Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1682 50. You Dare To Hurt My Human Servant, I Will Fight With You! 【1/3-Ask Monthly Ticket】

Chapter 1682 50. You dare to hurt my human servant, I will fight with you! 【13-Ask for a monthly ticket】

When the pirate's thinking returned to his body, he felt so painful that he was about to die. This was because he set an unlucky flag for himself before he set off. Maybe it was the favor of the god of misfortune or the spit of the goddess of luck. During the time when the pirate left, his body was really hit by Archimonde with the finger of death.

Probably more than once.

Fortunately, because the pirate's consciousness wandered elsewhere, Ake's vicious magic aimed at the soul could not work on him.

Unfortunately, in addition to killing the soul, the magic of Archimonde also has an additional burning effect on the flesh and blood.

Although because of the existence of the abyss, the strength of the pirate's flesh and blood is now so high that Archimonde's vicious magic can't destroy it, but there will be no less pain.

As for why Archimonde hit Bu Laike, and why the little star fought with the big devil so angrily, this story will bring the time back to more than 20 minutes ago.

It is said that as soon as Bu Laike's consciousness left his body, the obedient little Xing Xing immediately followed the pirate's instructions and carried his breathless body on the Thor Throne to the command post quietly.

Although Archimonde is still wreaking havoc outside, with the gray and white Naruzlari and a group of Holy Light Warriors, the big blue demon will not be able to kill it for a while, and the little star has also been given an important mission. Done.

"Hey, you stay here, be good!"

The blue dragon princess took the wooden figure-like Bu Laike off the throne of Thor, and deliberately placed it in a very hidden corner.

She put her hips on her hips and patted Laike on the head like a big sister. With a smirk, she took out her signature pen and smeared a few times on the pirate's face, drew a few little turtles, and then picked up the dwarf camera I took several photos of "Black History" from various angles.

After finishing all this, Little Xingxing put away the camera contentedly, and took out the magic gem that Bu Laike gave her just now.

She knew that this thing was used to contact the old man Sakir. There must be some shady deal between the pirate and the old man. Little Xingxing didn't care about it. She injected the gem with her own magic power. The phantom appeared in the command post.

The old man seemed to be doing some kind of experiment. While mixing something with several beakers, he asked without looking back:

"What's up?"

"Uh, Bo Laike asked me to inform you that Archimonde has appeared! Right next to our command post."

Little Xingxing raised the magic gem, and sneaked to the door so that Sakir could see the polluters raging on the battlefield. She waved her arms and said to Uncle Sakir:

"So, come quickly, don't you always want to settle accounts with your disgusting betrayal apprentice? Come here and beat him down!

I believe you are strong, come on, push that bastard who betrayed you to the ground and rub hard. "

"Though I do want to, every day that passes."

Grandpa Sakir was a little agitated, but he quickly calmed himself down. He said:

"But no one knows Archimonde's power and viciousness better than me. I must be prepared. I have learned from Ms. Aegwynn the magic she used to expel the power of Sargeras back then.

I'm going to use this magic to dispel the 'blessing' Archimonde got from the fel realm, and I'm going to show that shameful traitor that without the power that Sargeras bestowed upon it, it's nothing but a pathetic third-rate mage.

Not only do I want to beat it!

That's not enough!

I still want to trample on its will and capture its soul. This job is quite difficult. I still need a little time, but it is almost done.

You send this gem as close to the battlefield as possible, little star, and I will activate the magic soon. "

"Ah, do you want to get close to the battlefield? That's too dangerous."

Little Xingxing was a little hesitant, she didn't want to get close to any danger, after all, she came to Argus this time only to collect world information and compile geography.

This is my "graduation trip".

But Sakir, who was busy preparing for the meeting, cut off the communication without giving Little Xingxing a chance to refuse, leaving Princess Blue Dragon with no time to find a reason.

She stomped unhappily and walked over to Bo Laike again, casting a protective cloaking spell on his body.

Taking advantage of Bo Laike's inability to resist, Little Xingxing grabbed Bo Laike's face and pulled it to both sides, just like a child playing with a doll, she said:

"Sister will be back in a while, don't be afraid, cutie, I will protect you."

Little Xingxing smiled triumphantly.

She thinks this kind of game is really interesting, and when this sarcastic and ruthless stinky pirate calms down, it's really much better than he usually is.

This loud and vicious fellow never seems to be quiet.

The blue dragon grumbled and slipped out of its hiding place, and quickly rushed to the edge of the battlefield where Archimonde and the gray naaru were fighting the Warriors of the Holy Light.

She saw countless demons rushing towards the coalition line like moving black natural disasters under the impetus of the great demon's evil aura.

If Jarod Shadowsong hadn't chosen a good location, the number of these demons alone would have flooded the small camp in an instant.

