Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1668 36. It's Time For Revenge And Revenge!

Chapter 1668 36. It's time for revenge and revenge!

Zela thought she must be crazy.

After hearing Bu Laike's nonsense reasons, she actually chose to believe this guy's nonsense immediately.

Although the pirates showed extremely crazy and evil traits, the Mother of Light actually felt the twisted and crazy love of Bo Laike at that moment.

Even if there was only that moment of gentleness, and then he quickly changed back to his well-known chaotic posture, but Ezera's understanding of the world, even a true lunatic, should have something beautiful like love in his heart, right?

"It's amazing that there's love in your heart full of darkness and deceit that flows like an abyss."

The body of the Mother of Holy Light slowly rotated, she withdrew her scorching holy light, and said in that very awkward but honestly pleasant baby voice:

"When you open up, it makes me feel that you are no different from other people from Azeroth, and the life in your world always has this delicate and exposed emotion.

So it is with Mograine, so it is with Illidan Stormrage, and so it is with you. "

"Well, I didn't open up."

The pirate retorted with a pipe in his mouth:

"With my current position on the 'worldly evil list', once I really 'open my heart', even you, who are so holy, will be polluted into filth.

So I think that when you spare my life, you should also thank me for sparing your life, my dear Zela.

So now that we've finished talking, it shouldn't be too presumptuous for me to ask you to bring the elite of the Holy Light Legion to assist the Titan Guardians in saving the Titan's soul, right? "

"This is a matter of justice. It is very important to the cause of the entire star against the Burning Legion. I will go to the sanctuary immediately."

Zela didn't hesitate, she spun her body and replied:

"The power of the Holy Light alone cannot match the destructive power of Sargeras. Only the Titans can fight against the Titans. This is the rule under the stars in this piece of matter.

If we can awaken those ultimate creations on the side of order with our sacrifice and dedication, then I am willing to help you.

I will leave immediately.

But Bo Laike, with the Defiler and its legions coming, your battle at Krokuun is bound to be very difficult, without the Zenidar's help, I fear."

"Let Zlari stay with the Holy Light Blades."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers, and amidst the flying smoke rings, he said confidently:

"It's not like we can't even keep the landing zone. Besides, isn't there me, an evil terminating creation, sitting here? I didn't come to Krokuun to achieve a shameful defeat.

So, shall we go now? "


Zela nodded. Amidst the shining light, she took out a very peculiar crystal staff and suspended it in front of Bu Laike, saying:

"This sacred staff was discovered by the Holy Light Corps in the Void Light Temple. The demons failed to take it away when they evacuated. It has a very powerful purification power. I think you should use it in the battle .”

"Well, Toure Naru Beacon! The weapon Velen once used as the consul, the ultimate sacred object of the Draenei, I think the old prophet will be very happy when I return it of."

The pirate stretched out his hand and held in his hand the staff that was introverted and humble with pure holy light. He knew the story of this staff at his fingertips and accurately said its name.

The shape of this thing is also very strange.

Its staff head is completely carved into the appearance of a blue holy light naaru, and the posture carved with crystal is lifelike. When the pirates hold it, the naaru crystal on the staff head is still shining and shaking, just like the naaru rebirth .

"I sense from this staff the breath of my ancient and powerful brother Toure."

Zela said to the pirates in a sad yet proud tone:

"In ages long ago I learned from the light that streamed among the stars that my loving brother died with a dreadful void-thing in order to protect a world called Karesh.

Its wreckage fell into the hands of the eredar under the guidance of the Holy Light and was put to good use by them.

I actually heard the story of Void Spirit and Argus for the first time at that time.

The civilization saved by my brother still wanders among the stars, and the eredar blessed by him have suffered a terrible fall, but this does not stop them from continuing to speak of the kindness of Toure.

I have always regarded Toure's dedication to order as my role model. This staff is the ultimate embodiment of Toure's will to save, and it is precisely because of its existence that this small world called Shagail under our feet The temple survived the collapse, and let it be found by us after falling into the hands of demons for thousands of years.

This is the gift of fate. "

The Mother of Light paused, and she told the pirates:

"I have purified it from the demon's contamination, and its holy power has been restored, Laike, please find a suitable master for me.

This is my personal request.

Also, if I'm unlucky

I hope that you can make my remains into a sacred object like the Toure Beacon with your own hands.

I have gone the wrong way in the past, and I hope that even after the will dies, I can continue to dedicate my power to the stars as a carrier of the Light. "

"Ah, what a touching spirit of sacrifice."

Bu Laike rubbed his eyes pretendingly, and said hypocritically:

"If every naaru had your dedication, I think we would have wiped out the demon army long ago. I will help, Zela, my dear friend. I promise that if you encounter misfortune, I will be yours." the mortician.

