Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1617 250. You Have A New Offer, Please Pay Attention To Check It-Add More【15/25】

Chapter 1617 250. You have a new offer, please pay attention to check it—add more [1525]

Bu Laike and his gang were obviously prepared to attack the Firelands, but Ragnaros was no ordinary person.

Probably when Yogg Saron and Al'Akir got into trouble, the brutal but subtle Balrog realized that something was wrong.

It is prepared in advance.

But considering the generally not enough brains of the elemental creatures, Laike now doubts that the plan of the Lord of Fire to lure the enemy deep and catch them all at once is not completely planned by Ragnaros.

Once this strategy of "Jedi counterattack" in the true sense is successful, not only will the realm of fire source survive the revenge of the three elemental monarchs, but it will even send the most troublesome Braike Shaw and his accomplices away. into the most desperate situation.

According to the thinking of "whoever makes the most profit is the mastermind behind the scenes", the pirates have enough reasons to be sure that this should be a trap set by N'Zoth, the Demon with Thousand Beards, and the Fire Demon King.

These two guys who wanted to survive from the dead undoubtedly paid their blood this time. The Fire Demon King paid for the future of the entire fire source realm. Regardless of whether the freshly baked Thousand-tongued Magic Cloth Laike can avoid the bad luck in front of him, the burning Realm of Fire Source will inevitably be affected.

The depraved thoughts spreading from the cracks in the void continue to spread on this piece of elemental soil, and according to the powerful control and corrosion of elemental creatures by the power of the void, if the matter cannot end in a short time, then the entire fire source will be destroyed. The future of the world will be covered with a dark veil.

And Ragnaros's ability to open the void rift is definitely not because of how powerful it is. This extension of the will of the void must have the will of an ancient god as the node.

It seems that while N'Zoth is kneeling and licking Queen Azshara, he is also secretly making some big moves.

It realizes the threat of Bo Laike, and it decides to get rid of him desperately. Facts have proved that when the two bastards who were cornered began to save themselves, things suddenly became interesting.

Facing the "invitation" of the Lord of the Void, Laike did not panic.

Since the other party didn't launch an attack immediately after sending out his thoughts of truth, it meant that the other party had plans.

In other words, there is still a possibility that this matter can be resolved in a "peaceful way".

At this time, it is time to activate the powerful power of one thousand tongues, just like serving Lady Elune and Emperor Denathrius, it is nothing more than one more powerful lord to be loyal to.

That's not a bad thing for pirates.

Before meeting the Lord of the Void, he was even more worried about whether the other people who followed him would be able to withstand it.

"Ah! Damn the Fire Demon King!"

Muradin Bronzebeard, who was smashed before, rushed back with a warhammer and a holy shield in disgrace. His stone statue body was covered with cracks. Fortunately, this kind of injury looks miserable but not fatal. .

Another quick "patch" by Blackhorn with the Hammer of Khazgoros, making him look like a large crumbling stone statue.

Because Muradin came back in time, the will from the void world was suppressed and resisted by the blue light shield unfolded by the shield of Aggramar before it fully exploded.

The appearance of this thing of order at least ensured that the Burning Hall of the Fire Demon King would not be swallowed up by the will of the void. As for other places in the realm of the source of fire, they could only hope for luck.

"Bo Laike!"

When the dwarf returned to the hall smashing the walls, he called out to the pirates:

"Master Thorim and Hodir said that they would cut off the connection between the realm of fire and the material world, and ban the power of the void from the elemental realm, but they would not last long under the erosion of the void.

You have to find a way out. "

"What's the hurry, isn't this trying to find a way?"

Bo Laike snorted.

He said he wanted to find a way, but in fact he even put away the Salamani battle sword. Obviously, in the face of the sudden situation in front of him, no mighty sharp blade would be useful.

"You go first, escort those three unlucky bastards out of here, and let them find a way to close the gate of the elements. I don't want this void corruption to intensify."

The pirate pointed to the three-element monarch who had started fighting and retreating under the impact of the void breath.

The combination of Tidehunter, Stonemother and Windchaser could have easily taken down Ragnaros in the void, but unexpectedly, the self-destruction of the Fire Demon King directly dragged the four elemental monarchs into a familiar hell.

Millions of years ago, before the start of the battle of masters, they were tortured by the void in the same way and had to submit to the control of the dark empire.

Elemental creatures with no physical substance and very chaotic thinking are really helpless in front of the void. The most cunning tide hunters are already preparing to forcibly tear open the gate of elements and flee back to the throat of the abyss.

Fortunately, Neptulon was still a little rational at last, and forcibly suppressed his frightening thought that was about to move.