The corpses of demons are everywhere, and there are some Kroku Breakers and their Tabu war sheep mixed in. The elves, orcs, humans and trolls completely let go of their grievances at this moment. They know that they must Unite and help everyone around you, otherwise no one will come home alive.

The dwarves, led by Kurdran Wildhammer, frantically drove the griffins to drop bombs continuously, and their alchemy bombs almost blew up the area.

The druids turned into giant bears and weird armored turtles to stand in the front line, and the manes on those druids were soaked in the blood of demons and their own people.

The dead were swiftly revived by Elisande, the Lich of the Black Crows, and they had to rejoin the battlefield with almost no rest time from birth to death.

The death knights also used some evil secret techniques they had just learned, and used the corpses of demons to sew some ugly monsters into the battlefield carrying the wrath of the dead.

The demon hunters who had just returned from the front line were even more mad.

Illidan Stormrage led them to charge in the direction of Archimonde, the roar of the Supreme Blade resounded around, and it felt joyful for this grand killing.

The good news is that after the Fel Heart of Nathrax Fortress was destroyed, none of the demons killed by the soldiers could be resurrected in Argus, which made some smart demons start working hard and didn't want to die here.

The bad news is that the sheer number of mindless lesser demons is enough to feel hopeless.

The moon god priests are calling for the power of Elune, but unfortunately there is not so much moonlight shining in this world of fel energy, the little murloc croaked and killed a group of demon hounds who were going to sneak over to attack with a salted fish hammer. The hideous little thing summoned all his war beasts, and even the two war beasts with Braike killed all around.

The black and white sword girls are even more insane when they are uncontrolled. Any demons who approach the location of Bu Laike will be mercilessly stabbed to death by them.

Little Xingxing also saw the orcs with missing arms and legs lying on the ground and sneak attacking those demons, and the young hero Hou who got the blood roar probably already knew the fate of the old roar. Also led a group of wolf cavalry to slash and kill wildly.

They will go wherever there are many people.

Everyone in sight is fighting with all their might, even Talanji, who is the golden princess of the Golden Dynasty and came to the battlefield to be gilded, has now picked up the shadow hunter's spear.

This made Little Xingxing feel a little uncomfortable.

A rare shame of avoiding war rose in her heart.

When everyone is fighting for a great goal, she is fishing for fish. Although there are countless reasons in her heart to convince herself, she always feels that she is out of place with this place.

Little Xingxing lowered her head and threw Sakir's magic gem away. She covered her face and ran away, saying in her heart that she would go back to protect that stinky captain Laike.

I am also responsible.

But she was out of luck.

On the way back to the hiding place, he encountered an elite demon commanded by the abyss lord who was transported by a group of demon wizards to prepare to raid the command post.

That big-ass demon was notoriously violent and ruthless. The moment he landed, he roared like a speeding mammoth and slammed into the command post, collapsing several walls in an instant.

Seeing those damn demons getting closer and closer to the place where Bu Laike was hiding, Little Xingxing also lost his temper.

Anxiously, she turned into a thunder dragon with a cry and summoned lightning flying all over the sky to paralyze the lower demons, and then sprinkled the high-temperature dragon breath of thunder on them while flapping her wings and gliding.

The weaker demon was killed on the spot, and the stronger one was also maimed under the impact of this extremely positive energy, while the damned big-ass demon was caught by the four dragon claws wrapped in Leiyi by Xiao Xingxing. The body, in the beating of the huge wings, grabbed the heavy bastard from the original place, rolled a few times in the air, and then flew out.

Although the purpose was only to protect Laike, the sudden transformation of the little star at the critical moment when the command post was breached still boosted the morale of the fighters.

The main reason is that the image of Thunder Dragon is too mighty.

The bright man covered in lightning dispelled the evil aura of the demons when he appeared, and the thunder that kept falling in the sky with the mood of the little star made the warriors feel the gesture of the big boss coming.

They also mean that this is the "ultimate weapon of decisive battle" that the high command specially hid.

In short, after Little Xingxing quickly dealt with this group of demons, the defending anti-magic warriors even took advantage of the chaos to fight back.

This was beyond Little Star's expectations.

She never imagined that she could boost morale to this extent just by killing some demons.

Ha, so I am so powerful? It turns out that my prestige is so strong that just showing up can boost morale!

Little Xingxing was suddenly a little proud.

But she didn't realize at all that her "high profile" just now had caused her trouble.

"Blue Dragon! It's you! I remember your breath!"

The Defiler, who was frantically beating the gray naaru, felt the familiar aura that made it unforgettable. When he turned his head, he saw the little star hovering in the sky of the command post and was about to turn around and slip away.

Although the appearance has changed too much, becoming extremely mighty, but that triumphant posture cannot be disguised.

Ake's eyes turned red all of a sudden!

