Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1693 61. Huh? Is The Magic Potion I Messed Up Actually Working?

Chapter 1693 61. Huh? Is the magic potion I messed up actually working?

Of course Algalon wasn't talking nonsense when he said that Odin wasn't dead yet.

When he took out Odin's complete thought core, all the guardians exclaimed, especially the old Daelin and Emperor Thoradin who participated in the battle of Sanctuary as the servants of the heroic spirits shouted with joy The name of the Lord of War.

They cautiously took Odin's core from the hands of the Star Saint, and handed it to Raiden. After careful identification, the latter confirmed that the core was indeed not damaged.

But then a new question arose in everyone's mind.

This thing is wrong!

They were the ones who saw the wrathful Aggramar thrust Taeshalach into Odin's head, and the final blow of the fallen titan shattered the wretched star.

Such power is simply not something a titan guardian can bear.

Logically speaking, Odin should have no bones left.

This question leads to what Algalon will say next. Star Saint carefully used his peculiar starlight magic to create a barrier that isolates information on the holy altar, and only then did he express his bold words to others. guess.

He looked at the guardians, and said seriously on the face without facial features shaped by the starlight:

"I went to check the broken battlefield after the battle, and I found it in Odin's body. With Aggramar's power as a titan, even if it is calculated that he was forcibly transformed into a fel creation by Sargeras In the case of weakening power, when executing an opponent whose strength is much lower than his own, he should not make such negligent mistakes.

so i have a horrible guess

Perhaps, Lord Aggramar is not completely degenerate, perhaps under his degenerate body, there is still a spark of will to resist.

Probably not too much.

But it was enough for him to be merciful when dealing with the creations of the titans. "

Having said that, Xingsheng nodded, as if to strengthen his persuasiveness, he said to the other titan guardians:

"In addition, everyone wouldn't think that Aggramar used his full strength in the previous Sanctuary battle, right? Although that battle was very dangerous, even though we had no power to fight back, we were almost beaten all the way.

But as someone who has served the Pantheon for countless epochs, I can tell you with certainty that that is definitely not the power a Titan should have.

When necessary, He can even crush us without fighting.

do not forget.

He created you, and He has many, many ways to make you powerless. "

Although these words hurt the hearts of the Titan Guardians, everyone had to admit that Algalon's guess was somewhat reasonable. But soon, Our Lady of Purity proposed another possibility:

"Start guessing protocol: Maybe it's because the fel-corrosion resistance I injected into Aggramar during the battle is working!"

The Titan Guardian physician said in an uncertain tone:

"Although the potion was a test version made by me and the crazy Mimiron in Ulduar after several attempts, we added a lot of 'creative' improvements to the original recipe, and captured some demons for experimentation , The second round of clinical trials on eredar demons was also conducted in Dellano World.

The result is gratifying.

Twelve of the thirty eredar demons that participated in the experiment were free from the fel corruption, and the other samples also showed signs of fel energy ebbing.

But to be honest, neither Mimiron nor I were sure it would work on a titan.

However, if it does work, it may indeed temporarily free Aggramar from the influence of fel energy for a short period of time."

"Wait, the 'creative' improvement you mentioned, did you two have a brainstorm and randomly added a lot of weird things to your potion?"

Boo Laike, smoking a pipe, suddenly interrupted the very academic description of the Virgin.

Rubbing his chin, he said in a strange tone:

"As far as I know, some time ago, several merchant ships under the Wharton Trading Company suddenly received a big order for the transportation of a large amount of herbs and ores, covering almost all the herbs that exist in Azeroth and Dellano. There is no structure, just like a collection of all categories.

And the destination of that shipment was Northrend, and the buyer was very mysterious.

Are you really sure that a random potion like this will work on a titan? "

"Activate sophistry protocol: Don't talk nonsense, pirate!"

With a hint of embarrassment, the Virgin of Purity retorted seriously with her own electronic voice:

"We didn't just add them indiscriminately. We had a plan. Although the time is too short to complete the refined classification, it is undeniable that the potion we made is indeed 73.45% effective in curbing fel infection!

This can be seen in the recovering eredar demons.

It's science!


Titan science is about probability, no treatment is 100% successful. "

"Then I have to ask what will happen to the remaining 26% of the subjects?"

Bo Laike snorted, shook his finger and said:

"The Uncrowned also has eyeliners in the world of Dellano, I just need to ask to know the result."