Now that the will of the void has come and the lord of the void has dispersed his thoughts of truth, those guys locked by the void have been marked with the mark of corruption.

Once forcibly returning to the Throat of the Abyss, it will only lead the attention of the corrupted void will to its own territory, and the problem will be even more troublesome at that time.

Of course, the current problem is not much better.

In order to defeat the Realm of Fire Source, the other three-element legions directly opened the invasion door leading to the Land of Fire Source. In the current situation, the consequences of not closing that thing in time can be imagined.

Muradin didn't talk nonsense, and the dwarf God Chosen, carrying the shield, the old bull, Hamuul, and Black Horn, rushed towards the Balrog King who laughed wildly and swung his flaming hammer to chase down the embarrassed elemental monarchs.

Ragnaros is awesome.

Probably because of N'Zoth's coordination, the will of the void that it actively attracted has not eroded it for the time being. Seeing the three elemental monarchs who were showing off their might just now are in a mess under the torture of the void, it is better not to hit the dog in the water at this time. when?

The Fire Demon King let out a happy roar, and with a hammer overturned the rock barrier shaped by the Mother of Stone, and then threw out the lava volcano, throwing the Windchaser flying around in the sky into the magma, enjoying its howl Call.

Of course, as the lord of the flame, Neptulon, which it hates the most, cannot let it go!

"Safras, burn with pride!"

The Fire Demon King roared the battle roar of Zhong Er. Seeing that the fastest tide hunter was about to rush out of the hall, it immediately raised the flames, and the bursting fire swept across the entire interior space of Saffron Fortress in an instant. In the shaping of the burning flame, Ragnaros' classic "cotton candy" shape is also reshaped.

Its lower body, which should have been shaped by rotating magma, grew two thick legs exuding high temperature in the raging flames. Is this probably Ragnaros' "second form"?

In short, the Balrog King in this form is more similar to those ordinary Balrogs. As a form that sacrifices the destructive power of the fort attack, the Balrog King's movement speed has been greatly enhanced.

It bent its knees and leaped like a furious warrior, turned into a spinning and falling magma fireball, smashed hard on the stone bridge at the exit of the fortress, broke the bridge, made the whole fortress crumbling, and at the same time prevented the tide hunters from escaping footsteps.

In the next moment, in the scorching hot grin of the Fire Demon King that was as hot as the sun, Sufras Burning Hand and the tide hunter's abyssal trident collided fiercely.

The embarrassed tide hunter is not powerless.

But the problem is that it is already covered with purple-black thoughts of truth like parasites. These things are much more dangerous than the power shackles of the Titan Guardian.

Under their interference, the tide hunter was "defeated" by the Fire Demon King, well, it was almost the situation of being pressed on the ground and rubbed.

It wasn't until Muradin and Kane rushed forward to attract the attack of the Balrog that the tide hunter, who was covered in water vapor, got a respite.

The dwarves and tauren protected by the Aegis of Aggramar can resist the erosion of the will of the void, and they often carry the sin tablet with them, which allows them to fight continuously under the watchful eye of the void will.

But it is a pity that the elemental monarchs are all chaotic and funny, and even the most orderly stone mother cannot get the divine protection of the shield of Aggramar.

Although the dwarves have taken over the battle of the Balrog, the remaining three elemental lords are still not out of the woods.

The void is constantly invading their unstable spirits. If this continues, within ten minutes, the elemental forces that the pirates worked so hard to build will all be taken advantage of by that deep-sea bastard N'Zoth.

But overall, Thousand Bearded Demon and Firelord's collaboration is a triumph of dark wisdom, and even Laike, who is always picky about this aspect, has to admit that they both do a good job.

This is a very good Jedi counter-killing conspiracy.

The only pity is that N'Zoth actually didn't understand the "true desire" of the Void Lord.

They didn't come here to corrupt a few weak elemental monarchs, they came here for more precious "treasures", to erode the entire fire source realm, and it's just a casual pleasure to play with the "children".

"I knew that as long as I continued to study 'business skills' to make my value reach an unparalleled level, then I would definitely look delicious in the eyes of big shots who need the services of dog legs."

Bu Laike will completely ignore the dangerous and chaotic battle situation throughout the burning hall.

With a pipe in his mouth, he exhaled smoke rings in the increasingly dark battlefield, and reached out to help Miss Hisalie Black Crow carry her delicate red obsidian sin tablet, just like a student carrying a schoolbag.

The black crow's sin tablet shone like magma in the dim hall, which represented that this thing had been activated to fight against the corrupted forces roaring around.

