Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1646 14. Stupid Senior And Badass Senior

Chapter 1646 14. Stupid Senior and Badass Senior

Bu Laike and his team went to Mac'Aree to hunt for treasure on the Zenidar spaceship. The whole world of Argus is currently shattered into slag, leaving only three main continents, and there are seas of fel magma that go deep into the center of the earth everywhere. In addition, when the demonic starship is cruising around, it is impossible to pass through the three demonic lands safely and quickly by other means.

The Scepter of Sargeras was left in Ulduar again, and handed over to Mimiron for the teleportation of the intergalactic sea storm soldiers during the official war, which made the "commuting methods" that the pirates could choose in this devil's land very limited.

Fortunately, he developed a new style of play in advance in response to this new scene. After the "prestige" of the Legion of the Holy Light was activated, the pirates could rub Zela's large spaceship to quickly cross the Demon Continent.

Of course, the Legion of Holy Light did not specifically carry Bu Laike across the two places this time. For the Holy Lightwalkers, the identity of an ancient god is not so honorable.

They were going on a "secret mission" to a secret location in the Twisting Nether beyond the orbit of the planet Argus.

This time, it was just taking Bu Laike and his gang who didn't buy a ticket on the way.

Looking at the Light Blades on the entire Zenidaar spaceship, they know that this "secret mission" is of great significance to them. Even Zela is preparing for battle and has no time to discuss with Braike about The true meaning of "fate" knows that they are absolutely prepared.

Although, this matter was actually manipulated by Bu Laike from the beginning to the end.

"The Temple of Void Light. Is it here? I thought it was far away from Argus, but I didn't expect it to be out of the satellite orbit of this demon world."

On the podium of the Zenidar, Braike saw the relative changes between Argus and the surrounding planets from the magic technology similar to holographic projection, and found the void in the strange star ring formed by the broken world. The location of the Temple of Light.

Rubbing his chin, he asked Archbishop Mograine, who was holding a handkerchief and wiping his red eyes suspiciously:

"You just said that you intercepted the encrypted communication from the servants of the Dreadlord, and you found this place where important prisoners are held. Are you so sure that there must be something important here?

Maybe this is a trap aimed at you.

Based on what I know about the Dreadlord, those bastards can definitely do such a thing. "

"It may indeed be a trap, but what is stored in it is too important to the Holy Light Legion, we are willing to take this risk."

Archbishop Mograine wanted to express his attitude with a serious voice, but a crying man really didn't have any majesty at all.

His state made the pirates a little worried. Could it be that he didn't grasp the strength of the mind blow just now? Did it directly turn Mograine from a mighty man into a sentimental fool?

After all, he is also a powerful Lightcast God's Chosen, and he has gone through the Millennium War, so his will is not so weak, right?

"What do you see, you evil Old God?"

The archbishop sniffled, and he yelled at the pirate very displeasedly, and then tears flowed down again, making him cover his eyes with a handkerchief helplessly.

He really isn't sad at all.

This was just an instinctive reaction after the mind was attacked by the power of the void. Those thoughts of truth entangled his spirit, constantly stimulating the lacrimal glands to secrete tears.

As for the sadness and despair projected in his vision, Mograine's tenacious will armed with holy light could not be moved, but the light-forged body could not resist the full malice of an ancient god.

"Oh, I was in a bad mood just now, so I acted harder."

Bu Laike waved his hands and said hypocritically:

"Who told you to come close to me when I was young? In all honesty, even if I was 99% to blame for this matter, don't you have that 1%? We are all adults, so be more rational.

What should be forgotten, let it pass.

I'm going to Mac'Aree soon, you'd better wear a helmet or something, don't let your subordinates see you like this, it's too embarrassing for a commander.

If the demons see a weeping archbishop, the deterrence you have built up over the years will be over. "

Speaking of this, Bu Laike tilted his head and thought about it again, and suggested to Mograine who covered his eyes:

"You'd better go to Zela to help you purify the remaining thoughts of truth in your body. Mac'Aree is not as simple as it seems to you. Going there with the thoughts of the ancient gods may attract you. outside trouble."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Mograine closed his red rabbit-like eyes, and said in a surprised tone:

"You mean, Mac'Aree still has void power?"

"You don't know?"

The pirate covered his face pretending to be surprised and said:

"You don't really think that the Burning Legion doesn't pollute Mac'Aree because Kil'jaeden wants to preserve the 'good memories' of the past, do you? There are indeed factors in this regard, but believe me, one can make the demons The place you are willing to set foot on is definitely more dangerous than you think.

