Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1669 37. To Be Honest, I Was An Incomplete Man

Chapter 1669 37. To be honest, I was an incomplete man

After hearing that Grom almost died of a heart attack, Jarod Shadowsong immediately sent some of the best physicians from the coalition army to treat the orc chieftain.

It's not that the elves like orcs so much, the main reason is that Grom Hellscream has a high reputation in the orc army. If something happens to him before the battle, it will definitely deal a terrible blow to the morale of the orc warriors.

And Grom's body is indeed too weak.

Among the older generation of orcs, he belonged to the older category. Drek'Thar, who was more than ten years older than him, was said to need a wheelchair for walking.

This kind of weakness is easy to happen when you are old, not to mention that Grom was the first guy to drink the magic blood. It is well known that the first sip of any drink is the most concentrated in the essence of the soup.

The magic blood he drank was very pure, which brought him great strength, but also planted terrible hidden dangers. To be honest, with his physical condition, after going through so many battles, he can survive until now and still not die. It's a "medical miracle".

"How did you get him so excited? Do you know that he is an old man? If he didn't want to, I would bring him a wheelchair this time."

After hearing that his father almost died, Hou Shaoxia, who was supervising the battle at the front line, "borrowed" a griffin and ran back.

When this orc boy saw his old man laying on the bed being treated by several elf priests and troll witch doctors in turn, with a dwarf breathing mask on his face to filter evil energy, he wished he could kill the culprit, Bo Laike, here. .

Facing Shaoxia Hou's red eyes, Bu Laike shrugged and said with a pipe in his mouth:

"Is this how you talk to your fleet commander? Let Maim whip you when you go back! You lawless bastard, besides, your father is not in pain, he is just too excited.

He learned from me that the last enemy of his life was about to arrive at Krokuun, and he was so excited that he wanted to run out on the spot and explode the heads of a few abyss lords to get a feel for it.

But is it my fault that he is not in good health? "

Bu Laike crossed his waist and said to Hou Shaoxia:

"You also know that no one can stop this bastard's heart of war, he secretly prayed to Odin for the blessing of the berserker's immortality, isn't it just for this moment?

Take it easy, kiddo.

Your dad won't die until he hacks the saboteur with his own hands.

However, I think you should find him a solid and durable wheelchair. Given his current condition, it is estimated that you will have to push him to the battlefield by then. "

"The Destroyer? Malornos?"

Shaoxia Hou opened his eyes wide and let out a cry, but the name he yelled caused Grom, who was in a coma, to tremble violently, causing the elf priest and the troll witch doctor to glare at Shaoxia Hou at the same time.

What are you doing!

Didn't you see that we are rescuing the wounded?

Anyone who has nothing to do with it, get out!

Under the stern gaze of the doctors, Laike and Shaoxia Hou left Grom's room in despair.

After learning that his father was about to get his wish, Hou Shaoxia was half excited and half worried, and at the urging of the pirates, he went to find the dwarves in charge of logistics to build a sturdy wheelchair for his father that could go to the battlefield.

"Hey, what did you say to that dreadlord just now?"

The pirate watched Shaoxia Hou leave with his ax in hand. He was about to join his assassins when he suddenly heard a deep and hoarse voice behind him.

This made Bo Laike lose his face quickly.

He said:

"There's no need for you to come and go like this in front of me, my dear egg brother, besides, you all know that there are dreadlords lurking in the camp, why don't you kill them?

Have you changed your temper? "

"I let them roam the camp after realizing that you and the dreadlord had probably made some nasty agreement."

Illidan Stormrage, who had just returned from hunting, flicked the blood on the devil-like claws. He showed a deep and strange smile, and said:

"If you're not going to sell us all to the devil, then I'm pretty sure the Dreadlord is not our enemy at this point in time.

Tell me, what did the dreadlord tell you? "

"Ha, you guessed it right."

Bu Laike turned his head and showed a vicious villain attitude, he said eagerly:

"In fact, I have secretly surrendered to Lord Sargeras. The Dark Titan gave me an order to gather all the rebels in Azeroth to Argus, and then I will summon him personally, and let him kill you all with one sword. All hacked to death.

Feel the honor, chops.

The Dark Titan himself will come here to reap your foolish lives. "

"Well, is that so?"

Illidan nodded in a serious manner. He moved the alienated demon wings on his back and said:

"So, this is the strategy of the Burning Legion? Lure the enemy to go deep? Then this battle will be a sure win no matter how it is fought?"

