Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1640 8. Longevity, The Fearful Demon King Needs The Help Of Dark Wisdom

Chapter 1640 8. Longevity, the fearful demon king needs the help of dark wisdom

The second meeting between Bu Laike and Zela broke up again, but all the mutual dislike can be summed up as a serious conflict between the two prophets at the level of three views.

Bu Laike never regards the trajectory of fate as the rule of his actions, and Zela is completely the opposite.

From her time in the Great Order of Light and Darkness, that is, the beginning of the material universe, to the present, all of Zela's actions are to realize the destiny she sees.

Bu Laike is the changer, Zela is the maintainer.

This is doomed that there is no room for compromise between the two parties, not to mention that the two guys are almost natural enemies.

The only good news is that Zela, despite her belief in fate, is not a total thug.

The reason she believes in fate is that she believes that she bears the responsibility of "awakening the child of destiny", which allows Zela to demand herself with a very high moral standard.

So there will be no real conflict between her and Bo Laike.

Even when the two had nothing to talk about, Zela still allowed Bo Laike to leave Zenidar with his paladin friends, and promised to help the Exodar complete the airborne landing tonight.

So even if Laike has a big opinion on Zela, he has to admit that having such an ally who can fight and restrain his force is really not a bad thing in the next strategy of Argus.

Of course, Zela's rationality does not mean that her believers are as rational. In Laike's view, these guys who have been brainwashed and converted by the Holy Light are hopeless.

"Don't follow me all the time, okay?"

After Bu Laike left the Holy Light High Platform, the four light-forged garrison ladies followed him every step of the way like the previous Juggernaut, making the pirates look beautiful, cool and unrestrained, and they could be in the center within 0.2 seconds. The deadly "beautiful bodyguard" is like showing off.

It felt good in the beginning.

But when the pirates were about to find a place to have a drink and rest, and the four expressionless guys followed closely behind, such a chic feeling quickly turned into a touch of helplessness.

He took out his own skull jug, sat down at a random place, and said to the four light-forged garrison officers who formed the human wall in front of him:

"I've already talked to your leader, Zela, and I don't intend to do anything bad to this golden ship. Please, let me go, okay?"

The four garrison officers were expressionless, and no one answered. The pirate sighed and twisted away the flagon in his hand.

It's not impossible for him to get rid of these four evil star ladies, but all of them need to use attack-level void magic. It is undoubtedly not a rational choice to do this kind of thing under Zela's nose.

Although the Mother of Light restrains force, she was not lacking in strength as the ancestor naaru, at least not weaker than Bu Laike, who is fully fired.

Although the naaru born as the will of the Holy Light are far inferior to other ultimate creations of the Force in terms of absolute strength, let alone compared with the Titans, the Eternals are not something they can deal with.

But the advantage of the naaru lies in their large numbers.

It is also the ultimate creation of the Force. The known Titans among the stars are those from the Pantheon, plus Argus and Azeroth who have not yet been born, and the unlucky one who was split by Sargeras' sword. The star soul corrupted by the void.

There are only six Eternal Creators of Death Force including the mechanical creation arbitrators, which can be called rare.

But what about Naru?

No one knows how many naaru there are.

There are no less than six naaru who fled to the world of Dellano with the Draenei alone, and counting the sacrifices in the middle and other naaru like Zela wandering in the stars, the number is definitely a considerable number.

This is probably the way the Holy Light Force spreads its influence. It may feel that it is difficult for it to create an ultimate creation that rivals other forces in terms of quality, so it has adopted another way of thinking:

In the case of similar destructive power, go to the quality of TM and overwhelm them with absolute quantity!

Facts have proved that the choice of the Holy Light Force cannot be said to have failed.

After all, even Emperor Denathrius, who ruled one side, had been attacked by the naaru army in the face, and after a war, one-third of the country was shattered.

In short, Bu Laike doesn't really want to make enemies with the naaru group. Although he can definitely kill one or two heads, once he is regarded as the enemy of the entire group by the naaru, his troubles are still to come.

No way, there are so many people.

The pirates really didn't expect that after setting foot in the "high-end circle" of the Force field, the simple tactics of crowding could be an advantage. What a ghost.

It was difficult for the pirate to dismiss the four Holy Light Blades without resorting to void means, and the dark eloquence he was proud of was meaningless in front of these four young ladies.

