Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1649 17. Uncle, I Was A Very Powerful And Domineering Principal Back Then

Chapter 1649 17. Uncle, I was a very powerful and domineering principal back then

Following the command of the lunatic Sakir, who tried his best to maintain his stability, but still behaved, the secret power that this old guy had hidden in the secret school was immediately activated by the gatekeeper Qualam.

Uh, that's a bit of an exaggeration.

After all, the ruins have been abandoned for more than 20,000 years, and they have experienced demolition-style excavations by demons. Coupled with the change of magic power caused by the fragmentation of the world plate, the originally exquisite magic pathways of the Mystery Academy have been messed up. Into a mess.

If Sakir wanted to activate his previous arrangements, he had to rebuild these magic pathways first, and it was quite difficult to complete this task given the huge area of ​​several mountains occupied by the Mystery Academy.

Fortunately, Sakir did not come alone.

Around him are a trio of warlocks with bad conduct but good spellcasting ability, cowardly archmages like Little Xingxing, bad students like Eredar Twins, and Archmage Yimi who has been tempered by more than 20,000 years of war. Pull such a good student.

The most important thing is that beside him is an omnipotent stinky pirate and a group of school guard robots who can't do fine work, but are absolutely obedient and powerful.

There are also outstanding "excavation experts" like old Brian and Zhou Zhuo to help out.

They quickly got busy, one person was in charge of the magic pathways in a large area, and under Sakir's brief explanation, they began to restore those damaged pathways.

The good news is that, as Argus's former supreme institution, the Mystic Academy has a very complete and sophisticated magic defense system. The magic node system is still stable.

The bad news is that, after spending a whole day trying to fix the mana node with barely a hitch, Sakir ran into a very embarrassing and unexpected problem.

Argus' world magic net has long since collapsed.

After the heart of the world is occupied by evil energy, pure arcane magic power can no longer breed in this world, and the magic system of the Mystery Academy revolves around arcane.

In other words, the old man has to find a source of magic power powerful enough to solve the final energy problem.

Fortunately, he and Boo Laike quickly found a replacement.

"Ah! I knew it! You must have malicious intentions to bring me to this ghostly place. I thought it would be fine if you let me fight and dig the soil for you. I didn't expect you to want me to be a storage battery now!

You are too bad!

I will sue Lady Catherine about you! "

Amid the screams of Little Star, Princess Blue Dragon's Throne of Thunder God was temporarily placed on a cleared magic node in the ruins of the Mystic Academy.

This is due to the fact that the weapon platform shaped by Titan technology can realize energy conversion, and the little star himself is required to act as a temporary source of magic power.

After all, the combination of her huge mana pool as Lan Longtian and the beating heart of thunder in her chest is enough for her to help old man Sakir complete the restart of the mystery school.

But Xiao Xingxing's ability to do it doesn't mean she is willing to do it.

The little bastard, always looking for a way to catch a fish, is definitely not willing to give up her precious magic power, and she will yell at Bo Laike in a "you dare to make me and I will run away" gesture.

"Hey, old man, this is to help you, so the job of persuading her is handed over to you."

Bu Laike was too lazy to quarrel with Little Xingxing, he turned around and said something to Sakir with a pipe in his mouth.

The crazy great enlightener laughed twice, stepped forward and whispered a few words to Little Xingxing, then took out a mystery scroll from his luggage and stuffed it into Little Xingxing's hand.

The blue dragon was hesitant. She glanced at the scroll that recorded the mysterious magic in her hand, and then she waved her hand at Sakir and made a double gesture.

It means one serving is not enough.

This kind of greed made the old man very angry. His burning skull gave the innocent stinky pirate a vicious look. He thought that Little Star's greed must have learned from Bu Laike.

The innocent pirates were dumbfounded by this.

A few minutes later, Little Xingxing, who had almost emptied out Sakir's treasure, looked at the Ulthalus Deadwind Harvester Scythe in Sakir's hand with unsatisfied interest.

She was still a little sensible, and didn't ask for this thing from the great enlightener who was about to go berserk.

After her shameful greed was satisfied, Little Xingxing snorted, raised her head to the sky and screamed, and turned into a Thunder Dragon and lay down on the Throne of Thunder God. She buried her head under her huge wings like a cat amidst the thunder. , and said to Sakir, howling again:

"Hey, pump it lightly. I'm going to ask you to settle the score if it hurts me."

Regarding this request, Sakir was already too lazy to pay attention to her.

He waved his hand, and three of his students stepped forward and stood in three directions of the magic node, and began to cast spells at the same time according to Sakir's instructions.

As the dazzling arcane magic power was extracted from Little Xing Xing, those dancing violet magic sparks jumped quickly in place.

