Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1688 56. The Table Is Almost Finished, Why Are You Here?

Chapter 1688 56. The table is almost finished, why are you here?

In all fairness, it would be easy for the big bosses around to pick up their weapons and make a pot of fresh snake soup for Mrs. Viper's wife Vashki to say such unbearable words on this occasion.

But the problem is, Vashj's proclamation was so high-profile and arrogant that even the most furious orc commander, Va Locke Saurfang, pretended not to hear it.

He nodded expressionlessly.

It also seems to pretend that Dellano has been an integral part of the deep sea empire in name since ancient times, and these barbaric greenskins are also loyal servants of Queen Azshara.

The main reason is that everyone is now going to aliens and fighting devils desperately, and their lives are lost. What is the face?

It would be nice to be able to bring the soul back to Azeroth after death in the ghost place of Argus, where you may be assassinated by demons ambushing in the cesspit when you go to the toilet. What more bicycles do you need?

Empress Azshara's envoy is arrogant, but she brings something that everyone needs.

Although there is a high probability that after being resurrected by the Deep Sea Empire, you will spend the rest of your life as a soft-skinned snake, but you can say whether you want this life for nothing, right?

As for why the representative of the orcs is Va Locke Saurfang, and not the meritorious and honorable Red Chief Blackhand, well, does this issue still need to be discussed?

This is to come to Argus to fight for life, not to come to Argus to fight for wine. What do you want Reid, who is said to need a few orcs to push the "chieftain car" to walk?

Give the demons a show on the battlefield to show off a barrel of wine in one gulp and kill them laughing?

The people who can sit at this table now are either highly respected, or they are the leaders of the race, or they have some irreplaceable important roles.

If none of the above, then he must be a peerless macho who can fight against at least 500 demons by himself.

Chief Red can still pretend to be in front of his own people, but he is not comfortable in front of these guys.

He is also very self-aware, giving Saurfang the heart of rock ring that he regards as a treasure, and even leaving Orgrim Doomhammer, which has been overhauled by the Thorium Brotherhood of the Dark Iron Dwarves The strengthened black plate armor is put on by Wat Locke, to show that Wat Locke is the spokesperson of himself and the orthodox tribe.

This meeting went very smoothly, and no one jumped up to show their presence at this juncture.

You can see that this troll can sit peacefully on the same table with the elves and discuss things decently. You know that this time, under the pressure of the demons, the great unity of the Azeroth race has been realized.

And all this is due to the supreme teaching of the great Queen Azshara to her subjects.

It is the Queen who taught them that they must unite in the face of great events, so if this battle is won by luck, then all the glory will go to Queen Azshara.

Well, people don’t know whether these words are believed or not, but at least the royal clerk brought by Madam Viper summed it up like this. She also asked other leaders to sign their names on this record to guarantee this "loyalty agreement" legitimacy.

Of course, as soon as the piece of paper was taken out, the elves who couldn't bear the madness of the naga mistress anymore collectively stretched out their hands and tore it to pieces.

It’s not impossible for the big guy to be loyal to Queen Azshara in name, but at least you have to wait until the big guy returns to Azeroth alive, and now you want the white wolf empty-handed. Are you playing everyone like a fool?

Therefore, although there was a little disturbance at the end of the meeting, on the whole everyone reached a consensus.

Twenty minutes later, the three spaceships began a dangerous FTL rush.

The hulls of the three ships were shaking violently, and this feeling made the marine commanders of Kul Tiras seem to have returned to their warships drifting in the storm.

When those big storms blow over, the wooden boat will shake like this.

They used to be in awe of these ships flying among the stars, but after feeling this "familiarity", the navy suddenly felt that this mysterious thing that could not understand the principle was much more intimate.

As for other people, they don't have such a good psychological quality.

Especially guys with a solid understanding of engineering.

They understand exactly what "faster than light" means, just as they understand "engine overheating and exploding," "Star Trek drifting," and "gut decompression."

So in the cabin of the spaceship where the dwarfs were, a group of atheist little guys were holding their favorite mechanical creations tightly, and kept encouraging each other and howling.

They also specially found a priest to be ready to give them dying mass at any time. Although they are all atheists, knowing that they will go to a good place after death will make people more courageous when facing death.

The long-legged silver priest Ms. Partress looked helplessly at the dwarfs who were frightened to death. As a devout believer who knew nothing about engineering, she had no idea where the fear of these dwarves came from. place.

