Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1683 51. Although I Can Beat Pirates, I Still Have To Ask For Them--【2/3】

Chapter 1683 51. Although I can beat pirates, I still want to ask for them--【23】

(Ask for a monthly ticket! La la la la!)


Under the orders of the little star who is the incarnation of the female Thor, the Thunderbolt, who punishes evil spirits, rolled from one end of the battlefield to the other in a tidal surge sweeping everything.

The scene was astonishing.

Although Little Xingxing deliberately avoided the vicinity of the coalition command post, how have other people seen such a formation?

The wildest force in nature surged before his eyes in an extremely lively and violent attitude, and the majesty of the power brought by controlling the thunder was enough to make the trolls and orc shamans in the coalition army feel ashamed.

The elemental power they are proud of is less than one percent of His Royal Highness Little Xingxing.

Just look at those demons!

Even the most powerful abyss lord can withstand the direct bombardment of the thunder, but he is trapped in place by the paralyzing electric current, not to mention the remaining demons who attack high blood and thin blood, who are on the spot under thunder and thunder. Under the double bombardment of the thunder and tide, they were pulverized or scorched into corpses all over the place.

Not only that, under the overload of all four energy tubes, this wave of thunder light rolling by Little Xingxing also summoned an entire army of thunder elements on the battlefield.

This is one of the strategic powers of Thor's Throne, Little Xingxing seldom uses it because he finds it too troublesome to command.

But this time she didn't care.

Captain Stinky is in such pain, he will definitely find himself in trouble when he wakes up, and if he can't do something big to cover it up, he will be beaten up.

This is the same as the saying that if you do something embarrassing, cover it up by making a loud noise.

But handsome is handsome, fierce is fierce, the extreme operation of Little Xingxing still brought some troubles to himself, the overload of the energy column of Thor's Throne means that it temporarily lost its power, and it needs to be brought back to the engine of Nalaksha for repair Only after that.

Moreover, this wave of output was too strong, which caused most of the Thunder Heart's power to be adjusted, making Little Xingxing very weak.

What's more terrible is that she just sent a wave of deadly taunts to Ake, causing the big devil to attack her like crazy, and the little Xingxing stabilized the hatred so that she couldn't even run away.

So after Laike woke up, what he saw was the exciting scene of the "reluctant hero" His Royal Highness Little Star fighting the polluter Archimonde.

The little Xingxing who was cornered was still very fierce.

At least much fiercer than a rabbit.

Braike, who will wake up, finally confirmed that he did not enter a parallel space. He sat cross-legged in the ruins with a pipe in his mouth, while relieving the pain of being hit by the finger of death in his body, while admiring the little star in front of him in the dragon posture A head-on confrontation with Archimonde.

The thunder dragon's posture of swinging the bastard fist was really powerful, and the few claws swung left Ake's thunder scars that were difficult to heal.

And the thunderclothes she was wearing made Archimonde treat her like a hedgehog, and it was difficult to use close combat to deal with this bruised and swollen smelly star who had been beaten by Ake's endless magic and martial arts.

You must know that although Archimonde is a powerful first-class spellcaster among the stars, this guy may have lost his mind after being blessed by evil energy, and he especially likes melee combat.

And its melee power should not be underestimated.

The strongest demigod Bailuma Luo En in the Battle of the Ancients was broken by Archimonde in close combat.

Being able to break the neck of a demigod in hand-to-hand combat, it can be seen that Archimonde is definitely the absolute representative of "both magic and martial arts" in the Burning Legion.

This also fully proves that Archimonde is actually a very talented guy.

Even if it doesn't switch to fel energy and continues to follow the orthodox magic system of Argus, it will definitely become a figure on an equal footing with Velen and Kil'jaeden in the future.

No wonder Sakir wants to train him as his heir.

Unfortunately, this is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

"quack quack"

The sharp-eyed little murloc saw that Bu Laike had woken up, and immediately ran over and circled him, dancing and "complaining" to Bu Laike.

He told all about Little Xingxing's embarrassing behavior just now and how she was noticed by Archimonde, which caused Bu Laike to take a death finger.

This vicious little thing obviously hoped to see the bad luck of the smelly star, and it hadn't forgotten that it was beaten up by the little star after it was thrown out of the box of mysteries just now.

It desperately wants to see the little star get beaten by Laike too, so that it can even out.

"Go and go, if you don't learn well, what kind of complaint will you sue!"

Bu Laike waved his hands to tell the vicious little murlocs to rush to find the treasure, and then called his war beasts, which had grown several times, over.

The pain in his body has eased a bit, but he still walks lazily. He simply rides on the back of Frost Claw, which is already as big as a brown bear, and swaggers through the market with his big bear and black and white sword girl.

