Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1616 249. Be Stupid, You Can Shake People! --Add More【14/25】

Chapter 1616 249. Be Stupid, You Can Shake People! ——Add more【1425】

"Ah, the power of the Fire Demon King is invincible!"

In the face of the majesty of the three elemental lords, the Balrog Gatekeeper Ragnaros placed in front of the Sulfuron Fortress is really not worth mentioning.

Although this guy is powerful, he is also a ruthless character among the demigods in Azeroth, but obviously, ordinary demigods and elemental monarchs are two completely different concepts.

Even in the Realm of Fire, the place where flames originated, the other three elemental monarchs would also be weakened by the power of flames, but wouldn't it be easy for the three of them to instantly kill an ordinary demigod together?

And these elemental creatures especially don't talk about martial arts.

The most cunning tide hunter first used the power of the waves of the abyss to entangle and suppress the Balrog, and then the mother of stones sealed it in the power of the earth's stubborn stones, and the final blow was summoned by the wind chaser to "open the gate of heaven" ".

This level of combo let alone kills an ordinary demigod, even if the titan guardian comes, he will scream out in pain.

That poor demigod Balrog didn't even have time to struggle, and was split into hot obsidian residues that shattered all over the ground by the thunder that fell from the sky.

Its scattered elemental power only had time to shout for its lord, as if it was the same as losing a battle.

As the gatekeepers of the Fire Realm were killed, the burning flame bridge leading to the Saffron Fortress also cooled down rapidly, and finally a golden corridor was created, just like the stairs leading to the Lord of Firelord.

The elemental monarchs who had a lot of grievances with Ragnaros that needed to be settled were also welcome, and the Wind Chaser, who was imprisoned by the Fire Demon King for millions of years and almost died, was the first to step on the ladder.

It shouted the name of Ragnaros loudly, called out the power of thunder while running, and swayed the flashing thunder light forward to smash open the closed lava gate of Saffron Fortress.

This is equivalent to saying hello first when the enemy comes to the door.

Originally, this job should be done by the Stone Mother, but after thinking about it, the gentle Stone Mother doesn't mind leaving such an offending matter to His Majesty Sunderland, and the Tidehunter walks in the hands of the Stone Mother and the Wind Chaser. behind.

It seems gentle and modest, but in fact, he wants these two guys to help him get rid of the thunder.

In case the King of Flame prepared some terrible weapon in his court, he could be regarded as a scapegoat.

If it weren't for the titan guardians who are still busy collecting materials for the Battle of Argus in the Fireland, I believe the tide hunters will trick the guardians into being the first to go in with their rhetoric.

Seeing that the elemental army rushed across the bridge and went deep into the Saffron Fortress and started fighting with the fire elementals stationed there, a group of roaring dwarves also quickly crossed the bridge that seemed to be made of metal.

But when they were about to enter Saffron Fortress, they were blocked by Bu Laike and his party who suddenly appeared with the Scepter of Sargeras.

"This is to face the Lord of Fire Demon. Ordinary warriors can't resist its terrifying heat wave even if they wear armor forged by black iron dwarves. You stay here and help the elemental army wipe out the remnants of Ragnaros."

The pirate was very gentle, and stopped the dwarves as if to dissuade them. He glanced at the frowning Muradin and said:

"Take the Aegis of Aggramar, and go in with Kane, Hamuul, and Black Horn. Hisaly, you also go in with me, and let your followers stay outside the door and monitor Safra at all times. The change of the fire of Sri Lanka."


Everyone was very proud of the commander, Bu Laike. After he gave the order, except for some dwarf warriors who were eager to participate in the legendary battle, everyone quickly fulfilled the order.

Little Xingxing was already ready to bite the bullet and go in to face the Fire Demon King, but unexpectedly, Bu Laike didn't call her by name, which made Little Xingxing heave a sigh of relief.

But watching the pirates lead a few people into the Saffron Fortress that was bursting with flames, His Royal Highness Blue Dragon became a little worried again.

Although she has great confidence in Bu Laike's strength, she is also very smart, and she tastes something unusual from the seemingly ordinary arrangement of pirates.

From what she knew of Bo Laike, if all went well, the pirates wouldn't be so cautious.

This is Saffron Tower!

It is the most gorgeous place with the most hidden treasures in the Elemental Territory. If it is safe inside, then the pirates will definitely sneak in and grab it when the battle is going well.

There are oddities in it!

Little Xingxing immediately came to a conclusion. She pursed her lips, glanced at the letter in her hand that recorded the battle, hesitated for a moment, then turned into a dragon and flew in the direction of Lie Yan's breach.

Others thought that the legendary powerful blue dragon had lost interest in the next battle. After all, the three elemental monarchs were fighting against one, so no matter how they looked at it, they were sure to win.

But it is not.

After Little Xingxing left the Realm of Fire and returned to the Molten Core, she immediately contacted the Blue Dragon Princess Seianne in Coldarra.

"Quick! Bring over my Throne of Thunder God! The sooner the better."

