Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1691 59. Ha, There Are Others Who Came Later Than Us

Chapter 1691 59. Ha, there are others who came later than us

Illidan's killing intent cannot be concealed.

Even when he was slaying demons, the killing intent on his body rarely burst out to such a sharp level.

This means that Bu Laike has indeed stepped into the most taboo corner of the great demon hunter's heart, and he has jumped left and right on the issue of Illidan's bottom line.

But when Illidan swung the Supreme Blade and was about to kill the gossip bastard, Bu Laike ran away with the little star ahead of time.

The Demon of Thousand Tongues wants to run away, who can stop him?

Before he ran, he didn't forget to take his own special edition of Warblade of Azzinoth, Moon God's Power from the stunned Malfurion, and disappeared in the shadows with a weird and evil laugh.

Only three people with a strange atmosphere were left.

"Don't listen to his nonsense! I didn't leave any last words"

Illidan turned his back to his big brother and sister-in-law, he said in an awkward tone:

"You know me well. Even if a man like me is really facing death, he will never be so weak to tell others about me."

"Illidan, enough!"

Malfurion's voice interrupted the arrogant speech of his stinky brother.

He stepped forward quickly and said to Illidan:

"When I heard the news of your death, I was completely devastated. Sorry, I have never realized how important you are to me like today. My brother, I am sorry that I chose to stay in the forest when you needed me the most. .

The teachings of life cloud my eyes.

I have given too much tolerance to others, but left the harshest side to you.

It shouldn't be like this.

Although Bu Laike made a malicious joke, I believe that what he did today was not out of malice. He at least let me know one thing.

That is, it's time for our differences to end.

It should have ended more than 10,000 years ago, and we have delayed it until now.

I can only rejoice and thank fate for giving us this opportunity, allowing me to say these words to you personally, come back, Illidan, come back.

This home is not complete without you. "

"Do not!"

The Great Demon Hunter, who always appeared as a tough guy, decisively rejected Malfurion's words. He almost gritted his teeth and said:

"My path with you has long been drifting away, Malfurion, look at me now, isn't this the attitude of the fallen person you hate the most?

I chose this path myself, I never blamed anyone, you don't have to feel guilty about it, it's all my choice.

You just have to enjoy your life"

"Shut up! You selfish bastard!"

Tyrande, who had been silent all this time, finally broke out.

The Priest of the Moon wiped her eyes. She raised her head and looked at Illidan with complicated eyes. She yelled out of control:

"Do you really think that if you choose to leave, Malfurion and I will be able to live this life with peace of mind? We have been together for less than a month in the ten thousand years since you left

You big brother hid in the dream with guilt, and I prayed to my god in the temple day after day.

In front of outsiders, we are a model couple with the same heart, but only we know that although our relationship is still strong, our marriage has long been in vain.

It's all because of you!

Illidan, the three of us grew up together, we are inseparable, without you is like missing a piece of our heart. Yes, I admit, there was a time when I hated what you did.

But that's not because your actions violated our morals, it's just because of...disappointment.

Disappointment in me, disappointment in you.

I don't want to face it all, but that vicious pirate forced me to face my heart, so I will tell you all today, Illidan!

You can’t be selfish and think that it’s for our own good to take everything on yourself, and you can’t be selfish and exile yourself out of the world if you want to fulfill us!

You know that we will forgive you as long as you apologize to Maiev and the tribe during your 10,000 years of imprisonment, but you would rather survive the long imprisonment alone than meet us.

You were our hero.

Although the tribe cannot accept your behavior, the elves are never an ungrateful race. "

Tyrande's emotions have never been so agitated like today. She clenched her fists, trembling her body, and said proactively:

"I know that there are some embarrassing emotional problems between us, but this is not irreconcilable. Do you really think that I am a heartless person, and do I really have no feelings for you at all?


Even if there is no more love.

But what about friendship and family affection?

It's not that I don't want to face this, and it's not that your big brother is obstructing you secretly. He wants you to return to this family more than anyone else, but you!

It was you who took the initiative to close the door of communication.

You are immersed in the self-movement of sacrificing yourself and fulfilling us, but you don't realize that you are only hurting us by closing your heart.