You will definitely get that glorious opportunity.

I promise! "

This is the end of the conversation between the two, everything that should be said has been said, and the Void Light Temple has also been purged.

Zela left some craftsmen of the Holy Light here to renovate the only remaining ruins of the world of Shaggael as the temporary home port of the Holy Light Legion. She took the rest and Braike back to the Zenidar with the fastest speed Send them back to Krokuun.

Although less than five days have passed since Bo Laike went to Mac'Aree, the battlefield situation of Krokuun has undergone tremendous changes.

The Zenidar originally planned to land at the Kroku camp, but the navigator found that the place was empty, except for some Kroku broken and wounded who were recuperating here, everyone else had left here.

Looking down at the large amount of materials piled up in the rift valley from a high altitude, it can be seen that this place has been used as a logistics base by the current commander Jarod Shadowsong, and his headquarters must have been moved forward to be closer to the battlefield.

The Holy Light flagship continued to move forward, and finally found Jarod's command post at the previous location of the Annihilan Molten Pool.

When it landed, a mixed formation was torn down from the front line. When the pirate stepped out of the gangway, he saw two tauren warriors carrying a large stretcher and sending seven or eight wounded humans and orcs to the rear.

Almost all the soldiers in the frontline headquarters were wounded. Although they were miserable, their morale was very high.

There are also some fighters who are no longer able to fight and are unwilling to rest in the rear. While receiving treatment from the Moon Priest, they clamored to continue fighting the devil cubs with their lives.

There are also some dwarves drinking wine together, and bragging that they have killed several demons and other cowhide today.

From time to time, scouting formations composed of Griffin Knights and Hippogryph Knights came and went in the sky, while spellcasters from various races continuously delivered the reports of the commanders from various places to the base camp.

Everyone has their own thing to do, everyone knows what they have to do, there is no military police or other characters to supervise them, even the Shado-Pan monks who play guest cooks are using the fastest speed to shake their spoons.

Chaotic, lively and orderly.

This scene made Bo Laike and Mograine beside him nod at the same time. The ability to maintain morale at such a high level shows that Garald's command art is indeed far beyond that of ordinary commanders.

When the pirates and the archbishop walked into the command post transformed from the devil's fortress, they saw Garald standing in front of the big map giving orders to several clerks.

The Jarod this time is very different from the hippie smile he had when he talked with Bo Laike before. He has a serious face, wearing a battle armor with an elven double-edged sword, and the battle helmet is placed on the table, obviously ready to go into battle at any time.

He looked at the map and thought about the current battle situation, and from time to time he would say an order, which was recorded by several clerks of different races and handed over to the mages to pass to the front line.

The most peculiar thing is that there is a very strange guy in Garrod's clerk.

"Hey, Her Royal Highness, the princess of the Zandalari Golden Dynasty, condescends to serve as an adjutant to a forest elf. Judging from the deep hatred between you trolls and elves, your behavior is quite treasonous, my dear Taran. Princess Ji."

Bo Laike took out the dwarf camera and whistled and joked:

"I'm going to take a photo of you showing your reverence to the elves now. Do you think what effect it will have on your people after I spread this photo in Dazar'alor?

You still want to inherit the throne?

Dream on, your people will not accept a queen who bows to the elves. "

"No, Lord Bu Laike."

Proud Princess Talanji pushed back her princess crown, snorted again and picked up the pen and paper again, she said to Bo Laike:

"My priests in Dazar'alor explained to the people the necessity and sanctity of this war, and the dark prophet Zul has issued a call for holy war to the loyal and brave men of the entire kingdom.

You send me back to my country the way I am now, and my people will only see their future empress willing to sacrifice her personal dignity for the safety of the world.

They will feel my wisdom and my humility, which will not detract from the greatness of the Golden Royal Family.

Besides, His Excellency Jarod once defeated the Burning Legion. Although he is an elf, such great achievements are enough for my people to regard him as an 'Honorary Troll Commander'.

As for the hatred between elves and trolls, that is even more nonsense. "

Princess Talanji swore:

"In the eyes of our Zandalari trolls, no matter what kind of elves are just a branch of dark trolls, they are all descendants of trolls in terms of law and blood.

The Zandalari trolls are only honored, not disgusted, by their doing such a great deed. In fact, the great victory of the War of the Ancients has fully proved the fineness of the troll blood. "

As soon as this was said, all the elves in the entire command post, including Garrod, became "same hatred" in an instant.

Even the white-skinned elf archmage Rommath and the black-skinned elf magic swordsman commander temporarily put aside their hatred and glared at the outspoken Princess Talanji with fierce eyes.