Little Xingxing shouted to his knight princess in the magic communication:

"I have a feeling I'm going to need it next."


"Ragnaros! Lord of Fire, Balrog Lord of Tyrants, we have come to your domain! We are slaughtering your warriors, we are taking your throne"

On the lava bridge of the huge temple-like Saffron Fortress, the Windchaser called for the thunder to turn into spikes, killing the huge lava worms that kept rushing out of the magma lake to attack it.

These lava worms also grow in Azeroth, but it is impossible for flesh and blood in the material world to grow to the size of a serpent like the ancestor lava worms in the fire realm.

Apart from the fact that they can't fly, they are really different from giant dragons.

This is probably the monster shape created by Ragnaros in his own country, just like the storm dragon, jewel dragon and sea monster, it is a "specialty" of the elemental territory.

But unfortunately, in front of the angry Wind Chaser, these "pets" domesticated by the Fire Demon King are really not well-respected, and they are almost slaughtered at will.

But in the deepest part of the flame fortress, in the throne room of the Fire Demon King, there is no Balrog soldier guarding here, only the light and shadow of flames burning on the magma dance.

The Firelord seems to have given up resistance.

But those who are familiar with it know that this kind of tranquility is just like the moment of tranquility before the eruption of volcanic flames.

No one can be fooled by its tricks.

The tide hunter sneered and raised the trident of the abyss, the purple gemstone necklace on the chest of the stone mother also shimmered, and the wind chaser held the elemental holy blade and waited for it.

"Hammer! And scepter! There they are!"

Following behind the three-elemental monarch, Muradin, holding the shield of Aggramar in his hand, pushed his helmet, and he saw at a glance the two dwarf relics floating above the magma pool of the throne.

They suffer from horrific fires, but they are as tough as the ones who forged them.

They didn't show the slightest timidity in the burning of the fire of Sufras, just like the calm posture they had just forged to deal with the fire that could melt everything.

Muradin could see that the head of the ruler's warhammer had melted, which made him very anxious as a great blacksmith, since the melting of the one-piece sacred object meant that the entire weapon was at stake.

If they were a few days late, the dwarves would lose the possibility of the peace that the Three Hammers had sacrificed so much to bring back.

"Damn Lord of Fire Demon!"

Muradin was furious for a moment, but he didn't lose his mind. He grabbed the Titan's holy shield and strode forward, leaping over the vigilant three monarchs and rushing towards the flame platform.

The three elemental monarchs did not stop the slightly reckless mortal, the tide hunter and the stone mother "intimately" put shields on him, and Bu Laike did not stop Muradin's charge.

Good old Kane wanted to go with him, but was stopped by Laike.

The Shield of Aggramar has only one side, so it is enough to go to a pathfinder with courage and fearlessness.

When Muradin stepped on the throne of the Fire Demon King, with a deep roar that was as hot as the sun when it was burning, the Fire Demon King surged out of the magma pool of his throne.

Just like the scene witnessed when Bu Laike led people into the molten core, the rotating magma burst out with extremely high temperature, as if the air was burning.

With the roar of the iconic flame horns and the burning skull-like face shaped by Saffron Iron, the tide of magma that burned everything turned into meteorites and sent a wave of full-scale bombardment towards the throne room.

Almost at the moment when the full body of the Fire Demon King appeared, the fire armor on Muradin's body began to melt, and things forged by mortals were completely unable to withstand such extreme high temperatures.

Dwarf Chosen felt as if he was walking on the face of the sun.

He activated the gods to go down to earth, put the shield of Aggramar on top of his head, and ran in the molten magma. He saw two dwarf holy objects falling from the sky to the magma pool below.

He jumped up with great effort, grabbed the fallen ruler's warhammer in the air, and the moment it fell into the palm of the guardian of the warhammer, he passed the power and power of the dwarven artifact to Muradin.

"See the power of the dwarves! Bastard, this hammer is to say hello to you for my unborn grandson!"

The dwarf prince with the ruler in his hand made an impossible heroic jump in the air, roaring with a hammer in one hand, and fiercely fought against Ragnaros, who was holding the hammer of Sufras Burning Hand high behind him. Fight a bit of strength.

The moment the two warhammers collided, fire and rain splashed all over the sky, and the piercing sound of metal clashing made the pirates cover their ears.

Unfortunately, Muradin's power is clearly no match for the Firelord.

Screaming, the dwarf was hurled from the throne room like a blown baseball, across the palace as Braike watched with interest, and smashed headfirst into the wall of Saffron Keep.

The Firelord tried his best with this hammer, and the stone-headed Muradin was smashed through the thick wall of the fortress and flew out of the fortress. Fortunately, he was holding the shield of Aggramar in his hand, and was caught by the black horn when he landed. He used the holy hammer to help, otherwise this hammer would be enough to turn Muradin into meat paste or crumbs all over the ground.

Fortunately, the dwarf warriors finally got their relic back.

He is indeed worthy of the title of "Guardian of the Holy Hammer".


