Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1639 7. What's Wrong With Tangram Liking Tattooed Men?

Chapter 1639 7. What's wrong with Tangram liking tattooed men?

The Zenidar is the flagship used by the Legion of the Holy Light in the battle of the stars. Its volume and internal area are larger than the Exodar. Not only that, but this flagship of the Holy Light used for war has stronger power. In addition to In addition to cruising at the speed of light, it can also perform instantaneous teleportation.

Being able to fight against the Burning Legion among the stars for tens of thousands of years, the Holy Light Legion must have its own home port.

But because of the suddenness of this rescue operation, the flagship did not move away from Argus after the teleportation, but appeared in an outer orbit outside of Argus' star.

Of course, it is also possible that Zenidar did not want to return to the home port, but because the world of Argus was forcibly dragged to a strange star field by the Sagrid Keystone, which caused the Zenidar to be affected.

The flagship of the Holy Light, which can shuttle among the stars, was "trapped" in the Dellano galaxy.

These are all internal information of the Holy Light Legion. The demon hunters and Braike and his group who just boarded the ship must not be clear, but because their adventure this time saved some members of the Holy Light Legion captured by demons, these outsiders Also received preferential treatment from the Blades of Holy Light.

They provided food and water for the demon hunters and paladins, and even the krokul breakers were allowed to stay in the ship's warehouse while Lu Lin was there and treated by the physicians.

Of course, as the pirate said before, friendliness and treatment belong to other people, and a pure "dark force" like him is obviously not welcome on the Zenidar.

From the moment he boarded the flagship of the Holy Light, four Lightforged Draenei Juggernauts holding the Holy Light War Sword and exuding a dangerous aura have been constantly "protecting" him.

No matter where Laike went, these silent sword masters who were suspected of being chosen by the Holy Light stayed close to each other like the most dedicated bodyguards.

This annoyed the pirates very much.

After a few minutes he pursed his lips and said:

"Hey, I need to go to the bathroom."

A female light-forged sword master beside him silently guided him in the direction, but as soon as the bathroom cabin door opened, and as soon as Bu Laike walked in, three male sword masters followed.

Bu Laike, who was sitting on the Holy Light toilet filled with various blessings and advices, stared dumbfounded at the three indifferent Holy Light men lined up in front of him. He grabbed his belt in panic and said:

"Is there something wrong with you guys? Can you just...forget it and turn around please? I promise I won't be plotting to blow up your golden boat while I'm in the bathroom.

But I swear, if I see any of you staring at me before I finish releasing the water, I will definitely destroy your damn ship in the sea of ​​stars with you pure holy light perverts! "

The three light-forged sword masters looked at me, and I looked at you. Finally, they raised their hands and covered their eyes. In the end, they still didn't choose to turn around, because this would leave enough opportunities for master assassins like Bu Laike to assassinate or escape.

Such a situation made the pirates angry.

It seems that the Legion of the Holy Light really understands the threat he brings, but this kind of "protection" is a bit too painful.

Bu Laike was complaining while releasing the water. During this process, he was always paying attention to the three men behind him. Although the pirates are very chic and mighty, this is really the first time he has solved personal problems in such an embarrassing situation.

Such a terrible experience.

"I don't like having men follow me, it puts me in a bad mood."

Bu Laike washed his hands, and said to the four sword masters beside him with a wooden face:

"The three of you go and exchange three Miss Lightcasting Draenei, this will make me feel better, and when I meet your Mother of the Holy Light, I may also keep my mouth shut because of this. Something embarrassing for both of us.

You should know that I have also communicated with your Mother of the Holy Light before, we are not strangers, we are acquaintances who are not full of friends.

And for the Holy Light Corps, I know a lot more about you than you think. "

Faced with the unreasonable demands of the pirates, the light-forged sword masters obviously did not intend to agree.

Didn't even bother to talk to him.

These lightcasters wearing lightforged embroidered face scarves, each with a mark of holy light floating on their foreheads are very powerful, their will is closely linked with the holy light, and they are shrouded in the holy light of the ancestor naaru In the Holy Land, Braike found that ordinary Void Whispers were of no use to them.

The pirates were upset by their indifference, so Laike decided to teach them a lesson.

He lowered his voice and said to several Juggernauts:

"You think I'm lying to you, don't you? Okay, I'll just say a few casually. For example, the power design of the Zenidar is different from other Naaru spaceships. It uses a furnace called 'Void Light' for power. .

And that device is right under our feet, and I can easily lock the position.

As long as I punch through this deck beneath my feet, five minutes at the most conservative estimate, I can turn this golden ship into a flaming lump of space junk.

Also, the main gun of the Holy Light Judge is placed in the core cabin of the flagship under the navigation platform where Zela is. How long do you think it will take me to remove it and steal it? "

As soon as the pirate finger tossed it, the Titan's lucky dice spun on his fingertips.