Through the magic crystal pedestals erected by Sakir on various points of the Mystery Palace, they poured pure magic power into the ground as quickly as the beating of electric current conduction, activating a mysterious spell system.

This scene fell in the eyes of the pirates, which made him amazed.

Although it has long been known that Draenei spellcasters have unique gem magic, but because the Draenei exiles converted to the Holy Light, the magic inheritance is very weak, so pirates rarely see such an orthodox super-large gem magic release process.

Its principle is nothing more than an extension of the arcane theory, but its mode of action and magic transmission are completely different from Azeroth's arcane magic.

This made the pirates very concerned.

He rubbed his hands and looked at the process of brewing magic power in front of him, thinking that this peculiar magic system would definitely allow him to write at least ten high-quality papers.

But as the magic progressed to the next stage, the pirate immediately let out a cry of surprise.

He looked back at Sakir, who was shining with satisfaction and joy in the pupils of the burning skull, and asked:

"What's the matter with your magic? What you got from the Burning Legion was pure knowledge of fel energy? How could it turn to the level of soul magic?

You set up a 'Thousand Souls Banquet' in your academy? "

"Well, is that how you describe soul magic in Azeroth? The name is impressive, but I didn't learn this knowledge from the Burning Legion, Bu Laike."

Sakir let out a sneer.

Feeling the cold wind around him, he said proudly:

"Argus's magic system already has research on the soul. Don't forget that we have evil knowledge such as phrenology. How do you think that cruel knowledge is summed up?

The development of magic in every civilization will not always be bright, and there will always be some dark parts. Of course, after I founded the Mystery Academy, those taboo magics were sealed, and only a few mentors could consult them.

I am not using this soul magic to do evil things, Bu Laike, I used to be a very qualified college headmaster, and I used to be an educator like your mentor, Dean Lanyue.

I will not extend my black hand to my students and colleagues.

I'm just doing it for my own protection. "

Sakir explained:

"As I said just now, I lost myself after I came into contact with the knowledge of fel energy. I frantically researched those powers that fascinated me. I wanted to share these powers with my compatriots and use them to fill Draai. The insufficiency of the Nepalese magic system.

But after I reported my knowledge to Velen and Kil'jaeden, they didn't take it seriously. Velen accused me of studying evil, and Kil'jaeden was Velen's pathetic echo.

My efforts failed.

At that time, I knew that if I continued to study fel energy, I would get myself into trouble, but I could not give up the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Every ambitious researcher cannot return empty-handed after opening the treasury.

In order to prevent me from being dealt with as evil by the Vindicators, I must have some leverage that can negotiate with Velen and Kil'jaeden when necessary.

So I quietly ordered my loyal college caretaker, Qualam, to help me modify the magic node of the college, making it an area where souls can be stored.

You have to understand, Boo Laike, I really didn't mean to hurt them"

"I can totally understand, you don't have to explain, you bastard who uses your own academy as an escape chip."

Bu Laike whistled and said:

"It's like a despicable blackmail, betting on Velen to make a reasonable choice between a lunatic who studies forbidden knowledge and the safety of the students of the entire Mystic Academy.

A key in a desperate situation, an escape route in a disaster, is really a smart strategy.

It's a pity you didn't expect that before Velen and Kil'jaeden decided to eradicate you as a restless factor, your most trusted student stabbed you first and stepped on your head to ascend to a high position. "

"Yeah, the betrayal from within, that's the only thing I didn't expect."

Sakir spewed flames from the nostrils of the skull, and he looked at the magic that was fully stimulated in front of him and the magical spirits that were summoned from under the ruins in the cold wind.

They are like the ghosts that are very common in Azeroth today, they are summoned by magic to rise from the ground, and they are lined up on the land in front of Sakir.

With the continuous infusion of magic power, more and more spirits were called.

Under the astonished stares of the twins of Ymila and Eredar, even the very familiar and fearful Ms. Valara, the Grand Consul of the academy known for her strictness, was awakened.

Sakir looked at them and said in a cheerful tone:

"Who would have thought that fate would be so wonderful, that the evil force I set up to protect myself would bear fruit today, and save twenty-five thousand souls of my dear colleagues and my students in this calamity era Years, and let them return to the trajectory of this world today.

You have armies of the undead on Azeroth, Laike, that you arranged.

We Argus also have the same power of death, and it originated from my unintentional mistake. Maybe the process is not beautiful and mixed with dark and evil calculations, but the result is good, everything is good. "

After finishing speaking, Sakir stepped forward and moved the scythe in his hand on the ground. He assumed the majestic posture of the vice-principal, and shouted to the spirits in front of him:

"Now, open your eyes and start class!"


