Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1689 57. Huh, Unfortunately, To Inform You That Your Brother Died

Chapter 1689 57. Huh, unfortunately, to inform you that your brother died

The main force of the anti-magic alliance who rushed to Argus to support the battle at super-light speed was stunned as soon as they disembarked.

The Argus they imagined should be in a scorching doomsday world, with a group of screaming mad demons, against the background of the strange steam rising from the fel magma and the green sun shining on the sky and the earth. Tragic battle.

They were absolutely sure that they would get a tragic war in Argus, which was rare among the stars. They were well prepared for it and everyone left a suicide note.

It can be said that these guys thought they were dead before they came here.

Some sentimental guys even held an early funeral for themselves.

But the fact is that there is indeed a scorching doomsday world in front of them, and there are indeed vicious magma and a sky full of green evil light in their imagination, and some demons roam the wasteland.

But other than that, everything in front of them is completely different from the war the soldiers imagined.

What they saw was a grand banquet being held on the battlefield that had subsided even though the smoke still remained, the surviving forerunners were surrounding a long table built with the remains of the magic armor, and the funeral of the Vrykul Eat and drink like a banquet.

Wine barrels were set aside, and bandaged pandaren monks were grilling in the open air.

The dwarves and the orcs were drunk and fighting, and even the elves, who had always been emotionally restrained, let go and danced with the drunken draenei under the reflection of the bonfire.

Facing the main fighters who were at a loss, fully armed and full of fighting spirit, the survivors celebrating the victory here shouted for them to come to the banquet and told them loudly.

Krokuun has no more wars.

You are late.

It's over.

Hahaha, we are really good, aren't we?

Of course, the arrival of the main force is a good thing no matter what you say. After all, after a great battle, almost everyone in the advance army was injured. Facing the demons fleeing in all directions, they were powerless to pursue them, so they could only leave it to the soldiers whose morale was bursting. But the Kroku Breakers with very average combat power came to hunt down the enemy's remnants.

Although the demons have been dispersed, there is still a risk of gathering again when they recover from failure. Therefore, cleaning up these dangerous factors has become the first task after the arrival of the main force.

As for the guys who are drinking Dadan, they will be transferred to Mac'Aree, which is safer and has a better environment, to recuperate after changing defenses.

Although the soldiers of the anti-magic coalition faced this dumbfounding scene, although they were a little disappointed, they quickly integrated into this big banquet held in the name of victory.

Although I am ready to die here, it would be a good thing to be able to push back the date of death. By the way, listening to the bragging of these guys who have obviously experienced a terrible war, it is Relaxed before the battle.

In this lively atmosphere, the honorable Princess Talanji rubbed her eyes and came to the table under the protection of several guards. She felt that she urgently needed to take a rest.

She had just presided over a ceremony for the war dead, the strangest one the Golden Princess had ever presided over as priest of the loa.

Mainly when she recited warm and sad prayers, the war dead who should have been commemorated stood expressionlessly in front of everyone's grave and said goodbye to herself.

They didn't think there was anything wrong with this sacrifice, and they came here to thank the Golden Princess for condescending to preside over the ceremony for them, but Princess Talanji couldn't adapt to it.

She felt that she needed to take a break.

As soon as she drank a few glasses of wine, she saw the dark prophet Zul and other big men who came to the camp surrounded by the loa warriors of the trolls.

Compared to the somewhat surprised leaders in the crowd, Dark Prophet Zul was very calm. The old troll still had his signature mysterious smile with a hint of insight on it.

It was as if he had predicted everything that would happen to Krokuhn while on the spaceship.

"Little Talanji, I have brought a letter from your father."

The Dark Prophet smiled and accepted the humble prayers of some troll warriors around him. He casually gave troll-style blessings to these warriors who survived the brutal war, and sat opposite the golden princess amidst their cheers chair.

He looked at the entire barracks, and said to the golden princess:

"Your father asks you to return to Azeroth immediately, as the sole legal heir of the troll empire, staying in Argus for a long time is too dangerous for your identity and status.

In case you make any mistakes, it will be unbearable for the empire that is about to be unified. "

"I won't go back, at least not now."

The Golden Princess, who personally experienced the Krokuun War and stabbed several demons to death with her ritual spear in the battle, spoke with a lot of momentum at this time.

Her Royal Highness's style changed slightly to the rough warriors around her.