The power emitted by this thing made the four light-forged sword masters feel as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They drew their weapons one after another, but the next second, the pirate put away the dice and waved his finger at them and said:

"Either bet on whether you can stop me from doing bad things! Or give me four talking young ladies to be my temporary guards. You see, I can do bad things directly.

But I still discussed with you.

I think this has proved my sincerity. I want a young lady, I don't care! Smelly man stay away from me! "

Several Juggernauts hesitated for a moment, and when they were worrying about how to deal with the stinky pirates, Archbishop Mograine came from behind and rescued them from embarrassment in time.

"Lord Laike, please follow me, the Mother of Light is waiting for you."

Mograine carried his holy light sword on his back, said something in a very steady voice, and waved his hands at the same time, making the four light-forged sword masters who were under a lot of pressure turn around and leave in relief.

Bu Laike didn't know how much pressure the four light-forged sword masters were under to guard him.

Although it was only a short dozen minutes, the scouring of the void from the pirates had already caused shadows in the hearts of the lightforged. Although it did not affect their sanity, for the extremely devout fanatics, shadows appeared in their hearts. It's a dire harbinger in itself.

They must go to the prayer room and pray continuously to purify their hearts.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the bad guy Bu Laike is very aware of the pressure he brings to others. He just pretends not to know and enjoys this kind of "playing with fools".

"Hey, I don't like your tone of voice, it's as boring as a hundred-year-old man."

Bu Laike squinted at Mograine with a serious face beside him, and said:

"Where did the loud, rude but straightforward Grand Duke Mograine go? Speaking of which, do you still remember the pair of children in your family?

Master Renault and Miss Whitemane regretted having you captured by the devil for their taste of the forbidden fruit.

I heard that Miss Whitemane joined the ascetic sect that Pope Fao belonged to because of this. She is determined to dedicate herself to the Holy Light to pay for the mistakes made by her ignorance.

And your youngest son, Darien Mograine, is said to have become very silent and withdrawn after you left. It is really miserable for such a young child to lose his parents.

I have said so much, can you give me a reaction anyway?

Can you please stop making this indifferent face while listening to other people's boring stories? This will make you look cold-blooded, do you understand? "

"I miss my family very much."

Mograine didn't know what expression to use to deal with the pirate's sharp teeth. He took a deep breath and said softly:

"But I have a bigger mission now.

It may be difficult for you to understand, Lord Braike, but after I have fought in different worlds and different times for more than thirteen hundred years, my longing has also become something deep in my heart under long-term emotional suppression .

The former Grand Duke Mograine is now the War Archbishop of the Legion of Light.

I traveled to every world in need of help across the stars, fighting the same enemy in different apocalypses.

In every corner, when I look back, my children are behind me.

They are far away from me, but they are also very close to me.

I really miss them, but I know that if the Legion of the Light's cause fails, a dire future awaits them.

In order to protect them, I can only choose to save my thoughts and fight here.

Maybe when it's all over, I'll go back to my hometown and be with my kids, but not yet. Also, I know you have a lot of amazing abilities, please help me deliver a message to my kids.

I never blamed Renault and Whitemane, I was just too obsessed with being a perfect elder, too focused on the family's decency and ignored the children's own feelings. "

"Are you a heartless reading machine? How long have you been preparing these words?"

Bu Laike complained:

"The tone of the speech didn't fluctuate at all. Look at what Zela has done to you? Let me tell you, don't just play with those strange voices in your heart!


It doesn't matter whether it is the light or the void that calls you, there is no difference in the nature of these calls from power, they are all the same extreme.

Of course, I know you won't listen to what I'm saying now.

It doesn't matter.

We then find time to chat slowly. "

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"I know where Zela is, so I won't bother you to take me there.

The Exodar is circling over Krokuun to prepare for the landing of the advance army. If your ship has no other work, how about helping them?

You can find a lot of 'old friends' there.

Go and meet them, Archbishop of War.

This will make you seem a bit humane, and considering the progress of the Argus war in the future, whether you like it or not, the Legion of the Holy Light will fight with the Anti-Magic Alliance.

Then you might see your son again.

I heard that Master Renault has become a recruit of the Knights of the Silver Hand, maybe Pope Faol will bring him to this world. "

After speaking, Laike put his unique pipe in his mouth, and the acrimonious smoke ignited in the flames as the flames rose. The pirate walked up the stairs to the high platform of the Holy Light with his hands behind his back.

As he said, he is really familiar with this place.

Mograine watched him leave. The archbishop lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. After a few seconds, he gestured to the adjutant in the distance, took a deep breath, turned and strode away.

A few minutes later, when Laike arrived at the Tower of Light, there were four draenei vindicators with expressionless faces standing in front of him.

The good news is that they have learned their lesson, and this time they sent four tall, beautiful but iceberg-like Miss Guangcasting.

