Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1657 25. Isn't This Bullying Honest People! I Can't Turn A Blind Eye To Justice...

Chapter 1657 25. Isn't this bullying honest people! I can't turn a blind eye to justice.

Mograine had some doubts about whether to continue to enter this abnormal-looking seat of the ruling group, especially after witnessing the birth of the Demon of Thousand Tongues, the archbishop felt that it was not a good idea to go further into this place.

But Bu Laike just used a "deep breath of the void" to swallow all the remaining void energy in the ruins like a snack, which reduced the concentration of void in the ruins to a level that even ordinary people can bear in a short time .

The risks that were visible to the naked eye seemed to be erased, leaving the archbishop with no reason to object.

So under the urging of the pirates, he issued an assembly order to the Holy Light Blades. While Captain Faria rushed over with the guards of the Holy Light Legion, the pirates were dealing with the endless problems of the little stars, while checking themselves. time status.

He originally thought that after shaping the face of the abyss and becoming a real ancient god, it would have a great impact on his power system, but it turned out that the impact was not as great as he thought.

At least not too bad to the point of irreparable.

This can be seen from the hints given by the character card:

Name: Demon of a Thousand Tongues/Servant of the Moon Laike Shaw【Drake Proudmoore】

Race: Light-dark sensitive parasitic symbiosis, maturity, Void Chosen/human, half-elf, Luna Chosen

Life form: demigod · void divinity [additional double strengthening can be added to "life · void" divinity]

Power Attributes: Demigod·Black Emperor·Tide of Truth

Divine Power Attributes: Corrosion/Rebirth, Bewitching/Empowering, Transformation/Restore, Distort/Reshape

Occupation: Level 60 Pirate·Night Prophet·Elite/Level 60 Warlock·Hand of the Void·Elite/Level 60 Hunter·Leader of the Pack·Elite

Legendary Occupation: Level 12 Watcher · High-level Warden · Leader / Level 1 Fool's Friend [Truth Hunter] · Leader

Mythical occupation: Level 1 Moon Night God of War·Life Force·Weak/Level 3 Ancient God·Void Force·Strong

God's chosen vassals:

Mathias Shaw [Void/Shadow] · God's Chosen Mark can be activated


At present, the power is in a state of [severe imbalance], and the divine power of the void is far stronger than the divine power of life. Please find the force of life to strengthen and replenish it as soon as possible, otherwise the [neutral] camp will slip to the chaotic side.

This set made the pirates frown frequently.

Especially the last note, the profession of this ancient god has been quickly upgraded to the full level of level 3 after Yogg Saron's selfless dedication and Mac'Aree's accident, while Moon Night God of War still maintains level 1 "Weak posture", although this will not weaken Braike's combat effectiveness, it is also a hidden danger.

He can balance the power of order and chaos at the same time because he is on the neutral path. Once he completely slides into order or chaos, it means that he will permanently lose a mythical inheritance.

The lack of power is secondary.

The main reason is that it is really impossible for him to give up Ms. Elune, the heart-warming big sister of Bai Fumei.

"Well, that seems like a solution."

The pirate rubbed his chin and said something to himself. His absent-minded attitude quickly angered the little Xingxing who was holding a small notebook and doing an "interview" with a genuine ancient god.

The Blue Dragon idiot put his hands on his hips and scolded angrily:

"What do you mean think of a way? I was just asking you how it feels to be an ancient god, and you are just perfunctory to me like that? Thanks to me, I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I came to rescue you immediately!

Is that how you treat your savior? "

"What does it feel like to be an Old God? You really want to know that?"

The pirate glanced at the little Xingxing who was filled with righteous indignation. He picked up the little murloc who was playing with the Box of Mysteries and hugged him in his arms. While "fishing", he replied:

"That feeling can be summed up as cool, um, very cool. I feel that the thoughts of creatures can be turned into substance and I can play with them. As long as I flick them, I can make anyone who dares to approach me go crazy or become a fool.

Like this."

Bu Laike stretched out his fingers maliciously, and flicked on Xiao Xingxing's smooth forehead.

In the faint splash of purple light, the stupid little Xingxing felt as if his spirit was thrown into a high-speed vibrating roller, and he was rolled tens of thousands of times in just a short moment.

She suddenly turned pale like a landlubber with severe seasickness, glared at the pirate fiercely, threw herself to the side, and a rainbow appeared near her mouth with an ow.

