Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1667 35. Bu Laike's Dark Prophecy

Chapter 1667 35. Bu Laike's Dark Prophecy

The pirate's last words caused the two naaru to break the defense at the same time.

Good guy!

Don't you pretend to be an undercover agent now?

Or is Bu Laike, a bastard who serves the three forces of life, void and death at the same time, planning to show his integrity in front of the Holy Light camp, so that he can find a fourth loyalist?

Uh, although his business ability is indeed excellent, forget it.

The Holy Light camp, which has always been proud of mutual trust, really can't afford such a great god. Even if Bu Laike really intends to sell himself to the Holy Light, the Holy Light forces probably would not dare to accept him.

The three-acre land in the Holy Light Domain is really not enough for a guy like Bu Laike to spoil it.

And what's up with that smug look on your face, Pirate?

We're not praising you, hey!

While Zela broke the defense in silence, Bu Laike took the time to treat Zlari's "illness".

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this ancestor Naru herself. She seems a little crazy and irritable just because of her discomfort after crossing the curtain of life and death and entering the material world.

After all, I have stayed with a group of dead force creations for countless epochs and been tortured for a long time. After adapting to the environment of the shadow world, I suddenly returned to the material stars. No matter the power rules or the environment are very different, in this case, the temper Cranky is very easy to understand.

As for her sensitivity to sin, there's nothing I can do about it.

She has been permanently changed by her past experience, like a mortal who has suffered a terrible torture, leaving a psychological shadow, which can only be solved by herself slowly.

"I did a lot of bad things for Emperor Denathrius in exchange for his favor, and decisively used this favor to change you out of his cage.

From this point of view, you owe me a huge favor.

So you'd better bear with your dislike for me, Your Excellency Naru, the Holy Light probably didn't teach you to add bad words to your benefactor, right? That's not a virtue.

Even the dark sea will spurn the white-eyed wolf. "

Bu Laike took out the carving knife while being persuasive to Zlari, and said to the gray-white naaru in front of him:

"Okay, Dr. Bo Laike has finished his treatment, your condition is very serious.

The good news is that you used the holy light to heal yourself very simply, without leaving any wounds.

The bad news is that you've been in Revendreth for too long, and you've been repeatedly drawn and infused with anima for experiments, and you've also been infected with a lot of Venthyr's sinful power.

But it doesn't matter, I have mastered the skill of carving sin monuments, you should know that stuff, right? Venthyrs use it to hide their true names and stabilize their sinful energies.

I want to carve you a sin monument, so that you can control the sinful power in your body.

Go ahead and pick a style. "

The pirate took out a newsletter that the Brotherhood of Masons used to promote themselves, and pointed to the various tombstone shapes on it for Zlari to choose, but the gray and white Naru really couldn't like this crazy pirate.

So she said:

"Are you going to let me carry a stone tablet around the market? What kind of lunatic are you? Just engrave it on me! My holy light crystal body is the most suitable for my sin tablet.

In the words of those Venthyrs, this is called bearing sin and seeking redemption. "

"Cool! What a great idea!"

The pirate immediately cheered:

"You have provided me with a new idea. Maybe I should turn my sin monument into a tattoo or something. It's really cool and cool to think about it."

"You think beautifully!"

The gray-white naaru probably really stayed with those mean-speaking Venthyrs for too long, which caused her to be too deeply affected. After hearing Bu Laike's self-talk, he sarcastically said:

"You, a pirate, have too many sins. I've said it all. Your stele of sins must be as big as a mountain. Even if you use the smallest words to inscribe it, you can't engrave so many on your skin.

Hey, your way of holding a carving knife is very unfamiliar.

Can you do it?

Don't break my body, I can't find a holy crystal to fix it in this chaotic age. "

"Isn't that a lot?"

Bu Laike pointed maliciously at Zela who was in an emo state next to him, and he whispered to Zlari:

"After Zela couldn't bear the humiliation in her heart and chose to commit suicide, you will have a lot of materials to repair your body, and you can even repair your tattered body of the Holy Light from head to toe."

"What kind of villain are you! How dare you say such horrible things in front of me!"

Zlari screamed:

"Do you think I'm such a crazy naaru? It's not impossible to decorate mine with the bones of my compatriots.

When I was first found by Nathrezim on the battlefield and put together, it seemed that I was too broken, so I used a few pieces of other naaru's body fragments.

I think this is probably what caused my mental instability. "

"It's not that the original goods will always cause such and other running-in problems, but it will be fine after a long time. In fact, there is nothing wrong with being open-minded. Your fellow naaru are a bit serious to boring in my opinion.

You crazy guy is the odd one out of them all.

