Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1692 60. It Is The Fate Of The Naaru To Be Dismantled And Reused

Chapter 1692 60. It is the fate of the naaru to be dismantled and reused

Bo Laike wants to play very exciting games, but Ms. Maiev is a serious priest. Although she occasionally goes a little crazy, most of the time she is not very willing to accept "new tricks".

So a few minutes after the Zenidar descended on the ground of Krokuun with a huge tree on top of it, a displeased Bo Laike appeared in the crowd of the first bastards who came to "pilgrimage".

While the Krokuun War was going on, the news that the great warriors went to rescue the soul of the Titans had long been known to the warriors. Now seeing this tree which is slightly smaller than the world tree of the elves but still shocking Huge trees appeared out of thin air, coupled with the strong breath of life that permeated the entire battlefield, anyone with enough brains would know who this visitor was.

That's a titan!

The legendary creator of the stars, the prosperity of the entire stars is driven by these real gods, and the senses of the people in Azeroth are more complicated. This one can be regarded as the "grandmother" of all their ancestors.

Even if the birth of elves and trolls did not come from the life blueprint that the Titans planned for Azeroth, but as the indigenous lives in Azeroth, the yet-to-be-born star-soul world, they can be regarded as a part of the Titans' creation sequence. member.

Therefore, the arrival of Lord Eonar was a real big event for everyone on the battlefield. Except for those who were injured and couldn't come, almost everyone came out to "face the saint".

Some guys also ran over pushing wheelchairs.

Of course, with Lord Eonar's current posture, it is impossible to land.

Landing means that she has to take root in Argus, but there is a star soul in this world. This kind of behavior of occupying the magpie's nest will directly stimulate the sleeping Argus. It is hard to say what bad things will happen.

Therefore, until the end of the Argus War, the Life Titans used the Zenidar as a temporary base.

Fortunately, the members of the Holy Light Legion don't regard this as a kind of blasphemy. They regard being able to help and carry the life titan as a kind of glory bestowed by the Holy Light, and these guys are not in the mood to discuss this kind of thing now.

After the spaceship hovered at a height of tens of meters from the ground, several beacons of holy light were thrown into the ground, and then several commanders walked out of the light with sad faces. They scanned the crowd and finally found Mog Archbishop Lenny quickly stepped forward and whispered a few words to Mograine.

These few words changed the expressions of Mograine and Captain Faria next to him.

The two of them didn't even have time to say anything to the other people beside them, they followed the commander back to the spaceship wrapped by Lord Eonar's roots as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, right now everyone is lining up under the command of the commander in an orderly manner to admire the glory of a Creator with supreme awe, and no one pays attention to the internal affairs of the Holy Light Legion.

Although Lord Eonar was very tired, she deeply felt the bravery of these mortal warriors who dared to fight against the demons and even won the victory. She held on to give blessings to these warriors.

In the swaying of the branches of the tree of life, all the beings who witnessed this miraculous thing were given the blessing of the breath of the titan.

Although it was just done by the creator at will, those wounded soon let out carnival exclamations. Their injuries were healing rapidly, and a few guys who had broken legs and could only be used as wheelchairs even grew new legs while screaming. .

Soon, he was jumping up and down with tears streaming down his face, thanking the Creator for his supreme gift.

This level of healing seems like a miracle to mortals, but it is just a random thing for a Titan who can lock the fire of life at will.

She even asked the Death Knights of the Black Rook Chapter if she would bless them to resurrect them in recognition of their service in the war against the demons.

As a titan who maintains order, Lord Eonar shouldn't take the initiative to destroy the cycle of life and death.

But now is the special situation, she can feel the souls of her brothers are suffering terrible torture in the fortress of this doomsday world, and she needs to boost the morale of the warriors to complete the rescue of the Pantheon.

In this case, it doesn't hurt to show a "miracle".

And for these true warriors, bringing them back to the side of order from the death force is also a preparation for the coming force imbalance.

But frankly speaking, this proposal frightened the death knights. They thought about it seriously, but before they could come up with a result, this inappropriate proposal was stopped by Bu Laike on the spot.

Now is not a good time to provoke death.

Especially when the Pantheon is a group of titan souls without entities, Lord Ionar is indeed generous enough, but the question is, can you at least recognize your current strength first?