While holding the big wine glass to toast to the Draenei commander not far away, while playing with the accessories of the demon head he just made, he said to the dark prophet on the opposite side in a serious tone:

"Before I came here, before I participated in the war, I also thought that I could go back to my safe and warm bedroom just by being gilded in the disaster of the Argus world.

But after I actually got involved and won my first memorable win, I changed my mind.

My dear Zul, I must march with the coalition, I must step into the heart of the Burning Legion, and see our victory in the dreadful wastes of Antoran.

That would be the best gift I can give to my upcoming empress career, and I need a shocking victory as much as I ever have for my coronation glory.

But I deeply realize that it is not enough to just watch all this. "

Speaking of which, Princess Talanji glanced at the young emperor Varian Wrynn, who was putting down the emperor's airs and casually sitting by the bonfire with the soldiers at the invitation of a group of human veterans.

She was silent for a few seconds, and said to Zul who was staring at her with piercing eyes:

"It will end, Prophet, no matter how difficult or dangerous times are, they will end, but after the end, our lives and our stories will continue.

postwar world.

I mean, if we can get away with surviving the demons' destructive counterattack, in the new era opened in the name of victory, the troll empire will face challenges it has never faced in the past countless years.

The human emperor, the mountain king of the dwarves, the soon-to-be-resurgent Azshara dynasty, and even the united centaur barbarians, the next era must be the era of the outstanding!

But my father now asks me to leave the field on the eve of the final battle, asks me to stay away from the most glorious achievements that may be made in my life, and asks me to withdraw from the opportunity to fight with these outstanding men.

He's asking me to be a less eminent queen who keeps her own life. "

The golden princess smiled disdainfully.

An unprecedentedly arrogant and confident smile bloomed on Talanji's face. She slammed the wine glass on the table and said to the smiling Dark Prophet in a disrespectful tone:

"My father is old!

He was content to be the chieftain of the Zandalari trolls without knowing how to govern a complex empire, while I was grabbing and learning the first order of business.

I want to establish my majesty, Your Majesty the Prophet, do you also want to prevent me from grabbing these precious knowledge? "


The Dark Prophet laughed and clapped his hands. He nodded in satisfaction, took out something from his bosom, and handed it to the surprised Princess Talanji with both hands.

He said:

"Come on, take this scepter of all spirits!

Your Royal Highness, from now on, you are the true commander of the troll empire in this battle. In addition, your father is not old, at least he is not so dizzy that he cannot see the changes in the world. "

Zuer said with a smile:

"I have brought all the gods and warriors that the empire can gather for you in this short period of time, and I have also brought the inevitable mainstay of the future troll empire as your think tank.

If you want to make great achievements and win a century of merit for yourself, then use them to your heart's content.

Let me introduce you, this is Woking.

He is the best young man I have ever seen in my life. He once served as His Majesty Varian's foreign affairs assistant and personally planned the destruction of the evil god tribes in Stranglethorn Vale.

He has deep and valuable contacts in the Eastern Continent, and he is also my chosen successor.

After my death, Vol'jin will be a candidate for the next Dark Seer and chancellor of the Empire. "

The Dark Prophet beckoned and asked a young troll behind him to step forward. From the tattoo on his body, it was not difficult to see that this restrained young troll belonged to the Shadow Hunter of the Darkspear clan.

Princess Talanji looked up and down at this unremarkable young man, and then she heard the last words of the Dark Prophet:

"Of course, on my recommendation, your father has already agreed, and Woking will become your fiancé."


The golden princess was so angry that she almost smashed the old prophet's face with the magic scepter in her hand.

My old lady told you to make great achievements, but you let my old lady go on a blind date on the battlefield?

Are you old guys crazy!

Also, the weight of this scepter of all spirits is not right, it seems that it is not genuine!

You actually used fake products to fool me?

How bold! ——

While the noble golden princess was forced to marry by the old men, in the command post, Tyrande and Malfurion, as well as Velen and Faol were crowned. Yuyue was beside them.

These two unlucky mandarin ducks were attacked by Archimonde who didn't speak martial arts in the previous battle.

Jarod was cast with a vicious curse that tormented him both physically and mentally, and Shandris fended off to save him, only to be implicated as well.

The curse imposed by a big demon with a sneak attack is definitely not something that ordinary priests can lift. It is so troublesome that even Tyrande finds it difficult.

But before they came, Laike had given emergency medical attention to his brother-in-law and his lover, and the power of the gentle void protected their souls from the fel taint.

"They must be returned to Mount Hyjal."