It has always been a virtue to be different from others, which means that you will not fall into a rut. "

The pirate curled his lips, hovered beside Zlari's body, and swung a carving knife to write the first sin inscription on the crystal body.

As a naaru, Zlari's sins are not many,

A creature like her was born in the order of the Holy Light, and was destined to be a "moral model" among the stars from birth.

Even with Venthyr's harsh standards, he couldn't find too many faults, which was why this gray-white Naaru was able to persist in Revendreth for so long.

The Venthyrs, marked by punishment and redemption, couldn't think of many ways to torture the soul of this Naaru, and could only give her pain in such a crude and inferior way as extracting heart energy.

Because of this, Zlari's sin tablet was carved very quickly.

After the pirate finished writing the last inscription with the three crimes of "fanaticism", "warlikeness" and "obscenity", Zlali immediately let out a dirty cheer that was very harsh to the naaru.

She felt the uncontrollable power of sin being stabilized by her own sin tablet.

She can finally face this familiar yet unfamiliar world with a relatively normal attitude.

"I'm going to take a break in your Zenidar ship, Zerah the idiot."

Zlari stretched out her crystal body and said to her compatriots:

"By the way, let me help you deal with the general fanaticism and stupid loyalty of your followers, this is not the mentality that the Naaru's family should have.

They should learn to deepen their understanding of the Holy Light, and choose the true meaning of the Holy Light they want to believe in as the shackles of order to restrain themselves, instead of seeing you as the incarnation of the Holy Light.

We don't engage in idolatry.

You know it. "

"Well, let's go."

Zela, who had been meditating, was awakened, and the Mother of Light said in a weary tone:

"I just happened to have a word with Boo Laike."

"Oh, ok, let's talk, I won't bother, but be careful when talking to such dark schemers, your stupid brain can't compete with the dark wisdom of Bo Laike.

A dog leg who can be valued by a ruler as harsh as Emperor Denathrius is definitely not an ordinary thing.

You can question the power of the great emperor, but you cannot question his vision. "

After finishing speaking, Zlari hummed a dark tune of Revendreth in a posture that was called "indulgence" for Naaru, swayed in the bloom of holy light, and floated upside down towards the Zenidaar .

Her appearance attracted the attention of many light-forged fighters who were resting. Under the call of the light released by Naaru, many fighters gathered to listen to Zlali explaining the way of the holy light to them.

In terms of the "rebellion" shown by this crazy naaru, it is really difficult to guess what kind of thoughts she can instill in Zela's followers.

But Zela no longer has the energy to pay attention to these things.

After Zlari left, the Mother of Light hovered in front of Bu Laike, and she said to Bu Laike very gloomyly with an indescribably lost and melancholy temperament:

"So, when we first met, you were not mocking me when you scolded me for being a fool of fate? Rather, you were trying to tell me the truth?"

"Yeah, I was emphasizing that the fate you saw was illusory, but I couldn't produce evidence at the time."

Bu Laike said to the golden Zela with a pipe in his mouth:

"I actually didn't intend to do that.

I originally planned to replace you in the Legion of Light with Zlari, because I knew that as long as I let it go, you would definitely anger Illidan and be blasted on your altar by that coquettish man with an eye prism.

As long as you die, the Legion of Holy Light will take a completely different path under my arrangement.

But plans can't keep up with changes.

I was suddenly given a rather dire mission, and I realized that my journey on Argus was bound to be far more dramatic than I had planned.

So I realized that I can't let such a precious combat power like you die in ignorance.

I exposed my identity in front of you, and finally let you see the truth with the help of Zlari's testimony, and let you realize that your persistence in the past countless years is just a well-made lie.

I know it's hard.

After realizing that you are not the answer to everything, it must be heartbreaking for you to realize that you are just a tragic role when you have always believed that you can be the agent of destiny.

But think about it the other way around, after breaking the shackles of fate, you can finally gain your own freedom. All choices appear in front of you, and you are free to choose your own destiny.

How awesome it is. "

The pirate persuaded a few words very hypocritically.

"But I'm used to playing by the rules I set for myself."

Zela was in so much pain that she could no longer spin her body, nor release a holy song in the light, she whispered:

"Countless eras of persistence have convinced me that Illidan Stormrage will be the ultimate solution to all problems. It can be said that everything I have prepared is centered on him.

Now you suddenly tell me that Illidan Stormrage is just an ordinary elf

I really can't accept it! "

"No! You are wrong."

The pirate immediately corrected:

"I just said that the 'fate' you saw was a conspiracy, and I didn't say that Illidan Stormrage is an ordinary person, but he is not the son of destiny that can solve all problems as you imagined.

