Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1662 30. Kil'jaeden! You Are Pure Iron Waste!

Chapter 1662 30. Kil'jaeden! You are pure iron waste!

"I'll see how to use it, heck, there's no instructions for use."

Back near the Mystery Palace, Laike stood on the Thunder God Throne of Little Star, fiddled with the crown of rulers in his hand.

He spun the ashes made of three-color crystals a few times to release the power in them, and held it in front of him, allowing the natural light to pass through the crystals and project onto the ground.

"Hey! It's invisible."

Little Xingxing exclaimed. Under the watchful eyes of Princess Blue Dragon, as Captain Smelly changed the angle of the crystal, the light projected on the ground scattered to form something like a curtain. Those guards who were busy on the ruins of the mysterious school As long as the structure is covered by the light curtain, it will change color rapidly.

Those moving things seemed to be "filtered", and quickly disappeared from sight, leaving only the simulated desolate ruins.

This is very similar to the change of a chameleon under the light.

"It works just fine."

Bu Laike also noticed the effect of "Shadow of the World - Ogure Echo".

He spread his perception to the place where the ground was blocked, and he could only faintly perceive something moving in the light curtain when he was holding the ruler's crown.

If the world artifact is not in hand, you may need to enter the ruins or use void perception to accurately capture the things that exist there.

This kind of occlusion of the shadow of the world is very similar to the Great Enchantment of the Shadow of Foliage outside Tol Barad Island, but its effect is much more advanced than pure optical occlusion.

"If it's even hard for me to perceive the activities in the covered area, then the demons won't be able to find the base we're building for a while."

Braike stroked the crown of rulers in his hand in satisfaction. He changed the direction of the crystal emblem again. It took him a few minutes to cover the entire ruins of the Mystic Academy with the shadow of the world, and disguised it as the original place. With a miserable posture in ruins, he snapped his fingers at Little Xingxing and said:

"Go down."

"Hey, I'm not your driver. The tone of your order is really annoying, but for the sake of collecting great stories today, I will forgive you generously."

Little Xingxing complained, but still obediently drove his Thor Throne into the shadow of the world with a whoosh.

It's like passing through a strange bubble. After entering it, you can obviously feel the filtering and changing of the light. When the little star looks back, a super-large "energy bubble" is enveloped here.

It doesn't affect the outside from the inside, but nothing can be seen from the outside, just like a one-way transparent "car glass".

That's pretty cool too.

"Is its masking effect always there?"

Blue Dragon asked in a low voice:

"The enchantment won't disappear after you leave Mac'Aree?"

"No, as long as the ruler's crown is within the scope of Argus, the shadow of the world will continue to take effect.

Although this thing has almost become a waste because of the end of the world, it is a world artifact after all, and it still has such a continuous power. "

Bo Laike put the crystal medallion in a very delicate chain, and fixed it on his cloak like a strange ornament.

He gently let go, and the three-color crystal was suspended behind the pirate's head and rotated slightly, very much like the images of those religious figures in the paintings.

Pirates boasted:

"The barrier of the Shadow of the World can still move with me.

In other words, as long as I want to, I can take the expeditionary force directly into the Antoran wasteland under Kil'jaeden's eyelids at any time, and even enter the Burning Throne without anyone noticing, to surprise the great demon! "

"Does such a small number of people still want to launch a beheading campaign against Kil'jaeden?"

Little Xingxing took his own little notebook and recorded the magic of the ruler's crown, while curling his lips and saying:

"Just brag, I'm not the stupid dragon who didn't understand anything, you can indeed bring the advance army to the Burning Throne, but so what?

That's the heart of the Burning Legion. With a titan like Aggramar in command, it's useless for you to miraculously kill Kil'jaeden. The Burning Legion won't collapse because of the Trickster's death.

Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are just the "professional managers" of the legion, and they look majestic and prestige, but they are just servants of the Dark Titan.

Unless, you can directly assassinate Sargeras! "

"I haven't lived enough yet, look at your idea! I guess I need to be about ten times stronger to not be trampled to death when I'm giving Lord Sargeras a pedicure."

Bu Laike thinks that Little Xingxing is not cute at all, how good he looked silly before, but now he seems to be smart all of a sudden.

It was really hard to get used to.

He jumped down from the throne of Thor and glanced back. The soldiers of the Holy Light Legion also entered the shadow of the world, and they were resting on the edge.

The ground in front of the pirates was turning into quicksand, and the old man Sakir clearly felt the changes in the environment of the academy. He knew that when Laike came back, he wanted to talk to the pirates about the construction style of the base. The quicksand heart can jump out of the ground, and before the old man could speak, the flames in Sakir's eye sockets burst into flames when he saw the pirate for the first time.

