Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1663 31. Brave Ake Quickly Create A Miracle!

Chapter 1663 31. Brave Ake quickly create a miracle!

"You have your pursuit, I have mine, Archimonde, I don't think there is any need for us to conflict on this kind of matter."

In the halls of Antorus Burning Throne, Kil'jaeden speaks in a slow voice to the Defiler's comm projection from the fiery demon throne:

"Before Argus was taken by the Legion, before we dedicated our homeland to Lord Sargeras, you knew of the soul bond between me and Velen.

I have no intention of letting you hide my desire.

That's right!

You're right, I let the Azeroth Expeditionary Force siege Krokuun in the hope that they would have a hunch that everything was going well and launch a larger crusade.

I lure the enemy deep, and I know Velen will not miss such a crusade. "

The ever-cunning Trickster is quite honest, walking down the skull-encrusted staircase from his Burning Throne.

In the remaining burning hoofprints, it said to Archimonde:

"I know that I will eventually have a fateful duel with my good brother in this withered hometown. This time he will have nowhere to escape. Those betrayals, those conflicts, and those pains will be finally released.

This matter has no effect on the interests of the Legion.

I have informed Lord Aggramar of my plan, and he has been persuaded by me to allow me to carry it out.

Since the rebels of Azeroth hope to fight the Legion in our domain, why should we not satisfy their wild fantasies? "

The fraudster sneered a few times and said:

"It's easier for our demons to crush Azeroth's rebels in the fel sanctum than it is to invade their strange world and slaughter them.

Give them something sweet first.

Let them send into our battles all those who have sworn to defend the world, and let them die hopeless in full confidence.

Then the Legion is left with a world full of cowards and cowards, and it didn't even take much for us to conquer Azeroth for Lord Sargeras.

Just as Argus' star soul is about to be conceived today, that will also be the future of Azeroth.

The Burning Legion will once again have a sacred place full of fel energy, and the infusion of star souls from two worlds will make the soldiers of the Legion even more invincible.

That was the end of the Burning Crusade.

This is my plan, my dear Archimonde, can you pick any problems out of it? "

"I didn't come here to be picky, Kil'jaeden, and I have no doubts about your wicked wisdom."

Facing the fraudster's frankness, Archimonde's angry voice softened a bit. Perhaps because he felt that Kil'jaeden really wanted to have a serious talk with it, the polluter changed his tone and said:

"As you said, you have your desires, and I have my pursuits. What really makes me angry is that you know that Brad Laike Shaw, who humiliated me, has entered Argus, but you still hide this information from me.

you know.

Ever since I was humiliated by that little bug, I've been longing to torture him, to take back what he took from me.

Hehe, I have no intention of intervening in your affairs with Velen. I knew a long time ago that the relationship between you is very complicated, and the complexity is daunting.

In terms of seniority, I, a 'latecomer', am also powerless to intervene in the personal conflict between the two consuls. "

The Defiler let out an eerie laugh, with a gleam of hatred in its burning eyes, and said:

"But Bu Laike Shaw is mine! And this time there is a windfall, fraudster, do you know how I confirmed the trace of Bu Laike Shaw?"

"Oh? I would like to hear more about it."

Kil'jaeden despised the brave and foolhardy Archimonde.

But it hides it well.

And it is also very curious how the polluters who are still leading the fleet to the galaxy where Argus is currently trekking among the stars know the situation here when they have blocked the news?

The Fraudster can be sure that it has completely wiped out the Defiler in Argus's eye by brutal means.

"The echoes of my stay in Mac'Aree have been snuffed out."

Archimonde moved his fingers wrapped around the evil energy, and said in a deep voice:

"Torn apart in a very brutal way by an 'old friend' of ours who literally tore my Echo with his hands and teeth like a beast.

It's crazy.

Do you remember Sakir? "

"Of course, the crazy old man who cultivated you carefully and regarded you as your successor but was stabbed in the back by you coldly, the founder and enlightener of the Mystic Academy, and the pioneer of the Eredar civilization's study of fel energy."