Illidan was indeed destined for great things, but not in the way you might think.

Including you too, Zela.

You actually don’t realize that after you get rid of the shackles of fate, you can also go beyond the status of “facilitator of fate” you have set for yourself, and make truly great careers that you have never imagined.

You should abandon the fantasy of being a man of destiny, face up to all the crises we are facing, and choose to solve problems with your own hands instead of expecting a man of destiny to help you solve everything.

You owe it to yourself to be responsible to this group of stars. "

Bu Laike coughed a few times, and handed the starry sky crystal marked with the star map of Eonar Sanctuary to Zela in his hand, and he said:

"The star saints came all the way because they found the location of a titan's soul hiding in the depths of the star sea. If we can rescue her before the devil arrives, then our war on Argus will be rewarded." Unrivaled advantage.

The Legion of the Light has fought against demons for countless epochs, and you should know better than I what lies deep in the depths of Antorus Burning Throne. You know what it means for us to stop Sargeras from building the Dark Pantheon, and you are powerful enough to help us.

I am a prophet and so are you.

You know that every life in the sea of ​​destiny has its own mission when it was born, you have been misled for a long time, maybe it is time to pick up the mission you left behind.

Those things that the Holy Light wants you to do when shaping you, those protections and praises for truth, goodness and beauty, those resistances and fights against darkness and destruction. "

The pirate pointed to Argus, the burning green world at the end of the distant star sea, and said:

"I will go back there and wage war on the demons there while you and the titan guardians from Azeroth save the titan's soul.

Maybe you can help me take some of the stress off.

I will not hide from you, Zela, if you go there, there is a great possibility that you will die under the sword of Aggramar, but I think this may be your chance to prove yourself.

Maybe in the future, when your compatriots talk about you, they won't refer to you as a lunatic or a paranoid, and maybe they will praise you as the "only miracle in the holy light". "

"You are just tricking me into working for your purpose."

Although Zela is in a lost state because of her broken fate, the bright wisdom of the Mother of Light is obviously still online. She has a glimpse of Bu Laike's sinister intentions, but the pirates do not excuse this.

He tilted his head, exhaled smoke rings, and said with a nasty smile:

"Yeah, I'm bewitching you, but will you reject me?

Zela, after you realize that what you have done in the past is a continuation of the conspiracy, will you continue to entangle with the Destiny's Child as expected by the mastermind behind the scenes?

Look at the admiration and following from the bottom of your heart in the eyes of those light-forged blades.

Would you be willing to tell them that the Avatar of the Light they believe in is actually a coward who doesn't even have the guts to fight against fate? Would you be so cruel to break their worship of idols and role models?

Are you going to tell them that there are no such things as heroes, or such things as miracles?

Can you bear it? "

The pirate took down his pipe, and amidst the rising smoke, he said to Zela:

"People who are trapped in war and despair need light too much. They can give their all for the light in front of them. If you want to help them, you can't take away the hope in front of them. You have to be the ray that can inspire everyone. Light.

Zela, even if you are like this, you can become an arc that pierces the sky in the dark age, even if it is only for a moment, but the meaning of that moment of light to people is far more than that of a "Child of Destiny" made up of lies. "

The Mother of Light fell silent.

After a few seconds, she turned around again and said:

"You've convinced me, Bo Laike, that your people have a reason for calling you the 'Demon of Hope', but I'll ask you anyway."

Zela unleashes her own light and incorporates Bo Laike.

In the scorching light that was ready to go, she seriously questioned:

"You are a servant of Emperor Denathrius, and you said that you came to Argus to help him push the door of that chaotic era. You know that means that the force is out of balance, and that chaos is coming.

So how do you convince me not to die here with you?

I think, without your assistance, the Conspirator would have to spend more energy to realize his ambition, right? "

"Are you really sure you can die with me? Zela, are you too confident in your own strength?"

The pirate didn't panic at all, he first made a sarcasm as usual.

Then, in the ever-increasing light, Bo Laike whispered:

"You know, I signed a contract with completely opposite results with Emperor Denathrius and Ms. Elune, and I can only choose one of them to fulfill.

The emperor hopes to get my loyal assistance.

Unfortunately, what He gave me in return was not enough to demand such a high moral standard from me, but on the other hand, Lady Elune was very generous. "

The pirate seemed to have thought of something good. The corner of his mouth curled slightly, pointed to the sky, and said:

"Lady Elune gave me a ray of white moonlight, and I can do anything crazy for them, whether it's hunting or betraying a god, and... love.

Will this answer allow you to spare my dog's life? "

(end of this chapter)

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