They didn't answer at all, as if they didn't hear anything from Bu Laike at all, which made the pirates wonder if these four candy-like Lightcasters were deaf?

Hey, I just said a few nasty pirate jokes, you guys should show a little shy expression, okay? This hurt the confidence of "Demon of a Thousand Tongues".

"Sisters, go and rest, I will take care of the next thing."

Just when the pirate was so annoyed, a hoarse and steady voice "saved" him from the "boring hell".

The four Holy Light Blades trusted the owner of this voice. They whispered a few words to that guy, then turned and left, handing over the responsibility of "protecting" the dangerous Bu Laike to their companions.

This should be a very powerful guy, and the pirates have no doubts about its combat effectiveness.

The only thing that is more puzzling is the appearance of this guy.

"When did the Legion of the Holy Light start accepting Nathrezim?"

Bu Laike sat on the ground, squinting his eyes like a drunkard, looking at the "Holy Light Demon King" exuding a golden holy light in front of him, and his whole body was cast like gold. He grinned and said:

"Did you become like this after being infused with holy light by these lunatics after you joined them? Or was it already like this before you joined? Did you come to me for help? Dreadlord.

Speak up if you need help, I am willing to take you out of this hell of the Holy Light. "

"I don't want to talk about my depraved career in the past. It is not an honor to walk in the corrupted darkness. I found my true ideal and mission after joining the Holy Light Corps.

But because I was born in darkness, I can understand your state of mind at this time, Mr. Bo Laike. "

Like a preaching priest, the damn Holy Light Demon King in front of him completely ignored the bad jokes of the pirates, and said to the pirates in a calm and modest tone:

"Because of this, the loyal and powerful Archbishop Mograine invited me to talk to you, hoping to eliminate your disgust and hostility towards the Holy Light Legion as the commander of the anti-magic alliance.

Please don't mind the reticence of my companions. They just dedicated everything to the great cause of the Holy Light. They are all good people, but they have too little left for themselves, that's all. "

"Oh, so you're the most eloquent guy in this Legion of Light, right?"

The pirate rolled his eyes and said:

"I'm very bored now, and I don't reject a conversation, but I don't want others to hear or see me showing my damn weakness. Can I find a place like a confessional?"

"Yes, please follow me."

The Holy Light Demon King politely waved his Holy Light Claw, which could easily crush a man of steel with one blow, and made a gesture of "please follow me".

It took Bo Laike across the second deck of Zenidar, and greeted the Blades of Light very familiarly along the way.

It can be seen that this guy is trusted here, even if it is a Nathrezim who has never been trusted.

A few minutes later, the Holy Light Demon King took Bo Laike into a special meditation room. The pirate looked at the Holy Light crystals operating around him. Those floating runes outlined a strange magical effect of isolating detection and perception in the air.

"This is the confessional room where the warriors of the Legion of the Holy Light used to unravel themselves when they encountered spiritual difficulties. Everything here cannot be perceived.

Even Ms. Zela never listens to the voices from here, where you can say whatever you want. "

The Holy Light Demon King sat on the mat in front of the pirates, posing a "listening" gesture, and said:

"Well, tell me, Lord Laike, everything you want me to know.

Oh, let me introduce myself, my name is Lothaxson, and I am a senior member of the Holy Light Legion who followed Ms. Zela more than 10,000 years ago. I am currently the commander of Zenidar's magic forces. "

The polite and humble Holy Light Demon King paused, lowered his voice and said to the pirates:

"Of course, I am also a secret agent who sneaked into the camp of the Holy Light under the order of the Great Emperor. Like you, Lord Laike, I serve two great powers at the same time."

"Is it so casual?"

The pirate blinked in surprise and said:

"You are really casual enough to act as an undercover agent. You must know that as long as Zela throws a thought here, maybe the next second, the terrifying Holy Light Blades will rush in and hack us to death. .

In addition, there are many great powers I serve, but there are more than two. "

"You're joking, Lord Bu Laike."

Losakson's pale evil face showed a damned humble smile like a priest, and it said softly:

"As a servant of the Holy Light, the first thing to do is to unconditionally trust your companions as you trust yourself, especially in the Holy Light Legion established by Ms. Zela.