After punishing this questioning idiot in this slightly nasty way, the pirate laughed and stood up, and glanced back at the Holy Light Blades who were already close in front of him. A dual-world walker who is suspended in the air in a very "Zen-like" posture and absorbs the power of the void to complement himself said:

"Hey, we don't know each other, you hunter of pure void.

I helped you destroy the shadow guard, and you also helped me deal with the mess, so we are even.

Everyone is trash serving the void, so next I invite you to join me to witness the birthing moment of the 'God of the Void' in the depths of the ruins.

Are you coming? "

Boo Laike, puffing out smoke rings from a burning pipe, added:

"But again, I'll kill its threat here, and I won't let her spread any damn truth.

You should be well aware that in the past 25,000 years, this guy has killed 9 out of 10 of the life in Mac'Aree. I doubt that the original eredar were transformed into the broken ones in this world. handwriting.

I don't deny that her existence has effectively prevented the demons from completely occupying the heart of the world on Argus.

But now her mission is over. "

"I understand, I can understand, and I have no objection."

The dual-world walker swayed his void body. It tore a crack with its hand and took out a set of white and purple void robes that were used, and changed it on its body.

Then he took out the white spirit pattern bandage to wrap around the head of his energy body, and finally put his Void Hunter crown on his head.

It said to Bu Laike:

"I stopped you before because we needed Lula to stop the Burning Legion from completely polluting the star-soul of Argus, but now the Old God of Argus has been born.

The mission entrusted to you by the Void is to devour Argus’ star soul before it can be transformed into a dark titan by the fel energy. Void Will can accept the loss of a future Void Lord, but we must ensure that Argus cannot be used by fel energy .

The balance of the force cannot be broken!

At least not now.

With you here, the existence of Dark Entropy Morula is indeed dispensable. I have guarded her for countless years, maybe it is time to send her to rest.

But I have a requirement.

My outstanding colleague Bou Laike. "

The mysterious double-world walker glanced at his broken void staff, and it said to the pirates with the "electric voice" of the ethereal:

"We have to keep going!

We must send that dark entropy demon into the sea of ​​lightlessness. She has suffered in this broken world for too long, and she has swallowed too much despair to make her grow to the point where she is only one step away from the void god.

Neither you nor I can do this alone.

We need to cooperate.

The sacrifice of the two truth hunters is enough to send Lula, who has been weakened to a weak state, to her proper destination. "

"Hey, your proposal makes me very uncomfortable."

Bu Laike exhaled smoke rings, squinted and said:

"Although I can understand your righteous thoughts of wanting to maintain balance, as a hunter, I also know how rich the rewards can be obtained by sacrificing an Entropy Demon to the Lightless Sea alone. Are you planning to divide my rewards?

Are you sure you want to say such a thing in front of a pirate? "


This time it was the turn of the dual-world walker to be confused.

The truth hunter who served the pure void was stunned for several seconds before he said in a bit of surprise:

"Is there any reward for doing this kind of thing? Is the fallen void so generous to the truth hunters? I have been in this industry for thousands of years, and I know many fellow hunters who have traveled among the stars, but we have never heard of it." It is said that completing the sacrifice of truth can also get the feedback of the power of the lightless sea."


Bu Laike didn't know what expression to use to answer the question from the dual-world walker.

He hesitated, and whispered:

"That... When you were summoned to be truth hunters, didn't you discuss the conditions with the will of the void? They didn't intend to reward me, but I argued hard and they agreed.

At that time, I thought the Void Lord was quite easy to talk to.

In addition, if there is no reward, are you all working for nothing? How did you grow up? Generate electricity with love? "

"Negotiate terms with Void Will?"

A wise person like the double-world walker was shocked when he heard the pirate's words. He really didn't expect that there would be such a coquettish operation. guilt and regret.

With a jade tone, it said in a trembling electronic voice:

"As far as I know, most truth hunters enter the profession to seek the glory of truth. Everyone is inspired by a great goal, and they don't talk about rewards and rewards.

As for strength gains

After each sacrifice is completed, we can get the power to browse precious wisdom from the Agnostic Sea, and those forbidden knowledge are more than enough to make up for the return. "

"Ah this!"

The pirate's eyes widened immediately after hearing this.


Helping people hunt dangerous things and risking their lives to complete the sacrifice, and then just give some knowledge and get rid of it? What's the difference between this and a prostitute?

For truth hunters, how is that any different than paying to work?

Isn't this the same as some unscrupulous bosses crazily drawing cakes on new employees, and shamelessly telling them that they can learn hellish experience by working here when they ask for a salary increase?

