rare to meet a guy who is not inferior in strength and has been trapped in a desperate situation. Tired back and forth.

When Braike proposed to negotiate terms, the eternal tyrant trapped in the eyes of Aman'Thul suddenly became terrified. She was very tired because of excessive blood loss and serious injuries, but she still screamed and did something to the stinky pirate. A "da baa" action.

"No! I refuse!"

Dark Chromie screamed:

"Don't think I haven't done my homework!

Ever since you were reborn as a pirate, none of the guys you negotiated terms with have ended well! In my opinion, Ni's so-called "negotiating conditions" is nothing more than a noose for probation.

That would only make me suffer more, and finally die in despair!

I reject! "

She covered her ears and screamed palely:

"I don't even want to hear a single venomous word from your viper's mouth! Go away, stinky pirate! Don't pollute my dark heart!"

"Oh, oh, very smart."

Bu Laike was not angry because of Dark Chromie's rejection. On the contrary, he looked at the miserable Eternal Tyrant in front of him with great interest. After a few seconds, he said:

"Then have you ever thought about a question, my dear Dark Chromie.

You're not the only smart person in the world, you can see things that other smart bastards can see, and many of them also know that negotiating terms with me is a very bad choice.

But guess, why do they still obediently sit at the negotiating table when they know it is very dangerous?

Or, let me put it in a more direct way. "

The pirate bent down with his hands behind his back, staring at the desperate Chromie cut off from normal time, he said:

"Have I ever given you the right to refuse? You just refuse here. Do you have the strength? Just refuse this and that.

In addition, from my professional perspective of killing people for many years, if you persist in this injury for at most three hours, you will die miserably due to the loss of two-thirds of the blood in your body.

The wounds caused by vengeful executions cannot be healed in a short period of time, and the arrow of void essence gifted by Deathwing is also taking advantage of your weakness to crazily corrode your body and spirit.

Are you starting to see visions and hear phantom sounds?

It's a good sign, my dear Chromie.

This means you have been watched by the will of the Fallen Void.

Perhaps the thoughts of truth in the dark sea of ​​truth will soon find you, entangle you, trap all your reason and will and sink into the dark sea of ​​truth.

If you make it to the end, then you'll be blessed with the void and become a terrifying void creature.

If you can't hold on, it doesn't matter, you will get some bonus tentacles, eyeballs and twisted flesh as a 'consolation prize'. "

Having said that, Bu Laike let out a light laugh.

He shook his head and stood up straight, took out the pipe and put it in his mouth, and slowly lit the tobacco. As the first puff of smoke rose, he said to the dark Chromie whose face was becoming more and more desperate:

"I'm a patient enough man, and I happen to have nothing else to do right now, so I can stand here and admire your embarrassment as the Void or Death seeks you for the next three hours.

I will appreciate your miserable plea for mercy.

I will regard your wails begging me to save you as a beautiful treat.

I will reject you when you are most desperate, and even stretch out my hand to give you a gentle push, enjoying the joy of witnessing your sobbing when you fall into the abyss.

Well, if I say that, will it appear that I am perverted? "

The stinky pirate looked back at the time phantom of Elisande behind him. The serious and boring latter nodded, gave a thumbs up, and said seriously with no expression on his face:

"In my 10,000 years, I have never seen a perverted guy like you."

"Well, let me take that as a compliment."

The pirate curled his lips. He looked back at the Eternal Tyrant, and even took out an exquisite hourglass suspended in front of him. He knocked on the crystal shell of the hourglass, and said in that crisp voice:

"Tick tock, time is passing. Don't you eternal dragons always like to threaten others with 'time'? Then, let me tell you, your time is running out."

Dark Chromie is a big villain who has destroyed many timelines. Of course she knows that Bo Laike is deliberately using words to arouse the fear in her heart, so that she will be overwhelmed by fear and eventually become a plaything in the hands of stinky pirates.

But she knew that it didn't mean she had the means to resist.

Because even for an Eternal Dragon who can freely travel through time, fear is something she can't control, especially when she sees the quicksand in the damn hourglass in front of Bo Laike keeps falling.

That was a real torture for Chromie.

She is Time Dragon.

Even though she is blackened, she is still very sensitive to time. The dripping of the hourglass is like a clock whose hands are constantly rotating.

