Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1609 242. As A Future Mother, I Want To Warn You About Something...--Jia Geng【7/25】

Chapter 1609 242. As a future mother, I want to warn you about something. - Jiageng【725】

In the abandoned timeline, the time tinker Toki who solved her "dark twin" once and for all is very happy. Without the obstruction of the eternal Toki, she is full of hope for the future dragon life.

She didn't plan to stay in this timeline for long, after Braike used the evil means of the Old Gods to completely strip the dragon soul of the weak Eternal Tyrant, she was branded with Dark Chromie in the early morning of the next day The soul of Aman'Thul left this timeline.

Didn't even run to Shadowsong Manor to say goodbye to Bo Laike.

However, she left a few time clocks carefully prepared by herself as a parting gift to Safir, because Safir destroyed all the hourglasses of the Era Stone that he carefully made in order to save her and Chromie.

This made Toki somewhat embarrassed.

And her departure basically announced the end of the affairs related to the Black Dragon and Chromatus. Nefarian died at the hands of the out-of-control Dragon Beast, and most of its Black Dragon Legion was eaten by the Dragon King Devourer. .

The remaining ones died in the hands of the secretly backstabbed Blackstone Legion and the prepared SI:7. It is said that several black dragon heads were chopped off and sent back to Stormwind. The child king... er, no, the child emperor hung them up At the gate of Stormwind City, it was announced that the human empire had defeated the evil black dragon's plot against human civilization when it was just rebuilt.

It has to be said that the deterrent power of a few giant dragon heads is still very strong, and the people of the entire Stormwind Kingdom spread word of mouth for a while.

In fact, Bo Laike thought the behavior was silly.

In addition to enhancing the majesty, it has also attracted unnecessary malice to the Stormwind Kingdom. If Deathwing returns to the arena in the future, then Stormwind City with the head of the black dragon hanging on it will definitely become a "priority target."

But since this is a direct instruction from the child emperor, it means that Varian Wrynn must have his own ideas.

He didn't give Bo Laike extra work allowances, and the Pirates obviously didn't need to talk too much.

Besides, he's busy right now.

"Come on, open your mouth, be good."

In Maiev’s room in Shadowsong Manor, Bu Laike is holding a bowl of eight-treasure lotus seed porridge carefully prepared by the chef of the Pandaren and sitting on the side of the bed with an elf-style golden spoon, with a wooden face and expressionless face Lady Maiev was fed.

Maybe he wanted to show his tenderness, but seeing Maiev's clenched fists beside him, it was clear that his expression of concern was not caught by Ms. Shadowsong.

Maybe it was too sudden?

Anyone who wakes up in the morning and finds that there is an extra stinky pirate in their house who needs to feed themselves, will it be strange?

"Have you nothing else to do?"

Maiev whispered:

"Didn't I tell you not to appear in front of me for a month? You ruined all my good mood these days."


Bu Laike blinked and said:

"But why do I feel a sweet shyness in Ni's heart? You don't think you can hide your thoughts from an Old God, do you? My dear lady.

Duplicity will be punished. "

"You bastard!"

Veins popped out on Maiev's forehead, she turned her face away and said sullenly:

"Sefiel just got the body of the eternal dragon, why don't you go and see it? Although they are all time dragons, there is still a difference between the bronze dragon and the eternal dragon, right?

Aren't you worried that Sefiel will become crazy because of the darkness? "

"That troublemaker Chromie is watching, she is more professional than me in this regard."

Bu Laike blew on the rice in the spoon, and he patiently put the rice into Maiev's mouth, saying:

"Besides, even if Sefiel becomes bad, what loss does it have for me? I am already a bad guy, and she can be worse than me? You know, when I am bad enough, the world is in It is very beautiful in my eyes.”


Maiev lowered her head and complained, and after a few seconds, she said:

"I'm going to Mount Hyjal in a few days, and my younger brother wrote to tell me that the Sisters of Elune knew about the Guardians' trip to Argus, and the priests also said that the moon god also sent an oracle.

Lady Elune wants us to join in, because one of the trapped titan souls has a very strong connection to the living force.

Tyrande is calling for me, and she wants me to be a part of the operation. "


The pirate smiled, put down the bowl, wiped Maiev's mouth with his hand, and said softly to her:

"I don't allow you to go! Stay in Azeroth honestly for me. You have to understand that you can't run around in your current situation, because of reasons that you and I both know."

