Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1703 71. In The Name Of The Supreme Empress, Fight For Glory For The Empire!

Chapter 1703 71. In the name of the Supreme Empress, fight for glory for the empire!

"Are the demons out of their minds?"

On the edge of the upper deck of the Evil of the World, the idiot Fenner looked at the burning continent of Antoran wasteland with a telescope, and she complained to her stinky brother beside her:

"We sailed on the magma sea for five full days!

Not a single demon starship came to attack us, except for some demon sea beasts with insufficient brains who would provoke from the magma, we have not seen a single hair of an official legion demon!

Brother, do you think they are ready to surrender? "

"Surrender? You really dare to think about it."

Sitting cross-legged on the other side, writing and drawing in the diary, Little Xingxing raised her head and sneered at Fenner:

"Why don't you order something better? Maybe the most brutal demons in the stars have been scared to death by us mortals, and they packed up and ran away overnight?

Maybe when we reach the Antoran Wastes, all we see is an empty land, and the demons have left their stronghold among the stars and fled howling. "

"Well, maybe they will pull up a banner that says 'Welcome God of Courage, Ms. Fenna Jinjian, to visit and guide the Antoran Wasteland'."

The stinky pirate sitting on the edge of the deck with his legs crossed also sent an "assist" at the right time, making Nagfar, who was staying next to his father and peeking at Little Star's diary, cover his mouth and laugh.

She thinks that her "aunt" Fenner is really cute and silly sometimes.

I really don't know if she did it on purpose, or if she just had such a natural look.

"You guys can just laugh at me, but I will always let the devil surrender to me, hum, let's wait and see!"

Fenner is also a warrior and is not afraid of boiling water.

She didn't care about the two scoundrels teasing her at all, she just grabbed the Titan Iron whetstone in her hand and sharpened the elf blade vigorously.

Seeing the way she gritted her teeth, she must have mistook the sword in her hand for Bu Laike or Little Star, and maybe she was still drawing circles and cursing them.

Speaking of the sword in Fenner's hand, it's amazing.

This is a new weapon that Muradin forged just yesterday, using the broken spear that Odin used to stab Aggramar.

That thing was melted badly by the fallen titan, but it was still reforged into an exquisite one-handed sword under Muradin's excellent forging skills.

According to Fenner's request, the phoenix emblem and the golden sword family emblem were specially made on the hilt to refer to her identity.

This sword is stained with the blood of the titans, so its power is endless. It has a bit of style like the Supreme Blade in Illidan's hands, but it needs Fenner to complete countless battles with it in order to make it have a real qualitative change.

As for the other precious weapons that the stupid warrior has collected since his debut, they have all been temporarily lent to other warriors of the "Ash Expeditionary Army" that has been summoned.

No way, although Zela's body is very big, no matter how sparingly used the remaining naaru crystals are, there is really no way to equip everyone with a "monkey version" of Ashbringer.

And this reconnaissance assault with the head pinned to the waistband is too dangerous. If you go to the battlefield without a guy in your hand, the end will be miserable.

"Don't think too much, there are definitely enough demons for you to kill."

Bu Laike picked up the bottle and took a sip. He looked at the burning land in front of him, and said:

"The reason why the Deceiver does not take the initiative to attack is simple. It is pursuing a decisive battle like us, and it has enough reasons to give us time to assemble the army.

Once we, the high-quality rebels of Azeroth, are buried here at once, there will only be a death army and half-crippled dragons in our world to stop the demons.

Rounding up is equal to giving for nothing.

Although the battlefield has changed, its essence has not changed at all. The next battle will directly determine the fate of Azeroth, and we know this.

Fraudsters are well aware of this too.

Argus' demon army has an absolute advantage in numbers, and here is the holy place of fel energy. They also have a fallen titan that is about to be born and a titan that has returned from the stars to help out.

If I were it, I wouldn't be in a hurry either. "

"Wow, now that you've said that, I'm starting to think we're hopeless too."

Fenner rolled her eyes, and looked at the elf sword in her hand carefully. She was very satisfied with the sharpness and power of the sword, so she whistled and sent the blade back to the scabbard.

He patted the dust off his knees again, stood up and said:

"If we really want to follow this comparison method, then we shouldn't come to Argus. Now that we have come, it is meaningless to compare strength on paper. I said, last time I was beaten up by Aggramar, I feel Very upset.

This time, we must fight that damn Titan, at least poke a few holes in him! "

"There will be a chance."

The pirate waved his hand and said:

"Be patient, everything you want will be there, how about this, you will be the vanguard after we land in a while? Go to meet Illidan and Maiev's troops while warming up.