By the way, he also summoned the demon twin heart demon that he had been fishing for.

"Tell those three bastards to roll over."

Bu Laike held a pipe in his mouth, exhaled hot smoke rings, and said to the cold-faced Gemini beside him:

"Master Sakir will be here in a while. On behalf of the Warlock School of Nazaras, he will launch a general liquidation of old and new hatred against Archimonde. All important figures of the Warlock School must participate."

"Hey, the three flatterers are all rewarded with the power of the destroyer, but those who are really doing things in a down-to-earth way get nothing."

The high-ranking warlock Aureses crossed her arms and said in a drawn out voice with a sad face:

"Following such a boss really makes people feel that their career prospects are bleak."

"Huh? Who? Who is doing things in a down-to-earth manner? The little murloc?"

Bo Laike rode behind Frostpaw, rubbed his chin pretending to be confused and said:

"That's right, the little murloc has worked so hard to find treasure for me for so long, and I haven't paid much attention to its power growth. It's impossible for this guy to be a hunter now, and neither is the way of a druid. Practice well.

Well, it's decided. After this battle, I will give the little murloc a special training, so that he can show his damn talent. "

"You're playing dumb, aren't you?"

Queen Saloras was very upset and said:

"What dirty work didn't our sisters do for you? Is it just a matter of warming your bed now? This is just a matter of one sentence. We just treat it as if we were bitten by a dog, and it doesn't matter.

But since they are all stamped with your mark of void, they are now considered as real ones of their own. Didn’t you promise good rewards before sending people to work? "

"You didn't have so many problems before!"

Bu Laike scowled and said:

"I'm beginning to regret getting closer to you, maybe we should go back to the previous mode of getting along."

"We just want a piece of power! Well, let's be blunt, the evil eye trio don't deserve the power of Manornos at all! We're just jealous!"

The flame witch screamed:

"That should be the strength for us two sisters! We helped you find the secret school, and when you fell into the power of the void, we will never leave you, right?

You can't be so mean.


Principal Sakir may want revenge and find him a new body, but what we want is pure.

We want its power! "

"When we took refuge in the Legion, we were transformed into demons. This transformation is irreversible."

Queen Saloras whispered:

"Now we have a new master, I think we should also be rewarded, my master, if you promise to share the power of Archimonde with us, then we are willing to give everything for you.

Whether you need our profligate service, or you need us to raise an army of the abyss for you, we can do it.

Besides, isn't it your style to negotiate the remuneration before doing something?

You don't have to be so angry, this only proves that we have learned very well from you, doesn't it?

Every mentor hopes to see such a good student. We were the best graduates of the Mystic Academy, and we know how to please the mentors. "


Bu Laike rubbed his chin and looked at Archimonde who was fighting with Little Xingxing in front of him. He had already seen that Little Xingxing's decline was already evident.

This idiot Blue Dragon couldn't hold it anymore.

She is too young, too restless, and has little combat experience to challenge strong enemies, so she fights like a typical young man.

Come fast, go fast.

In terms of absolute strength and fighting mentality, Little Star is indeed inferior to Archimonde, and being able to reach this level is already a super-level performance.

"I reject!"

Facing Gemini's hopeless waiting, the pirate shook his head after thinking for a few seconds, and flatly rejected Gemini's request, but then he shook his head and said:

"Archimonde's power is not for you, see, it doesn't even have wings, which would wreak havoc on your delightfully beautiful demonic stance.

Wait patiently, if you are more obedient during this time, maybe I can consider sharing the power of the fraudster with you.

Anyway, Velen will definitely come to Argus, and one must die between him and the Trickster.

We don't lose anyone who dies.

So, deal?

My future two cheating ladies? "

The act of drawing big cakes made Gemini very upset, but they looked at each other, but neither raised a rebuttal. What Bu Laike said is correct, Archimonde's power is indeed not in line with them.

A Trickster who wields fel flames and deep shadows is the perfect fit.

And they all know that the villain Bou Laike loves to watch this kind of "employee backstabbing ex-boss" evil drama.

So the twins retreated, and they began to summon the demonic ritual in the rear to "pull" the warlock trio and old Sa'kiel far away in Mac'Aree to the battlefield.

As for Bu Laike, he was still standing on the edge of the battlefield that was swept by the thunder and was full of demon corpses, looking at Little Star's "beasts still fighting" with admiration.

He also held a dwarf camera with a video function in his hand.

He wants to record Little Xingxing's bravery today. This is the best "propaganda material" for this idiot Blue Dragon Queen to show her kingly majesty.

"Ah Boo Laike! Are you awake?"

Little Xingxing, who was beaten badly by Ake over there, was a little dizzy.

She was almost grabbed by the neck by Archimonde just now, but luckily she escaped quickly.

