Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1648 16. The Crazy Treasure Of The Crazy Instructor

Chapter 1648 16. The Crazy Treasure of the Crazy Instructor

In Azeroth, the always crazy old man Thakir just arrived in Argus, and he opened a big eye for Bo Laike's pocket knife!

This old bastard actually managed to hide something during the 20,000 years of torture by the Burning Legion. Just look at how he used a strange crystal to reorganize the guards of Mac'Aree's out-of-control school. Sazier insisted on crossing the border. The stars came to the Mystery Academy definitely not just for nostalgia.

The pirates are very suspicious now that the old man may have left some kind of escape route for himself before he was stabbed in the back by his student Archimonde. Maybe this guy buried some terrible "weapon of the final battle" in the secret school.

Thinking of this, the stinky pirate's heart scratched.

He had a premonition that besides getting the Argus World Artifact, which he had little hope for its power, he would definitely gain something really big when he came here this time.

But when the pirate sat on the head of a tall school guard and marched towards the ruins of the mysterious school, he asked Sakir this question, but only got a sneer.

"Yes, I left some valuables behind, but they were not weapons of destruction for war, you stupid pirate."

Sakir, who was sitting on a gorgeous magic carpet, looked at the academy in the distance, and said with a sneer:

"Archimonde's sudden betrayal really caught me by surprise, but ever since I accepted the forbidden knowledge from the stars, I predicted that one day I would stand on the opposite side of Velen and Kil'jaeden .

Since then, I have been secretly preparing.

I am ashamed to say that I was so addicted to those evil knowledge that I began to lose my humanity, and I secretly did terrible things to the secret school under my control."

Sakir shook his head, he said:

"I regard it as a bargaining chip that I can negotiate terms with the consul in exchange for life and freedom in times of crisis, but Archimonde's ruthlessness caught me by surprise.

I lost, lost completely.

But it turns out that Archimonde is not as smart as he thinks. It can be seen from the fact that the idiot Imira was able to escape from the Mystery Academy. My arrangement back then was not discovered by my successor Archimonde .

Perhaps it was because he pursued too much power, so he wholeheartedly turned to Sargeras, which made him disdain to dig deep in the academy that cultivated him.

But after more than 20,000 years of this change, the arrangement made with conspiracy and evil hearts back then has become an unexpected hope that can save everything.

I have to say, Jie Jie Jie, fate still loves me very much. "

Bu Laike raised his eyebrows and looked at the flames dancing on Sakir's burning skull. The flames were very high, which meant that Sakir was in a good mood at this time.

But judging by his appearance, it is estimated that he will not take the initiative to reveal everything to Bo Laike until he really finds out what he is hiding, and the pirate didn't ask any more questions.

"We're almost there! Look, I've already seen the gate of the Mystic Academy. It's still the same deserted and collapsed place as I remembered. There's nothing but wreckage on the ground.

What a sad place. "

In the sky behind the pirates, the eredar twins flapping their wings and following them landed, standing next to Bo Laike on the left and right, and the hot-tempered high-ranking warlock Aureses said to him:

"I really don't understand why you have to come here, little master? All the valuable things in the Secret Academy have been emptied by the eredar demons belonging to the legion.

Even the teaching facilities here have been dismantled and transported to different demon worlds to help the Legion train more demon warlocks, and this place has become a deserted garbage dump."

"Hey! Did someone say the word 'garbage dump' just now? Isn't that just to seduce Lord Gani. Very good, your little trick has successfully attracted me, and now I'm going to break into your Mac'Aree .”

Just after the high-ranking warlock finished speaking, with a soft poof, the phantom figure of Old Ghani appeared beside Bu Laike.

This guy probably knew that the distance was far away, so it was difficult to communicate. This time, he simply shrunk his body without any divine power, and landed on Bu Laike's shoulder in the form of a slender jawed dragon projection.

It moved its head flexibly, looking at the land of Mac'Aree in front of it, it shook its head and said happily:

"It's great! The big garbage pile left after the destruction of the world! Old Garni-sama just took a casual look and discovered the real value of this place! I declare it unilaterally!

All the trash on this land is mine. "

"I was about to call you, and here you are. You really deserve to be a powerful garbage god."

Bo Laike whistled, and wanted to pat old Garni on the head, but was bitten by the projection of the elongated dragon. He curled his mouth and said to the trash god:

"Hey, think of a way to transfer the Crusher of Krokuun here, okay?"

