Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1638 6. The Archbishop Disembarks And Will Kill You All! Run!

Chapter 1638 6. The archbishop disembarks and will kill you all! run!

On the position of the molten pool of Annihelan, all kinds of demons rushed towards the high ground where the paladins and Braike were located, led by the enhanced version of the magic armor built by the apocalypse engineers of the Burning Legion.

Although the demon hunters had already launched a feint attack around them as planned, with their numbers, even with Illidan personally leading them, they couldn't rush over to help these unlucky ones trapped in the trap in a short time.

There was nothing stopping the demons from rushing up and drowning Laike's gang.

But the pirates didn't care.

He didn't even intend to fight, but looked at the sky with Old Fording at this time, and the golden light spot in the sky was becoming more and more clear under the gaze of the two.

It's like a light in the dark, and it's starting a fire.

"That voice! It's definitely Mograine!"

Old Fording grabbed Boo Laike's wrist and shouted to him:

"I won't admit it wrong, that bastard and I have known each other since we were young, have you confirmed that Mograine is not here? You led us into the trap to lure Mograine out?

Where the hell is he now? "

"Huh? Why do you have such a strange idea?"

The pirate said in surprise:

"I've said before that the Legion of the Holy Light is fighting guerrilla warfare. Unless there is no other way, they will not choose to fight the devil head-on. This is also the reason why the three fear demon kings have the confidence to bury me here.

They don't think that the Legion of Light will jump out and fight the devil just because of us.

In fact, they are not wrong at all.

So, don't think too much about yourself, Fording, this is not a good attitude. The person who talked to you just now may not be the familiar Mograine in your memory, and you will know the reason after a while. "

Bu Laike glanced around the battlefield, he could see Illidan slashing with two warblades, he said:

"But fortunately, the ignorant demons obviously don't understand the concept of the Holy Light Legion very well.

They can't understand the strategizing of a prophet, for example, we happen to have a "delicious man" who the leader of the Legion of Light wants to get even if he gives everything.

not me!

Bastard, don't look at me with that damn dirty look.

I'm not interested in baby-voiced Tangram rich women. "


While the two were talking, a bright golden beam of light descended from the sky, like a shining golden blade that easily cut through the thick cloud of fel energy above Krokuun.

That golden beam isn't just a visual effect.

It is an attack!

Continuously compress the terrifyingly powerful Holy Light energy into the entity, and then release it by shelling. This is the working principle of the main cannon of the "Holy Light Judge" that Bu Laike mentioned to Rexxar before.

In the bombing crater that Rexxar discovered before, a shot of the Judgmenter main cannon destroyed a small piece of petrified forest, which shows that it was not huge, but now in front of the pirates, this extremely bright golden streamer once again showed itself power.

Amidst the paladins' wide-eyed shouts exclaiming that the power of the holy light was invincible, the golden sword that descended from the sky really swung like a titan, whistling and swaying across the frontal position of the molten pool of Anihelan.

The beam bombardment lasted less than three seconds, but it easily tore apart the demon formation in front of him. Any demon that was rubbed by the holy light energy cannon would be either killed or injured.

Among them, the abyss lord with a big butt and thick flesh wrapped around two heads was also burned to death in the fire of the holy light, leaving behind ugly bones that were cut and burst.

And the Garossi World Destroyer mech troop summoned by the Dread Demon King was pierced through three of the Holy Light Cannons, shutting down and exploding on the spot. The lives of a hundred unlucky demons were taken away together.

Facts have proved that Jin'garos may indeed be a first-class fel engineer in the Burning Legion and even the stars, but it obviously has not fully understood the study of the Holy Light's Judge.

Its destructive creations are too vulnerable to the ultimate creations of unscientific naaru engineering.

However, considering that the last blow of the Holy Light Judgment evaporated two-thirds of the fel magma in this huge molten pool, and forcibly blasted a hilly terrain into a rift. There are still nine Garossi magic mechs left, which actually shows that the engineers of Apocalypse really have two brushes.

Well, crazy Mimiron looks like he has a match.

"Spaceship! The Draenei's spaceship has appeared!"

The dwarf paladin lord Kurtaz, who swung his warhammer in the chaos and made up for several demons, had sharp eyes. He took a sip of wine, gave himself a power blessing, and shouted towards the sky:

"It's a golden spaceship! So cool!"