Incarnate as a fire hawk, Hisaly Crow flew through the sky full of fire and rain with extremely flexible flying posture, landed beside Braike, and handed over the high-temperature Valanar Guardian of Kings scepter in his hand to Pirates.

Bu Laike took the earthen scepter and joked to Miss Black Crow:

"Just a few seconds of your rescue just now is enough to make you a benefactor of the Three Hammers. If Moira, the Queen of the Mountains, knew this story, she would definitely set up a tower for you in Ironforge, Eagle's Nest Mountain and Shadowforge City. Magnificent statue.

You will probably be the first elf ever to be eternally grateful to the dwarves. "

"But I don't feel honored."

Miss Black Crow glanced at Bo Laike.

She looked at the Fire Demon King who was already fighting the Windchaser, frowned and whispered:

"The closer I get to the shrine of the primordial fire, the more I can feel the weakness of the Fire Demon King. Although the movement it made just now is terrifying, for an elemental monarch who is fighting in his own domain, it seems to be very weak. Some are too weak.

What was the Firelord doing with his power before we came?

Why would it appear so .low-qi? "

"Ragnaros is an elemental monarch who has been alone for tens of millions of years. In his long and monotonous life, he only pursued the ultimate burning and destruction. He has been thinking about how to ignite the world in his dusty temple, and he The burning heart is always yearning for understanding."

Bo Laike blew an obscene pirate whistle and said to Thisalie:

"Such a 'shy' single older otaku seems to be out of breath. What do you think it is doing secretly in its own temple?"

"quack quack"

Braike's answer made old Ansu, who was watching the "fairy fight" in front of him, make a weird laugh, and it also made Kane and Hamuul show the kind of tacit and weird laughter between men, and the neurotic black horn heard Blaike didn't know what he thought of when he said this, and became melancholy again.

Although facing a strong enemy, everyone's mentality has improved under the pirate's nasty jokes, um, except for the poet Noire.

"Can you turn all the topics into this obscene field? Is this also a new ability you have gained after becoming the Old God?"

Miss Black Crow asked back with a dull face, Bu Laike widened his eyes, reached out and tapped her burning long hair, and he said solemnly:

"Where are you thinking! You druid full of dirty thoughts!

What I'm saying is that Ragnaros must be using the power of Sulfuras' fire to communicate with someone who can save it and its kingdom of flames from this desperate situation.

From the death of Yogg Saron to the fall of Al'Akir, it wasn't just N'Zoth who was frightened by the evil things I did. All sides will unite to attack it.

Its theft in Ulduar and leaving Thaurissan on purpose to provoke me, and all of it was set up for this moment. "

The pirate coughed, and he looked at Ragnaros who was being pressed and beaten by three elemental monarchs on his throne.

He said:

"The invasion of the elements has already begun, and the four elemental realms have been joined together because of this invasion. Not only can the power of other elemental realms enter the realm of fire, but the power of this burning kingdom can also flow back into other elemental realms.

There is no doubt that this is the moment it has been waiting for.

Well, let me put you to the test, Archdruid. "

Bo Laike looked at Thisalie Crow, and he said:

"Which force do the unrestrained elements fear the most?"


The black crow's eyes widened in an instant, and she covered her mouth and looked at the battlefield where the four elemental monarchs were fighting. Below!

Just below the Burning Throne Hall where Ragnaros appeared, in the place where the primordial fire was born, the shadow under the burning fire is rapidly passing through the cracks of the light, not only here, not just in the fire The core of the source realm.

They gushed out from every crack in the entire Fire Source Realm, and in just a few seconds, this burning country was completely plunged into a quiet and dead darkness, just like the lights were turned off.

In the dimmed light, Bo Laike patted Hisalie on the shoulder, his eyes glowed purple, and said:

"It's the void

N'Zoth gave Ragnaros a terrible suggestion. He decided to take the risk in order to survive the fire king. With the help of N'Zoth's guidance, he took the initiative to connect to the void world.

Look at this depraved aura, I'm sure there's at least one void lord waiting across the crack that opens below the Firelands Well, this dark feeling like an electric shock

I remembered!

I had this familiar touch when I faced Yogg-Saron, the thought of truth spreading from the lightless sea, waiting in the dark for the listener. "

The pirate sighed, rubbed his forehead and said:

"Well, this is an 'invitation' that was arranged. He came for me. In the elemental realm isolated from the material world, neither Elune nor the Eternal are too far away from me.

Meetings here will no longer be interrupted.

I knew that my handsome face and mighty aura would bring me trouble one day."

Seeing the truth, Bu Laike didn't panic at all. He even stretched out his hand to straighten his collar, and said to Ansu and others who stared behind him:

"That's why I must bring you here.

It was originally just a plan to press the bottom of the box to be prepared, but I didn't expect it to be used. Ansu, only you who have devoured Sai Tai can travel freely in the void without interference

Want to save Rukhmar?

Go ahead, then, and find the weak point where the Fire of Sulfuras powers the Void Rift.

destroy it!

Otherwise, I will definitely not die, and my falling into the void will be as warm as returning home, but you may not necessarily. "

(end of this chapter)

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