Maiev bit her lip.

Although Laike's tone is gentle, the coercive meaning in it is as cold as iron.

"You know, if that's what's bound to happen, even if you tie me up, I'll have an accident too."

Lady Shadowsong reached out and took Bo Laike's hand, and she whispered:

"Aren't we ready for this? You promised me that our story will not end with this, that we will be together throughout eternity after the loss has been overcome.

I know you're a good liar.

But I believe that you are telling the truth this time. You bastard teased me with prophecy, which made me start to look forward to the future. For this reason, I no longer even resist the doomed separation. "

"It's not a question of being ready or not."

Bo Laike sighed, he glanced out the window at the beautiful daylight, and said:

"I'm just not interested in experiencing the so-called inevitable loss, you know, if something happens to you, I will be very sad, and it may destroy the world because of it.

So, give the world a chance, shall we? "

"I promise you, I will protect myself."

Maiev reached out and lifted Bo Laike's chin, and she said seriously:

"If it's really time to say goodbye, you have to promise me not to shed tears, tears represent sad things, but the future you promised me is a beauty full of warmth and hope.

You have to send me away with a smile, and then take me back from the world on the other side with a smile.

I will wait for you.

Whether it's a thousand years or ten thousand years, it's just another long wait, but I'm used to it. "

"One thousand years? You really want beauty."

The pirate pouted, stretched out his hand to hold Maiev in his arms, and said in a low voice:

"One year feels like a long time to me. Who made my Ms. Warden such an attractive woman? I will do it as soon as possible. This time I won't make you wait for 10,000 years.

I swear. "

A few minutes later, the pirate came out of Maiev's boudoir with a bowl in his hand. He kept pouring the delicious porridge into his mouth with a spoon on his expressionless face.

When walking into the garden with a strong elf style, Bu Laike suddenly stopped, looked around, and said:

"Did you come out by yourself, or did I take you out of time? You troublemaker, why don't you go to see Seifel? What are you doing here?"


Amidst the noisy and energetic voice, Chromie, wearing the time traveler's holy costume, jumped out of the invisible time with her head poking her head. She was suspended in the air, as if stepping on a cloud of khaki smoke that was endlessly flowing .

The dwarf bronze dragon with a strange ball head raised its head and stared at the expressionless Bo Laike. She said curiously:

"I thought you would stop her. You should know that if Maiev goes to Argus, she probably won't be able to come back. After all, there are too many dangerous things in that world.

But you would agree to her going there, are you really a person who believes in fate? "

"No, I just know what to expect in Argus."

Bu Laike raised his head and poured the porridge from the bowl into his mouth in one gulp. While chewing, he mumbled:

"What will happen there is not just a war of order and chaos, nor just saving a few titan souls, but the killing and death that will happen there will affect the stars forever.

This is a future that none of you bronze dragons or chaotic eternal dragons can see.

But I can see it.

Perhaps soon, I will receive another 'reward', a reward that is destined to make me a lot of money with a high price. Speaking of which, why do you still rely on my timeline? "

The smelly pirate turned to look at Chromie, and said:

"The Eternal Tyrant has been dealt with, and you and Sefiel have also met. You have said everything you need to say, and you have talked about the past. As a member of the Quicksand Scales, you should not be so idle as you are now." ?

Are you not afraid that the Bronze Dragon Legion will punish you for being so open and aboveboard? "

"I was supposed to go."

Chromie, with freckles on her cheeks, shook her head and said:

"But Toki said that she would ask for leave for me after I go back, so I still have a few days of vacation to play. For the bronze dragon, the rounding of a few days is equivalent to a magnified vacation.

I'm going to spend a few more days with Sefiel.

This should not affect the married life between you two, right? "

The cheerful and noisy bronze dragon tilted her head and looked at Bo Laike with a smirk, and she whispered:

"Let me tell you quietly, Sefiel is shaping her new image, she wants to shape my dark twin's body into an image that best suits your aesthetics.

But what is Fei doing?

Wouldn't it be nice to become a fierce elf? Who doesn't know on the Internet all the time, men in the Proudmoore family like elves, this is your tradition! "

Bo Laike took his fist off Chromie's head blankly, saying:

"Small people, don't imitate other people's yellow accents. It doesn't match your image. Tell me, why did you come to me?"