In the eyes of the enlightener, the image of the pirate is still a handsome evil guy, but outside his body seems to be shrouded in a Tongtian creation of the abyss.

Spellcasters at the level of Sakir can clearly see the changes in Bu Laike. He can see the abyss face of the Demon of Thousand Tongues hiding in Bu Laike's body, sending out a cold malice towards him. .

That slender and weird armless body, the black tattered robe woven with the breath of the abyss, the purple chaotic face under the dark hood, and the tentacles of ten thousand snakes wrapped around the abyss face.

those eyes!

Those eyes turned to look at him from all directions, those dark blue eyeballs turned their pupils, as if they sensed a target that could be hunted.

They glowed strangely, like shining dim stars before Thalkiel's eyes, teaching him thousands of truths from the lightless sea.

Ah, come, obey, listen, bow down.

It was the call of truth, like the rolling tide beating against the ignorant man on the sand, to sweep him into the dark but warm ocean in a rolling wave.

Become one with the endless knowledge, and make your humble existence a part of your greatness.

Thakir felt his insane mind called, every spark of his mind cheering and urging him to embrace the abyss before him.

But the wisdom of the Initiator desperately resists this call to truth.

It was trying to wake up the old man, but this job was so difficult that Sakir's body froze in such a conflict between instinct and reason, his fingers trembling.

Like excitement, like fear.

"Hey! Wake up!"

After more than ten seconds, old man Sakir woke up from that weird thought.

The flames in his eye sockets rose, and he saw Bo Laike standing in front of him, staring with a kind of "crazy concern", still waving his left hand to slap his burning skull on the cheek.


The old man who woke up flashed several meters away from the pirates with a whoosh. He grabbed the whining Deadwind Reaper and blocked it in front of his eyes. He asked incoherently in a tone mixed with fear and apprehension:

"What did you... turn yourself into? What happened to you at the seat of the ruling group? Why did you become like this?"

"Well, it's complicated, and you can't explain it in a sentence or two. You just need to know that it's not a bad thing."

The pirate picked up his pipe, restrained his thoughts of truth a little, and sent away several spirit body students who had been summoned by truth, and watched the spirit bodies who woke up like a dream rub their eyes and turned away. He shrugged helplessly. Shrugging, said to Sakir:

"The good news is that I'm a bona fide demigod now, too. The bad news is that I might actually have to get used to my new powers after my inexplicable upgrade.

Here you are all spirit bodies that are not protected by flesh and blood. If they get too close to me, they will be summoned by me involuntarily and dedicated to the truth, so I want to leave here.

This is for your own good. "

"Then hurry up and go! The farther you go, the better!"

Grandpa Sakir waved his hand and urged:

"Even I can't resist your void breath, let alone other people, you disaster star and plague god, leave my school quickly, and come back after the main force of Azeroth's anti-magic alliance is assembled.

I'll fix the base here.

And leave the ruler's crown you got here, I know that thing has the effect of strengthening the field, with it, this base is impenetrable. "

"That can't be done!"

The pirate turned his head and said:

"It's useful for me to keep this thing, and the precious field enhancement can't be wasted on you."

After finishing speaking, Laike took a few steps back, only to see the croaking little murloc walking towards him triumphantly carrying a little Argus like a squirrel with a beaten nose and swollen face.

As if returning from hunting, Benbo Erba held the ear of the unlucky "squirrel" to show off to Bo Laike.

In its other hand, it was holding a strange big muffin, exuding a delicious aroma, but half of it had been eaten by the murloc, and this stupid murloc's mouth was full of creamy muffin scum.

With bright eyes, it handed the remaining half of the muffin to Bo Laike, beckoning him to try it too, and winked disappointed that this thing is a real "good thing".

"What is this?"

The pirate took the half muffin and looked at it before his eyes. He felt that the food was a bit strange.

"That's a sacred muffin with 'wisdom enlightenment' attached to it. It's the specialty pastry of the magic chef of the Mystery Academy. It's a sacred pastry that can only be made on the Naxin Day of the Academy."

Thakir, who was far away from the "dangerous" Bu Laike, noticed the food in the hands of the pirates, and he reminded:

"Eating this sacred muffin will enlighten the wisdom of the eater and expand their thinking, but after the destruction of the Mystic School Palace, the way of making this thing has been lost.

What your little murloc caught should be a small animal that always steals muffins in the kitchen of the academy. The chef of the academy named it 'Muffin Thief'.

I remember they called it Fisher, a common pet among chefs.

I didn't expect this little guy to live to this day. "

"Infected by the void, no doubt."