"I can't do it."

Old Garney rolled his eyes and said:

"You think I'm you, with almost infinite power to mobilize? I'm just a third-rate demigod, and it's pretty good to be able to protect myself in this devil's land.

Unless I'm here in person, it's possible to escort those broken scavengers through the broken world, but I won't do that, it's too dangerous. "

"In that case, hurry up to Tol Barad and join Sefiel, and when the expeditionary force departs, you will follow along."

Bu Laike exhorts:

"I will let the anti-magic alliance pay attention to collecting strange and valuable garbage during the battle. After the battle, these things will all be yours.

You don't need to be involved in the war either, just as I said, get your Krokul disciples to Mac'Aree as soon as possible after we invade Argus. "

"make a deal!"

Old Garni rolled his eyes and weighed it, and finally agreed to the pirate's invitation under the temptation of the garbage of the whole world.

It dissipated its phantom with a whoosh, and ran back to Azeroth to find the first mate dragon to save his life and join the battle. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Bu Laike to collect all the garbage they encountered and dedicate it to himself.

After the conversation ended, the pirates arrived at the ruins of the Mystery Palace.

Just as the Eredar twins said, the huge school in front of us, which occupies several mountains, was razed to the ground in the disaster 20,000 years ago, and all valuable things inside were swept away by the demons. .

All that remained here was a miserable and desolate ruin, weeds weakly infected by evil energy grew everywhere, and those weird vines almost completely sealed the collapsed gate.

If it wasn't for Sakir and Imira leading the way, the pirates probably wouldn't be able to find the mountain road leading to the ruins.

But the closer to the main body of the ruins of the school, the more mechanical remains of the school guards along the road. As Imira said, after the demons entered the world of Argus, there was a tragic battle between the school guards and the demons.

The loyal machines won, but they also lost.

Archimonde, who gained great power, was the first to apply his power to the academy that was supposed to be protected by him, the dean, and used evil magic to destroy the entire impregnable academy overnight. .

"Look, I said it, it's worthless here."

After ten minutes of trekking, everyone finally entered the real realm of the Mystic Academy.

Queen Thaloras, who was standing on a pile of rubble, picked up a broken school emblem from the ground, and looked at the weathered corpse of the draenei at her feet.

She said to Bu Laike in a regretful tone:

"The magic tradition of Argus has disintegrated in the era of demon invasion, Archimonde does not want to inherit everything here, it regards this place as a shameful past.

Although my younger sister and I spent our wonderful student days here, we were the best students in the history of the Mystery Academy at that time, and we enjoyed the treatment sought after by thousands of people here.

They gave us so many wonderful names, it's a nostalgic past. "

"That's right, my sister and I used to be the 'school beauties' of the Mystic Academy."

Aureses fell from the sky flapping her wings, hugged her sister, and said in a regretful tone:

"At that time, we enjoyed all the glory brought by talent and knowledge, and we had no doubt that we would enter the decision-making level of Eredar civilization after graduation.

We may become the best twins of Archons after Velen and Lord Kil'jaeden, but unfortunately, the arrival of the Burning Legion has completely changed our destiny.

It also changed the fate of the world.

In fact, we were not determined to join the Legion from the beginning, and we also struggled."

The twins fell silent, and after a few seconds, Aureses glanced at Bo Laike, and she whispered:

"It's a pity that there is no savior in the world of Argus, our only hope, the prophet Velen, even fled with people when the devil came.

After both Archimonde and Kil'jaeden have received the blessing of fel, what else can we do but surrender? "

"You can still resist! But you didn't do that."

The seniors at the tail end of the crane who followed couldn't stand the clumsy lies that their excellent juniors had used to whitewash them.

She strode forward with a staff of holy light, stood beside the wreckage of a broken and heavily weathered red academy guard, and yelled at the twins:

"With the influence of the two of you among the graduates of the academy, as long as you are willing, you can immediately establish a large-scale resistance army with one call!

Krokuun's former consul Hatton and his people are still resisting! And when they need help the most in the first place, you can respond to them in Mac'Aree.

But you didn't do that!

Don't think I don't know, Salolas!

It was you and your sister who were the first to lead the graduates of the Academy into the Burning Legion camp, like the leading sheep leading a herd to a slaughterhouse.

I can see clearly from Ms. Zela's light!

