Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1656 24. Look, Ms. Elune Still Loves Me

Chapter 1656 24. Look, Ms. Elune still loves me

Mograine quickly led the little murlocs to the edge of the ruins of the Seat of the Triumvirate, which was completely ruled by void and darkness, on the roaring Thunder Dragon.

Although Bu Laike asked him not to bring Little Xingxing over, the little murloc teamed up with Little Xingxing to hunt for treasure before, and the archbishop couldn't bring the little murloc alone without alarming Little Xingxing.

What's more, the situation is extremely urgent now, how can we take care of so much?

And after Little Xingxing heard about Captain Stinky's accident, she immediately turned into a thunder dragon and flew here with little murlocs and Mograine at a high speed. She didn't even give the archbishop a chance to refuse and explain.

However, when the majestic Thunder Dragon flapped his wings and landed outside the void domain that had begun to expand outwards, she looked up and saw the huge and weird figure on the edge of the broken ruins, and then realized why Bu Laike wouldn't let her come over.

Even if Xiao Xingxing has a body protector like the Heart of Thunder, she can be regarded as a big boss on the order side of the mortal world, but when she looks directly at Braike's abyss, she still has all kinds of strange thoughts that cannot be stopped. In an instant, it flooded into my mind.

In the beginning, all kinds of strange knowledge came rushing towards us. Those complicated diagrams of magic formulas or complex formulas of engineering emerged like a sea of ​​stars in a whirling and flying gesture, which made Little Xingxing shake his head vigorously.

Then all kinds of dark whispers burst into her mind.

for example

The Spellweaver is getting old, and it is unable to lead the blue dragon army to move forward. It is time to launch a righteous resistance, overthrow the glory era of the sick dragon king who established the little stars, and sell the Spellweaver to the natural disaster by the way The Legion earns extra money to support the rapid rise of the blue dragonflight.

Another example, I already have so many book fans, it's time to change my thinking, I can no longer make money by simply writing books, as the speed of accumulating wealth is too slow, I should consider promoting the new products of the goblin consortium in the book Propaganda, in order to grab huge amounts of wealth.

As for whether the things made by the goblins will kill people?

Ha, what does that have to do with being a simple and lovely giant dragon belt writer?

"My God!"

Little Xingxing hugged her big head with thunderous claws, and covered her body with wide wings. She screamed:

"Stop coming! There are too many evil thoughts, I can't hold them, they are about to overflow. Has this damned dark wisdom become a halo effect?"

"Dragon of Azeroth, he is good enough for you."

The tired and weak Walker of the Two Worlds appeared again, probably at the behest of Bu Laike, who came here to pick up the trembling little murloc to help.

The ethereal hunter glanced at Little Xingxing, who was lying on the ground and covering his head and screaming, and commented:

"In order not to hurt you, he deliberately filtered the corruption and erosion in the thoughts of truth. What you see now is nothing but the most harmless ones in the corrupt aura of the ancient gods.

Step back a little and go to a safe place.

As for you, weird murloc, your master is waiting for you, he needs your help, come with me. "

"quack quack"

The little murloc was obviously very scared.

Every time it looks at the pirate's abyss, its body shakes violently. It believes that Bo Laike will not harm it, but the horrible thing in front of it is too scary.

Any sane life should stay as far away from him as possible.

The little murloc's fear didn't come from doubting or disliking Bu Laike, it was more of a low-level life's instinctive awe when facing a high-level life.

But even so, the little murloc did not hesitate to face the imaginary gate opened by the dual-world walker.

It swallowed hard, hugged the luna lantern that Bu Laike gave it to clean and wax in its arms, followed Void Spirit and jumped into the dim light curtain in front of it.

After watching the little murloc disappear, Archbishop Mograine heaved a sigh of relief.

Only then did the archbishop realize that his body was covered in cold sweat, and his hands and feet were shaking uncontrollably.

This detail was quickly turned into a human form, and the little star who pretended to make a blindfold to cover his eyes sensed it. In order to relieve the tension, fear and embarrassment, the idiot blue dragon whispered to the archbishop:

"Don't you warriors of the Holy Light Legion claim to be fearless? It is said that the infusion of the Holy Light has strengthened your connection with the Force. They are all extremely brave and emotionless fanatics killing machines.

But your body is shaking.

are you afraid archbishop? "

Maybe because she realized that her words were somewhat sarcasm, Little Xingxing hastily corrected:

"Oh, it's actually fine, and there are no outsiders here, don't you see that I am also afraid as a powerful Thunder Dragon? When facing the terrifying appearance of the smelly captain, there is no shame in trembling or anything."