What's worse is that she doesn't know if it's due to psychological factors, but Chromie actually heard strange whispers in her ears, and visions of the past kept flashing before her eyes.

She felt herself getting weaker and weaker.

Whether it is physical or psychological, she urgently needs an outlet to release all the fear in her heart.

"I'll negotiate terms with you!"

Dark Chromie bit her lip and said:

"Speak, I'm listening."


Bu Laike blinked his eyes in surprise, he stared at Chromie in front of him like an ignorant kid, his gaze made the Eternal Tyrant shudder.

After a few seconds, the pirate said:

"Is this how you negotiate terms with a villain who controls your life? I think you should at least be sincere in this situation, right?

Or do I throw my disrespectful you to my Drake and let him teach you the rules?

That's okay, we still have a lot of time to waste.

At least I have plenty of time. "

"I'm wrong!"

Now that he has decided to bow his head, the Eternal Tyrant doesn't care about such things as the dignity of the strong.

Faced with Bu Laike's deliberate difficulty, Dark Chromie fell to her knees helplessly, and with the expression of a poor dwarf in distress, she begged helplessly:

"Give me a chance! I can help you. I'm an evil eternal dragon with no bottom line. Your first mate, Sefiel, is a stupid er, I mean a pure bronze young dragon.

She has just grown up and has poor control over time.

What she can do for you, I can do better and without psychological burden.

If you give me a chance, my evil and powerful captain, I can go back in time now and nip your enemies in the bud.

I can also help you fine-tune your past to make it more perfect without affecting your life.

Aren't you worrying about your relationship with Fenna Jinjian?

That's easy!

I can go back in time and modify Fenner's origin so that she has nothing to do with you, so you can."

"Stop, stop!"

Seeing that the Eternal Tyrant was getting more and more outrageous, Laike waved her hand to make her stop, the pirate rubbed his chin, looked at the pale but flattering Dark Chromie with weird eyes, he said in surprise:

"Is this kind of thing really possible? I heard Sefiel and Toki say that any action to modify my life will lead to the collapse of this timeline."

"They know shit!"

When mentioning his field of expertise, Dark Chromie suddenly became energetic.

She clutched her bleeding stomach and said triumphantly:

"Bronze dragons are a bunch of pathetic bastards who only obey boring dogmas. They have the power to change time but stick to meaningless order and rules.

This self-restraint makes them completely unable to understand the beauty of time.

And we Eternal Dragon don't care about these.

We are free to travel through various timelines. We are not deliberately provoking war, my evil captain, we are just trying to add more possibilities to the unchanging fate.

Occasionally something gets out of hand and the whole timeline collapses, but that's not a big deal, and we don't need so many meaningless identical timelines anyway.

In such continuous attempts, we have summed up a set of rules that are fortunately effective.

In a situation like yours, of course you cannot move at critical points in your life, just like the load-bearing walls of a tall tower, and if you tear it down, it will lead to dire consequences.

But on some non-critical nodes, we can let us play.

Not to mention modifying the origin of the idiot Fenner, as long as you want, I can even make Mrs. Jinjian and her daughter fall in love with you. Maybe you want to win the Windrunner Family Grand Slam? "

"Ugh, this is so evil, you nasty Eternal Dragon, I'm starting to think it's a bad choice to negotiate terms with you."

Bu Laike immediately covered his ears, lest this villain Eternal Dragon continue to pollute his pure pirate heart with dirty thoughts, he immediately changed the subject of the fuck, he asked:

"Then have you heard of the 'Circle of Destiny'?"


Bu Laike's question caught the Eternal Tyrant at once. Dark Chromie blinked curiously, coughed up blood, and said in a weak tone:

"Where did you hear the professional vocabulary in this field of time? I have only heard of this theory in legends. It is the ultimate version of the concept of the 'circle of time' that weak chicken Toki used to entrap Eternal Toki.

But it is not such a low-level thing as a period of time that loops forever, it is an almost impossible link completed on the track of fate with the power of time.

It is said that once the circle of fate is formed, it cannot be cracked unless the flow of the timeline is cut off from the source

Well, I see! "

Dark Chromie clapped her hands suddenly, this action made her wound twitch and roll all over the floor, but she still gritted her teeth and said tremblingly:

"I know why you appeared 10,000 years ago, that is your circle of destiny!