It is impossible for it to forget how majestic it was on the stage in Dalaran City, and when it was about to bring about a great destruction to Azeroth, how did that stinky blue dragon show off its power with the tears of the moon god in front of a group of people? Man's face banishes it back into the Twisting Nether, making itself a laughing stock in the demon world!

That's her!

You can't go wrong!

"Ha, a windfall!"

Archimonde laughed cruelly, gave up on the gray and white Naaru whose body had been shattered by him, raised his hand and hit the panicked little star with a finger of death surrounded by black light.

The blue dragon teleported away with a howl, dodging Archimonde's Finger of Death, but the black beam crossed the sky and just hit the hidden position of Bu Laike, bringing down the house in an instant.

Little Xingxing couldn't hold back anymore, and returned to the ruins with a whoosh, and hurriedly dragged out Bu Laike who was buried under the ruins. She intended to send Bu Laike away.

But this scene fell in the eyes of Archimonde, which made the polluters even more excited.

It has been looking for Bo Laike, who hides his head and shows his tail.

Didn't expect this guy to be hiding here, and he seems to be seriously injured? Is it the injury after being blasted by the starship as the Lord of Fire just now?

Well, think about it too.

At the level of a mortal, it is already very powerful to be able to make such a terrifying offensive. After the elemental avatar collapsed, it was impossible for him as the host not to be injured.

"Fate has been so generous to me today!"

Archimonde laughed, his ruthless eyes glowed with a cruel light, he shook his finger full of evil energy, and another finger of death aimed at the ready-to-go.

It would crush the souls of these two foes and sew them together into a pathetic creation to avenge its rage.

Seeing that the polluter threw another finger of death, Little Xingxing instinctively screamed and hid behind the pirates, and then she remembered that Bo Laike would not be able to fight this time.

But it was too late to withdraw.

A black light blasted precisely on Bu Laike's body and knocked the pirate away. With a scream, Little Xingxing rushed to the pirate's side and hugged him in his arms.

Fortunately, fortunately, the body is not damaged.

But even though he has no soul, Bo Laike's body is still twitching from the instinctive pain after being attacked. Little Xingxing has never seen Bo Laike so weak and uncomfortable.

She watched the pirate in her arms trembling constantly and the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, and suddenly there was anger in her heart after her beloved was hurt.

She is rarely this angry.

As an underage dragon girl, she has been well protected, and even Bo Laike has been pampering her in a way of raising a little princess.

She knew that everyone expected something from her, but she felt that was far in the future.

Those annoying responsibilities, those missions that people don't like, those pressures that make people want to escape, why can't everything pass happily?

Why are there always these bastards in this world who take pleasure in bullying others?

She once asked Bu Laike about this question, but the pirate didn't give her an accurate answer. Little Star still couldn't find the answer, but she looked at Bu Laike in pain in her arms.

She knew it was time for her to act.

The pirate who was able to protect her in the past is now going to save the titan, and she has to protect herself.

The reason for the fight was right in front of him, and Little Xingxing held it without hesitation.

"It must hurt, right?"

Little Xingxing reached out and touched Laike's cheek, and wiped off the little turtle she painted on. Then, she kissed the pirate's dusty forehead and whispered in his ear:

"Don't cry, my sister will avenge you now."


Amidst the dragon chant that shook the whole field, the mighty Thunder Dragon reappeared.

Facing the flames of the legion that Archimonde roared, the future queen of the blue dragon and the future spellweaver Stellagosa spread her lightning-spattered wings like a shield in front of her, letting the flame that burned everything The flames hit and shattered on his wings, and then danced like thunder amidst the flames, and came to the center of the battlefield in just a few moments.

Under her call, the Throne of Thor knocked off the demons in the air and fell under the claws of Little Star. She flapped her wings and lay on the throne like a dragon.

The two claws clasped the cloud pattern column and pulled it out fiercely, and the four energy conduits on the edge of the throne were overloaded at the same time.

This is a dangerous operation that Layden personally warned Little Xingxing not to do!

But Little Xingxing didn't care at this time.

There was only one thought in her mind:

"Ugly bastards who take pleasure in bullying others."

"Burn you!"

Amidst the roar of the Blue Dragon Queen and the vibration of the heart of Thunder beating almost to a standstill, the most terrifying thunderstorm in the history of the world of Argus centered on the little star descended on Krokuun's battlefield in an instant superior.

Even Archimonde's eyes were covered by the burst of light of destruction in the air, not to mention other demons.

In the brilliance of the thunder that covered everything, the little star raised the middle finger of the dragon's claw to Archimonde.

She shouted defiantly:

"That's right! I ruined your grand entrance, I made you the butt of the stars! I humiliated you with Boo Laike!

But so what?

are you angry

It just so happens that I am also very angry now, what kind of bastard dares to bully my servant? Why don't you go up against a big guy like you?

Come hit me, you devilish fool! "

(end of this chapter)

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