I hear they've snatched up the ruins of an abandoned port there, just right for us to use as our home port or something. "

"Ha, you still know me, stinky brother."

When Fenner heard this, she immediately became happy. She reached out and patted Bo Laike on the head, saying:

"Then I'll go get ready now. Hey, you come too, little Xingxing. I need your breath to help clear the way."

"I'm not going!"

Little Xingxing twisted his neck and shouted:

"I haven't healed from the injury last time. You don't want to drag me to die with you. My life is very precious! Alas! You violent muscular woman, let me go! Don't pull your head, it hurts It hurts!


I bit you! "

There is always someone who can cure the lazy little star, and Fenner will not spoil her like Bu Laike.

She roughly grabbed the stupid blue dragon by the neck and dragged her towards the cabin. Little Xingxing screamed and struggled, but she couldn't resist the brute force of the demigod warrior.

"Bo Laike! Are you just watching? Save me!"

The blue dragon princess called the pirate's name, but the pirate closed his ears and pretended that the wind was strong and he didn't hear it at all. It wasn't until Fenner dragged the little star into the elevator that the deck became quiet.

Bo Laike curled his lips and glanced at the upper deck runway behind him.

The mechanical dwarf technicians are busy pushing the dwarf aircraft strengthened by the ruler's crown to the predetermined position, and the ace pilots selected by various races also start to board the fighter planes they want to drive.

And several flight cabins on the lower deck have been opened, and the Wildhammer dwarves' griffin flight teams are taking off from them one after another, as well as the elves' hippogryphs, dragon hawks and trolls' pterodactyls taking off noisyly Spinning back and forth around the horn of evil in this world.

These raptors are certainly no match for daemon starships, but they and their knights are useful against ground daemons and for scouting.

Moreover, after Krokuun was strengthened by the breath of the life titan, the size and strength of these magical raptors also improved, and they were no longer a group of cannon fodder characters.

"If the dragon army also comes over, we will have an advantage in the air."

Behind the pirate, Sefiel plucked his hair in the wind of fel energy, sighed and said:

"It's a pity that the power of the guardian dragons will be greatly reduced when they leave Azeroth. They can only stay in our hometown for defense. Captain, tell me, after this battle, how many of the warriors who set foot on Argus can go back to their hometown Woolen cloth?"

"If you have to ask, then I will tell you everything!"

Bo Laike grinned, patted the head of Princess Mononoke lying on his lap, and said:

"Isn't that why I called my precious daughter here?

The hull of the ghost ship of the Nagfar was installed in the curry of the Evil of the World. As long as those warriors did not die too far, their souls would be 'caught' back by the ghost ship.

The death knights of the Black Crow Chapter are already gearing up.

After this battle, the Black Crows will have at least three more subordinate legions. This is the power of death, and it will only appear so 'cute' in war.

As for air power I don't worry about that at all. "

Seeing that he was about to approach the coast of the Antoran Wasteland, the pirate stood up and whistled while his wife and daughter watched, and the bomb bay at the bottom of the Hell of the World slowly opened.

Gray stone statues were thrown into the lava pool below like a bomb tide, and the stone statues of heart energy carved into gargoyles moved in the air and flapped their wings to come alive.

Led by Braike's 1,200 stoneborn guards, the Hurrah turned into a black storm and rushed towards the dark sky of the Antoran Wastes.

These Stonemason Brotherhood and the old stonemasons of Pandaria worked hard to carve out the Stoneborn Familia, which are ordinary in all aspects, but there are enough of them and they are not afraid of fighting.

They are the main air force that Laike prepares for this battle.

The pirate stood on the edge of the deck and shouted loudly to General Carl, who appeared from the air and rode behind the blind hunter Xiao Yi, who had a lazy face and couldn't lift his spirits:

"Hey! Don't touch the fish, take your Stoneborn to fight! Capture and kill all the demons with wings in the sky! All the anima captured in this battle belong to you!

I don't want any!

How much you can take depends on your ability, my dear general. "

"Ha! That's what you said, mean pirate."

When General Carl heard this, he became energetic immediately, and she shouted to Bo Laike eagerly:

"Don't go back on your word!"

After speaking, the stoneborn general, who was aroused by the generous reward, was about to enter the battlefield to give those demons a good look, but he heard Bu Laike shout to her:

"Don't worry, send me a message to those 'invisible visitors', I need them to send someone to see me."

"We'll talk about it when we meet."

General Carl replied casually, and then he roared and brought his stoneborn assassins to charge towards the mephit flying out of the wasteland in front of him.

A dwarf aircraft also took off from the deck of the space carrier, and the crystal floating cannons around the hull were also activated, and a large number of soldiers rushed out of the cabin, and began to manipulate the edge of the deck under the command of the mechanical dwarf sailors. The rapid-fire artillery began to hit the air targets that made people excited.