The flowing magic power splashed waves, like a heavy hammer at the soul level, awakening the shaped spirits one by one.

Their thinking is obviously still left in the moment when the Mystery Academy was destroyed by Archimonde. After being awakened, the senior students instinctively called for magic to fight back, while the rookies of the lower grades screamed Hold your head and hide on the ground.

In the chaos, Ms. Verala, the Grand Consul of the Academy, was the first to wake up. She still held a weathered wand wreckage in her hand, and she scolded in a stern voice:

"Stop it all! Look at your looks! It's really disrespectful! If you scream again to disrupt order, 10 credits will be deducted from the final exam!"

This cry was very useful.

The chaotic spirit bodies quieted down almost instantly. Ms. Verala first glanced at her illusory spirit body. She sighed, knowing that she was dead, and raised her head to look at the burning enlightener in front of her.

She narrowed her eyes first, and made a defensive posture.

"Okay, Verala, I know that you played a part in Archimonde's betrayal of me, and this gave you the chance to become the consul of the academy for your lack of talent.

But those things are in the past. "

Grandpa Saqier waved his hand indifferently, and said with a little sarcasm:

"Looking at your pathetic appearance, it is clear that Archimonde does not regard you as his confidant. Your betrayal only brought you a shameful death. Only the shameful Grand Chancellor Galasum seems to be messing around with the Burning Legion. Well done.

It is said that he also changed his name to Jaraxxus and called himself Lord of the Eredar, a poor fool indeed. Luckily, I had my little revenge before, presumably that shameful guy will reflect on his shameful sin when it melts in C'Thun's stomach.

So, tell me, where is the Argonne who has taken my place as Initiator by my faithful disciple? "

"Mentor! I'm here!"

A tall eredar spellcaster spirit with a ghost blade came out from the crowd. He bowed to Sazir with great respect, and was so humble that he almost knelt down and kissed the old man's toes.

He shouted:

"I knew that you would not give up so easily, my persistence finally paid off, and the Mystic Academy returned to your hands once again.

Please lead us, mentor!

Avenge the shameful Archimonde and his Burning Legion! "

"That's why I'm here, my students."

Sazier leaned on the Scythe of the Reaper of the Wind, and shouted vigorously to the spirits in front of him:

"Thanks to my preparation in advance, you escaped the sad ending of being devoured by demons, but you don't have to thank me, students.

This is what I should do as the principal of the Mystic Academy.

As you can see, I have also suffered shameful and painful treatment during this long period of time, but this may become a motivation for us to realize our shame and be brave.

Those betrayals, those deaths, those times filled with dark memories.

After the world fell apart, you once again saw the light.

This means that you have to shoulder a heavier mission, not only to fight against the Destroyer, but also to rebuild the great heritage of the Arcane Academy and Eredar magical civilization.

This path is difficult.

So I will not force you to follow me. Those who want to evade this responsibility stand up now, and I will generously grant you eternal freedom. "

The old man's burning eyes glanced in front of him, and behind him, the trio of warlocks, who were laughing strangely, had already found out the blank soul stone. From the way they were gearing up, you could tell that these three guys were ready to clean up. Preparations for pathetic bastards.

This is exactly the most important job they hold in the magician school of Narsalas.

They are clear.

Facts have proved that the Mystery Academy is worthy of being the highest institution in Argus, and the students here are very good at using their brains.

Although most of the spirit bodies showed signs of madness, in front of Sakir's "death trap", no idiot student stood up against their old principal at this time.

Even Ms. Verala, the Grand Consul who had betrayed Sakir, bowed her head in humility to express her obedience.

"very good!"

Sakir nodded in satisfaction, and in the more intense burning of the skull fire, he shouted:

"Then the motion to 'rebuild the Secret Academy' was unanimously passed. What are you still doing? Look at the barren ruins around you. How can you continue to teach in such a bad environment?

Move me!

Three days later, I want to see a clean and clean secret school! Well, I've also learned and borrowed very effective new mind-management models from my outstanding fellow educators in Outworld.

I decided to run the academy for freshmen with paramilitary rules.

Those who dare to be lazy, those who are lazy, those who fail three consecutive assessments, those who do not have enough credits before graduation, those who cannot complete homework independently, those who engage in academic fraud, those who dare to discuss the principal's decision in private, those who are afraid of encountering demons

You'd better get rid of your bad habits, or wait to become the soul core of the school guards!


Start the pre-school cleaning now! 0.5 credits per person for successful completion within 24 hours, 50 credits per person for failure to complete tomorrow afternoon.

Do you have any comments on this? "

(end of this chapter)

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