Our Lady of Purity was unwilling to continue discussing this issue with Laike, but she stubbornly believed that her "healing potion" must have worked.

And the lich lady Alya Lanyue who was watching the conversation pushed her glasses at this moment, and said calmly and seriously:

"I think Laike is right to be suspicious because the same 'hands off' happened more than once.

About the miraculous battle of a group of mortals against Aggramar in the world of Dellano.

I have gone through the report of that battle written by Bo Laike himself several times. A question has been suspended in my mind, and perhaps I can get the answer to this question today.

Was it really Boo Rocks, the orc who used the power of his own death to repel the Fallen Titan? Not necessarily?

We have seen with our own eyes that Odin, who is many times stronger than Bu Rocks, can still only create a small wound to Aggramar under the blessing of Death Wish.

Then we have enough reasons to think that the last time the Fallen Titan let go of the Dellano world was also because of the desire to resist in his heart?

Sargeras's dark power is unmatched among the stars, but Aggramar is a titan after all, and he also has the same cosmic soul as Sargeras.

I think Xingsheng's conjecture is very likely to be true.

Odin's survival is not due to the efficacy of unproven healing potions, but because Aggramar's soul still maintains a bit of persistence as a titan despite his fall.

But to be honest, knowing that doesn't make our situation any better. "

Lady Lich shook her head, she said:

"We have seen the destruction of the stars with our own eyes, which proves that the rebellion in Aggramar's heart is not enough for him to resist the dark orders of Sargeras.

If we're going to break into Antorus Burning Throne to save the remaining titan souls, Aggramar will still be a big headache for us.

We cannot place our hopes on His ineffective will to rebel.

It's still going to be a tough fight.

We need to be prepared for the worst. "

The lich's calm conclusion caused the people on the holy platform to fall into silence again, and after a few seconds, Lord Ionar, the life titan who had been listening to their conversation, put his will here.

She said softly:

"Maybe, I can try to inspire Aggramar's will, as long as you can create an opportunity for me, I can try to heal the corruption of the fel energy on him.

Aggramar is the most determined soul among us.

I believe that with a little help he can tear the veil of darkness by himself. "

"Don't do such a dangerous thing."

Bu Laike immediately rejected the proposal, and the pirate exhaled smoke rings, raised his head and said to the living titan:

"Compared to Aggramar that has been corrupted, those titan souls who are still fighting against the infection of fel energy are more important, and they obviously need you more.

Don't try to communicate with sleeping Argus either!

You have also seen the current situation in the world of Argus with your own eyes. The star soul of Argus is like a life about to be born in a petri dish full of highly toxic substances.

Before he was born, every corner of his body and soul had been infected by toxins, and he was a sick child born with 'original sin'. If you are in full strength, then I will definitely not stop you from treating him, but now you are very weak, aren't you?

What little power you have must be used where it matters most.

I know it is cruel to persuade a great motherly soul to give up a child in pain, but believe me, I have created a future for Argus free from pain.

I have arranged his fate.

I won't bother you to intervene in this matter. What you should do now is to rest, seize all the time to rest, and wait for the final decisive battle. "

The pirate coughed a few times, and said to Ms. Titan in a very rude tone:

"Although it may be impolite to say this, please recognize the current situation. We have sacrificed so much to save you, not for you to show your fraternity and mercy here.

This is a war.

You are now a fighter too, you need to obey orders and do your part. "

Bu Laike's words are very presumptuous.

It is undoubtedly very indecent to speak to the Creator like this. Ms. Freya was a little annoyed and tried to stop Laike's behavior, but Layden stretched out her hand to hold her down.

The Great Guardian also complained about the pirates' actions, but he could understand why and why Bo Laike said these things at this time.

He was showing the life titans who had the dominance of this war. Obviously, Bu Laike didn't want the soul of the titans they worked so hard to rescue to come back with an "airborne seizure of power".

Judging from the various attitudes shown by Lord Eonar before, she is indeed a very gentle, loving and reassuring creator, but fraternity and compassion cannot help the coalition forces win this battle.

The Life Titan was silent for a few seconds, then she said softly:

"Bo Laike, your tone reminds me of Sargeras

When the Pantheon still existed, whenever we were provoked by dark creatures that interfered with order, Sargeras would order us in such a strong tone to help him win the war, or ask us not to interfere in his decisions.

He is indeed victorious because of this, but..."

"I understand your reminder, but don't worry, I won't end up like Lord Sargeras."