"Do not!"

Mograine shook his head, and he explained seriously:

"I'm not afraid, because the Holy Light protects me. Although I'm shaking, it's just my body that's afraid, which stems from its instinctive desire to survive."

"Ah, as expected of the archbishop of the Holy Light Legion, he even speaks so nicely!"

Little Xingxing was amazed by this answer for a moment. While giving Mograine a thumbs up, she took out a small notebook and said:

"I want to write this sentence down, and I will definitely use it in the future."

Powerhouses like Little Xingxing and Mograine couldn't stop their trembling, let alone others.

The Holy Light Blades who rushed over with the Archbishop have now retreated to a place two kilometers away from the seat of the ruling group under the leadership of Captain Faria, but this still cannot make them escape the erosion of the void.

These elites had to temporarily prop up the enchantment of holy light purification to resist the constantly overflowing void power.

At this moment, they finally understood the reason why Ms. Zela never allowed any member of the Holy Light Legion to go too deep into the land of Mac'Aree. Who would have thought that this ordinary place hides such a terrifying secret under the nose of the devil? The void exists?

What on earth does the Burning Legion eat?

Don't you understand the reason why others are allowed to snore on the side of the couch?

Hello! You incompetent demons, if you have time to invade other worlds, at least spare some people to deal with the hidden void threat in the base camp.

Your incompetence and unprofessionalism almost killed us! ——


After the little murloc followed the two-dimensional walker through the ruins of the palace full of void pollution, it appeared on the edge of the shattered pit where Bo Laike was.

Looking at the abyss face of the pirates outside the palace just now, I already felt very scary, and when I faced the real Demon of Thousand Tongues at such a close distance, the fist-sized heart of the little murloc thumped rapidly. Jumping to the point of almost exploding.

Especially when seeing the scene where Bu Laike's slender and weird void body is surrounded and guarded by the ten thousand snake tentacles extending from his lower body, it is enough to make people lose all San points in an instant.

Although the pirates had tried their best to restrain their corrupt power, the heavy task of meeting the ancient gods still overwhelmed the little murloc's spirit and will.

It didn't even dare to look up.

Even so, the little murloc felt the flesh and blood under the scales of his body itching, as if something terrible was about to grow out.

The flesh and blood are too close to the manifestation of the force of the void in the material world, causing it to begin to distort.

"Come here, little fool, don't be afraid."

A few tentacles rose up from under the dark curtain as flexibly as a snake, they "looked" at the little murloc from all directions, and the faint blue eyeballs at the top of the tentacles flipped.

When they looked directly at them, the heartbeat of the little murloc stopped instantly.

But then, Bu Laike's gentle voice with a strange thought-shaking voice sounded in the heart of Benboerba, quickly calming all its fears.

The little murloc returned from being so scared to death to an extremely peaceful state in an instant. Its emotions and thinking were like a ball of plasticine that was easily manipulated by pirates.

Knead it into whatever you want.

Under the call of the pirates, Ben Boerba bravely held the Luna Lantern and stepped on a tentacle. He was lifted up high like an elevator, and soon came under Laike's head.

The little murloc croaked twice, and flatteringly raised the Elune lantern in its hand. At this moment, it accidentally saw a purple chaos under Braike's dark hood, just like the black knight's helmet. The appearance of black smoke or quicksand.

Benbo Erba's spirit was hit hard at this moment.

It screamed and covered its head, feeling like its spirit was going to explode.

The reckless looking directly into the abyss brought it a desperate experience, especially the glimpse of seven ember-like red points of light shining in the purple chaos.

That is the eye of thousands of truths

Obviously, Benbo Erba's small body can't bear the gaze of the will of the abyss at all, but who made it the stupid little pet loved by Bu Laike?

The power originating from the Demon of Thousand Tongues was transmitted to the little murloc's body along the tentacles, helping it stabilize its will, and the Elune lantern that fell from the murloc's hands was also caught in the air by another tentacles, and was caught by another tentacle. Sent to the pirates.

The Demon of Thousand Tongues sighed deeply.

This action representing regret caused a dark storm in the soul in this ruined place. He didn't delay any longer, but held up the silver lantern, and chanted Elune's name in the Sharath language derived from the void.

This move is full of slots!

A newly promoted ancient god who has just completed shaping the face of the abyss and condensing the body of a demigod, a filthy life born in the lightless sea, using the language of the void that represents the most depraved and corrupted, through the order endowed by an order-side god Artifact, chanting the name of the main god of life force and praying for her blessing.