It is not an exaggeration to say that among the six original forces, the arcane field is the weakest. Under such circumstances, do you still want to provoke conflicts because you think you are not dying fast enough?

Believe it or not, Ma Zhuo's hunks have crossed over to capture you, the weak soul of a titan, into the other world as their recruit master!

Of course, these words cannot be said.

But Bu Laike believed that Master Ionar could understand what he meant.

While the life titan was communicating with his children in a friendly manner, the stinky pirate sneaked into the Zenidar. As he expected, the atmosphere here was extremely gloomy and sad.

Contrary to the hustle and bustle of the outside world, an internal funeral of the Holy Light Legion is being held in the entire golden spaceship, for those Holy Light Warriors who unfortunately died in the AOE of Aggramar, and to see Zela off.

On the altar where the Mother of Light stayed, her broken crystal body was brought back by the Star Saints, and reassembled into the shape of a naaru by the Blades of Light.

But the fragmented she could no longer spin to convey the will of the Holy Light to her followers as before. Now she is like a corpse that has lost its vitality.

Quiet, dead and full of fatalistic sadness.

When Bu Laike arrived, Mograine and the commanders were half kneeling before Zela's regrets under the gaze of the sad-faced Chosen, reciting the teachings of the Legion of Light.

A group of idiot Fenner also attended the funeral.

They will stand by now, also paying their respects for Zela's sacrifice.

Everyone has seen the previous situation. If it weren't for the heroic sacrifice of the Mother of Holy Light at the last moment, let alone these ships and these mortals, even Lord Eonar would not be able to safely leave the completely burned sanctuary.

Everyone including the guardians of the titans maintained a solemn demeanor. Of course, for the guardians, this funeral also has a special meaning.

They were probably in memory of their brother Odin.

"After the things here are over, I have something important to tell you."

When Bu Laike walked towards the altar, Lord Algalon, the leader of the Star Saint, said something to Bu Laike, and Bu Laike nodded.

He walked up to the altar, and under the vigilant gaze of the Holy Light Blades, he took out a small white flower from his bosom like magic, and placed it next to Zela's wreck, as a memory of an unfamiliar friend leave.

Afterwards, the pirate moved his body, hugged the snake beauty Xalatas who took the initiative to come over, and said to the other followers of the Holy Light:

"Before Zela left, she said that if she died in this great battle, it would be up to me to contain her regrets. I don't know if she told you about it, but if you let me, I will now begin to dispose of these dangerous things that Zera left behind."

"Dangerous thing?"

A Lightforged Breaker fighter roared angrily:

"How can you call the great remains of the Mother of Light a 'dangerous thing'? You blasphemous cold-blooded bastard! Get out of here! You are not welcome here!"

The warrior's roar immediately won the approval of the others, who clearly did not think it was the right choice to deliver Zera's holy body to an Old God.

But Bo Laike didn't argue anything, he just looked at Mograine.

The latter half-kneeled on the ground to complete his prayers and condolences, then stood up, and glanced at the dim core of holy light in Zela's remains. After a few days, the pure crystal light had become dimmer. See that some black spots have appeared in the huge core.

That seems to indicate that some terrible power is being born in this holy body.

"Quiet! If this is the decision of the Mother of Light, then we should follow her instructions to fulfill her last wish. Ms. Zela is a naaru who can see through fate. She must have her own reasons for such an arrangement.

As followers of the Holy Light, we should fulfill her holy last wish and not let Zela rest in peace in our own reckless way! "

Mograine took a deep breath and yelled loudly to stop the Holy Light Blades from criticizing Bu Laike. These words were very serious, causing whispers among the Holy Light Blades.

Under such circumstances, Mograine glanced at Captain Faria beside him.

His adjutant's eyes also shone with the same worry as himself.

As someone who has seen the terrifying form of the fallen naaru with his own eyes, Captain Faria clearly understands what kind of dangerous existence Zela will become after death if she is let go of her regrets.

So this time, Captain Faria, who is very prestigious in the Legion of the Holy Light, also stood by the archbishop without hesitation. She said to the still angry fighters:

"I think the archbishop is right. We should help Zela fulfill her wish. Besides! I can prove that Ms. Zela has long regarded Archbishop Mograine as the successor of the leader of the Legion of Light.

This should be known to all first-tier commanders, including me.

