Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1705 73. The Ancient Tactics Are Always Staged Over And Over Again

Chapter 1705 73. The ancient tactics are always staged over and over again

"They obviously don't intend to retreat, even though the Iron Legion has already landed, the demons are still gathering in the direction of Port of Hope.

These bastards are crazy, or maybe this is the true face of the devil. "

In the temporary camp built in the ruins of the broken Port of Hope, the great knight Uther, whose armor was full of blood and scars from the collision of weapons, was hurrying to cook.

His silver hand war hammer was in his hand, sitting on the corpse of a hacked demon, holding a dinner plate in his hand while moving it to his mouth, while speaking vaguely to the old Falcon who was smoking a pipe beside him. Ding said:

"They're going to take it back."

"No, in my opinion, they intend to destroy this place directly! They will destroy it together with us."

Old Fording next to Uther exhausted a mouthful of smoke rings.

The double-edged sword in his hand has already been cut to the rolling edge. Fortunately, as a great knight, he was also assigned a monkey version of Ashbringer. The shiny thing was made into a double-edged ax and was being carried by Fording on his back. behind.

He seized the time to rest, first corrected Uther's statement, then picked up a can of green strange drink from the side, raised his head and took a big gulp into his mouth.

Then he threw the rest on the ground and cursed:

"What the hell is this thing? Why does it taste so weird? What are the guys in the logistics department doing? It's fine if you can't drink alcohol during the war. Drinking saliva or tea is better than this."

"That's Goblin Coke, what is it called Kaya-Cola, it is said that the goblins developed a new product specially for this war, I heard some old brothers on the logistics side say that this thing can boost the spirit.

Moreover, the goblins donated a lot of money to the Allied Army Department in order to gain popularity. "

After Uther finished the last mouthful of rice, he picked up the wine jug on his waist and took a mouthful, then threw it to Fording, and whispered:

"Those brothers advised me not to drink it. They said that even the goblins themselves couldn't tell what was added to the ingredients of this stuff."

"Damn it!"

The big knight scolded angrily:

"How can you give the soldiers something to drink? It's so irresponsible! Those goblins are really too much, and they will smash their shop when I go back."

"But you have to admit, the bloody thing does a pretty good job of boosting your spirits."

An annoying voice sounded beside the two big knights. When they turned their heads, they saw fully armed crumb pirates coming out of the shadows with several demon heads in their hands.

His trophies are rather peculiar.

Now I don't look at the power level of demons anymore, I belong to the kind of crazy killer who walks around on the battlefield, and then kills you if you look good in the head.

He didn't care about the big knight looking at him, glanced at the green drink flowing on the ground, shrugged and said to the two old guys:

"The weird taste of Kaya-Cola can quickly dispel the mental exhaustion and sleepiness of the soldiers through nausea and nausea within three seconds of the entrance.

It is more miraculous than tobacco leaves.

It is said that the unique Kaya ore of the goblins can be specially refined to produce a mysterious liquid that strengthens thinking and expands the brain. Back then, the goblins successfully raised the IQ of their race and overthrew the trolls who enslaved them Woolen cloth.

That kind of ore is the common secret treasure of the goblins. Several consortiums are fighting to the death, but they have not seen them announce this secret. "


Old Fording blinked his eyes in surprise, and upon hearing Bu Laike's introduction, he picked up a can of Kaya-Cola at hand, unscrewed the lid tentatively, and took another sip.

A few seconds later, the old knight couldn't bear the smell, turned his head and sprayed the boiling Coke out of his mouth. He wiped his mouth and frowned at Bo Laike and said:

"Are you sure this weird-smelling thing that looks like troll urine is so magical? Why don't I feel like my brain has been developed?"


Bu Laike, who was already sitting by the side and began to process the demon's head, raised his head blankly, looked at the big knight, and said in a surprised tone:

"Who told you that this kind of Kaya-Cola that is about to expire can develop the brain? I just saw the name and shared with you an anecdote about goblins.

You don't really think that the ** businessman will add his own racial secret treasure to the cola drink that is so cheap that you can buy it for a few coppers, do you?

