Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1661 29. Broken World, Broken Crown

Chapter 1661 29. Broken World, Broken Crown

While the three of Bu Laike were carrying out "final care" for the troubled Narulula, those Holy Light Blades whose faith had collapsed were sent out of the dark palace.

They temporarily lost the ability to fight because of their broken minds, so they could only use blessings instead of participating in the battle.

Captain Faria, holding the light and dark scripture, watched her archbishop close the gate of the palace with a weak but worried look. Mograine's temperament was obviously different when he parted.

But Captain Faria didn't think much about it.

In her heart, the archbishop is still very reliable, a man who can make people feel safe under any circumstances.

She and her companions didn't go far, at least they didn't move to a place of absolute safety like Little Xingxing. They stayed outside the palace and prayed for the people inside.

Although they knew that there was an extremely powerful ancient god and a mysterious double-world walker, everyone believed that the battle that followed would be fierce.

For they have seen with their own eyes the power of the dark narululah.

The battle between light and dark in their imagination is absolutely fierce, even life-threatening.

Especially after the battle started, they heard Lula's dark mourning, and felt the tide of darkness rising everywhere, which made the Holy Light Warriors really sweat for the three of them who fought against the dark naaru.

However, at the last moment, the extremely strong and vivid holy light summoned by Mograine descended from the sky, blasting through the dome of the palace to clear away all the darkness, and cheering the soldiers who had just experienced the crisis of faith.

These devout warriors see it as a gift from the Light and a calling to them.

It seems that at this moment when the darkness covers their minds, they want to show them the majesty of the pure light and let them return to the warm embrace of the holy light.

Many Blades of Holy Light knelt down in front of the blazing light. After witnessing the "miracle", they tearfully repented for their previous doubts about their faith.

The scene of seeing a dark place re-illuminated by a brilliant light is full of religion and revelation.

However, in fact, what happened in the palace cannot be said to be exactly the same as the battle they imagined, only completely different.

There was no fighting at all.

Bu Laike's group used "talk therapy" for Lula's hospice care.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, the final result was good. After a long wait of more than ten minutes, the palace gate that was closed and shrouded in holy light finally opened again.

The stinking Bo Laike and the dual-world walker walked out of it wrapped in darkness. Behind them, Archbishop Mograine embraced a naaru core that was completely purified by the holy light.

This thing can be called "Heart of Holy Light".

It's the size of an adult.

Although it still maintains the scarred appearance of Lula's core, the warm light wrapped in it is enough to make it a genuine holy light relic.

When she saw Mograine reappear in the holy light, Captain Faria cheered and rushed over to give the archbishop a hug from her companions, but this strong female warrior finally contained the excitement in her heart.

She took the shining thing from Mograine, and heard the archbishop exhort to her:

"Keep it safe, Faria, this is a gift left to us by a respectable guardian Naaru, it will guide us to touch the true meaning of the holy light that interprets all good things again in our confusion.

It means a lot to the brothers of the Legion of Light. "

"Well, I will protect this pure thing with my life."

Captain Faria held the Heart of Light in her arms, and she responded loudly.

The mere touch calmed down her slightly dazed and restless heart, and this thing seemed to be singing to her, a song of praise full of hope and courage.

"I said, you owe me a big favor this time! Since I was busy trying to relieve Lula just now but forgot about the business, I suffered a heavy loss this time.

So I think you should give me enough compensation. "

Bo Laike was sitting on a stone, smoking a burning pipe, and in a very unhappy tone, he made a claim against the two-world walker and Mograine.

Probably in order to strengthen the rationality of his claim for compensation, the stinky pirates began to present the facts and reason.

He kept blowing out smoke rings and said:

"The naaru are at their weakest when they transform from light to darkness. They have left the power of the holy light but have not yet fully entered the realm of void. At this time, the essence of the two forces is not likely to respond to their call.

Moreover, the weakening of vitality made it difficult for the naaru to react sharply to the attack. The only trouble was the depraved breath they exuded in this situation.

The connection to the Lightless Sea makes anyone approaching them the same as approaching that dark sea of ​​truth.

It's the equivalent of looking straight into the abyss.

If light-forged paladins like you are allowed to purify her, it is conservatively estimated that at least two hundred people will be required to cast spells together to free her from her dark fate.

You have to be prepared to lose your troops and lose your generals.

But today you're in luck, Grand Knight.

Brother Shuangjiezhe and I are the one-in-a-kind bastards favored by the void, as you saw just now, we ignored her dark aura and touched her body.

This made it possible to purify her.

Without my dedication, there would be no victory today! "

"I know you are bargaining and trying to add money, and I can understand what you want to express. I have no problem with you thinking that you are a bastard, but please don't take me with you?"