The only thing she feels lucky now is that these dwarves are scared to death, and she doesn't have to worry about these cunning and obscene little people secretly taking pictures of the skirts of her priest's robes with weird machines.

Uh, although wearing leggings is nothing to look at.

While the dwarves were frightened to death, in the large cabin next to them, the tauren marines were mobilizing before the battle, and the old bull Kane had just conveyed the order unified by the command to his soldiers.

Standing in front of him were nearly a hundred Tauren warriors from Bloodhoof, High Ridge, and Pandaria, as well as several yak wilderness hunters from Northrend. They were all first-class powerful warriors.

Their tall bodies are covered with plate and chain armor carefully crafted by the dwarves, and the guys in their hands are all high-end Titan-forged products directly shipped from Ulduar and the Firelands.

It makes them look mighty and deadly.

Normally, a tauren tribe would not be able to buy a part of this kind of weaponry with all their wealth, but now they are all given away for free!

The anti-magic coalition made it very clear when recruiting soldiers. These weapons and equipment are now lent to them, but as long as they can come back from Argus alive, they will give them away for free, and they will also give them a generous settling fee.

The minds of the higher-ups are very clear.

They know that no matter how much money they can't win in this battle, they are cheap demons, and there is a high probability that the demons will not want it. This is one of the few advantages of the demons.

They are the race that least likes wealth among all the beings in the stars.

They are only interested in the owner of the wealth.

Well, people with a lot of money don't know if they are more lucrative than poor ghosts?

"Most of you have never fought demons, and this is your biggest shortcoming.

I know that in the previous training, your instructors have repeatedly trained you how to fight demons, and you may feel that you are ready.

But I also know that this is just an illusion created after you have been armed. "

The old cow was making a pre-war declaration to his soldiers leaning on a weapon that would definitely be familiar to Bo Laike. He was leaning on a golden warhammer in his hand.

The angular top is full of daunting golden spikes, and the whole war hammer is wrapped in golden flames, and flame runes are constantly dancing on the hammer body.

This is obviously Sufras Burning Hand, which was left in the Fire Realm after Ragnaros died. It has been modified by the furnace master with forging magic, and can be adjusted according to the user's body shape.

Originally, this weapon was to be handed over to the guardians of the titans, but because the guardians set off ahead of schedule, this weapon was distributed freely.

The heroic spirits in charge of the distribution of weapons for the logistics and military affairs of the coalition had a deep memory of Lao Niu's bravery, so they entrusted him with this powerful weapon.

This is a kind of recognition, but also a kind of responsibility and spur.

Lao Niu knew that he had to take the lead in this battle in order to be worthy of this deadly weapon and the praise given to him by those heroic spirits.

But Lao Niu is a nostalgic person, so besides the Warhammer of Savras, he is still carrying his rune spear handed down from his ancestors. This thing has been blessed by the Stone Mother, and it is a weapon that is not inferior to the Hammer of Flame. .

Now, Lao Niu will change his image of a good old man in the past, and sternly reprimands the tauren in front of him in the tone of an iron-blooded warlord:

"Demons! That is the most dangerous life that can be born under these stars! They are extremely deadly killers and destroyers for anyone!

They require no preparation to trek across the stars, spreading destruction on world after world!

They eat only rotting bones and drink deadly water to fight until the last enemy is killed!

They can hide themselves in lava, they can hide in your shadows and in your nightmares trying to kill you.

Don't doubt the destructive power of those offal, and don't question their viciousness!

They'll kill you with every damn weapon you can think of, and before their heads are smashed, before their souls are burned, nothing can be taken lightly!

a while!

In just a moment, when we land in that cursed doomsday world, a hundred thousand million of these deadly killers will come to 'greet' us.

I don't want to hide the dangers of this trip from you.

We're already here, it's too late to quit, and I'll tell you the truth, we could all be dead there within ten minutes of landing."

Lao Niu's words made the atmosphere in the whole cabin low and depressing, but then, the seasoned soldier changed the subject and raised his tone several times to shout:

"But we're still here!

We know how terrible those devils are, we know that we will dance with death on this trip, we know that we may not even have the chance to return to the embrace of Mother Earth.

But here we are!

We are not here just for a victory, victory is the most useless thing in a war with demons! We're here for something bigger than winning.

Our loved ones, our children, our children's children.