This is totally a sweatshop ah hey!

Don't you have any sense of self-protection?

Hey, how come you are so easy to use top-notch cannon fodder until now I have met you? I can also exploit you unscrupulously, and I can also trick you with words like glorious missions and hellish responsibilities. Come and give me Is it good to work part-time?

"Speaking of which, what reward will the Lord of the Void of the Lightless Sea give you?"

A few seconds later, the dual-world walker asked quietly like a new employee in the company asking an old employee's salary.

The pirate hesitated for a moment, feeling that he could not allow the pure will of the void to bully honest people like this, so he whispered the agreement he had reached with the Lord of the Void to the Dual Realm Walker.

When I heard that every time Bu Laike completes the sacrifice of truth, he will get such precious things as non-attribute force of the same value, even if he is a well-informed dual-world walker and a veteran in this field, he will be excited or say Shaking with anger.

The body of energy under his robe shook to the point that it almost fell apart.

It can be seen that it was really shocked by the good treatment of the pirates, and it was heartbroken for the things it had missed in the past.

"I said, there must be some trick to this sort of thing, right?"

After hesitating for a few minutes, when Braike brought the Holy Light Blades close to the depths of the ruins where the dark entropy demons were, and when Mograine was about to lead people to open the dusty ancient palace in front of him, the double-world walker suddenly Pulled Laike.

It whispered in embarrassment:

"Teach me how to negotiate conditions with the will of the void, I am not for those precious rewards, I just have a reason to become stronger.

If you know the history of our ethereals and what happened to our home planet, I think you can understand my urgency.


I can pay!

Use your way to exchange to obtain this precious knowledge, I can exchange with you the empty truth I know, I guess, you must not be very satisfied with your abyss, I just heard your heartfelt words Resentment and complaints.

I can teach you how to change your appearance."

"Can this kind of thing be changed?"

Bu Laike was also interested. He rubbed his hands and asked:

"Can I change my abyss face into a handsome and mighty posture that fits my aesthetics?"

"Uh, this can't be done."

Dual Realm Walker explained:

"The face of the abyss is shaped by the infusion of the void power of each ancient god in the lightless sea. Your appearance represents the meaning of your existence and the deepest desire in your heart.

Unless you change your mind, you can't change the fallen appearance of the abyss, but I can teach you to fine-tune it, such as removing the extra eyes, such as making the tentacles smoother or more domineering.

Add some external decorations to yourself

I also have the knowledge of weaving the 'Void Coat', which is a special accessory that only powerful Void beings can make for themselves, just like the gods of the stars can make artifacts for themselves.

The Corrupted Void has the same lore.

I know that a certain void lord has his own 'seal of the void', maybe you can try it too.

This knowledge is hidden in a sea of ​​​​perils without light, I have acquired it by accident over the past countless years, I have no use for it, but you may need it. "

"I'm happy with the exchange!"

The pirate looked back at the Holy Light Blades who were staring at the invasion of the Song of Darkness and opened the gate of the palace. He casually threw a ball of truth thoughts to protect the will of these guys, so that they would not be captured by the dark entropy.

After watching Mograine lead a group of paladins into the palace, Laike smiled expectantly and satisfied. He turned back and said to the two-world walker:

"Come on, let's exchange this valuable knowledge now.

As an expression of sincerity, I will teach you how to talk to the Supreme Will of the Void.

First of all, you have to understand one thing, the will of the void, no matter it is pure or corrupt, they only desire one thing and that is to accelerate the expansion of the void force before the era of turmoil begins.

No matter what method you use, whether it is peace or destruction, as long as you can achieve this goal, you will have the basis to fight for more power with them.

You are really lucky.

You met this prophet of mine at this time, and you just happened to be stuck at the node that this era is about to push.

You have to show your value. With your excellent service in the past thousands of years, I think you have already shown your value, so what you have to do is to be bold, don't be afraid of them, and don't be fooled by the majesty of the gods.

Now it is they who want you.

In a moment you will do what I say and talk to the Will of the Void to which you are loyal, and that's it."

"My God! Holy Light! Lies! It's all lies! My God, why did you show us this?"

A violent scream sounded from the nearby palace, and one could tell that it came from Captain Faria. The scream of the collapse of faith made the pirates whistle happily.

He grabbed the dual-world walker who wanted to check it out, and said:

"Give them time to face reality, and trust me, my colleagues, it won't do us any harm."

(end of this chapter)

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