This action of the pirate offended both the Matte Sea and the Pantheon of Life almost at the same time, and the name of a double-faced knife or a traitor is not enough to describe him.

The mere presence of such an act represents blasphemy beyond words.

That's him, if someone else couldn't complete this action here, he would be punished by two forces at the same time. There is no way, the one who is favored is always confident.

The world of Argus is a sacred place of fel energy, and it is difficult for life force to bloom here. It is also difficult for Laike to call Elune's name here to really contact his number one big sister.

But fortunately, Elune's lantern itself stores enough moonlight to be released once, and it doesn't need to be infused by Elune to activate it.

The silver bright moonlight dispelled all the darkness in the next instant, and the entire Mac'Aree sky changed from gloomy to a peaceful sky full of stars,

A round of pure moon hangs high above the sky, shedding the light of purification, covering the twisted and weird fallen body of the thousand-tongued demon.

Like a round of spotlights coming, the body of the ancient god shrouded in moonlight shook twice, the collision of chaos and order made the pirate let out a weak cry of pain, like burnt ashes flying around, and in the next moment like It shrinks as quickly as a leaking balloon.

Bo Laike felt himself "melting".

He could feel his huge body being reshaped into his mighty, handsome and unrestrained pirate image under his will. This process only lasted a few seconds. As the moonlight dimmed, the dark curtain that covered the ruins It was also actively put away at this moment.

The little murloc that landed on the ground covered its eyes with its paws. It felt the familiar aura returning, so it raised its head boldly and looked at Laike from between its fingers.

Seeing the naked pirate falling with his arms outstretched on the wind of darkness, the little murloc croaked twice in surprise, happily ran around Braike a few times, and offered the Balrog a treasure. A burning pipe made of horn is offered with both hands.

Next to it, the Eredar twins, who had been protected by the dual-world walker just now, also stepped forward with some weakness, knelt down on one knee with an inexplicable awe, and put the pirate's moonlight armor and his Salamai with both hands. The Ni Zhan sword is offered.

"The trouble here needs to be resolved. I was a little 'excessively forceful' in a daze just now."

Laike let Gemini put on his battle armor, and took a pipe in his mouth and breathed out a puff of smoke ring comfortably. He looked at the surrounding collapsed ruins and the void corrosion all over the ruins, and casually made a gesture amidst the rising smoke. The "deep breath" action.

As he took a deep breath, the void surrounding the seat of the governing group rolled into a chaotic wind of void that swept across the ruins, and was sucked into the belly of the pirates within a few seconds.

Afterwards, he let out a comfortable moan, and hiccupped under the strange gaze of the dual-world walker. Uh, this guy has no common eyes, but his weird eyes can be felt.

"Let's go! Let's meet our friends, and remember to keep your mouth shut if you threaten them casually."

The pirate looked at his intact body, snapped his fingers triumphantly, and led Gemini and the little murloc towards the edge of the ruins, where Little Xingxing and Mograine were waiting.

They saw the normal pirates approaching and waved at them.

This made Little Xingxing hug his little notebook and cheered, but before the cheers of Little Xingxing ended, the blue dragon saw the elongated shadow of Bu Laike behind him under the dim moonlight.

Obviously it was the normal Bo Laike.

But the shadow he cast on the ground of the ruins was so chaotic and ferocious that it looked like a Void Demon with claws and claws. It was completely a "plane display" of the abyss before, which made Little Xingxing shudder again.

She deeply understood that the stinky pirate in front of her was no longer the stinky captain she was familiar with. Regardless of the truth today, Laike had been completely changed.

Maybe a strange and filthy soul has been stuffed under this handsome body

"Hey, what are you thinking?"

Bu Laike glanced at the little Xingxing who was stunned with his pipe in his mouth, and he complained:

"Look at you now, you look like a complete fool. How can you shoulder the important task of leading the rise of the blue dragon army like this? I should really throw you into the devil's stronghold for you to experience and practice."

"Ah, that's the smell!"

Little Xingxing jumped up and said:

"This kind of familiar sarcasm and hateful tone, coupled with the damn smile that makes people want to beat you up, you are right, woo woo woo, I was scared to death, I thought we were going to lose you.

You bastard! "

The blue dragon, with tears in its eyes, slammed into the pirate's arms like a cannonball, hugging him and crying, making the pirate look helpless, while comforting the idiot little Xingxing, he looked at Mograine and said:

"What, Archbishop, let your soldiers come over, my business is over, and it's time to deal with your affairs. Remember the teachings of the Holy Light to you, and you must be firm."

(end of this chapter)

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