The bad news is that the four Guardians of the Blade of Light, like the Light Forged Sword Master before, belong to the kind of guy who has experienced many battles and has a deadpan face.

For a life with such a cold temperament, men and women are completely unimportant.

The pirates can be sure that the four young ladies in front of them can raise their weapons and kill more than a dozen green-skinned orcs without breathing if they want to.

This made the pirate sigh.

He decided not to dwell on this issue any longer, and let the four female garrison officers with holy light spears "protect" him by his side, and then walked towards the front of the high platform.

What caught the eye was a golden naaru hovering above the high platform.

Her appearance is exactly the same as what Bo Laike saw in the Will of the Child King the last time he helped Varian Wrynn "exorcise" him in the Kingdom of Stormwind.

It's just that compared to the previous projection, the Mother of Light who appeared here in a material form this time is more real and holy, and every rotation of her light body will bring a hymn to float in place.

Its sacred posture has already made Uther and old Fording perform sincere repentance and prayers in front of her, almost treating Zela as the real incarnation of holy light.

as for the pirates

If he hadn't changed his profession to become an ancient god, it would be hard to say whether he could hold his mind when facing the ancestor naaru like Zela.

But what is certain is that in the field of "influencing thinking" alone, Zela's power in front of him is no less powerful than the destruction of mortal spirits by the ancient gods.

"Hello, Mother of the Holy Light, we meet again."

Bu Laike stood where he was, took down his pipe, leaned over to Zela and said:

"The last time we were in my territory, we didn't have a good chat. I apologize for my harsh words to you at that time. I was too young and straightforward at that time, and I couldn't always hide my thoughts.

But this time I came to your domain, and I would like to thank the Legion of the Holy Light for helping us just now.

Of course, we only rubbed the light of Illidan Stormrage.

You're here for him, right? About the Son of Light and Darkness that you saw prophesied in "The Great Destiny" that would end the Legion's terrible crusade. "

"That's not necessary, Your Excellency the Prophet of Azeroth."

Zela twirled her body and replied gently in the baby voice that Bu Laike remembered:

"I believe that even without the help of the Legion of Holy Light, those demons would not be able to harm a noble Void God's Chosen. I can feel the obscure aura of the Lightless Sea from you. It seems that you have already set foot on a road that is not known by the Holy Light. A path shrouded in light but still great.

That road is full of unknown thorns.

I wish you the best of luck. "

"Yeah, thank you for your blessing, Mother of the Holy Light."

Bu Laike smiled, he looked left and right, but did not find Illidan's figure, he said:

"It seems that you have already talked with Illidan Stormrage. I guess you guys didn't talk very well. Based on my understanding of him, your theory of 'Children of Light and Darkness' can't attract that handsome and cold boy at all. tattooed man.

Need my help? "

"No need."

The tone of the Mother of Holy Light is still gentle.

She spun her body in the light and said:

"Illidan just hasn't seen the fog of fate yet, but he has great ideas, and he will finally realize that he needs my help to end all this disaster.

That, too, will be the hour of my fate, and once this great cause is completed, then my final task will also be considered complete, and I will disappear into the boundless darkness.

This is the best ending for me and for you.

I invite you to come here to ask you not to get too involved in Illidan's fate. As you mobilize the allied armies of the anti-magic army deep into the fel heart of the stars, that great moment will finally come. "

"You know, Ms. Zera, every time you talk like that, I get the feeling that you're a hopeless lunatic, knowing that if Illidan accepts your gift, it will bring disaster to your very existence.

But you're still waiting for the cruel fate you've seen to be fulfilled. "

Bu Laike whispered:

"I told you last time that even what you saw with your own eyes may not be true. It seems that you haven't learned any lessons during our parting.

It's a pity that you still can't be qualified as a prophet, and I can't give you the ring I have prepared.

Your realm and your followers are against me, I don't feel like I'm welcome here, I'll leave Zenidar at night, I mean.

Leave with my friends. "

The pirate glanced at Uther and Old Fording who were kneeling there and praying sincerely, as well as the dwarf paladin lord Kurtaz, and he said with emphasis:

"I hope you don't stop me."

"Your friends are only listening to the truth of the Light according to their own will."

Zela seemed to want to explain, but was interrupted by Boo Laike.

The pirate shook his head and said:

"You stand in the light but you cannot represent the holy light, just as I walk in the darkness and cannot represent the void."

"You and I are both mud, Zela, we just rot in different soils."


Yesterday, a large group of book friends were reported by the insider. Of course, it is also possible that Jianzheng fans once again showed their power and destroyed a very active gathering place for book friends. Frankly speaking, this incident made me mentally and physically exhausted.

There is no need to rebuild the group or something, just use the original old group, group number: 215681356.

In order to prevent inner ghosts, this time joining the group requires fan subscription value.

In addition, brothers who like Jianzheng don't come here, I am really scared.

(end of this chapter)

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