"Winning is just a result, the important thing is the process. We win by defeating the demon, and the demon kills four Fang and then retreats, but can it be the same?"

Bo Laike snorted, picked up his pipe and said:

"Archimonde is here, I'm sure that bastard is coming for me, and it also summoned Maronus, who is also your 'old acquaintance'.

But with Grom Hellscream, the old hacking king, the abyss overlord doesn't need us to worry about.

I also found top cannon fodder from the Holy Light Legion!

She can help us hold back Archimonde, and there is an old lunatic in Mac'Aree who volunteers to help us stop the polluters from raging, so there is only one task left for us, my dear egg brother.

We've got to figure out a way to get rid of that fel heart and get your Illidari ready, it's a real tough fight and everybody's going to die there. "

"We checked."

Illidan was very serious when it came to business, and he said to Bo Laike:

"The Heart Spring of the Heart of Fel Energy is deep in the fortress, and it is impossible to sneak in under normal circumstances. We must find a way to get close after fighting on the frontal battlefield.

Leave it to me and my hunters, we will do it no matter the sacrifice.

But before the battle begins, I need to change weapons. "

The great demon hunter finally revealed the reason why he came to look for Bu Laike, he said softly with some embarrassment:

"It's not that the Glaive of Azzinoth I'm using is not good, it just won't help me defeat those powerful enemies in the next battle.

My warblades come from demons, and when I got them from the doom lord Azzinoth, I also heard a legend from that demon.

A legend about the holy blade of the demon hunter.

It is said that the Burning Legion has many powerful war blades in their hands. Those war blades have strange powers, but they are not made by demons but come from a civilization that has been destroyed.

The Warglaives of Azzinoth are merely demonic imitations of those mighty Glaives.

Now that we have come to the land of demons, we still have some time before the war begins. Maybe you and I can find a way to complete an armament upgrade for the Illidari? "

"Ha, I knew that you, a ruthless bastard, would never take the initiative to chat with me if you have nothing to do. It turns out that you want to prostitute me for nothing."

The pirate said something sarcastically. He rummaged through his luggage and finally found a magic energy crystal with a hidden location. He tossed it up and down in his hand, exhaled smoke rings and said:

"Fortunately for you, I happen to have the location where those aldrachi warglaives are hidden. This is the big secret that that weak bounty hunter on the battlefield of Dellano told me to beg for a living.

But I can't give them to you for free, can I? "

"I'm notoriously poor."

Illidan said calmly:

"As demon hunters, we adhere to the way of incorruptibility and poverty. All external enjoyment is harmful to hunters. I can't give you anything good in return, Laike.

Our stronghold, the Dark Temple, was given to us by you.

How about we kill a few people for you? "

"Not only do you not pay, but you also want to steal the jobs of my assassins? You are really bad."

Bu Laike grumbled, smashed the magic energy crystal to get to the hidden place, and said:

"Let's go, the devil's treasury where those weapons are hidden is in the depths of Nathrax Fortress, let's go there, it's the last investigation before the battle."

After speaking, the pirate took off on the spot on the wind of the devil, and Illidan also spread his wings and rushed into the sky with the fierce posture of a demon hunter.

The two flew towards the demon fortress at the forefront of the war at an extremely fast speed, without any language communication along the way, until they saw the eternal fortress that had been defended layer by layer by demons.

Jarod Shadowsong's simultaneous attack in two directions has captured the corner of destiny and the edge of despair. The anti-magic coalition forces have captured the demon's position here, and several light-forged mechas of the Holy Light Legion provide fire support to push back Devil's attack.

These golden armors, which are transformed from Draenei guard structures mixed with naaru black technology, have powerful firepower. Their right arms are the shrunken version of the Holy Light Judge's main gun, which can bring Rain of Holy Light.

The only regret is that this kind of war machine of the Holy Light is cumbersome to manufacture, and driving it requires extremely high engineering attainments, and the Holy Light Legion does not have many in its hands.

"Archimonde hasn't come yet, but the abyss lord has come."

Bu Laike in the air summoned shadows to cover his body. He looked down at the demon fortress. After seeing the fel magma under the ground constantly being summoned to form a molten pool to block the advance of the anti-magic coalition forces, he tore it in the air. Open a weak void rift and say to Illidan beside him:

"Restrain your uncontrollable killing intent, my dear demon hunter, we are here to steal things, not to exploit Wushuang, follow me.

There is no need to draw a knife at all. "


Illidan nodded, and followed Bo Laike into the seemingly dangerous chasm.