She said this is a common taboo for all elves.

Her Royal Highness also immediately realized that she had fallen into the trap of Bu Laike's words. This hateful guy used a question to induce him to shatter the "humble personality" that Talanji had worked so hard to create in the past few days.

This made Her Royal Highness grieve her teeth with hatred, and also made Bu Laike laugh out loud while clutching her belly.

She may be smart.

But it is obviously too young to face the dark wisdom of pirates.

"Okay, just kidding, don't be angry."

Boo Laike waved his hands and pretended it was just a small thing.

He coughed a few times, and told Garald about the Legion of Light and the Sanctuary, and informed the commanders that Archimonde was about to arrive at Krokuen.

He said to Garrod:

"I don't know if you're ready, but the Great War is imminent, and I've brought back an ancient artifact from Mac'Aree that can hide the Vanguard's army for a surprise attack.

We have one and only one goal, and that is Nathrax Fortress. We must destroy the Fel Heart before the demons disperse us, and then summon our army to land on Argus. "

"no problem!"

Garrod glanced at the map, thought for a few minutes, and said to his brother-in-law:

"I need half a day to adjust the order and plan, and I will be able to mobilize the vanguards in both directions by tomorrow morning at the latest."

"Very well, the Legion of Light will leave a naaru to help us."

Bu Laike pointed to Archbishop Mograine next to him, and he said:

"Their army will be commanded by the archbishop. You can use them as the last reserve. I will go to the front line to join my assassins and the Illidari. We will launch the first wave of attacks.

You guys keep talking, I'm leaving first. "

After finishing speaking, Bo Laike made a bow to the furious Princess Talanji and left the command post with a weird laugh.

But he didn't go far when he felt something was wrong.

He turned his head and glanced around, and quickly locked on to an eredar death knight of the Black Crows who was walking towards the edge. Braike rolled his eyes and followed behind while whistling.

The two walked one after the other for a few minutes. When they arrived near the camp toilet, the death knight turned his head and gave the pirate a weird smile. He said:

"You are safe and sound, Your Excellency the Demon of Thousand Tongues."

"Don't come here without any harm, I'm a goddamn dreadlord. I didn't expect that you bastard would dare to show up in front of me after provoking me."

Bu Laike moved his fingers, and the phantoms of several void tentacles were twitching under the feet of the death knight. He said in a cold tone:

"Do you really think you are immortal, Mal'Ganis."

"No, no, it was just a mistake last time, and that was just the 'normal process' of the handover of the Helm of Domination."

Mal'Ganis, the fear lord disguised as a death knight, waved his hand, and said in a helpless tone:

"That idiot Tichondrius asked us to provoke you, and Balnazar and I can't help it, after all, it is the boss in name.

Believe me, neither Balnazar nor I have any doubts about your dark wisdom.

I have come to bring you good news, my dear Demon of a Thousand Tongues.

The Helm of Domination has been sent to Azeroth, and was sent to Northrend by Tichondrius himself. Perhaps in a few days, our Majesty Lothar will become the real Lich King.

This is really good news for us loyal servants of the Great Emperor.

Also, Balnazar let me tell you a piece of news. "

The Dreadlord looked around, lowered his voice and said:

"Kil'jaeden completely handed over the dominance of the Krokuun War to Archimonde, and the Polluter summoned Maronos and its army of pit lords who were wreaking havoc in other star fields to help in the battle.

Plus, fraudsters have already set the tone for the fight.

No matter how you fight, you are sure to win. Kil'jaeden hopes to lure the enemy deep. It hopes to fight its final battle with its beloved brother Velen on the land of its homeland. "

The fear demon king showed a weird smile, and he said with a sneer:

"So, I want to congratulate you in advance for your big victory."

"Wow, this is great!"

Bo Laike is also smiling.

He didn't even bother to talk to the yin and yang fearful demon king, he waved his hand to make it go away quickly, and after watching the smirking Mal'Ganis disappear into the camp, he quickly came to the orc's camp and kicked it away without any politeness. Grom Hellscream's house door.

This kind of rough appearance made the weak chief who was resting on the bed growl and grabbed Bloodhowl to give the ignorant stinky pirate an axe. Before he could swing it, he heard Bo Laike say:

"Good news! Grom, you sick ghost, cheer me up, the guy you've been thinking about day and night is here! Mannoroth the Destroyer who polluted the orcs with devil blood is here!

It's time for revenge and revenge.

Oh, don't get excited! Hell, don't vomit blood, don't fall down clutching your heart, are you having a heart attack? I was counting on you to help us get rid of it, bastard!

where is the doctor


Come on, you're going to die! "

(end of this chapter)

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