As a well-read dragon mage, Little Xingxing knew very well what happened to the last guy whose neck was grabbed by the polluted ones.

That's too bad.

However, after turning his head to see Bu Laike, who was smoking, drinking, and watching the scene with a smile on his face, the idiot Blue Dragon felt that he had found support all of a sudden.

Her protector is back!

She no longer needs to fight by herself!

Ha, battle mode is off! The salted fish lying flat mode is on!

With a sound of "whoosh", the little star turned into a human form to avoid the legion flames thrown by Archimonde, and then used two teleportation spells to send himself to Bu Laike.

She rubbed the panda eyes on her face, hid behind Laike, and poked her tongue out at the big devil to make a face, and kept provoking it to attack on its own initiative.

But no one knows more about Bu Laike's abyssal power than Little Xingxing. If you dare to provoke the stinky pirates, believe it or not, the Thousand Tongue Demon will eat you up in one bite?

"Hey, isn't this too much for you?"

Bu Laike twitched the corners of his eyes and said to the little star hiding behind:

"Is it just my dream that you were so mighty just now? This finally forced you out of that fishing state, why did you change back to this?"

"Leave me alone!"

Little Xingxing yelled fiercely at Laike.

Then his eyes rolled, and he put his face on the stinky pirate's arm crying, making a pitiful look of trembling, pointing to his beaten panda eyes and complaining to Bu Laike:

"See how it beats me up? I'm in so much pain, so uncomfortable, why don't you hurry up and beat it up to vent my anger!"

"There is still strength to file a complaint, and it seems that there is no major problem at all."

Bo Laike snorted and pushed Little Star's head away. He exhaled a puff of smoke and watched the Defiler striding towards him, covered in wounds but full of vigor.

The big demon had a ferocious murderous smile on his face, like a boxer who had just stepped off the ring. He regarded the battle between himself and Little Xingxing as a warm-up.

But now, the true master has appeared, and it can finally use its power to its fullest.

"Ahem, don't look at me!"

Bu Laike raised his hand and made a "daba" gesture. He said seriously and seriously:

"My dear Ake, you have to understand that I just escaped from Lord Aggramar's sword a few minutes ago. To tell you the truth, my legs are weak now, and I can't even control my bladder. .

The power of the Fallen Titan's sword to destroy the stars scared me to death.

So I can understand your desire to fight, but I'm really not interested in fighting with you here, can you find someone else to release your anger?

Aren't there still many holy light walkers over there?

Look at that gray Narudo who deserves a beating, she is still taking the opportunity to slaughter your servants, such an arrogant guy needs to be taught a lesson. "

"Did you think this was in your field?"

The polluter laughed at Laike's words, and with a wave of his hand, four or five fiery meteorites of fel energy fell from the sky and bombarded the broken earth, turning into a gigantic flaming hellfire titan.

It sneered and said:

"Is it your turn to call the shots here? There's only one thing you need to do, Bu Laike Shaw! Take this last minute and pray to your god.

Of course, I will not allow them to get your soul, it can only be a plaything in my hands.


What are you looking at? "

Archimonde uttered cool evil lines, but it soon realized that Bo Laike wasn't listening at all, and the stinky pirate was looking at its head with a strange look.

The meaning in that gaze made Ake very uncomfortable, as if he was being stared at by a carrion vulture.

"I didn't realize until you came up to me."

Bu Laike whispered with bright eyes:

"Your head is so unique, it perfectly conforms to all the rules of phrenology, and you will definitely become a perfect collection."

"You think beautifully!"

Amidst the whistling sound of the sinister wind behind him, the head-burning old man Saqier strode out with the Deadwind Reaper on his back. Behind him was his apprentice, the former Archmage of Holy Light, and now the Prime Minister of the Mystic Academy, Ms. Yimila.

Imira was still holding the old man's new pet in her arms.

A devil mouse holding a muffin and eating it is the muffin thief named Fisher.

"My dear disciple's head will be made into a perfect magic weapon by me, just like it once made my head into a magic weapon with my own hands. This is a kind of inheritance between teachers and students.

I won't give it to you, Boo Laike!

Don't even think about it! "

Sakir snorted, causing the pirate to shrug his shoulders, and said with a poisonous tongue:

"Your teacher-student relationship is really distorted. May I suggest this crazy principal go to see a psychiatrist? You may be suffering from some kind of mental illness like psychosis.

You can't delay your symptoms.


You three, in this battle, you three will replace your gods to participate in the battle, and take your new power to fight my dear Ake. "

Bu Laike flicked his fingers, and he said to the warlock trio who were eager to fight:

"You have to learn to please your gods, understand? I don't need trash God's Chosen under my command!"

(end of this chapter)

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