The pirate waved his hand in a relaxed tone, and said:

"My composition is already black and evil enough. I don't think I can go any further. You understand what I mean. After we return to Azeroth with victory, I will use the most humble I would like to apologize to you for my impoliteness, and I will also offer you a gift to express my loyalty and fanaticism to you.

But now, we still need to focus on war.

I've never liked the feeling of failure, and even the most glorious failure is a failure, and that's not something to remember. "

"Well, I will assist you. For my brother and lover, I will accept your command without reservation. As you said, this is for the victory of order."

Eonar's will was gathered in the trunk of the tree of life bit by bit, she said:

"I really need to sleep for a while. I'm too tired. Just for a while."

In the next moment, a deep and thunderous snoring sounded from the swaying tree of life, causing Bu Laike to widen his eyes, and he could even hear the life titan talking in his sleep

What dear Aman'Thul is waiting for me to bring someone to rescue you, what Aggramar you are really a jerk or something.

Good guy.

You really don't treat us as outsiders.

Is this unseemly gesture really appropriate for your creation?

"Activate the expulsion protocol: let's go! Don't disturb Lord Ionar's rest!"

The Virgin of Purity took out a large needle from her mechanical luggage, and with the help of Freya, injected some Titan potion for healing into it, and she drove the others out of here very rudely.

she says:

"Freya and I are going to heal Lord Eonar's broken roots. No one is allowed to approach this ship for at least three days, Lai! You are responsible for the security yourself."

"Ok, I know."

Although Raiden, the ear-scratching titan guardian, was also very tired, he didn't dare to express his opinion. He obediently accepted his girlfriend's arrangement, and left the Zenidar with a group of people.

In the process of them getting out of the spaceship, Braike also completed a PY transaction with Star Saint Algalon. I don’t know what promise he made. In short, he got Star Saint from Algalon. All the "garbage" back.

"I'd give anything for a little bit of precious trash in your hands."

On the ground outside the Zenidar spaceship, Old Garni, the god of scavengers who came to Argus with the main force of the anti-magic alliance, rushed up immediately after seeing Boo Laike appear, rubbed his paws and screamed at Boo Laike:

"Don't try to lie to me! I smell the deliciousness of the supreme garbage among the stars, and it's in your hands! This is the closest I've come to such a supreme treasure in my life.

Give me!

give it to me! A little bit is fine!

I want this titan-stained trash! "

Seeing that Old Ghani's eyes were red, Braike knew that if he didn't give Old Ghani some benefits today, this guy would probably go crazy, so he snorted, took out some Aggramar titans from his hand, and was shot by Odin. Fragments left behind.

As soon as this thing was taken out, old Gani became excited as if he had taken ten catties of medicine. He jumped up and down so much that he wanted to give Bu Laike a knock on the spot.

The pirate was like teasing a dog, shaking the still burning Titan fragments around, causing old Garni to shake his head and stick out his tongue.

"Go straight to Mac'Aree!"

Boo Laike said to old Garney in the following tone of command:

"Transfer all the Kroku Breakers there, help defend there, and help the wounded to warn the demons, all the garbage dumps there belong to you, deal?"

"It's what you say."

Old Ghani is going crazy now, only a few fragments of the broken Titan body are left in his eyes, and the god of garbage guys scratched his ears and screamed:

"Let me lick your shoes, you bastard, give them to me, I feel that if I use them wisely, my scavenger priesthood can reach the realm of the stars.

give it to me!

You bastard! "

"Ha, it's so easy, maybe I should ask you to sign a natural covenant with me and become my war beast."

Bu Laike looked up and down the old Garney with his eyes closed, and said:

"But your image is too bad, taking you out would be an embarrassment to Lord Thousand Tongue Demon, so let's maintain the current friendly relationship.

Be good, go to Mac'Aree and build your trash kingdom. "

After speaking, the pirate blew a whistle, and threw out the "Titan garbage" in his hand like a bone.

With a howling sound, Old Ghany leaped out and grabbed those things in the air, and gestured a middle finger towards Bu Laike with his nimble claws, and then disappeared into the air with a puff.

After doing all this, the pirate took out a bottle of wine and took a sip, then threw the package containing the fragments of the Aegis of Aggramar to old Dailin, and waved to his father to signal him to leave quickly.

This gesture made old Dai Lin's anger soar!


Is that how you treat your old man?

I owe a beating!

(end of this chapter)

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