Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1647 15. I Am Over 20,000 Years Old And I Still Can't Escape The Graduation Assessment.

Chapter 1647 15. "I am over 20,000 years old and I still can't escape the graduation assessment".txt

"What's the noise!"

On the observatory of the spaceship Zenidar, which is landing on the ground and has dropped the Beacon of Light, just as the conflict between the Eredar Twins and the Archmage Yimera is about to break out, the three graduates of the Mystic Academy are arguing At that moment, a majestic scold came from behind.

Under their watchful eyes, the old man Sazier, who was wearing the robes of the Great Mentor of Narthalas College, strode forward with the windy Scythe of the Deadwind Harvester surrounded by the trio of warlocks.

This neuropathic enlightener was wrapped in hot mana when he walked, making him seem like a burning monster who came out of fel magma.

Even every step he took would leave several scorching footprints on the mirror-smooth floor of the Zenidar.

This guy must be the most annoying guest of the deck cleaners on the Zenidar.

But the great enlightener didn't care about these details, and he didn't even care about the disgust and conflicting eyes cast on him by the blades of holy light around him.

Returning to the long-lost world of Argus put Grandfather Thakir in a state of excitement, and the flames on his flaming skull decorated with ornate jewels curled into special patterns.

His flaming skull twisted a few times, and he cast a very stern glance at the eredar twins.

Strange to say, the twins who have always been rebellious, disobedient to anyone and even dared to provoke Bu Laike immediately stood up obediently when they saw Sakir, posing as a "good student".

This is normal.

Even though the Eredar twins are doing well in the legion, when they were studying, Grandpa Sakir was still the lifelong dean of the Mystic Academy.

When they were young, they used the old man Sakir as an absolute example to study tirelessly. This was also the common state of all spellcasters in the world of Argus at that time.

As the first enlightener in the birth of the Argus civilization, Sazier himself is definitely a figure worthy of special mention in the Eredar civilization.

It was he who summed up and completed the magic system of the Eredar civilization, and it was he who created the Mystery Academy and opened the official inheritance of magic power.

It can be said that Sakir's status in the world of Argus is very similar to that of the "hermit" Metri in the world of Azeroth. People who are not in this circle cannot understand their identities, but people in this circle regard them as For absolute idol.

Even Archimonde, who betrayed the old man Sakir, could only use pathetic informants to get the support of Kil'jaeden and Velen before deciding to betray.

In fact, if it wasn't for Sarkier's own brainstorming to listen to Sargeras' bewitching to study fel energy, but was caught by the consuls, a "junior" like Archimonde would never recover.

The power of example is always scary.

What's more, the twins, as high-level demons, are very aware of the "suffering" time that old man Sakir spent in the Burning Legion. No one understands the danger and madness of this old lunatic better than them.

Before, Laike threatened them by giving them to Sakir as "experimental materials", and it can be said that the effect is outstanding.

Moreover, after joining the Great Wizard Salon, the crazy Sakir learned a lot of strange things from the magic scroll about Medivh collected by Ms. Aegwynn.

He is more dangerous now than ever.

Once he was provoked, the eredar twins would be in serious danger, even with Bu Laike at their side.

The obedience of the twins satisfied the old man Saqier very much, which made him seem to have returned to his good time as the headmaster of the secret school.

Afterwards, he looked at the trembling Archmage Yimira. When he saw this familiar figure, the flames in Sakir's eyes suddenly rose.

The crazy old man shouted at the top of his voice:

"Imila! I just heard that you claim to be a graduate of the Mystic Academy? It seems that after a hundred years of my betrayal and death, you poor little guy has finally enlightened?

What about your graduation thesis?

Show it to me! "

The Archmage Lightforged, who had been haggarded by the bullying behavior of the Eredar twins just now, couldn't hold back any longer when she heard this, and her feet went limp and she collapsed there.

She covered her face.

I even cried after a few seconds.

She whimpered and said:

"Well, I admit, my stupid qualifications are not enough to pass the graduation assessment.

Teacher Sakir, I'm sorry, I failed your expectations, I sneaked out, after the demons invaded Argus, I slipped out of the academy to protect the people, escaped by accident The destruction of the academy.

Later, when he was hunted down by demons, he was rescued by Ms. Zela, so he joined the Holy Light Corps.

I'm just a pathetic dropout.

Dean, woo woo woo, please don't scold me anymore, I tried really hard, but I just can't pass the exam woo woo woo, I failed the exam more than a hundred times.

I am really desperate. "

She cried miserably, which made people feel sad when they heard it, and she shed tears when they saw it. It also made Laike feel the same way. She seemed to think of those sad years when she was bombed by Dean Lanyue with sea tactics.

