Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1702 70. Bu Laike! Dare To Come To Antoran To Specify That There Is No Good Fruit For You!

Chapter 1702 70. Bu Laike! Dare to come to Antoran to specify that there is no good fruit for you!

"Archimonde is dead, and so is Mannoroth, and their souls have not returned to the Burning Throne, nor have they entered the depths of the Twisting Nether.

Their life as demons is over.

I can vaguely hear the screams of the polluters, the voice of failure written full of pathos, it has come to a very sad end.

And I have no doubts about it. "

Just as the reconnaissance troops of the Legionfall began to cross the magma sea to the Antoran Wastes, in the Demon Throne of Argus, the only remaining arch-demon Trickster of the Burning Legion was speaking to his subordinates.

It sits on its throne, with the heart of the world blazing in the background.

Despite a humiliating defeat at Krokuun, Kil'jaeden's mood remained stable.

It fully demonstrated the psychological qualities that a great villain should have, not as flustered or angry as the high-ranking demon commanders who were summoned below.

Even the tone of his speech was very steady, as if nothing had happened.

In the Burning Hall under the Throne of the Deceiver, apart from the loyal Kil'jaeden faction, there is also a group of subordinates who have surrendered to Archimonde.

Now they are all in mourning.

These guys have no doubt that after the polluters die, they will be ruthlessly used as cannon fodder by the vicious Kil'jaeden in the ensuing war.

In fact, they were right in thinking, and Kil'jaeden thought so.

In the black and evil group of the Burning Legion, where power is paramount, death and punishment are indispensable means for the superiors to show their power and majesty.

But before these guys who chose the wrong boss trembled and waited for their fate to be punished, they had to patiently listen to the fraudster's long speech.

As if to torture them deliberately, Kil'jaeden was not in a hurry at all, it still had the mood to sum up the humiliating defeat before.

It said slowly:

"Archimonde is an out-and-out fool, and the fact proves this, its greed for power blinds its eyes, and makes it forget its own extremely shady wisdom.

That's the only quality I value in it.

It's a pity that after losing his mind, a bastard who reached a high position by betrayal and betrayal finally exposed his most fatal weakness.

It looks like it wants everything, but in fact it doesn't know what it wants.


It's just the inevitable end. "

"My lord, we all know that Archimonde is a bastard, it is not worthy to rule the legion with you at all, we are no more surprised by its failure than you are.

But it did 'successfully' complete the task of luring the enemy. "

Under the command of Kil'jaeden, General Erodus, wearing the eredar demon armor, leaned on his hunting spear, and it asked in a very humble manner:

"The reconnaissance spaceship we sent has completely captured the actions of those alien invaders in the Krokuun land, and they transport reinforcements to our world every three days.

The very dangerous Titan Iron Legion was also discovered, and my colleagues and I have no doubt that their next target is the Antoran Wasteland.

Although we have sent some troops to Mac'Aree to try to attract their attention according to your instructions, but so far, it seems that the effect of luring the enemy is limited. "

The old general, who had been the commander of the eredar army in the golden age of Argus, paused. He raised his scarred face to look at the Trickster, and said:

"I think we should dispatch the starships to destroy their ridiculous army before they attack."

"Is this the suggestion of the Commander Council?"

Kil'jaeden asked casually.

General Erodus nodded and replied:

"My colleagues have always believed that we should act now!

Regardless of the grievances and positions of the two parties, even I have to admit that those aliens in Azeroth have shown amazing unity and strength, and they have accomplished things that countless civilizations dare not even imagine.

Not only successfully implemented the landing on Argus, but also defeated our frontier army.

They are obviously another hard bone that the Burning Legion has encountered. Although they are not as legendary as the Aldrachi, and they are not as elusive as the Legion of the Holy Light, if they are allowed to continue to accumulate strength, it is likely that we will face even more difficult challenges in the future. war.

Of course, I have no doubts about the final victory of the Legion.

All you need is one command! trickster.

The fleet docked at the terminal dock will set off immediately, and in just one day, we will be able to completely destroy all Krokuun rebels. "

The grim demon commander whispered:

"Of course, this also means that the Krokuun continental shelf will completely collapse, but we have all heard the whimper of the soul of the world that is about to wake up. Perhaps, we no longer need to keep that stubborn and fragile land."