Bu Laike glanced at the little Argus squirrel who was beaten by Bombal and had his "treasure" robbed. He put half of the holy muffin in his hand in a jewelry box and whistled:

"When Fenner comes over, give her this thing as a snack, and see if her brain can be saved. Hey, little idiot, use your good luck to search in the ruins of the kitchen and see if you can find it The recipe for this stuff.

The idiot students of Narthalas College need this stuff for enlightenment too. "


The little murloc gave a military salute, threw the beaten "Muffin Bandit" on the ground, and then summoned his own big owl to ride on it and flew towards the kitchen ruins in the back mountain.

But the Argus squirrel, who was robbed of the last sacred muffin in his collection by the bully little murloc, did not run away. It squatted at the pirate's feet, begging the stinky pirate to return its "treasure" to itself.

But this little guy obviously didn't realize what was in front of him. He boldly looked into the eyes of the pirates, and immediately became secretive and punched drunkenly on the spot, and was caught by Sakir with quick eyes and quick hands.

It seems that the lonely old man also needs an "old friend" as a pet.

Little Xingxing followed up after hearing the interesting thing about holy muffins. She felt that her thinking might still be developed.

After the pair of live treasures left, Mograine came over, holding a holy light crystal that could communicate with Zenidar in his hand, and said to Bu Laike with a serious face:

"I contacted the spaceship Zenidar. The Legion of the Holy Light is in trouble in the Void Light Temple. Zela is calling us back."


Laike blinked his eyes, thinking that he and the Dreadlord had arranged this matter together, as soon as the Holy Light Legion arrived, the demonic defenders of the Netherlight Temple would immediately collapse.

It's just a formality, so what could go wrong?

He frowned and said:

"What's the trouble? I didn't make a prophecy, will your operation this time be smooth sailing?"

"Your prophecy is very accurate. The warriors of the Holy Light Legion defeated the demon defenders there without much effort. Except that Lothaxson died in a vicious trap in order to save the trapped ancestor Naaru. casualties."

Mograine shook his head and said:

"The trouble I'm talking about refers to the fact that the Legion of Holy Light encountered a strange 'guest' in that temple."

The Archbishop glanced at Laike and whispered:

"It's a group of mysterious star saints! Their leader named you and wanted to see you, saying that he wanted to tell you important news about the Titan's soul, and Zela is calling us over.

Beacons of Light will soon be dropped on the broken ground on the edge of Mac'Aree.

We must go. "


"Kil'jaeden! You trash!"

Just as Braike was about to leave Mac'Aree, in the largest and core palace of the Demon Throne that burned the wasteland of Lu An Toran in the world of Argus, the angry roar of the polluter resounded through the entire hall, frightening those The demons guarding the Deceiver bowed their heads one by one.

Only the Defiler in the entire Legion dared to contradict Lord Kil'jaeden so recklessly.

However, Archimonde was not here at this time. Its angry roar sounded from a very sophisticated legion communicator, and its image was also projected on the communicator.

The background behind Archimonde's figure is a group of stars and a fleet of demons advancing at high speed, which represents that the polluters are traveling through the stars.

It raged to the deceiver sitting on the demon throne:

"The bastards of Azeroth have entered our domain, and they're ravaging Krokuun, and you're ignoring it, and you won't even share the information with me!

Your shameful selfishness has overshadowed your loyalty to the Legion! You bastard! "

"Come on, shut up, your roar can only make me feel your sadness."

Fraudsters don't care about that.

It didn't even look directly at Archimonde's anger, it grabbed a piece of legion information and opened it, and said:

"So what if I tell you? You still need some time to return to Argus, don't you? After losing the portal supervisor Ms. Hasa Bell, the connection between Argus and other demon theaters was almost cut off overnight. I ordered Sitting on Argus is for what Lord Sargeras desires most, and that is my first priority.

So what if a bunch of bugs from a doomed world wreak havoc on the barren frontier of Argus?

I don't have time for them. "

"Shut up!"

Archimonde was further annoyed by Kil'jaeden's clumsy lie, and the tall blue demon snarled:

"Don't think that I don't know your thoughts, you just want to use them to attract Velen! You did not quench your twisted desire in Dellano's world last time, and you are still longing for Velen

The craving is so intense it's driving you out of your mind. "


The fraudster narrowed his eyes.

It waved its hand, and all the demons in the hall came out in a single file. It obviously didn't want other demons to hear the taboo topic that the polluter had brought up.

"Are you sure you want to talk to me about this?"

After only the projections of the Trickster and the Defiler remained in the hall, Kil'jaeden coughed a few times and said:

"Well, I'd like to take a moment to talk to you.

But I warn you, Archimonde.

If you dare to sabotage my 'goodbye' with Velen, I will kill you in the extinguished suns of the stars, no matter what I do! I promise! "

(end of this chapter)

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