The dual-world walker seems to be in a very good mood at this time, and this guy who was supposed to take the mysticism route actually made a joke, and he complained to the pirates with a trembling electronic voice:

"That may be a weird custom used by the servants of the Fallen Void to laugh at themselves, but we walkers on the side of the Pure Void never call ourselves that."

"Oh, as long as you understand the meaning, don't pick the words."

Bu Laike stared and said:

"Do you really expect ordinary people to be able to tell the difference between depravity and purity? In their eyes, all those who walk the path of the void are evil bastards.

But I don't want to talk about these, mainly because the issue of compensation must be put on the agenda!

Judging by the smile on your face, the bargaining with the Will of the Void probably went very smoothly.

so good.

You have a great future, Mograine and his blind brothers have found hope, everyone has a better tomorrow, except for me, I have nothing to gain.

This is great. "

Hearing Bu Laike's yin and yang voice, the dual-world walker shook his head immediately. He raised his hands, and under the watchful eyes of the pirates, a group of invisible forces was picked up and handed to his eyes.

The ethereal hunter whispered to him:

"This is a commendation given to me by the lord I am loyal to. It is a very precious non-attributed force, which comes from the companion thing produced when the truth is swallowed by the lightless sea.

I give half of it to you, my outstanding colleague, and I know you who walk the path of balance need it more than I do.

This is also a thank you for helping me start a new career. "

"Is it only half?"

The pirate complained:

"You have not been as lucky as me to find a solid path to the field of force, this precious thing is useless to you other than strengthening your existence.

However, Void Spirit has already lost its physical entity in the disaster in its hometown, which makes the precious force not very effective in strengthening you.

Why don't you take out the remaining half, and I'll exchange it with you for other things. "

"No, I refuse."

The pirate's exchange proposal was immediately rejected by the dual-world walker.

Bu Laike's words couldn't fool it, and the ethereal with mysterious origin let out a light and weird laugh, and it whispered in a tone of sharing secrets:

"The vessel itself directly determines the end of our journey to the path to the Supreme Power. My dear Laike, you have nothing for the Force in my hand.

Accept this parting gift.

I am leaving this world, and I am going back to my people to gather the bravest and wisest warriors among us, and prepare for the coming era of chaos.

We may accept your invitation to go to Azeroth to participate in the final battle of the Burning Crusade.

We may stand on the sidelines, but no matter what, this will not change the newly born 'friendship' between us. "

The dual-world walker stopped, and it reminded in a serious tone:

"Besides, what happened to Mac'Aree cannot be hidden from the Burning Legion.

If your previous activities were just stealing food from an elephant's den, this time it is equivalent to biting a piece of meat on an elephant.

The raging demons will quickly mobilize and extinguish your flames that shouldn't exist.

A cruel war is coming, may the void bless you with peace. "

"Blessings of the void, this is not a good thing."

The pirate stretched out his hand to grab the non-attributed force that the dual-world walker had given him, incorporated that flowing power into his body, and called Elune's name to classify it above the rank of the Moon Night God of War.

With the strengthening of the power of order, the crisis of "imbalance" he felt was slightly alleviated.

But the balance of neutrality is still very tilted, which means that the pirates continue to seize the time to complete the "self-balancing" while participating in the Argus War.

He watched as the double-boundary walker opened an imaginary gate leading to the unknown land of the stars. The guy jumped into the gate and disappeared with the unique flickering posture of the imaginary.

Not even a final farewell waving goodbye, I can only say that these ethereals are really rude!

Bo Laike spit out a smoke ring and complained fiercely in his heart, then he grinned again, flipped his fingers, and a dim dusty badge jumped into his hand.

This thing is made of special crystal.

It is made of the same material as Velen's Prophet's Eye and Archimonde's Enlightenment Seal. When pirates hold it, they can clearly feel the growth and protection of wisdom from this crystal emblem.

This is the crown of knowledge!

The final third of the Artifact of Argus.

He found it among the wreckage of Lula. Kil'jaeden hated the guardian naaru for helping Velen escape from Argus, so he locked Lula in a place of despair to die.

In order to show that he made a clean break with the weak past, Kil'jaeden also threw the artifact in his hand here.

This is not to say that the big devil lost his mind and threw such precious things away.

This artifact was jointly forged by the three consuls using the crystals left by the ancient naaru, and they injected their own power into it. Only when they are united, can the three forces of prophecy, wisdom and enlightenment create brilliance.

Once dispersed, the power of these three fragments will be greatly weakened.

This is why Archimonde didn't care about losing the Enlightenment Mark. For the great power bestowed by the evil energy on the great demon, the broken artifact is nothing to mention.

But that's cheap cloth Laike.

He finally collected all three of these things!