"You are quite right, my general."

There was a strange smile on the dark red face of the fraudster, it waved its hand and said:

"But why the rush?

The barbarians of Azeroth are difficult to deal with, as we have learned 10,000 years ago, when the expedition led by Lord Sargeras himself failed ignominiously.

I think that has taught us a lesson, my generals.

We must be patient.

You know, this desperate crusade is the last chance Azeroth can make, and they will desperately grab the last straw like a drowning man.

Every race in that world will try their best to send their most powerful warriors to our domain. They try to defeat us with unity as a weapon, and they try to create miracles to delay their fate of ultimate destruction.

But now, those warriors, those precious souls have not yet arrived.

We have to wait.

Wait until the last mortal warrior who has left everything to come to Argus sets foot on the sanctuary of fel, and strike them down when all the power of Azeroth comes together in one place! "

Kil'jaeden rubbed his chin, and with burning eyes, it said:

"I believe that the Battle of Argus will be another perfect demonstration of the Legion's fame among the stars, just as the fall of the Aldrachi earned us the allegiance of a starfield.

The strength of the Legion is not weakened by a short wait, but a good hunter always knows not to take up the bow until the prey is fully in the trap.

I know that this will bring more casualties to the demons.


The Fraudster sneered, looked at his best commander, and asked softly:

"Do you care about the life of a demon? My general."

This question made General Elodus also let out a cruel laugh. The old general shook his head after laughing, and it replied:

"They don't care themselves, my master.

They can only feel honored to have participated in such carnage. I think I understand what you mean, the Council of Command will prepare for a magnificent decisive battle according to your wishes. "

"Well, that's it."

The fraudster waved his hand and said indifferently:

"Do what you have to do. Don't worry about the outcome of the war. Lord Aggramar is already on his way back. Every day that delays the time will be more beneficial to us.

The initiative of the war has never been in the hands of those alien barbarians. "

The demon generals of the commanding council nodded, but there was an indelible worry on their faces. They looked at their leader, but General Elodus did not respond to his subordinate's question.

The daemon general, who was almost as old as Velen, knew well what worried his illustrious commanders.


Velen, their former leader, was the biggest variable in this war.

As commanders who have served the Supremes since the golden age, everyone present is well aware of the grievances between Kil'jaeden and Velen.

While the Deceiver appears to be winning now, it's anyone's guess what the deceitful Deceiver will do once Velen appears on Argus.

In terms of the art of war shown by the commanders of the anti-magic alliance, the demons don't think they will give up the use of Velen, the "special attack treasure against Kil'jaeden".

But although the old general followed Kil'jaeden and transformed into a demon, he was not stupid.

Raising this question at this time is tantamount to publicly questioning the fraudster. With Kil'jaeden's unpredictable personality, being thrown into the soul forging furnace is considered a happy ending.

General Erodus intends to remind the fraudster privately after this meeting is over.

This big devil has made the same mistake before.

But before the Demon General could finish thinking in his mind, something was thrown from the throne by the Deceiver, and it was falling on the ground in front of him.

It was a demon scepter marked with the divine emblem of Lord Sargeras, the dark titan, embellished with the skulls of the "prime demons" from Mardum, a legendary item of Argus.

This scepter represents the power of the commander to mobilize all the demon legions in the world of Argus. Since the day Kil'jaeden became the archdemon, this scepter has been held by the Deceiver himself.

This is a manifestation of Kil'jaeden's identity and status in the Burning Legion.


The demon general glanced at the fraudster in surprise. The latter closed his eyes and leaned on the throne with his wings moving. He said calmly:

"I know what you are thinking, my loyal subordinates, you have followed me for almost 30,000 years, and you can't always learn to hide the worry on your face.

Villen, right?

You are worried that Velen's presence will drive me out of my mind. "

The fraudster's words made all the demons present bow their heads in unison.

At this time, no one wants to answer the call, because answering the call is tantamount to death.

"I will not participate in your war, let alone interfere with your command casually. I will only leave my Deceiver's Hand Legion as my Imperial Guard."

Kil'jaeden waved his paw and said:

"The rest of the legions are under your command, use your art of war to the fullest, and bring destruction to those barbarians on alien planets, as for me

I will accomplish what I have always wanted.

Let's not interfere with each other, okay? my subordinates. "

Fraudsters seem to be in a good mood.