Kil'jaeden told about Sakir's past in detail, and it sighed:

"He was the first Eredar to hear the revelation of Lord Sargeras' power, and he is also our predecessor. Unfortunately, he was not wise enough and indecisive, which led to his miserable and sad end.

I remember you crafted his skull into an artifact and gave it to your subordinates to use, but your incompetent subordinates lost him? "

"It wasn't lost, it was snatched away."

Archimonde said with a displeased face:

"The shameful Nathrezim lord Meng Faithtos, that incompetent bastard foolishly stepped into the trap set by Braike Shaw, not only lost the artifact I gave it, but also caused it to be killed Imprisoned in Azeroth, escaped not long ago.

But that's actually not a bad thing.

Mad Thakir's hatred for me I can imagine with my hooves, and in that hatred he has entered into an alliance with the shameful Bu Laike.

It was he in the ruins of the occult that destroyed my echoes, allowing me to spy on his and Braike's presence.

That's exactly what I want to say to you, Kil'jaeden!

I will not intervene in any conflict between you and Velen. My fleet can also be entrusted to your command. I am even willing to obey your command in the final battle on Argus.

But you can't interfere with my 'private affairs' with Brad Laike Shaw and Sakir. "

"No problem, I am willing to give you the opportunity to deal with them."

The Trickster flapped his wings and laughed, rubbed his chin with sharp fingers, and said to Archimonde with a wink:

"Well, in case you don't trust me, I will give you the command of the Krokuhn area, and you will be responsible for fighting those advance troops head-on.

Brad Laike Shaw will definitely be on the field, there's no question about that.

Then you can 'play' with that shameful pirate to your heart's content, but I have only one request, Polluter, you must retreat at the last moment.

You can't scare the Azeroth Expeditionary Force, you know what I mean? "

"Understood, lure the enemy to go deep, give them a little bit of sweetness, let them sing forward in the illusory victory."

The Polluter laughed, very pleased with the Fraudster's support, and said:

"After executing the shameful alien pirates, I will take the initiative to destroy the Nathrax Fortress to give them a victory. When Lord Argus is about to be born, the fel energy there is useless.

We can still work together well, Kil'jaeden.

Just like this time, we each take what we need. "

"Yes, yes, we used to be too obsessed with personal grievances and ignored the possibility of cooperation. Both of us were wrong in this matter. Maybe this time will be a good start.

Then, I will not interrupt your journey, Polluter. "

Kil'jaeden nodded and said:

"Your fleet landed directly at the starport in the Antoran wasteland. I will arrange the war council to guide you. Do you need a warp service?"

"No need!"

Archimonde shook his head and said:

"I'm already close to the Dellano star field, and I will return to Argus in a maximum of two days. I will land directly in Krokuun, and I will send some fleets to bomb the sad Dellano world.

Perhaps we should thank the rebels of Azeroth for using it as a front line of war.

This allows us to send the Legion directly into Azeroth through the Dark Portal after we've wiped out those stupid rebels, and saves the Legion the trouble of going on an expedition.

They are so considerate, even laying their own path of destruction so neatly, hahahaha. "

Amid the wild laughter, the phantom projection of the polluter disappeared above the legion communicator. After confirming that the communication had been interrupted, the Trickster in the burning hall also let out an extremely similar evil laugh.

Of course, it is not happy to "clear up" with the polluters.

It just mocked Archimonde's ignorance and arrogance.

Apparently the polluter didn't know how much the "little bug" Bu Laike Shaw it hated had grown to. The fraudster touched his heart, and there was still a terrible sword mark that went straight through the heart.

That is the "commemoration" left by Bu Laike in the world of Dellano.

The coquettish and deadly lore sword at that time is still unforgettable to the fraudster to this day. Although it was a super-powerful attack that Braike used Dellano's world artifact, but it was so fatal to hurt the great demon itself. Has proven the power of pirates today.

Archimonde's foolish self-importance and old-fashioned view of its enemies doomed it to a terrible defeat.

Even it itself will be compensated.