The moment you surrendered, you were entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Kil'jaeden. You could have used your power to protect the civilians of Mac'Aree, but you didn't. Instead, you allowed the demons to destroy all the towns and villages in the area.

I understand that you must have been terrified at the time, and I was terrified too.

I don't blame you for surrendering.

But now you have to whitewash yourself so shamelessly and hypocritically, it is really unnecessary. "

"Then who can you protect with your will to resist?"

Can the sharp-toothed Eredar twins bear this grievance?

They immediately retorted:

"You also said that Chief Hatton has been resisting the demons, but why would they rather die than cooperate with the Holy Light Legion? Don't you have any points in your mind?

Don't think you're a hero just by wearing a layer of light, Imira.

How many of those who joined the Holy Light Legion with you have survived? You have suffered heavy losses against the Legion, and you have almost never won.

Joining you is like buying Zhang Tong's one-way ticket to hell, you can't even protect yourself! "

"Enough! Don't quarrel! As the last disciples of the Mystery Academy, your quarrel disgusts me. Is it time to quarrel?

My neurotic brain knows it's time to get together.

If you three, who represent the last disciples of the Mystery Academy, keep arguing about the past like noisy wild dogs, I will put you in confinement! "

Grandpa Saqier reprimanded in a gloomy tone, showing the majesty of the old principal, and easily stopped the scene.

He jumped off his magic carpet, ignoring the others and walked straight to Imira. He squatted down and looked at the red guard who was half buried in the soil in front of him and was still in a combat posture.

A few seconds later, he took out a polished energy crystal from his arms and put it in the guard's chest.

With the crackling sound, the half-buried mechanical wreck moved its arms and restarted. It turned its mechanical head to look at the crowd, and then shouted to Imira:

"Imila, a student of the third phase of the academy!

You were expelled from school by Prime Minister Galasum because you repeatedly violated the curfew rules, took a large number of civilians into the school palace for refuge without permission, and left school without completing the graduation assessment!

You are not welcome here! "


Imira, who had a righteous face, immediately covered her face in despair.

Her embarrassment made the eredar twins burst into laughter, but then the palace gatekeeper looked at them and yelled in electronic voice:

"Excellent graduates of the Academy, Saloras and Aureises!

The two of you violated the ban of the school’s Grand Consul, Ms. Verala, and privately led the school’s graduates to surrender to the Burning Legion. Therefore, you were expelled from school, stripped of all honors, and regarded as school defectors!

Shameful bastard who brought shame to the Great Mystery Academy, stay still! Prepare to be punished! Prison and Destruction Program Activated! The hunting program for school guards starts! "

"Ha ha ha ha"

This time it was Imira's turn to laugh.

She was only expelled from school, but the Eredar twins, who were once the pride of the school, were regarded as a disgrace to the school and were about to be imprisoned.

So, who is worse now?

Feng Shui turns!

"Okay, my loyal servant Qualam."

Grandpa Saqier waved his hand, and he ordered to the damaged gatekeeper in front of him:

"Do you still recognize me?"

"Of course, the distinguished founder of the school, the founder of Eredar magic, the glorious first-generation enlightener, and the world wise man of Argus, Mr. Sakir."

The shattered Gatekeeper mobilized his broken arm and pulled himself out of the dirt, yelling in eredan inflections:

"Honorable master, after a long time of suffering, you have returned to your loyal academy. All the important things you told me when you left have been sealed and can be restarted at any time.

Please give the order. "

"very good!"

Grandpa Saqier gave two long and proud laughs. He looked back at Bu Laike who was very interested, and said:

"You just said that the magical civilization of the eredar was cut off by the Burning Legion? No, no, no, stupid pirates, the scrolls, tomes and facilities they stole are just useless things.

Is the inheritance of civilization such an inconvenience?

The wisdom represented by the Mystery Academy will not be taken away!

This is why I have been longing to return to Mac'Aree. It is I who have summed up the magic system that created this world. I will also restart the wisdom of civilization after the era of disaster.

My Mystic Academy has always been here, and it hasn't been snatched away by anyone! "

The old man snapped his fingers with flames to the gatekeeper in front of him and said:

"Come, my loyal Quaram, wake them up! Wake up my sleeping students, their headmaster needs their help, the world and our civilization need their help.

The Burning Legion and their dark god thought they had crushed the eredar.

But as we'll show, they're not even close! "

(end of this chapter)

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