You have set yourself a trap of eternal loop, eternal loss, and no escape, hahahaha, I am beginning to pity you, Bu Laike Shaw.

But you must love that woman very much.

Otherwise, a conscienceless bastard like you wouldn't let yourself fall into that terrible vortex. You must have taken the initiative to travel through time for a terrible purpose. "

"Hey, don't you think it's not a good thing for you to talk so much in this situation?"

Bo Laike's expression turned cold.

He stared at Dark Chromie and said:

"I'm beginning to feel that you're becoming more and more annoying, so let you rot here, don't worry, I'll come back to collect your body after you fall into the void or die.

It won't let you expose your corpse to the wilderness, that would be too 'wasteful'. "

"Oh, I was wrong, I was wrong, boss, give me another chance."

Dark Chromie coughed twice in embarrassment, she lay on the ground and said to Bo Laike:

"Give me a chance, I will do whatever I want to help you, I don't want to die, I turned black into an eternal dragon not to die in an abandoned timeline.

I still have so many unknown futures to explore, so many tragic pasts not to change, I've had enough of watching all the tragedies happen and feeling helpless.

Actually, I'm not a bad person

The timelines I destroyed had their own reasons for their destruction. In a sense, I just helped those people 'rest in peace'.

You should be able to understand that sometimes it is not a good thing to live long in times that are destined to be tragic. "

"Of course you can quibble, and I can choose not to listen, and I have no interest in what you have done in the past."

Bo Laike has lost interest in the conversation.

He no longer took pleasure in teasing Dark Chromie, he yawned and said straightforwardly:

"I will let you leave this timeline, Eternal Tyrant, as I said, I have no interest in your soul, but only your soul, and I will arrange a 'warden' for you.


Come here, I know you're watching from the sidelines. "

Bu Laike called out, and the time tinker Toki jumped out from the invisible place with a whoosh, and beside her was Chromie and Sefiel, who had just been brought back by her from ten thousand years ago.

The three girls took time to take a shower and change their clothes, and now they appeared in a refreshed posture.

They stared at Dark Chromie, especially the normal Chromie, with a sensual complex look, the light in her eyes was indescribable.

"As the Prince of the Watchers, I appoint you as the honorary warden. From now on, the soul of Dark Chromie will be held in your custody, and you will take her out of this timeline until everything is settled."

Bo Laike held the scepter of Sargeras, and tapped on the watch shoulder armor on both sides of the excited Toki's shoulders, like an honor.

He said:

"I will leave my mark of the Old God on Dark Chromie's soul, once she escapes from captivity, that mark will take effect immediately and dedicate her to the will of the void.

If you don't want her to die without a burial, you should perform your duties well. "


Crazy Time Tinker Toki pumped her fists as she shoved her golden monocle goggles that made Kazilan's big eyes scream:

"I will be responsible to the end! I will be the eternal jailer of the eternal tyrant. It is my honor as a time hunter! Lord Laike."

"As for you, Eternal Tyrant."

Bu Laike stared back at the dark Chromie, who looked hopeless but somewhat grateful, and said:

"Before I release you, I will appoint you as the 'exploration officer' of the undead pirates in the time network. You just said that you are eager to see more of the future.

Coincidentally, this is also my prophet's wish.

Give up destruction and destruction, follow Toki to wander around in the time network, and mark those interesting timelines. After I finish this timeline, I don’t mind going to other parallel worlds to play. . "

The pirate grinned, then turned his head and stretched out his little finger to the surprised Toki, and said:

"Last time you said that your timeline also needs the help of a mighty prophet like me? Very good, we made an agreement in advance, and when I get tired of this world, I will ask you to pick me up.

But you know, Toki, it is very expensive to ask me to help, so I hope that you can prepare in advance a reward that will satisfy me. "

"Okay, I'll go back and get ready!"

Toki gave a cheer, and ticked off Laike with his little finger.

A few minutes later, when Bo Laike took Sefiel and Chromie away from Nightfountain, Sefiel seemed to want to say something, but the pirate put his hand on his lips.

He looked at the Shadowsong ancestral house on the edge of Suramar city, and said softly:

"Don't tell me. Leave me some expectations."

(end of this chapter)

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