The Holy Light Legion is always loyal! The Legion of the Holy Light has no secrets!

As the only leader, Ms. Zela's thinking is closely connected with the will of every blade of the Holy Light. We are a whole that serves the Holy Light. Suspicion is a highly poisonous thing that cannot appear.

Only in this way can we be truly united and victorious in the cause of fighting against demons.

Unreserved trust is the basis for the existence of the Legion of Light. As the soul leader, Ms. Zela will never take the initiative to break the rules she set.

So even if you are outside, you can freely discuss with me about the great cause of the emperor.

This is a property of the Light, Lord Laike.

We cannot violate the rules under this absolute order. In your opinion, I may be too straightforward, but believe me, this is the most suitable way of lurking for me. "

"Then I'm curious."

The pirate blinked and asked:

"What if Zela asks you about Emperor Denathrius? Will you tell her without reservation?"

"I can."

The Holy Light Demon King said gently with a humble smile:

"But Ms. Zela won't ask about that.

From the moment I was allowed to join the Legion of the Light, I was given complete trust. Just like the emperor said when he saw me off.

If the question doesn't exist, the answer is meaningless. "


The pirates were amazed at this.

But he didn't doubt the authenticity of the Holy Light Demon King's words. Based on his understanding of the Holy Light's force, this kind of situation would indeed happen, and it was highly probable.

But the pirate is a dark-minded guy after all, he still very cautiously covered his thoughts with the power of the void before starting to talk.

it's necessary.

He is not a member of the Holy Light Legion, and Zela doesn't have to trust him completely. The fact that the Mother of Holy Light won't listen to Lothaxson's mind doesn't mean she will let the pirates talk casually in her own domain.

Zela just believes in fate, and Zela is not stupid.

This guy has the first-rate intelligence among the stars, and he must not be underestimated.

"What about the Helm of Dominion?"

The pirates had done their secrecy work well, so they sat cross-legged in front of Luo Saxon, and said to the Holy Light Demon King:

"The damn Dread Council trio threw me a stupid trap, but I don't blame them, it's normal for the bastards to resist when they're dying.

I'm not interested in getting angry with the rats.

But before they left, they made a promise that as long as I can escape from their childish trap, then the Helm of Dominion will be offered with both hands. "

Boo Laike, smoking his pipe, said:

"I want to see the Helm of Domination! Immediately, immediately!"

"Well, you needn't worry about that."

The holy light bat wings behind Losakson flapped, and it said seriously:

"At the same time as you boarded the spaceship of Zenidar, His Excellency Bannazar had personally escorted the Helm of Dominion away from Argus, and traveled to Azeroth through the world of Dellano.

It will faithfully deliver the death helmet to Anduin Lothar in person according to the emperor's instructions, and supervise him to wear the crown of domination.

In order to make things sound more reasonable, Lord Balnazar disguised himself as your uncrowned commander 'Jack the Red' to complete this secret matter under the cover of your brilliant victory. "

"What a bastard! Don't you even dare to face your own failure?"

The pirates scoffed at this.

He exhaled a puff of smoke from his burning pipe, and said to Lothaxson:

"Jack is my right-hand man, and I warn you that if something goes wrong with Jack, I will be very angry."

"Not really."

The Holy Light Demon King grinned, showing a devilish smile that was both evil and holy.

It seriously says:

"According to the information I got, Mr. Jack is now enjoying a very 'good' life in the Shattrath slums, and his imprisonment will end after Bannazar finishes escorting the Helm of Domination.

Of course, apart from this matter, there is another very important matter that I need to communicate with you on behalf of Nathrezim, Your Excellency Bu Laike.

About the 'prisoner' you asked for from the Great Emperor's Crimson Abyss. "

The Holy Light Demon King paused, and said to the pirates:

"The prisoner has been transferred to the physical world by reasonable means.

My brothers placed it in a temple in the Twisting Nether. We wanted to let the Legion of the Light know this information through an 'accident', and then conduct a raid to rescue the prisoner.

But it just so happens that you are here, and with your superb level of conspiracy, I think I need to discuss it with you before implementing this plan.

Make it even better.

I've been living in the light for so long that my plotting ability has plummeted, so I'm ashamed, but I do hope for help from the dark wisdom now.

I hope you can enlighten me. "

(end of this chapter)

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