Is it because you don't understand goblins?

Or am I making this joke too obscure?

Throw away the thing in your hand, God knows what the goblins added to it in order to reduce the cost, but if you have to use waste, you can actually do it.

Mix that cola with the fel energy you can find everywhere, and maybe it can be used as a poisonous agent to smear on weapons. "

"You bastard!"

Old Fording was so angry that he squeezed the bottle and planned to smash it on Bu Laike's forehead, while Uther next to him suppressed his expression to prevent himself from laughing.

And just as the three of them were "talking enthusiastically", the heavily armed Archbishop of the Legion of Light, Mograine, walked quickly with a gleaming sword.

The shape of the sword in his hand is very similar to the Ashbringer that Fenner sent out before, and it should also be made by Muradin and Heroic Blacksmith.

However, this sword is forged with Lula's Heart of Light, so it has a slightly different power attribute from the Ashbringer reshaped by Zela. It is said that Mograine called this sword "Destiny Bringer" Represent yourself in the strange fate of falling into the stars and fighting for thousands of years.

"It's great that you are all here, pack up and follow me."

Mograine greeted the three people:

"Illidan's demon hunters found in the valley not far away that the demons are summoning an army of evil dogs, and they plan to use the beasts full of poison and filth to disperse our positions.

The road over there is rough, and the Iron Legion can't get in. We must destroy that lair before the evil dogs bite us to death. "


Bo Laike twisted his neck to express his refusal.

He said disdainfully:

"What is my status now? Is it necessary for such a trivial matter? You guys go, I have to discuss the next action plan with my Uncrowned Assassins.

Be careful of demon assassins on the way, my fel companions are all over this land.

Also, stay away from the free-range Uzul Devourer behemoths. Once those soul-eating monsters eat your souls, the Naglfar will not be able to bring you back. "

Faced with his seemingly benevolent but malicious reminder, the three paladins pretended not to hear it.

They gathered an elite squad, on which the armored Talbuk sheep provided by the Broken Ones rushed along the road opened by the Iron Legion to the rugged mountains in the distance.

From the perspective of their target orientation, it is indeed an important place.

Once the demons released the army of evil dogs from the high places, there was almost no obstacle for those violent beasts to rush down the mountains.

As for what the evil dog is.

Uh, just think of it as an advanced body of a demon hound. It is a demonic beast that is comparable in size to a tauren but retains the ferocity of a demon hound and has the habit of hunting in groups.

Their melee power is very powerful, and what's worse is that when those guys die, they will explode the toxins flowing in their bodies in the form of blood bombs, corroding everything around them and leaving behind a wasteland of fel energy that cannot be dispelled for a long time. Only the elite demon army has properly domesticated "biological weapons".

"I brought back the information."

Garona appeared next to Bo Laike a few minutes later, and was about to hand the bloody demon document to Bo Laike when she heard a scream above her head:

"Your boat! Smelly brother!"

Bu Laike looked up, and saw Fenner, who had returned from the blood bath, lying on the little star's forehead, pointing to the sky and shouting anxiously:

"Someone stole our boat and ran away! The devil must have done it! Why are you still sitting there, why don't you go after it?"


Garona rubbed her eyes and whispered to Bo Laike:

"Seriously, when are you going to take your sister to see if her brain is okay? Why does an elf speak so loudly?"

"That's her professional characteristic, understand? Don't comment on our family's affairs. Besides, I have already seen her. The doctor in Dalaran said that she is fine, just a little stupid.

But that's no reason for you to mock my sister. "

The pirate said viciously:

"Be careful that I will turn you into a mentally handicapped one. Khadgar, who has been bullied by you all the time, will be very happy to be able to stand up and be the master! Oh, yes, let your little boy take the Dalaran mages to the front The battlefield interferes with the rituals of the demons, and by the way, it is a magic guard.

I don't want to be hit in the face by a bunch of hellfire while I'm sleeping tonight. "


"The demon starships have appeared within the line of sight, there must be some bloody jamming device on their ships, our torpedoes can't lock the target!