After Argus was captured and tainted by the Burning Legion, the Fel Heart among the stars naturally attracted the attention of the Aphotic Sea.

You have to know that although the war between fel energy and the void is unknown, the battlefields of both sides are indeed filled in every area of ​​the entire star sea.

Places where demons congregate often also cast void shadows.

In other words, your intelligence work is too good, right? Need the Uncrowned to help you? The two sides can cooperate, as long as the price is right. "

"That's a whole continent! We don't have enough manpower to cross the demon blockade and go there for long-term investigation."

Beside Mograine, Captain Faria, the light-forged adjutant with a worried and aggrieved face, refuted for his commander:

"Argus is the base camp of demons, and the Legion of the Holy Light cannot launch a full-scale attack here. In fact, if it wasn't for your messing up that caused the Zenidar to be trapped in Argus, we would not have a head-to-head war with the demons.

Coupled with the fact that Mac'Aree is not a strategic location, our observations there are very limited. "

"Okay, Faria."

Mograine waved his hands with some headaches, and said:

"You go to assemble the guards, prepare to land, and control your mind, okay? I am the most vivid example in front of your eyes. Don't argue with void power users, you will only get deeper and deeper."


Commander Lightcast, who was still filled with righteous indignation just now, obediently responded, and the hoof girl gave Laike a hard look, then helped Mograine change a handkerchief with concern, and then swayed away from the podium.

The pirate said in a drawn-out voice:

"Ha, the more she cares about you, the more she will sink into this evil trap of the void, my Lord Mograine, I suddenly found that it is much easier to corrode these holy light blades than I thought.

As long as I open a gap, I don’t even need to take care of it, they will jump down one by one, because you trust each other so much, and you will not abandon any compatriots.

This unity is a good thing most of the time, but in some cases it can also be an opportunity to destroy you.

Hmm, I feel like I've discovered something extraordinary. "

"What does that mean to you?"

Mograine said helplessly:

"We are not your enemy. Instead of spending your mind on us, you should think about how to deal with demons."

"Yeah, it doesn't make much sense, but it's interesting, and that's enough for me."

Bo Laike gave a perverse smile that made one want to punch him, but Mograine stopped talking, and he decided to cut down on the conversation with Bo Laike all the way.

It's best not to say a word.

This Demon of Thousand Tongues is very good at infiltrating and influencing other people's thoughts and emotions with words, and he cannot be given any chance to break through.

Soon, the Zenidar passed through the blockade of the demon starship with its extremely superb driving skills, and came to the sky above the Mac'Aree Continent, which faced Krokuun across a sea of ​​fel magma.

As soon as the starship entered here, Laike immediately felt the reactivation of the previously suppressed void power, and even the local natural will greeted him very gently.

This proves that Mac'Aree's natural environment is still largely intact, which is really rare in a world that is truly doomed.

But when everyone looked down from the observation deck, they easily discovered the truth that Mac'Aree Continent was not polluted by evil energy.

This continent is different from Krokuun. It is "suspended" on the shattered crust of Argus. Its continental shelf has no connection with the doomsday world, just like a super huge floating island.

It's just because the gravitational force of the broken star is still in effect, so that Mac'Aree will not leave the star and float into the sea of ​​stars.

In the absence of any connection between the two sides, even if the heart of the world has been corrupted by evil energy, this land can still maintain its apparent "pureness".

From a high altitude, Bu Laike can even see the lush, strange trees like maple leaves Lin Yi below, as well as a mirror-like large lake in the center of the floating island mainland.

"Pure natural water, my God! Is this something that should exist in a collapsing star? This simply overturned all my previous knowledge of geography.

This is simply impossible! "

The old dwarf standing next to Laike held the binoculars and exclaimed. As a professional explorer, Brian felt that everything he saw was so unreal.

It's like accidentally discovering a "paradise" in a fel doomsday world.

"There's something in that lake!"

As the Zenidar spaceship quickly lowered its altitude, the sharp-eyed little star quickly grabbed the pirate's hand and pointed there and shouted:

"A dragon! Look, it has spotted us, and is diving down to the bottom of the lake."

"No, fool, that's a water snake."

Bu Laike corrected with a pipe in his mouth:

"Don't look at me that way, of course I know that ordinary water snakes can't grow to a length of several hundred meters, but considering that the water source is close to the void creeping area, it is understandable what the infected and modified water snakes will look like.

At least it didn't grow three heads. "

"Is that Cillithorne?"

On the observatory, a light-forged archmage, Miss Timei, released an eagle eye spell on herself in surprise.