At this time, everyone was still immersed in the endless power of the adjudicator of the Holy Light. After being reminded, they raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

In the background of the gloomy sky being torn apart by the power of the holy light, one was several times larger than the Exodar, but it was vaguely discernible that it was indeed the same type of golden gem battleship floating above the ground in the transmitted light.

It is golden all over.

Its volume is as huge as a mountain, with strange clusters of gemstones dotted on the upper and lower ends, and there is a golden ring hull around the whole. Under the hull, there is a crystal turret that is being stored in the spaceship's arsenal.

It was that thing that fired the astonishingly powerful Light Cannon just now.

"Zenidar, the flagship of the Holy Light used by the naaru to carry out the war, is the same model as the other flagship of the Draenei's exiled fleet, the Genidar.

The orcs in Dellano should really thank the Draenei for crashing the flagship on the Nagrand grassland, otherwise, with the power of the main gun of the Holy Light Judge equipped on that ship, the old tribe could be crushed in one shot. "

While commanding his own black and white double swords and Big Bear and Big Wolf to slay demons together, Bu Laike looked at the shining golden warship in the sky with admiring eyes.

He said to Old Fording and Uther who had been dumbfounded:

"Retreat, the Legion of the Holy Light is about to conduct a landing operation.

Although they all believe in the Holy Light, their behavior style is completely different from yours. I suggest you not interfere with their slaughter of demons, otherwise they will fight with you.

You may think that in the Church of the Holy Light, Pastor Isenlien, who yells to burn heretics all day long, is extreme enough.

But believe me, compared with the Holy Light Blades of the Holy Light Legion, Isilien is as peaceful as a newborn murloc baby. You will soon see with your own eyes how much the power of the Light can affect a life

To be honest, I think that compared with the Light Force, the Force of the Void and the Force of Fel Energy seem so peaceful. It is definitely not without reason that no one likes to play with the Light. "

"You are exaggerating too much."

The dwarf paladin Kurtaz held the flagon and whispered:

"No matter what, everyone is a believer in the Holy Light"

"No! Shorty."

Bu Laike glanced at Kurtaz and the flagon in his hand, and said:

"Just because you are a paladin but wanton drinking and indulging your desires is extremely blasphemy in their eyes. Judging by the absolute view of good and evil of the Holy Light Blades, each of you is guilty.

Of course, because they are also users of the Holy Light, they will be more tolerant of you, and at most they will babble admonishing you to serve the Holy Light with unreserved purity and dedication.

but I

In their eyes, they are probably more hateful than demons.

That's why I don't want to take the initiative to contact them, I want to overthrow the demons, but this doesn't mean I want to cooperate with a group of demons shaped by the holy light."

Amidst the pirates' complaints, a beam of light that was very similar to the Rainbow Bridge descended from the sky and was blasting on the position of the molten pool of Anihelan. With the golden smoke shining, a large group of tall warriors holding various light-forged weapons sang Psalms burst from it.

Most of them are draenei, or eredar, which refers to the life of the holy light who did not follow Velen to escape from the world of Argus, and received the infusion of holy light with the pure eredar body.

But there are also a small number of lives of other races.

For example, the Warriors of the Holy Light, who are suspected to be Broken, but have a taller and stronger body, and some strange star races that even Bu Laike has never seen.

The most exaggerated thing is that Old Fording also saw a Dread Demon King among the charging crowd!


A dreadlord forged of light. Perhaps it should be called "The Lord of Light"?

And leading them to charge was a familiar figure that made Old Fording and Uther's eyes filled with tears.

Alexandros Mograine!

He was still wearing a human-style battle armor mixed with many draenei decorations, holding a great sword tempered by holy light in his hand, and charging bravely at an abyss lord in the golden flames wrapped around his body.

Those demons must have seen him before, or dealt with the Holy Light Legion. Seeing that the Holy Light Legion archbishop "disembarked" to chop them, the second-line troops of the Burning Legion immediately fell into chaos and anxiety.

Amidst the yelling of the abyss lord who unleashed the evil fire storm, a large group of demon guards rushed up and tried to stop Mograine, but the latter swung his sword and burst forward with holy light.

A powerful holy wrath was thrown forward like the fist of heaven, and any demons that came into contact with this streamer storm were instantly ignited and burned.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mograine is almost charging while stepping on ashes all over the ground.

