Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1704 72. The Starship Rides On The Face, Magic Confronts, This Is A New Version Of The Ship

Chapter 1704 72. The starship rides on the face, magic confronts, this is a new version of the ship you have never played

"Rush! Rush down! Stop those damn demon cannons!"

A group of orc warriors rode on the back of the troll pterodactyl that had lost its owner. The leader was a Mag'har officer. Holding the iconic orc axe, he shouted to the warriors behind him:

"That damned battery just ruined seventeen of our brothers! I'm going to kill those bloody bastard gunners!"

This declaration of vengeance made the blood of the orcs behind him boil.

So this group of reckless people shouted the war song of the orcs and swept down from the sky while the light cannons were firing at each other, and the power of magic tore the sky.

They almost miraculously passed through the double blockade of the big mephits and dread demons in the air, and at the cost of the royal pterodactyl being pierced and stalled by a dozen demon halberds at low altitude, they were sent into the dangerous demon position.

There are more than a dozen fel energy cannons lined up here.

These engineered cannons, inherited from the Burning Legion's evil will, are like living creatures, roaring and swallowing scorching fel shells and spraying them with a rain of destruction.

Every cannonball will blast a bloody firework in the air, and the splashed evil energy will form a dangerous smoke screen in the sky, and any life that breaks into it will be infected by the evil energy.

And there are more than 30 such dangerous artillery positions on the periphery of this small abandoned port.

The demons' anti-aircraft firepower is almost unstoppable!

The first batch of dwarf aircraft that rushed over had already destroyed one-third of them in less than ten minutes, and those mortal sky knights suffered heavy damage.

The beach landing, commanded by Bu Laike, entered a fever pitch as soon as the battle started.

The good news is that Bo Laike's guesses about Kil'jaeden's tactics were spot on, and that the Tricksters do intend to bury all invaders in the Antoran Wastes.

The bad news is that confirming this doesn't help the situation at all.


Three of the orc warriors who landed were stabbed to death by the demons as soon as they met each other. The remaining four guys grabbed their weapons in disgrace. Facing the demons in front of them that were several times the number of them, these orcs were fearless.

It's like Grom Hellscream's previous sacrifice boosted their morale, making the already violent orcs now even more indifferent to life and death.

It is obviously too exaggerated to say that they are for the survival of the world, and the anger for revenge for their comrades has the upper hand.

The orcs jumped at the demon in front of them, and the three warriors used their bodies to break a way for their commander.

With red eyes, the crazy orc smashed into a group of small but cunning and vicious Gangar demon gunners, and swung his battle ax three times to whirlwind, killing these cunning but weak demons.

This artillery position was finally misfired.

After completing the fatal raid, only the orc commander was left standing in a pool of blood. He was surrounded by demon guards in all directions, and it was impossible for him to get out!

But fortunately, he didn't even think about rushing out.

While the halberds of the surrounding demon guards were piercing his body from all directions, the blood-soaked orc man laughed and raised the smoking goblin dark mine in his hand, and threw the dangerous thing to a pile of it not far away. A pile of fel cannonballs together.

There was a loud bang.

Hundreds of shells were detonated at the same time, sweeping away all the demons within 100 meters, and blasting out a big crater on this death-scattering high ground.

It was a very heroic act and a glorious victory.

But unfortunately, in this intense battlefield right now, no one came here to record the feats of these orcs, because the same thing was happening in other places.

In order to seize this ruin that can be used as the home port of landing, the Evil of This World has already fired with all its firepower.

The Demon Hunters and Watchers on the ground are pushing outward with the assistance of the Ashes Expeditionary Team, while the idiot Fenna is standing behind the little star with a heartless roar of joy, becoming one with the Thunder Dragon Shocking around with thunder and lightning.

The elven sword in her hand is indeed a supreme weapon stained with the blood of the titans. She killed many demon commanders in just ten minutes, but it still didn't help the overall battle situation at all.

If the density of demons in Krokuun is 10, then the density of demons in Antoran Wasteland is conservatively estimated to be more than 1000. No matter how frantically the soldiers kill, the number of demons will not decrease.

This made old Fording, who led the Holy Light Heavy Cavalry charge back and forth on the ground, return to the feeling of facing the swarm on the battlefield of Silithus in a trance, and these demons in front of him are much more dangerous than the swarm.

The hands of the murderers are going to be sore, hell!


The orc who died in the self-explosion just let out a scream, and opened his eyes suddenly, his thinking was still stuck at the moment of death when he was inserted into his body by a dozen demon war halberds just now.