It is sad that we have lost our leader, but our war is not over, and the demons are still spreading malice in the Burning Throne of Antoran Wastes, and the good of us cannot turn a blind eye.

Our allies have achieved a glorious victory in Krokuun, and I think this will be enough to sustain us in our righteous cause on the world of Argus!

No time for sorrow, my brothers!

We must immediately engage in a holy war, and I propose that Archbishop Mograine be our commander now, and he will lead us into this necessary war! "

Captain Faria looked at the first-level commanders beside her, and she asked:

"Are there any objections to this decision?"

Facing Fariya's forceful inquiry, the commanders nodded again and again.

They had no intention of opposing this appointment. After all, in the past thousand years of wars, Mograine had proved his command art and war wisdom with precious victories.

In addition, Mograine is from Azeroth, and having him as the commander can better allow the Legion of the Holy Light to cooperate with the anti-magic alliance from Azeroth.

In the face of a common enemy, the glorious victory of cooperation is enough to comfort the spirit of Zerah in heaven.

So soon, Mograine took over as the commander of the Holy Light Legion with everyone's unanimous approval.

His first order was to ask the members of the Holy Light Legion on the ship to disembark immediately except the commander, and go to the anti-magic coalition position to attend the victory banquet and rest.

Everyone really needs to rest.

Facing the fallen Titan, saving the soul of the Titan, plus Zela's death in battle and the drifting of the stars, after experiencing all this, no matter how big-hearted people are, they need time to relieve their tension.

Of course, the archbishop vacated the spaceship not only for rest, but also for the upcoming secret talks.

After the soldiers left, Mograine took the commanders to the meeting room. He wanted to tell his brothers what he saw in Mac'Aree, so that they could have a better understanding of what happened to Zela. Mental preparation.

"Hey, this is yours."

On the altar, Braike watched the Blades of Light leave. He moved his body, frivolously took the dim crystal core from Zela's remains, and knocked it like a watermelon. Hearing the crisp voice made me happy, and then I threw the core to Fenna, an angry idiot beside me.

He said to Fenner with a pipe in his mouth:

"Didn't I promise you to help you rebuild the shattered Ashbringer? Just use this naaru crystal as the core."


Even the stupid Fenner couldn't use her brain well, so her eyes widened. She glanced at Zela who had "no bones left", and then at the core of the Holy Light that was handed to her eyes.

The brave warrior sister was a little at a loss, she hesitated, and said to the smiling stinky brother:

"This, isn't that good? He just died, and he died to protect us. Using his remains like this is a kind of blasphemy in the tradition of any civilization."

"Profanity? Why do you think so?"

Bu Laike rolled his eyes, and casually took out the Toure Naaru Beacon that Zela gave him before, pointed to the blue naaru wreckage on the top of the staff and said:

"See? The draenei who are most closely connected with the Holy Light commemorate the great naaru like this. This is a tradition! Do you understand? The peculiar nature of the naaru determines that even if they die, they will leave the holy light reverberation.

Zela told me this before.

If she dies, she also hopes that she will be made into such a weapon, so that the followers of the Holy Light will continue to use her power to fight for truth, goodness and beauty.

So, don't worry, every time you kill a villain or demon with that sword, Zela will laugh along with you. "

The pirate grinned and weighed the Heart of Light in his hand, and said:

"For great sacrifices, we should not mourn in silence, but pay tribute to them with real actions. Believe me, Zera will sing the praises of your bravery.

But you have to hurry up, my stupid sister, not more than three days! "

Bu Laike took a closer look at the black spots on Zera's heart, and he said very seriously:

"The reshaping of the Ashbringer must be completed within three days, otherwise things will become very troublesome, just as I saw Muradin in the crowd earlier.

Go to him quickly and let him help you reshape the holy sword in your hand. We will need it in the next war against the demons. "


Fenner, who had complained about her younger brother leaving her, was very happy now, and didn't care about blaming Bu Laike. With the heart of the Holy Light, she cheered and rushed out of Zenidar to find Muradin forging iron.

After she left, Saint Algalon, who had been waiting for the opportunity, stepped onto the altar. He looked at the guardians around him and said in a low voice:

"I have something very important to tell you, but before that, I have some good news."

"Don't weep for the brave Odin. He's not dead yet."

(end of this chapter)

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