After more than ten seconds of extremely uncomfortable void walking, they crossed the front line of demons silently, and slipped into the fortress of Nathrax under the eyes of a group of big asses who were bathing comfortably in the magma. fringe.

This place is still some distance away from the fortress where the heart of fel energy is stored. As described in the information given by the soul hunter Immonar, this place is very remote. If people who do not know the inside story will definitely ignore this place after entering the fortress.

It seems that the demons are also very knowledgeable.

They know how to hide things so they won't be noticed.

"It's here."

The pirate looked left and right, released his spiritual perception to ensure that anyone approaching would be sensed by him immediately, he took out the lockpicking tool and walked towards the closed door surrounded by demonic runes leading to the ground in front of him.

While performing the basic operations of the thieves, he said to Illidan who was standing on the sidelines:

"I thought about it on the way. Although you are poor, rules are rules. If I help you, I will get paid. Anyway, you have to change your weapon, right?

Give me your warblades. "

The pirate didn't pretend either, and said frankly:

"You know, as the Moon Night God of War, I also need to use some handy weapons when I become a Black Moon Warrior. Although Ms. Elune gave me the ability to transform a war bow into a moon blade, that gorgeous thing It's really uncomfortable to use.

Maybe your Glaive is a good fit for me to use when transforming. "

"What do you want this for?"

Illidan said in surprise:

"Do you have enough weapons?

I heard that you have given away your pirate holy blade to your demon servants, and you have hunting relics like the Spear of the Wild and Excalibur like the Salamani in your hand.

My war blade is far inferior to the weapon in your hand in terms of grade and lethality.

If you are just looking for a handy weapon, then after you open this door, you can also pick one of the aldrachi war blades stored inside.

I've heard that those strange warglaives have the powerful ability to grow themselves by devouring the essence of the enemy in battle. "

"I don't want them!"

Bu Laike is like a stubborn brat, he rolled his eyes while unlocking the lock and said:

"I want the two in your hand!

I know they are really not enough for me now, but collection! understand? The power of a weapon does not come from itself, but also from its user.

The legend of the wielder of the weapon will be superimposed on the weapon, and eventually become part of that weapon, just like the broken Ashbringer in my stupid sister's hand.

After Bo Rocks slashed Aggramar with it, the weapon became Dellano's eternal legend.

When those orcs spread the myth of that weapon, they would always say that the Ashbringer had never referred to a weapon, or a specific person, or a specific story, and it had become a glorious title.

That is a kind of power inheritance.


Although you are not as legendary as Boo Rocks Saurfang, your experience is barely enough to be included in the "legendary leaderboard".

Collecting your weapons makes my collection more topical. "

Having said that, the pirate murmured in a low voice:

"I've wasted years collecting them, and coming into this world as an incomplete man is the most haunting of all my regrets.

Give it to me, Illidan.

You know, I can actually grab it, but I still discussed it with you, didn't I? "


At this moment, the closed devil's door was easily opened by the pirates with their superb lockpicking skills. Laike stood up and stretched his shoulders, and made a "please" gesture to Illidan.

The big demon hunter walked into the extremely gloomy passage in front of him. He hesitated for a moment, took out his double blade with a wave, stroked it emotionally for a few seconds, and then put it to his mouth and kissed it. After saying goodbye, he handed it to Bu Laike.

The pirate blew a whistle, lifted the double blades on the spot, and performed a standard elf roundabout.

In Illidan's surprised perception, he jumped up and backflipped and spread his demon guard wings, and sprayed purple-black void eye ridges from his eyes.

That posture is exactly like a standard demon hunter.

Of course, ordinary hunters are far less powerful than him.

"I'm going to take some time to remove the fel energy from the blade, and re-infuse it with the power of the moon god so that it can become the moon blade of the moon night war god, and I will make it beautiful again."

Bo Laike, holding the Glaive of Azzinoth in both hands, waved his hands contentedly, and said to Illidan:

"Go down and find your own war blade, don't worry, there is no one below. This treasure house does not need other guards, and the demons dare not even approach it.

But be careful yourself.

The Aldrachi who had defeated the Burning Legion head-on poured their will to war into their war blades, which made them still exist in their war blades as war spirits even though they died.

You will be killed by them if you are not strong enough.

Especially the most powerful one, which contains a fearless man who slashed Lord Sargeras."

"Huh? You said that there is a weapon hidden here that once drank the blood of the Dark Titan?"

Illidan came to the spirit immediately.

The big demon hunter quickly walked into the darkness, he couldn't wait to say:

"Fine, fine, that's what I want, that's it!"

(end of this chapter)

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