The pirate hummed a song and summoned the little star who was probing his head in the distance, and asked her to help recast the artifact here, but in fact there was no need to recast it.

At least a furnace is not required.

Bu Laike put together the pink prophet's eye, the purple seal of enlightenment and the red laurel crown of knowledge. The moment the little star infused them with magic power, the three irregular crystal fragments began to vibrate and resonate. Active bonding in the singing.

There are different power radiances shining on it, just like streamers sweeping the cracks, reuniting the divided artifacts.

In just a few seconds, an Argus emblem with three-color crystals appeared in front of Laike and Little Star amidst the radiance. It was suspended in the air, spinning its body like a naaru.

A powerful breath gushes out from it, and it looks like a very powerful item.

But Little Xingxing and Bu Laike looked at each other.

Blue Dragon blurted out:

"That's it?

I thought it would have a more cool light effect, why is it the same as a big disc? It's nothing compared to the armor of the Elune on your body, and the ring of the blood drinker on your finger.

Is this really Argus' World Artifact?

This is too shabby, right? "

"You also said it is a world artifact!"

Bu Laike was not disappointed. He reached out and took the ruler's crown in front of him, and said to Little Xingxing:

"The artifact of the world is closely connected with the origin of the world. When the world is strong, it becomes strong; when the world is weak, it becomes weak. Look at Argus under your feet. Do you think this is a normal world?

To be honest, Argus has been broken like this, but the crown of rulers can still be reshaped, which already shows that this thing is extraordinary.

You can't compare it to Elune's Armor and the Ring of the Blooddrinker. "

The pirate blinked, and the entry for the World Artifact in front of him appeared on the character card:

Name: Crown of the United Regents of Ogore

Quality: Artifact [Power of the World·Argus]

Status: Doomsday·Power Loss·Weakened

special effects:

1. World Spokesperson:

The being who holds the crown of rulers will be regarded as the mouthpiece of the will of the world of Argus.

When the user is active in the world of Argus, the crown of the ruler will give the feedback of the power of the world, so that the holder can perceive the will of the world and exert the status of [World Envoy].

All the physical and energy attacks of the user will inflict [Condemnation of the Will of the World] on the enemy. While raising the user's power to the limit that the body can bear, it will greatly reduce the attributes of the enemy.

Current World Heart Status: Weak

Current world power increase: Weak

The current power attribute of the heart of the world: evil energy

2. Asylum of Enlightenment:

The crown of rulers is made of the remains of the ancient naaru who once blessed the life of the Argus world, which gives the world artifact a peculiar ancient echo.

When the holder activates the World Artifact, he can designate an area to apply [Shadow of the World·Ogulei Echo], making all life in the area enter a [undetectable] hidden state.

During the duration of Ogure's Echo, any attack on the Echoland Barrier will be reflected 100% of the combined Arcane and Holy Light damage.

The status of the echoing barrier lasts until the user cancels it voluntarily, or the shelter barrier bears the upper limit of the damage of the ruler's crown.

Currently, the number of places that can be designated for echoes【0/3】

3. Fields of rulers:

In addition to symbolizing the unity of Eredar civilization at the beginning of its design, the crown of rulers was also used to protect Mac'Aree, the core of civilization in the world of Argus.

This artifact belongs to the rare [Strategic Artifact].

When the user places the crown of rulers in any permanent facility, the [field] ability of the world artifact can be activated.

Buildings or vehicles carrying the crown of rulers will be enhanced with artifacts, making them stronger with additional attack and defense bonuses, and different new abilities will be unlocked depending on the type of building or vehicle.


The crown of rulers is in a weakened state due to the loss of world power. Currently, the number of areas that can be designated for strengthening is [0/1]

4. The commander prophesies:

Holding this artifact will have a chance to look into the future in a dream, or to prophesy for a certain existence.

The appearance of prophetic dreams is only related to the user's mind and talent, and does not necessarily represent the future of reality. Its accuracy depends on the existence meaning of the target life in the world.

The closer a life is to the world, the more difficult it is to predict its birth, and the higher its accuracy.

5. The future of defeat:

The world artifact is closely connected with the heart of the world, and the Argus world has entered an irreversible doomsday, which directly caused the crown of rulers to also enter irreparable damage.

Item description:

It is a pity that you are late, the glorious Argus has already set, and the evening sun is just around the corner.

"Oh, it's so shabby."

Bu Laike couldn't help but let out a sigh after reading the entry for this thing.

He had a premonition that the artifact in the Argus world would be ruined, but he didn't expect it to be pulled to such an extent. No wonder Kil'jaeden and Archimonde looked down on it.

However, several of its special effects are very useful at this time.

Forget it, don't be sad, something is better than nothing.

Besides, this thing is also good as a decoration.

(end of this chapter)

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