His holy light is so blazing and aggressive, even old Fording and Uther believe that they are absolutely unable to use the gentle and benevolent holy light to such a terrifying level, even if they are both light casters.

If it wasn't for the unfathomable power of the same source on both sides, they would all think that the fierce man in front of the devil's battlefield is a super soldier.

Just like a powerful warrior like Grom Hellscream who was violently killing the abyss lord at this time.

Behold his light.

It was exactly the same as the terrifying and powerful anger of those fighters.

"Is that really Mograine? Or is it the wrathful incarnation of Holy Light in the world?"

Uther said in a surprised tone:

"What the hell has he been through? Why does he feel so strange to me?"

"Throwing you into an eternal battlefield, after fighting demons in every world for more than a thousand years, you will become like this, my dear Lightbringer."

Bo Laike, smoking his pipe, whispered:

"And don't call him Mograine, I've said it, don't be so rude, it's important that you call him 'Archbishop' now.

Well, the archbishop who disembarked himself is Meng.

Given enough time, he could have wiped out the entire Krokuun by himself, but unfortunately, we don't have time to appreciate the killing spree. "

The pirate raised his head and glanced at the sky on the other side.

The portal when the demon starship is about to jump over has already appeared in the sky. Once the demon fleet arrives here, the bare Zenidar will definitely be set on fire.

So, it's time to retreat.

Bu Laike's judgment is absolutely correct.

The soldiers of the Holy Light Legion who rushed out to save people also understood the truth of pretending to be forced and running away.

Seeing that the demon fleet was approaching, Zenidar quickly dropped a huge golden teleportation beacon. Under the cover of the brave Holy Light Blades, everyone including the demon hunter began to retreat to the spaceship.

But when Uther and Old Fording stepped into the teleportation beacon, they turned around and saw Mograine holding the great sword of light and raising his left hand in front of a group of demons rushing up, as if he was casting a spell.

"What is he doing?"

Old Fording asked a question, and Bu Laike, who followed him slowly into the teleportation beacon, glanced back, spoke with certainty, and said in a serious manner:

"Oh, that's directing the sun bombing

Ha, just kidding, it's the liquidation of the Holy Light, the forte of the light-forged paladins. By the way, I was curious before, you are also light-forged knights, why haven't you seen you use this trick? "

"Uh, sorry to disappoint you, but we won't be yet."

Uther complained, helped two weak prisoners of the Holy Light Legion, and carried three disabled Kroku prisoners on his back, and disappeared into the Beacon of Holy Light along with the pirates.

After they left, Mograine's spellcasting was completed in the next instant.

Under his call, those flying holy lights were shaped into hundreds of physical sharp blades, and with Archbishop Mograine's last swing of the sword, they slashed at the chasing demons in front of them.

In the final eruption of fiery power, hundreds of lower-level demons were wiped out in one blow, and the entire battlefield was filled with golden ashes dancing wildly.

In the flying of the golden light spot, the expressionless Alexandros Mograine turned and walked into the teleportation beacon for the last time, and as the triangular beacon closed in the next instant, he teleported back to the Zenidaar spaceship. The war flagship of the Holy Light Legion, as it appeared, quickly lifted into the sky and disappeared into the sky full of fel energy.

And inside the spaceship, when Mograine appeared in the teleportation hall, Uther who was waiting there stepped forward and gave him a hug.

This enthusiastic action made the archbishop a little uncomfortable, and a touch of resistance appeared on his face, wanting to push Uther away.

But the next moment, the Messenger of Light said to him with a guilty tone:

"I'm sorry, brother, we failed to protect you well and caused you to suffer all this, but under the guidance of the Holy Light, we finally found you.

We can finally go home together.

Your family, your children, and His Majesty Faol are waiting for you, and all of Lordaeron will cheer for you. "

This sincere apology made the archbishop look emotional, and it took him a few minutes to recall his identity a long time ago as if from complicated memories.

A few seconds later, he let out a deep laugh, patted Uther on the shoulder, and showed a blunt smile to Old Fording.

He said:

"I'm thinking of you guys, I've been waiting for over a thousand years. God, I really never thought I'd see you guys again one day.

But now is not the time to talk.

Zela is waiting for you, come with me.

The Mother of Light has not summoned outsiders for a long time.

This is a rare honor. "

(end of this chapter)

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