Right here, today, say what you want to say! No matter how embarrassing it is, I will listen to it and say it! Look at it and say it. "

Tyrande raised the dried small yellow flower in her hand, and she prayed the same and said:

"Stop resisting our expectations of you, Illidan, just like your big brother said, come back, we need you to be complete."

"younger brother!"

Malfurion stretched out his hand and held Illidan's trembling hand. He said to the big demon hunter who had been completely demonized and could no longer see the elf's posture:

"We can go back to the past, as long as you no longer choose to self-exile, no matter what the tribe thinks, we will accept you again, and your followers.

In the current era, no one would think that they are deviant. You can be the heroes of your tribe, just as human beings will sing the feats of the uncrowned.

Walking in the dark can also serve the light. "

"I, I, I refuse!"

Illidan shook off Malfurion's hand.

He felt that even if he could kill countless demons with his own hands, he would not be able to face this scene. He felt that his lonely and cold mind was melting.

he knows.

As long as you turn around, you are finished.

No longer able to hunt the dark wilds with nothing to worry about, he knows he has fallen into a deadly trap set by a vicious hunter named Brad Laike Shaw.

It's like falling into a quagmire, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

He can't do this.

He must once again become the fearless Illidan Stormrage.

Only such a demon hunter can make the demons feel terrified. A demon hunter with warmth in his heart cannot defeat any enemy or save any tragedy.

You have to be a fire, you have to be a piece of ice.

He gritted his teeth, and strode towards the door amidst Malfurion's sighs and Tyrande's cries, but the door opened at this moment, Maiev Shadowsong, who was wearing the Warden's armor and holding the Thorn Knife Wheel Standing at the door with his back to him.

Beside the warden stood a dozen or so armed elite watchmen, who blocked Illidan's way.

"Where are you going? My prisoner."

Maiev said in a cold tone:

"Ready to go back to your own dark cage?"


The Supreme Blade was pulled out, and Illidan, who was in a bad mood, planned to rush out, but the next moment, Malfurion and Tyrande's hands grabbed his wrist from left to right.

Obviously he could break free, but Illidan lowered his head helplessly at this moment.

"Tch, poor prisoner."

Seeing this scene, Maiev shook her head, and Madam Warden waved her hand, and she led her wardens away with a chic gesture.

she says:

"My long hunt is finally over, prisoner Illidan Stormrage, and you will be handed over to the other two honorary wardens to guard you, and I am no longer in charge of you.

If you do anything nasty again in the future, I'll go straight to them.

For their sake.

Other than hunting demons, you'd better be quiet. "

"Hey, Maiev!"

When Maiev left, Illidan suddenly said:

"Go and see him. He turned himself into a monster for you. He is going to do terrible things in Argus. That is something you and others can't even imagine.

It was an act that was insane enough to describe, it was almost like committing suicide. "

"Well, I'm going."

Maiev said in a disgusted tone:

"If it wasn't for you, I would have been by his side long ago."

Watching Madam Warden leave, Illidan Stormrage felt the "shackles" on his wrists, he was silent for several seconds, and said to the two people beside him:


"We really need to talk."


"What a nasty fellow!"

On the Krokuun Wall, the Kroku Breaker's original base camp, on a remote mountain wall overlooking the whole Krokuun, Braike leaned against a fossil tree, like a picnic There is a piece of cloth in front of you.

It was topped with wine and food, and a cake made of freshly baked tabbok.

The little murloc was sitting next to him eating, his mouth was full of oil, Big Horn and Frost Claw were napping next to their master, and Braike was smoking his pipe, looking in the direction of Annihilan's molten pool, he kept complaining .

Like a complete jerk.

He said:

"That bastard will one day be thankful for what I did for him today.

If he had any conscience, he should have taken the Illidari and swept across the demonic world among the stars and offered me all the treasures they found.

Oh, what a pity.

Still close."

Bu Laike exhaled a hot smoke ring, picked up the bottle angrily and took a sip, and said:

"It was almost able to completely break Tyrande's defenses, and let the moon priest boldly try an open family life under my guidance.

I have touched the softest corners of her heart that are hidden deepest.