"To lure the enemy to go deep, you always need a victim of sufficient weight. If even the powerful polluters die at the hands of the heroes of Azeroth, then they will definitely believe in the 'weakness' of the Burning Legion. "

Kil'jaeden returned to his throne. He picked up a copy of the information and browsed it in his hand. He thought blankly:

"As Archimonde said, the fel heart of the Nathrax Fortress is now dispensable now that Sir Argus the Unmaker is about to be born."

"Come on, heroes!

Take the victory offered by my hands, greedily swallow this poisonous bait, and then project your most powerful power on the desperate land of Argus with confidence, to smash the authority of fel energy and save your world! world!

I don't care if you win or lose, and I don't care how many demons die

i want velen

All I want is Velen! "


"Oh, offal!"

On the flagship of the demon fleet rushing to the world of Argus among the stars, the polluter Archimonde, who had finished assimilating with Kil'jaeden, sat on his skull throne, cursing disdainfully:

"It seems that my disguise was so successful that Kil'jaeden really took me for a fool. It wanted to use my failure to strengthen its position in the Legion, so as to show its Reliable and capable.

But it really thought I would act according to its arrangement?

What an arrogant bastard. "

The big fel blue titan snorted.

It felt proud that it had fooled the fraudster with its "stupid" expression just now.

After laughing continuously, Archimonde restrained his smile, and looked at a group of eredar demon lords standing under the throne.

It narrowed its eyes and looked at their leader, the idiot who called himself "King of the Eredar."

polluter says:

"Sakir is back, my subordinates, you were all members of the Mystic Academy, I think you should have some understanding of Sakir's vengeance.

I must tell you that Sakir is very dangerous now.

It allowed madness and rage to mold itself into something more terrifying than demons.

If I let you go, no matter where you flee, you will be chased by that old lunatic, and you will be crushed to death one by one.

I have no doubts about it! "

"But we know that you will not give up on us, Lord Archimonde, our loyalty to you is as blazing as the sun!"

The former great chancellor of the academy, Galasum, and now the eredar demon lord, King Jaraxxus, bowed his head flatteringly and said:

"I am absolutely sure that we will win under your leadership, Kil'jaeden's fool who is obsessed with the past is not qualified to lead us at all!

You are the true leader of the eredar. "

"Hehe, save these words until after you survive this war."

Archimonde sneered and said:

"I will go back to Argus to deal with my grievances with Thakir and Bu Laike Shaw, but you will go to Dellano with the most elite force of my fleet!

That idiot in Kil'jaeden has become obsessed with Velen, and it's pathetic that he expects Velen to step into his trap.

At the moment when Azeroth and Dellano's elite rebels are preparing to cross the star sea, the defenses around Velen will inevitably be weakened.

You go to the world where he is hiding, and bring him back to me! "

The polluter moved his fingers, narrowed his eyes and said:

"As long as Velen's fate is mastered, Kil'jaeden's only weakness is mastered, and I will make that proud fool kneel before me voluntarily.

Azeroth will be the last leg of the Burning Crusade, and after the Legion captures that star-soul, the dark pantheon of Sargeras' people will truly be established.

At that time, the demons became dispensable to the Lord of the Star Sea.

In His cold mind, we must plan ahead when we are rendered useless as miserable cannon fodder in an endless war against the Void.

It was for this moment that Velen's unrivaled powers of prophecy had been prepared.

You must find him, you must capture him, not just to control Kil'jaeden, but for the future of the eredar, perhaps.

Maybe we can't put all our hopes on the path of fel. "

"My lord, look far ahead!"

King Li of Jaraxxus flattered him immediately, but the Defiler gave him a hard look. Archimonde was unwilling to say anything to this flattering idiot.

It stood up and looked at the holy land of fel energy that had appeared on the edge of the star sea. It said to a dread demon king beside it:

"I will not step into the battlefield alone, I need someone who can help me attract attention and help me die at critical moments. Where is Mannoroth the Destroyer?

Summon the belligerent fool.

Tell it that I have a war invitation that will definitely satisfy it.

Let it come over as fast as possible! "

(end of this chapter)

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