In order for them to continue to survive on the land of our birth, for our race and our civilization to continue, we bid farewell to our family members and embarked on this road of no return amid the envy of cowards and the blessings of warriors.

I think a lot of people will tell you that when we go back alive, we will be heroes to the world!

Do not!

They are lying to you! "

The old cow held up his weapon and shouted:

"We were the heroes of the world when we started this journey! Whether we ever go back or not, future generations will call us heroes as they tell our stories.

I think that's enough.

Come on, children of Mother Earth and the Sun God, hold your weapons tight, put on your armor, take your bows and crossbows, and strengthen your will.

I'm done with the stories about how the demons will terrorize you, now unleash your fears and don't think about anything after the war!

Kill as many demons as there are in front of you!

Kill them until they flee!

Kill until they dare not turn around and curse us again! "

Lao Niu's pre-war declaration was obviously carried out perfectly.

The morale of a group of calves was quickly incited, they howled and followed the old cow out of the cabin, and were the first to step on the teleportation pod for landing operations amid the blessings of other races.

Because the tauren are thick-skinned and powerful, and blessed by the Stone Mother to allow them to stand on the ground and gain the unique attribute of strength increase, they were arranged to be the first batch to land on the land of Argus.

For the same reason, orcs and dwarves, as well as draenei vindicators, were also members of the first assault.

These guys are fearless, laughing and talking about death, the dwarves are drinking heavily, the orcs are receiving the blessings of the shamans, and the always gentle Draenei are particularly anxious.

Perhaps it is more because of their sense of mission to finally return to the birthplace to fight the demons that destroyed their world after being away from their hometown for more than 20,000 years.

The spaceships at super-light speeds were so fast that they appeared in the orbit of Argus's planet in less than twenty minutes, and landed all the way down towards the Krokuun land.

After seeing that one-fifth of Crokune's continental shelf was forcibly cut off, all the commanders were shocked by the cruelty of this war.

But the planned landings cannot be delayed.

So soon, the first batch of landing pods were dropped into the center of Krokuun, near the molten pool of Anichlan. According to the attack plan obtained by the commanders, that was the base camp of the advance army, and it was definitely the base camp of the advance army. Demons lay siege to the deadliest places.

Good steel must be used on the blade, and the first target is there!

Three huge landing pods descended from the sky. These custom-designed landing pods were installed on Mechagon Island, a mechanical gnome, with one-off thruster rockets. position.

With a loud noise, the three landing pods slammed into the crumbling ground of Krokuun.

The old cow took a deep breath, put his golden battle helmet on his head, held the burning hand, and was the first to rush out with the tauren battle flag.

The war sensitivity of this presbyopic old soldier is extremely terrifying.

After he rushed out, he saw a demon guard running towards this side, and without saying a word, he swung the hammer and smashed the guy's head into his chest cavity.

The old cow who got his first blood is full of fighting spirit, and is preparing to find more enemies, and then...

Then there is no more.

A drunken orc rode on the same drunken wolf, holding a large crossbow, standing in the dissipated fog of war very unhappy, he was very rude to the old cow exuding cold killing intent Say:

"Hey! You stole my prey, and I'm just short of getting the third place in the 'Turkey Hunt' held by Lord Braike! Bah, curse those bloody demon hunters, let them compete with us. Cheating!"

"Huh? Turkey hunting? Where's the turkey?"

The old cow scratched his head and asked doubtfully.

The drunk orc wolf cavalry rolled his eyes, he was too lazy to talk to him, and then glanced at the warriors of various races rushing out behind him shouting various slogans.

Only then did the drunkard realize that the golden tauren in front of him was not lost, nor was he a competitor, but the main force of Azeroth had arrived.

No wonder there was such a loud voice just now, they thought it was the devil attacking again.

"Ah, I said earlier that you were reinforcements."

The orc drunk laughed and waved his hands, saying:

"Come quickly! The headquarters is holding a victory banquet. It has been going on for two days. If you come again later, those good tabu mutton will be eaten up.

Come on, come with me, brothers.

Let's go drink some wine first, and take a look at you, you must be exhausted from the journey. From there, you can still see Mannoroth's big head!

It was killed by a hero of our Warsong clan of orcs!

I was on the sidelines watching the whole process. The mighty Chief Grom just roared, glared, and swung his axe. The big-ass demon screamed for mercy and was hacked to death again!

It's as easy as crushing an ant.

Hahaha, I can blow this story for a whole year after I go back to Dellano! "

(end of this chapter)

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