"You don't want to fight the Firelord. The desperate Ragnaros is obviously going crazy. This is the most dangerous time for the losers."

Bu Laike exhorted Miss Crow who was looking at him:

"Go and help Ansu find the connection point between the Fire of Sufras and the Nether World, and help it break the connection between the Fire Realm and the Lightless Sea.

Must be fast. "

"how about you?"

Black Crow sensed something ominous, she grabbed the pirate's wrist and said anxiously:

"What are you going to do? You just said that this is an invitation, you don't really intend to enter the realm of the void to talk to that dangerous dark god?

You will be eaten by Him!

I don't allow it! "

"how could be?"

The pirate shrugged, feeling the thoughts of truth constantly urging him on the spiritual level, he said:

"If the adult on the other side of the rift wants to eat me in one bite, then he can do it when he shows up. He kept me until now just to show his thoughts and his sincerity.

Of course, there are also unspoken threats.

If I don't go, then you...will be finished. A few elemental monarchs are fine, but I don't want to sacrifice more people, it's not in my interest at all.


Do our own thing well, only in this way can we lift the skirt of the goddess of luck and have a glimpse of the most beautiful scenery in the world. "

"Be serious!"

Seeing the pirate started talking nonsense again, the nervous Miss Crow gave him a hard look, and then followed Ansu and flew towards the center of the Burning Throne Hall, which was already covered by scorching magma.

The Fire of Sulfuras was born there, and the connection to the void must be there as well.

But Laike looked left and right, he maintained the action of smoking his pipe, and unfolded his thoughts. This moment, he did not fortify his mind, and unilaterally blocked his soul connection with Xalatath.

He didn't want Xal'atath, who jumped from the corrupted void to the pure void, to be exposed to a void lord.

"Hello, unknown lord, I am deeply honored to face the olive branch you offered, so I came to the appointment without any delay."

The will of the pirates followed the end of the truth thoughts and continued to move towards the direction of the void world, and stopped trekking when they reached the connection between the material world and the void world.

A dark shadow floating in front of him is called the Sea of ​​Lightlessness.

That is the domain name of the Void Realm, and of course it does not refer to a real sea. The so-called "lightless sea" refers to the ocean of wisdom that buries endless truths.

In terms of its special form that emits a little shimmer in the dark, there is no problem in calling it "lightless starry sky" or "dark abyss".

In the shimmering abyss, there are countless taboo knowledge from countless fields in countless worlds, waiting for the brave to fish for the shells of wisdom.

But every time you go deep into it, it represents danger. Once you take too much or take the wrong one, the consequences will be very dire.

According to Xalatas, the ancient gods seem to be "fry" born in this lightless sea. They want to devour nutrients in the material world to make themselves stronger, and finally return to their own bodies in a purer form. The birthplace became one of the overlords of this dark land.

As for the Void Lords, they are the top predators in the Lightless Sea.

Like other fields of force, there are not many such high-level existences, and they are the most mysterious existence among the six forces of force. Once they actively and frequently appear, it must mean that a major event in the field of force is about to happen.

"Blaike Shaw, Demon of Thousand Tongues, Neutral Evil, Servant of the Moon, Friend of the Dead, and Enemy of Fel Energy, your name frequently appears in my endless dreams reflected in reality, let me gradually love you interested.

After witnessing your execution of the incompetent Yogg-Saron in utter ferocity, I finally decided to arrange a small meeting.

I am very interested in you and the extraordinary abilities you have demonstrated. "

Right at the edge of this lightless sea, the pirate felt as if he was standing barefoot on the sands of a dark ocean.

Those constantly clear void breaths are like the ebb and flow of sea water, constantly washing his ankles, making him feel cold, but not uncomfortable, just like the warm touch when walking on the beach.

Even the coldness of the void only made him more awake.

And in the impact of the void breath, he heard that voice.

Different from the nagging phantom sounds that the ancient gods like to make, this voice that emerges from the lightless sea is very clear, but there is no male or female, but it feels very magnetic, very attractive, and people can't help it I feel good about him and hope to "make friends" with Him.

But considering that the voice belonged to a mysterious void lord, the pirate quickly suppressed his arrogance of wanting to make friends with the god.

He stood humbly on the beach of this lightless sea, waiting for the Void Lord to speak his words of solicitation.


Bu Laike Shaw is ready to find another backer for himself. As he himself said, as long as the price is right, he does not resist paying his own value and labor for the new boss.

I've sold myself twice anyway.

It's no big deal to sell it again, if the reward is good, there will be additional value-added services, dear.

(end of this chapter)

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