Malfurion Stormrage, whose body was full of beast features like a "half-orc", stroked his long beard decorated with flowers, and said to the commanders beside him in a serious tone:

"Such a curse requires recuperation, and it must be soaked in the most holy moon well to prevent the situation from deteriorating. In the environment full of evil energy in Argus, it is difficult for them to really recover."

"But Lord Jarod is our commander!"

General Maraad said with some hesitation:

"The victory of this war depends entirely on his command art and his personal charm that can unite all forces. If he leaves, the united coalition may fall into division again.

Now that the decisive battle in the Antoran wasteland is about to start, this is really not good news.

And Lord Bu Laike promised us that he prophesied that the wounds of Commander Jarod and General Shandris would be alleviated and healed soon. "

"Did the prophet in black say that?"

Malfurion hesitated when he heard this.

He looked at his wife, who was holding the cold hand of his adopted daughter affectionately.

Her eyes were full of motherly tenderness and worry, and she whispered Elune's name, hoping that the moon god would bless poor Shandris from being tormented by this pain.

Just when everyone was worried about the injury of the coalition commander, Braike, who went out to "hunt", carried a bunch of processed demon heads and walked away accompanied by the little star in the explorer costume. into the headquarters.

He saw the Malfurion couple at a glance, so he exchanged a glance with the little Xingxing next to him. The next second, the two actors immediately put on sad expressions, and Braike rushed towards Malfurion with a drawn out voice. beside.

He said sadly:

"I'm sorry, Lord Malfurion, I failed to take good care of your brother."


The arch druid's face changed slightly.

He held Bo Laike's wrist with his backhand and asked sharply:

"What happened to Illidan? I haven't seen him and his demon hunters all this way. What happened to them?"

"Your Excellency Illidan, he is dead."

Beside the painful speechless pirate, the playwright Little Xingxing wiped her tears and said:

"In order to protect us, he challenged the powerful Destroyer and helped Grom Hellscream kill the big-ass demon, but then encountered Archimonde's shameless sneak attack.

Illidan said that he would sacrifice everything for Azeroth, so... so he just... woo woo woo, I can't go on, the captain will continue. "


Bo Laike drew out the Warglaive of Azzinoth with his backhand, holding the "relic" of Illidan Stormrage in both hands, and said to the Archdruid whose claws were numb and whose eyes were wide open in a gesture of declaring the funeral:

"This is what we recovered from the battlefield. It belongs to his only relic. He was too miserable. His heart was broken by Archimonde and his body was torn apart. We buried him on the battlefield according to his last wish. .

When he was dying, he asked me to tell you that although he has been causing trouble for you, and although the relationship between you brothers is not good, he is still very grateful to fate for giving him a good big brother.

He asked me to convey my apologies to you, and asked you to take good care of Ms. Tyrande. Huh huh. "


Everyone knew the stinking pirate's nonsense, and Malfurion thought it was just a prank.

But seeing with his own eyes his younger brother's ever-distinct and highly recognizable Warblade of Azzinoth in front of him, the archdruid couldn't bear the grief of losing his loved one anymore.

The natural wrath staff in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and he took the "relic" handed over by Bu Laike, unbearable tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and he turned around and squatted there in pain and restraint.

He knew that, as a commander, he couldn't express such sadness, but the news of Illidan's death was like a bomb that made him physically and mentally exhausted.

"you're lying!"

While the archdruid was crushed by grief, Tyrande Windtalker, who had always shown no concern for Illidan, broke out. The Moon Priest stood up, pointed at Laike's nose and shouted:

"How could Illidan die here? I don't believe it! That man who never admits defeat, how could he do it. God, the moon god is on top."

Tyrande soon ran out of words.

Because Bu Laike flipped his fingers, and took out an ordinary dried yellow flower and placed it in front of the High Priest of the Moon.

When she saw the little yellow flower, Tyrande's body collapsed on the ground as soon as she went limp, and was supported by the priest beside her with swift eyes and hands. Her tears also gushed out of her eyes, and then covered her face He covered his face, so as not to let his weak sobs be heard by others.

However, this thing that Illidan regarded as a treasure during the dark time of being imprisoned for 10,000 years, unexpectedly also fell into the hands of Bu Laike.

Perhaps, probably, possibly, the dark walker Illidan Stormrage, who would never admit defeat and would do whatever it takes to win, is really dead, right?

Elune is here.

This bitter parting came so suddenly, like a cruel dream.

(end of this chapter)

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