The stinky pirate sighed infrequently, but the reaction of the old man Sakir was beyond expectation.

He didn't reprimand the dropout who had concealed his past. The crazy enlightener stepped forward, stretched out his hand while the others were staring in astonishment, and gently placed it on top of Imira's head.

He said hoarsely with the voice of a vicious villain:

"If you don't pass, you don't pass, why are you crying, silly boy.

Your hard work can be seen by everyone in the school, and I can see it too, which is why you failed the assessment many times but were still not expelled from school.

If you can enter the academy, it means that you are talented. You are not willing to be ordinary, but you just put too much pressure on yourself.

Come on, stand up.

My best student betrayed and killed me with his own hands, but my worst student persisted in fighting the demon after more than 20,000 years, never giving up.

You are not a disgrace to the academy, little Imira.

Those weak bones who think they are strong are the biggest shame in the history of my school, and I came back this time to clean up the door

stand up!

Stop crying!

Your academy and your master need your continued service to the magical heritage of the eredar civilization. "


The expression of the old man Sakir's true feelings made the Eredar twins' eyes widen. They both lowered their heads in shame. What the old man Sakir just said just ridiculed them as "excellent graduates".

Obviously, after experiencing a painful betrayal and pain, Sakir no longer judges the quality of a student by the so-called talent and intelligence.

From an educator's point of view, this is undoubtedly a great change.

This also released the regret that Ms. Imira had been buried in her heart all at once. She cried and threw herself into Sakir's arms, just like a helpless student who found the most solid shelter.

And the old man Sakir, who has been crazy for countless years, patted the shoulders of the crying students like a qualified instructor. After a few touching seconds, the enlightener said in a hoarse voice:

"Of course, while your persistence is moving, the rules of the Mystery Academy are still inviolable. As a dropout, you still need to continue to accept the graduation assessment.

until you are fully graduated.

Don't worry, my disciple, although the Mystery School was destroyed, I have rebuilt the inheritance of the Mystery School in an awesome academy in Azeroth, and you will be the last student of the old era to enroll with honor.

After we finish this battle, I will ask Dean Lanyue to issue a special admission letter for you, and I will also ask my top spellcasters in the Great Wizard Salon to be your teachers.

You must study hard there, and get the title of 'Grand Arcanist' as soon as possible, so as to win glory for the inheritance of our secret academy. "

Looking at the psychopath enlightener with a "kind" face, the archmage Yimila, who was still very moved just now, was completely dumbfounded.

She didn't expect that after her school was bombed more than 20,000 years ago, she would still go to school at an "advanced age" of more than 20,000 years old? Or do you want to transfer to another planet to obtain an academic title that sounds scary?


Is this the Holy Light's punishment for the dishonest?

"Aha, do you need an admission letter? You said it earlier, you don't need to bother Dean Lanyue for such a trivial matter, come on, come on, I'll write you a copy now."

Bu Laike came to wink and join in the fun.

Under the desperate gaze of Archmage Yimira, this stinky pirate from another planet took out a blank document paper from his luggage and wrote the contents of the admission notice, then picked up his personal seal and wrote on it. Once it was covered, it was handed over to the old man Saqier, who also wrote his own words in the column of recommenders as the great teacher of the Warlock School, and stamped it again.

This means that Ms. Yimera, the Archmage of Lightforging, has also become a freshman of the glorious Nazaras Academy of Magic.

Imira was holding the heavy admission notice, and was about to cry as the Eredar twins stared at them with weird smiles.

And Bu Laike whispered a few words with the old man Sakir, and finally the old man came forward to find Mograine to discuss the "problem of native place" about Imira.

Obviously, they want to cancel Yimila from the establishment of the Holy Light Corps, and then transfer her to Azeroth's student status, so that she will truly break away from the Holy Light Corps.

Grandpa Sakir trusts Bu Laike's ability in "danger perception". The pirates said that the Holy Light Legion is not a good place, so the grandpa will not let his last student stay here.

This is the basic quality of an educator.

"Oh, little sister, we will be colleagues from now on."

The trio of warlocks surrounded the emaciated Imira, and looked up and down Ms. Imira's uneven, detailed and tall figure with evil eyes. They patted their chests and boasted to Imira:

"In the future, if someone bullies you when you enter school, you can report my name. I am a serious tutor of the Warlock School. I have a lot of power. It's not my bragging. It's easy to mention my name in the Warlock and Mage Academy. very.

I am also familiar with the instructor over there, so mention me for convenience. "

"Don't listen to his bragging, little sister."

Zarak snorted, made a chic gesture and said:

"The evil eye is just plotting against you. If you really want to say that you are a teacher, it is our Lord Zalak. The warlock class I lead was the third place in the academic competition of Nathalas Academy last quarter!