Just let her feel the suffocating sense of guilt, and with her desire to atone as a priest and clergyman, she will definitely be willing to try all crazy behaviors that can alleviate her guilt.

She would send herself to Illidan's bed in a self-giving way.


It's not difficult at all.

It may take some time to convince Malfurion, but I believe I can do it in two hours.

The shameful old Velen just doesn't like others!

He must have tipped off the news, these prophets are the most annoying! "

"You know that I, the clergyman, should have thrust a dagger through your heart and slit your throat when I heard of these vicious plans."

Maiev's faint voice sounded from behind the pirate, and the warden lady whispered:

"You are really talented. Even in the War of the Ancients, I have never seen Tyrande cry like that. You turned her into a sentimental person."

"what is this?"

The pirate snorted triumphantly, waved his hand and said:

"Haven't I already turned a cruel lady warden into a blind person who is willing to succumb to love? I don't believe that Tyrande will be more difficult to deal with than you."

The next moment, Maiev's arms stretched out from behind, grabbed the pirate's collar and lifted him up from the spot to her. The warden stared into the pirate's eyes.

Maiev's lips quivered as she saw something dark beneath the shell.

She gritted her teeth and said to Bo Laike, who supported her body only on her own arms and made herself as loose as soft noodles:


"It was just an accident, I can explain it, it's not what I thought either."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"Fate is always full of malice towards me. It doesn't see me well, just like an annoying bastard."

"So, you also think that Illidan is good for his big brother and Tyrande, so you fall into the sacrifice of self-moving?"

Maiev said bluntly:

"You also have to tell me that all of this is your own choice, so that I don't have to have any psychological pressure? When will you arrogant men understand that the 'happiness' that hurt you will only make us feel to pain!


You are as much of an asshole as he is! Same offal! "

"No idea."

Bu Laike stretched out his hand, wiped Maiev's eyes, and said in a relaxed tone:

"Who made you beautiful girls always fall in love with bad men with bad stomachs? This is indeed an accident, but I am grateful for this accident, even if there is only a one-in-a-thousand chance.

I'm going to try it too.

You will say that we have agreed to say goodbye with a smile, but just because I promise you doesn't mean I can accept it.

You have to understand.

I'm a greedy guy who doesn't want my treasures taken from me, that would make me very unhappy. "

"Who is your treasure?"

Maiev let go of his hands angrily, allowing Bu Laike to fall to the ground, but the latter rotated his body boneless like a snake, entangled around Maiev's body, he frivolously raised his fingers to lift Maiev's chin, and said :

"Who else could it be? It just so happens that other people are not here, so it's not as good as us."

Before the pirate finished speaking, the warden lady hugged his head and gnawed on his lips fiercely. The two hugged each other in such a strange posture, embracing in this world full of destruction and doomsday .

It's a pity that before they even entered the next step, they sensed a wormhole opening directly in the dark cloud of fel energy above Krokuun, and then a giant tree shining with verdant light fell from the sky.

That gentle light, like a ray of light descending from the clouded darkness, was shining on the devastated land below.

And the giant tree that almost completely covered the golden spaceship just stood there in the light, projecting like a miracle on the Krokuun battlefield that was still smoldering with gunpowder.

The soul of the titan was stretching his consciousness, and the warm and majestic aura made the pirates avoid him. Like Little Xingxing, he hid behind Maiev whose armor had been removed with a whoosh as usual.

He put his arms around the perfect waist of his wife, the warden, and complained:

"The searing life force is so annoying, it's almost as uncomfortable as throwing acid on the face."


Maiev, who was dressed in single clothes, picked up her armor from the ground, and she moved her body and hair in the energy projected by the life titan and said:

"It's very comfortable, why do you feel uncomfortable? Ah, I forgot, you have turned yourself into a monster, you can't enjoy all the good things.

Now, do you regret it? My cloth Laike. "

"Regret? That word doesn't exist in my dictionary."

Under Maiev's surprised gaze, two weird tentacles sprang out from the ground and grabbed her wrist. Behind her, Bu Laike whispered in her ear:

"But in order to punish your elation, I will play some new tricks with you, my treasure, the more you struggle, the more interesting this game is.

Didn't you tell me you wanna fall with me? "

(end of this chapter)

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