The beach landing on the Antoran wasteland has already begun, and the demons will not allow these alien barbarians to set foot on their territory so easily.

Fortunately, the fighters didn't bother to ask them for their opinion.

Grandpa is here!

No matter how angry you devil is, you have to endure it!

If you have the ability, go through the blockade of Stoneborn hunters and air cavalry, and then break through the attack of floating cannons and the deadly barrage of artillery fire, come and beat me!


"The coordinates of The Evil of This World have entered the airspace of the Antoran wasteland! The storm beacon is ready to be launched, and the space parameters are calibrated for the last time!"

In Ulduar, the land of creation in Azeroth, in the main control room of the Spark of Wisdom, Mimiron, the crazy guardian of wisdom, personally manipulates a super-giant Titan console, on the optical projection in front of this round-headed mechanical dwarf There is a green coordinate point entering a red war zone.

That was the message from the watch he told Bo Laike to wear at all times.

At this time, on the large platform in the front hall of Ulduar, hundreds of thousands of Iron Legion are already ready to teleport through time and space.

A series of black storm beacons weaves a passage that can travel through the stars, and only waiting for Mimiron's order, these fearless warriors will throw themselves into their glory.

They were born to serve the mission of the Titans. Compared to being bewitched by Loken to destroy the order of the world, the current battle to death makes them feel the meaning of their existence.

Maybe it will be crushed by the firepower of demons just after passing, but at least it will die in a meaningful war.

"Mechagon! Come here, I need you to help me stabilize the transmission frequency, help me keep an eye on the energy output of Sargeras' scepter, and notify me immediately if there is any fluctuation in that thing."

Mimiron brandished a wrench and screamed:

"This devil's crap is just unreliable. If you give me a little more time, I can make our teleportation scepter. It's a pity that there is not so much time."

"'Mechanical Sage' Mechagon is in place!"

The will program of the former lunatic king and now the assistant of the guardian King Mechagon quickly entered the main console from the computing unit next to it, and it quickly took over several programs manipulated by Mimiron.

But in the next second, the wrench of the guardian of wisdom slammed on the console, and he screamed:

"Mechagon! Don't think I don't know you're secretly trying to remotely unlock the Hell of the World's special ammunition magazine! Now's not the time! Put down your mad desire to destroy.

Ugh, I really should take a moment to recalibrate your thinking. "

"After my precise calculations, their chances of winning are infinitely close to 0%!"

Mechagon retorted:

"Unless they... Huh? The defense facility of the Ulduar city wall was attacked? Something on the outside rushed into the land of creation! It was very fast! The energy fluctuations were huge!

Corrosive and polluting smell!


I see it, it's Deathwing!

It is attacking the land of creation! "

"What? At this time? Damn it!"

Mimiron screamed and hugged his head, but the next second it snorted, and screamed with its arms folded:

"Ha, now that it's here let it taste my 'final weapon'! I'll paint my final machine victorious with Deathwing's blood before I duel with that nasty and cunning demon engineer Jingaros Red!

Pinch ha ha ha ha, come on!

Embrace the glory of battle! "

"Don't go crazy, Lord Mimiron!"

Mechagon, who was about to go crazy just now, hastily persuaded:

"It's important! The storm beacon has started to be released over there, and we need to transport our army there immediately! This process has to be done manually by you."

"But what about Deathwing?"

Wisdom Guardian waved a wrench and shouted:

"It's designed to bring about the destruction of the world. This bastard must be aiming at Ulduar's continental shelf collapse program, hell! I should have listened to Raiden and destroyed that program before."

"Continue to send!"

Just when Mimiron and his assistant were facing a dilemma, a cold and arrogant voice suddenly sounded in this supposedly top-secret laboratory.

The person who came came with an air of supreme dignity, and instructed as if issuing an order:

"My brave subjects are spreading glory to their Queen on Outworld, and the cowardly and shameful Dragon Maniac wants to sabotage my triumph.

What a shame!

Sad Guardians of the Mad, keep up your work.

My sad favorite Bo Laike asked me to watch over this lost place of creation before he left. His treachery and rudeness disgust me, but the request of a courtier will not be ignored by a benevolent and wise ruler.

Isn't that Deathwing?

You are guardians, behave yourself! "

The haughty voice scolded:

"Now! Send out my army, which is so powerful that it can make the stars tremble! Give those demons a good look, and let them send a message to the God of Darkness of the Burning Legion with killing!



I'm looking forward to my second meeting with Lord Sargeras. I have a lot to say to that heartless man. "

(end of this chapter)

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