In the future, if you have any questions you don’t understand, come to my office directly to find me, and I will try my best to help you answer them. "


Ms. Imira, a student at the tail end of the Mystery Academy, glanced at the two malicious warlocks in front of her.

She sighed helplessly, stretched out her hand and flicked her fingers, two balls of light flew out and hit Xieyan and Zarak, restraining them in an instant and lifting them into the air.

The archmage put his hands on his hips and said solemnly:

"Although I failed the graduation examination, I have fought in the Legion of the Holy Light for more than 20,000 years. You two, I don't think I need your help in magic.

From now on, you should call me 'Senior Sister' with full respect! do you know? "

"Okay, okay, we'll discuss your 'classmate relationship' later, now, get ready to disembark!"

Bu Laike glanced at the large ruins of the school palace that he had already experienced before his eyes. He stretched his neck and shouted to the people around him.

Amidst the cheers of old Brian, who was eagerly preparing to start excavating the ancient artifacts, a group of people rushed towards the teleportation cabin.

Boo Laike was the last to leave.

When he left the watchtower, Zela's voice suddenly rang in his ears. The Mother of the Holy Light was still the same baby voice as before, but this time with a bit of seriousness.

She said to Bo Laike:

"There is a terrible darkness in Mac'Aree, and there is a reason why I keep asking the Legion of the Light not to come near here, Lord Laike, the darkness may not harm you, but my followers are not immune to the threat it brings.

Please protect them. "

"I will."

Bu Laike said seriously:

"I also hope that you will keep your promise, Zela, I said I will take my friends off the ship, you promised me before. The Legion of Light may lose an archbishop

I will use the facts to knock open his heart that has been dusted by the Holy Light. "

"Perhaps in your opinion, my approach is too coercive, but I only want to protect them in the dangerous sea of ​​stars."

Zela didn't refute too much, but said something in a regretful tone and then withdrew her thoughts.

The pirate shook his head and didn't comment on it. He glanced back at Zenidar's resplendent podium, where the Holy Light Demon Lord Sa Lockesin was sorting out the documents.

The two looked at each other without looking at each other, passing by like strangers.

A few minutes later, standing in Mac'Aree's light as clear as Azeroth, Braike watched as the Zenidar flew into the sky and disappeared.

He knew that when he waited to board that ship next time, there would inevitably be a drastic change in the Legion of Holy Light.

Behind him, a group of people who have landed on the ground of Mac'Aree have already started their intense actions, but the first difficulty before them is how to pass through this land without demons but is still very dangerous to reach the Palace of Mysteries, which is located on the edge of the mountain range. entrance.

It is true that there are not many demons active in this land, but everywhere you look, there are draenei war guards wandering around.

These mechanical creations are very much like the golems that Dalaran and Suramar spellcasters are good at making, but they are far larger and more destructive than their Azeroth counterparts.

The whole body of these guys is made of astral steel produced by Agust. The very simple and streamlined body is dotted with magical gem mechanisms. The shortest of them are five meters high, and some steel ones are more than ten meters high. The colossus roamed the overgrown meadow like a madman.

The half-weathered demonic skeletons around have proven just how dangerous these maddened guards can be.

"When the Mystic School was destroyed, the center that managed these gem guards was also destroyed. They wandered tirelessly on the land of Mac'Aree, faithfully executing the last order given to them by the school's Grand Consul, Ms. Valara. .

That is to kill all intruders who approach the school palace without permission. "

Imira half-knelt beside the wreckage of a student guard that was destroyed by demons, she said to everyone around:

"I have seen with my own eyes that the mechanical legion of the school guards and the vanguard of the demons fought on this land. They bravely defeated the demons, but they could not save the mysterious school that created them.

I saw with my own eyes that the demonized Archimonde destroyed it with a dangerous and strange magic.

It seems that we have to defeat them all the way to enter that sad place. "

Sakir shook his head.

The old man stepped forward with the Reaper of the Deadwind, took out a strangely shaped gemstone from his bag and held it in front of him, and gave a special order. Soon, under the gaze of everyone, those crazy robots wandering around slammed into the air. Bang Bang gathered together, their already damaged mechanical circuits were scanning Sakir.

A few seconds later, the first huge guard lowered his head to Sakir in a half-kneeling posture, and the rest of the guards stopped their dangerous attacks in unison.

"Look, the creations of the Academy still remember their masters, just like this land remembers me."

In this shocking scene, Sakir turned around and opened his arms towards the people behind him. In the flames, he shouted like a real psycho:

"Loyal Mac'Aree, after a long absence, your master has returned!"

(end of this chapter)

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