The moment he woke up, he wanted to hold the weapon and fight, and then he saw his other brothers, as well as the comrades who were killed by those demon artillery earlier.

They woke up in a dark cabin, looked around and found themselves on the deck of a wooden ghost ship fixed by steel frames in the metal cabin.

Just when they were at a loss, Princess Mononoke Naglfar, who was wearing a very cool uniform of the Kul Tiras Navy Admiral, suddenly jumped out.

Holding a thick logbook in her hand, she was suspended in the air a few inches above the deck, imitating her father's tone and shouting to the souls in front of her:

"I am Nagfar, the temporary recruiter of Nagfar and the Evil of the World, you can call me sir! I will briefly tell you the situation now.

You are dead!

There is no doubt about this, you should have been collected back to the stronghold after the battle and then joined the Black Crows through the death transformation ceremony to become death knights and continue to fight.

This is the process that your instructors told you before you joined this expedition, and you also signed an agreement to agree to this death treatment.

But the problem is, your bones are gone.

Therefore, the Black Crows could not accept you, so they transferred your military status to the Navy Department of the Anti-Magic Alliance Army. Now I am in charge of handling your posthumous affairs! "

Nagfar briefly introduced the situation.

She looked at the souls in front of her, pointed to the boat under her feet, and said to them:

"You have also seen that the battle line is tight now, so I need you to rejoin the battlefield as temporary sailors on the Naglfar. This is your crew card. With it, you can enter the hull of the Evil World." Own entity and move freely!

After the battle is over, your ending will be assigned according to your thoughts and will. Whether you stay here and continue to be a ghost sailor, or receive a pension to retire is up to you.

Now, I want to ask because of the process, some people are not willing to accept this order, some people are not willing to return to the battlefield and choose to be a coward after death? "


After the fierce orc commander learned that he could join the war again as a spirit body, he grinned ferociously on his face.

He straightened his waist, gave a military salute to the human chick recruiter in front of him, and shouted:

"My squad is honored to be back in the field! Sir, our enemies are out there, but where are our weapons?"

"very good!"

Nagfar nodded in satisfaction, and handed them a stack of temporary crew certificates that had already been made, asking them to sign their names and form a contract with the hull of the Nagfar.

Pointing to the deck above his head, he said:

"Go up to Warchief Red, he's in charge of distributing weapons to ghost sailors.

Also, the rapid-fire guns on the deck need to be manipulated by someone. A group of demon assassins sneaked into the cabin just now. I need you to find them!

kill them!

Alas, no need to walk there!

You are all spirit bodies, fly over! Go through the wall and save some time! idiot! "


"What are you still doing here? Protecting me? Do I need your protection?"

On the command bridge of the Hell of the World, Braike scanned the battlefield with a grim attitude, and then he saw the warlock trio standing beside him, which made the pirates angry .

He kicked Xieyan's ass and cursed:

"Go down! Use your strength to bulldoze those demon bastards for me! The storm beacon is about to be released, and I don't need any bloody demons to interfere with the process!

And you!

What are you doing here?

Give me all to the battlefield and bring back a hundred demon heads each! If you can't get it back, find a tree with a crooked neck and commit suicide. I don't need waste under my command! "

Under Laike's beating and kicking, the warlock trio and his demon servants rushed out of the command bridge one by one, and were soon parachuted to the fiercest place of the battle.

"I'll make up the head!"

With a shriek from Kanrethad, the avatar of Mannoroth the Destroyer reappeared on the battlefield amidst the shaking of the earth.

It grabbed the venomous halberd that sealed the soul of the seal breaker, and crushed it towards the place where there were most demons like a charging mammoth. Behind them followed a group of Laike's servants who were screaming and killing, and the pirates who were recruited from all walks of life also found their "own people" as if they were forgiven.

They, who already liked to fight with the wind, saw the "old seniors" like the warlock trio so powerful, their morale was greatly shaken, and they rushed from the position with the brutal and strange power of the saboteur.

However, they didn't know that the fusion of the warlock trio had a time limit. Once they rushed too far, they would not be able to come back when their avatars dissipated.

But no one told them this terrible news at this terrible time, even their leader Bu Laike didn't care about these guys' lives

Uh, that's a bit cruel to say.

But you see, the noble golden princess is now riding her own royal triceratops and leading the god warriors to support the human emperor's cavalry charge.

Don't pay too much attention to you bunch of stinky pirates.

"Ha! Bu Laike Shaw! Your head will be mine."

Minutes after the pirate guards had been driven out in the command pod, a horde of demonic assassins charged at the lone Laike.