This white-haired lady with beautiful bangs carefully observed the frightened big water snake under the lake. After a few seconds, she said with some uncertainty:

"It seems to be a 'lucky snake' that was released into the lake by the former headmaster before the Mystery School was destroyed. When the Mystery School was still there, many students would go to look for it and ask for blessings every time the exam was approaching.

When I was studying in the academy, I fed it many times.

I didn't expect it to survive Argus's catastrophe and survive until now. It really deserves to be the "Lucky Snake". "


Little Xingxing blinked at the words of the Great Master of Light, and the idiot Blue Dragon turned to look at her and said:

"I heard that the Mystic Academy was the highest institution before the destruction of the world of Argus. Those who can study there are the smartest people among the Eredar people. Are you one of those supreme wise men?"


Little Xingxing's question made the Great Master Shengguang a little embarrassed. Under the gaze of the pirate with a strange smile, the Miss Guangzhu hesitated for a moment, and said with a straight face:

"That's right, I'm one of the graduates of the Mystic Academy.

Of course, I encountered a demon invasion before I graduated. Some of our last batch of students who survived the disaster followed Velen and left Argus, but there were also those who were unwilling to abandon their hometown like me and chose to live in Argus. The broken world continues to fight.

I was lucky enough to join the Legion of the Light.

To be honest, I never thought that one day I would be able to return to the Mystery Academy alive. Here... this place has left me with a very 'deep' memory. "


Little Xingxing let out an exclamation, and immediately took out a pen and paper to prepare for a "live interview". She excitedly said to the last graduate of the self-proclaimed Mystic Academy:

"You've been through so much, so you must be pretty good, right? I guess you must be the best graduate ever from the great Mystery Academy, right?

The academy I belong to happens to be very interested in Argus's former supreme institution, can I ask you a question?

There are also a few academic questions, about the strange gem magic used by the draenei. Hey, hey, don't go, it won't take you too much time.

I pay, okay? "

"That... I don't have time, I want to serve the Holy Light."

The Archmage Shengguang, who was entangled by the little star, said with embarrassment:

"As for the past of the Mystery Academy, I'm not very willing to talk about it.

You have to understand, that was 25,000 years ago, and it was a story of destruction, not a good memory for anyone. "

"Ha ha ha ha"

Hearing this, Bu Laike finally couldn't hold back.

He clutched his belly and laughed, almost lying on the ground and rolling all over the floor, causing a group of people around to look at him in surprise, wondering if this stinky pirate finally went crazy because he did too many bad things?

Hey, congratulations, but does this crazy pirate hope you don't go crazy in public?

Pay attention to the impact!

Bu Laike didn't explain anything, he patted his chest under the eyes of everyone, and with the flash of the demon hunter tattoo on his body, his two inner demons were released.

Queen Saloras with a cold face and Oresis with her mouth curled up and her hips on her hips were released.

They maintain the evil aura that a high-ranking demon should have. They wear two pirate knives of the same style around their waists, and they just wear obscene pirate clothes and spread their wings to protect the pirates.

Even in the holy land of holy light, the pair of proud demon twins are not shy at all.

But the one who reacted the most among the crowd was the last graduate of the mystical school just now, the Archmage Shengguang stared round when he saw the Eredar twins, covering his face and about to run away.

As a result, her reaction was too intense, and instead, the Eredar twins saw her all at once.

The twins looked at each other, and then showed evil and wanton smiles. Aureses snorted and said in a drawn out voice:

"Hey, isn't this 'Sister at the End of the Crane' Imira? I really didn't expect to see you, the 'Shame of the Mysterious School', again in this long time.

By the way, 50 years after the two of us sisters graduated with the most outstanding grades in the history of the Mystic Academy, I heard that you are still repeating the make-up exam? "

"Yes, after the Legion occupied Argus, we two sisters made a special trip to the Mystery Academy to find you, my dear senior."

Queen Saloras also said sarcastically:

"We have always thought that your poor talent in gem magic may be because you chose the wrong path. If you devote yourself to fel magic, you must have become a generation of eredar demon lords with your 'diligence'.

Unfortunately, we didn't find you among the ruins, we thought you were dead.

Old friends meet today, senior sister, why are you covering your face?

Anyway, say a few words.

If you don't follow our sisters as before, we will definitely protect you from being ridiculed by those bad students who ridiculed you. Come on, senior sister, beat our backs as before. "

"I am now the Archmage of the Legion of Light!"

Ms. Imira, the Archmage of Lightcasting, was holding the staff. She could see that she was very scared, but she still yelled:

"I'm not afraid of you two falling into evil bastards! I'm not what I used to be, and I won't let you bully me anymore. Come on, evil, and fight against the Holy Light!"

(end of this chapter)

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