It even made a rare joke, and the last worry in General Erodus's heart dissipated at this moment. It bent down to pick up the demon scepter, and said to the fraudster in a deep voice:

"As you wish, our wise and wicked master.

We will dedicate a great victory to you and Lord Sargeras! The invaders of Azeroth will meet their end on the battlefields of Antoran! "

"Well, I have no doubts about that, go for it!"

Kil'jaeden nodded, and its loyal servants turned and strode away, but those demons under Archimonde's command did not dare to be so casual.

Under the gazes of other demons with ridicule and sarcasm, they shivered and stayed in the hall, waiting for the judgment of the fraudster on their fate.

There was a dead silence in the whole hall, only the sound of burning charcoal was beating from the burning fire around.

This frightening silence lasted for a full ten minutes, and some timid guys under Archimonde's subordinates even began to falter. Their fear of the future and the pressure of despair made them overwhelmed.

"Recently, I have been thinking about a question."

Finally, the fraudster spoke up.

Kil'jaeden opened his eyes on his throne, staring down at the shivering losers, most of them demonized eredar.

This is also a characteristic of Archimonde.

The Defiler doesn't like servants other than the eredar demons very much. It is an out-and-out racist populist arch-devil, and it stubbornly believes that the eredar demons are better than other demons.

It is precisely because of this claim that Archimonde's power in the Burning Legion has always been inferior to the more "tolerant" fraudsters, but it is also because of this that most eredar demons follow the polluters wholeheartedly .

Because they knew that when the death mission really came out, Archimonde would definitely give priority to sending other demon commanders into the mortal enemy and would do his best to protect his "own people".

From this point of view, Ake is actually a very attractive commander, although compared with the fraudster, his strength in all aspects seems to be very hip.

"You say, if Lord Sargeras came to the world of Argus back then, I rejected his gift as resolutely as Velen, what would happen?

Let me ask you, have you ever regretted joining the Legion? "

The fraudster asked a very embarrassing question, causing the eredar people in the hall to stare at each other. How would they answer such a politically incorrect question within the Burning Legion?

Say sorry?

If you dare to say that, you will be dragged out to feed the dogs in the next second.

but say no regrets

Well, not really.

Especially when they saw with their own eyes that Velen led the draenei to find a brave companion in Azeroth, and was able to fight back to Argus and defeat the mighty Burning Legion, many eredar demons would At some point, if I had chosen another path, would there be a place for those warriors fighting for justice now?

Of course, such thinking is only fleeting.

There are not so many "reflection monsters" among the guys who can choose to surrender to the demon.


Fraudsters are disappointed by the silence of these guys.

Had Archimonde been here, the Defiler would have laughed loudly at the Trickster's weakness.

Although that idiot was really annoying, Kil'jaeden had to admit that Archimonde was one of the few guys in the legion who dared to speak "what's on his mind" to him.

It waved its paws in a disinterested manner, losing interest in this punishment.

it says:

"The divisions under their respective command were dismantled and accepted the reorganization of the Commander's Council. You all participated in the next battle as the grassroots command. If you can survive, I will not care about your previous rebellion against me.

If you die, the past is also erased. "

"Thank you for your kindness, fraudster, and we will always be loyal to you."

A group of eredar demon lords were overjoyed to hear the Trickster's favor and fell to their knees to thank him for his favor, but they didn't see the sarcasm in Kil'jaeden's eyes.

The Trickster is sure that everyone here has no chance of making it back alive.

The demon lords under their command don't want a group of bastards to come to grab their status and power. These guys will definitely be assigned to the most dangerous areas as cannon fodder.

But what does that have to do with myself?

I generously gave them a chance to start over, didn't I? Even if they were sent to death as cannon fodder, they should thank themselves for their kindness from the bottom of their hearts.

But if I give them kindness, who will give me kindness?

How could Kil'jaeden not think of things that the polluters could think of?

At the moment when Argus the Destroyer is about to be born, when the soul of the Titans is about to be corroded, and when the Dark Pantheon is about to be born, does the existence of the Burning Legion really make sense to the ruthless Lord Sargeras?

The fraudster closed his eyes again.


My dear brother who was once connected by soul, I am willing to share with you everything I have, but will you give me a merciful ending in our hometown?

(end of this chapter)

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