From their point of view, this little pirate must die today!

And his praise will greatly enhance their status in the Ashes Expeditionary Army!

That's right!

That's it!

Be a champion of Azeroth!

They are going to fight to the death with those damned low demons of the Burning Legion here today!

"Please give orders! Supreme Commander!"

The leader of the demon assassins wielding a demon sword to kill Bu Laike knelt on the ground with a plop.

When it jumped into the twenty-foot range of Bu Laike, the thoughts of truth entwined around it violently completed a quick "brainwashing" of its will, making it as fanatical as worshiping a fraudster. Give your all.

"Very good, great, you came at just the right time!"

The crumb pirate who was assassinated didn't turn his head back. While looking at the cleared large area below the battlefield, he decisively issued an order to send a storm beacon.

After being attacked frequently, the sparks that exploded on the energy shield rippled like a torrential rain.

And the light of the crystal floating cannon weaves golden death rays in the air, and when the scorched demon corpses fall down in pieces, the bombing port under the spaceship opens instantly, and black beacons appear one after another. It is thrown to the ground below like rain.

Seeing that the storm beacon on the ground opened smoothly without being disturbed, the pirate heaved a sigh of relief, and he ordered a group of demon assassins kneeling on the ground behind him:

"Go to the lower cabin to find Chief Red, the fattest orc, and take five Holy Light grenades from him, then sneak into the legion's position, approaching the first demon commander you meet.

Don't hesitate to fire the grenade.

Azeroth will remember your contributions, and I will honor your bravery.


Fear not, children, as you melt into the Light, the radiance of truth will illuminate your path, and the Lightless Sea is your warm and eternal home.

go. "

A group of demonic assassins have been ordered.

Their barren souls felt the warmth of the void, and cheered and rushed out of the command cabin to find Quartermaster Red.

A few minutes later, when the first batch of steel legions rushed into the battlefield with the Titan battle flag, under Laike's indifferent gaze, more than a dozen bright sparks of holy light erupted from the demon camp in the distance.

Alas, it's a pity that once the power of the void is fully activated, it will be an indiscriminate brainwashing attack. Pirates can destroy these demons, but the price is that the warriors behind him will also become a group of lunatics shouting that the void is great.

This is not what he wants to see.

However, with the successful entry of the Iron Legion, the victory of this beach landing is already in hand.

Braike pulled back the command chair, leaned on it contentedly and smoked his pipe, watching the berserk Iron Warriors rushing into the demons' positions with their Titan Blades, and began to take over the line of mortal warriors and protect the exhausted warriors They retreated into the stronghold.

I don't know if Illidan's brain is broken because he was accepted by the big brother and his sister-in-law. He actually named this abandoned port "Port of Hope"?

To be honest, the pirates couldn't see any hope for this wretched place.


At the moment when Bu Laike lit the pipe, the door of the command cabin was kicked, and Dai Lin, who was covered in demon blood and minced meat, rushed in while touching her cheek, and shouted to her son:

"Let's go! Kurdran told me just now that his Griffon Knight saw a capital-class starship coming from the Devil's Shipyard in the northeast when he was scouting!

Its target is definitely your ship. "

"Huh? Why run? I don't think the enhanced Evil of the World can handle a demon ship."

Bu Laike moved his chair and turned around, staring at Dailin. He looked up and down at his fighting old man, rubbed his chin and said:

"And the loss of the Aegis of Aggramar makes you unsuitable for the charge, old man, and you should be put in a better position to shine.

I ask you, do you like the boat you're standing on? This pirate ship that once shattered all your pride and glory. "

"I wish I could blow it up myself."

Dai Lin said angrily:

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"What I mean is, I'm going to go down and move my hands and feet. It's been a long time since I've fought with this human body. I need to find the feel. Do you know what I mean?"

Bu Laike stood up, took off the captain's cap on his head, threw it to Dai Lin, pointed to his seat, and said:

"Then, Azeroth's best admiral, you now take command of the World's Evil, and that incoming starship is now your trouble.

Let me see if your astonishing art of naval warfare still works in this devil's land.

Oh, right.

I have arranged a first mate for you, and I think she will be a perfect match for you. "

As he spoke, the pirate yelled to his side, and the cheering Princess Mononoke jumped to Daddy's side with a swish, and rubbed her head on Bo Laike's shoulder like a kitten.

Bu Laike rubbed the head of his good daughter Nagfar, pointed at the old Dai Lin who was wearing the captain's hat, and said to Princess Mononoke beside him:

"Hey, call me Grandpa."



(end of this chapter)

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