"Of course there is something to do!"

Chromie hugged her head and cried out in pain.

She rode the vortex of time sand under her feet and flew back and forth, stood still in front of the pirate, raised her head high, put on a serious posture, coughed twice, and said:

"Since my best friend Sephiel is going to use my dark twin's body as her 'battle suit', according to her and what I sneaked into the library of your great wizard's magic salon last night to peek at the next Phase Flesh Reincarnation Pilot Project, I know you still have to use Dark Chromie's dragon egg to do a real 'rebirth' for Sephiel.

Frankly, I was moved.

If any male did this for me, I would absolutely die crying.

But Sefiel uses my body that will be blackened in the future, and will use my eggs to resurrect, so in theory, on the basis of being her good girlfriend, I will soon be upgraded to become her mother.

So cough cough"

Chromie clenched her fists and coughed twice, and said with emphasis:

"Today I'm going to talk to you as a good friend and future mother-in-law. It's mainly about my 'daughter' dating you. I think I have enough identity and reason to intervene in this matter now. .”


A "Chuan"-shaped wrinkle appeared on Bu Laike's forehead. He gritted his teeth and said:

"You little dwarf, don't you deserve a beating!

That is the blackened you in the future. It is impossible for the present you to be blackened. That is equivalent to you in another parallel world. Apart from having the same name and the same past as you, what does she have to do with you? "

"Oh, you can't say that."

Chromie pouted and said:

"The meaning of this matter to us bronze dragons is different from the meaning to you mortals. For example, I have participated in the wedding ceremony of a future me with a dozen of me in the past.

We made a big fuss, which is the only fun for a bronze dragon.

You can't take my fun away.

You should treat Sefiel better in the future, I know that Xal'atath and Maiev have taken a lot of your energy, but you have to admit that Sefiel is the one who treats you the purest.

She doesn't fight or snatch, doesn't cry or make noise, unlike those coquettish sluts outside who are greedy for your body and your dark wisdom, she only loves giegie wholeheartedly.

Such a temper is destined to be eaten to death by you.

But she doesn't hate this way of getting along, so some words can only be said by me. you should hmm what are you doing? What are you going to do with that whistle laced with void power? "

"Oh, this one."

Bo Laike tossed a hollow bone whistle carved from the keel of a black dragon up and down in his hand, and he said to Chromie:

"This is the whistle of friendship that I use to summon my loyal friend Lord Drake, as long as I blow it like this, my Drake will come to me across thousands of mountains and rivers, and teach those The bastard who dared to talk nonsense to me.

Your dark twin was chased by it yesterday from now to the period of the battle of masters, which is quite a long distance.

For the sake of you being Seifel's good friend, I'll give you a 'discount' today. "

Bu Laike held the bone whistle in his mouth, stared at Chromie who was trembling and ready to flee, and said:

"You can run until God Tyr dies in battle today, but your speed must be fast, as a giant dragon, once you are bitten by Drake, it will be heart-wrenching.

So, time marathon, now. Start! "


The harsh whistle sounded in the garden, and Chromie jumped into the time vortex with a whoosh scream, and then there was the roar of Chromatus echoing in the time vortex that had not yet closed.

Along with Chromie's screams of fear and begging for mercy.

Bu Laike shook his head, threw the bone whistle back into his bag, and ignored the funny Chromie's time escape journey. He looked back at the Shadow Song's ancestral house, and then continued to walk outside.

After walking a few steps, he felt a burst of drowsiness. He was half asleep, and before the other party could ask, the pirate closed his eyes helplessly and said:

"The Bronze Dragon Legion hasn't come back yet, at least not in the near future. That dangerous thing is not for you, don't be afraid, it's just a method I use to maintain order in this world.

Also, don't harass me for the last few days, okay?

I am in a bad mood right now, my dear lord Ysera.

I don't want to have any nasty scandals with you anymore, and I think you don't want to taste the feeling of being chased and fled by monsters in the two dimensions of reality and dreams, right?

Oh, by the way, give me a word for the blue dragons.

If Little Xingxing can't be the Dragon King, I'll ask my friend Drake to go to the Magic Hub to reason with them. That's right, I'm threatening them. "

(end of this chapter)

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