The attacks of the side cannons and floating cannons can't penetrate their energy matrix, but their mana cannons can attack us wantonly in this ghostly place full of evil energy. "

"We are locked again! Quick! Tactical evasion action number three! Execute immediately!"


The engine of the steel spaceship that was advancing in the air increased its power at this moment, and the huge spaceship flexibly tilted to the left and made a smart turn, causing several dwarves in the command room to fly up screaming.

On the command bridge of the Evil of the World, Dai Lin, who was sitting in the command chair, felt okay, as if driving the Wang Quan at sea over a sea dog wave.

He listened expressionlessly to the headache-inducing warnings from the busy gnome assistants around him.

Although it can be seen from their flustered posture, it must represent very important information, and the demon starship in front of them is indeed rushing towards the Evil of the World with a fierce attitude.

But I laughed so hard, Old Navy Dai Lin didn't understand those technical terms at all.

He looked at the console full of buttons and levers in front of him, and for a moment he seemed to return to the feeling he had when he was a child boarding the Kul Tiras warship for the first time.

Although he is ready to learn from scratch, the things in front of him still feel strange to him.

Is this still a ship?


Two more lights on the console went out and three lights started to flash. What does that mean?

Also, can anyone tell me where is my steering wheel?

"Uh, grandpa."

Behind Dai Lin, Nagfar, the temporary adjutant, said to Dai Lin cautiously:

"Shouldn't you issue a few orders now? You've been chasing this for almost five minutes, and you still haven't said a word. This is very inconsistent with your legendary status as an admiral."

"What do you want me to say?"

Dai Lin sighed. He rubbed his aching forehead, pointed to the thick stack of "The Evil Names of This World Command Code and Control System Detailed Explanation" and said to Nagfar:

"I haven't even finished reading the book that the gnomes gave me, and now I am going to drive a ship that I am completely unfamiliar with and the most dangerous demon starship in the stars to a star sea that I have no idea at all war.

This is no longer rushing ducks to the shelves, my dear little granddaughter.

You know, I'm sitting here without saying a word and being a stable mascot is the best thing I should do. You see, even if I don't get any order for five minutes, these noisy little people still sail the boat well done.

That means they don't need my orders at all. "

"Then you can't do nothing."

Nagfar waved his fist, and cheered up Dai Lin, who was a little depressed, and said:

"Take out the morale that you beat us up in the waters of Quel'Thalas. Do you know that you are the man Dad admires the most!"


This sentence made Dai Lin blink.

He does know that his son-in-law, Laike, has a weird "Most Admired Man Ranking List", and it is said that there are Qiwei people like Sargeras in it.

The old man grinned, took his command knife from his hand, and whispered:

"Did he tell you?"

"Yeah, he only told Fenner, the idiot, but Fenner, who was drunk, couldn't control her mouth. Everyone knew about it in a few days, but no one dared to say it outright."

Nagfar poked his face and said:

"After all, Dad is a bit moody, he said that although you are very bad in terms of strength, character and raising children, which child didn't worship his father when he was young?

I think you should do something now, even if you want to maintain the precarious admiration that your father has for you? "

"Well, what my mate said made a lot of sense."

Dai Lin suddenly got up, touched his beard, and stared at the demonic starship that was chasing wildly in front of him. After a few seconds, he turned his head and shouted to the mechanical gnomes who were manipulating the hull beside him:

"By the boat!"


The mechanical gnomes are all stupid. In this case, they still need to rely on boats? What is this for? Suicide?

"Although I don't know much about the fighting style of this ship, a few minutes of observation just now led me to a conclusion that our armor is thicker than that of the opposite ship.

Our speed is slow, and we can only be used as a living target by the opponent if we continue to evade. This ship is not equipped with a main gun that can destroy the opponent. "

Dai Lin showed the majesty of the captain and said to the dwarves:

"In such a situation in a traditional naval battle, if you can't run away and don't want to surrender, there is only one option left, to run over! Destroy their will to fight with a hearty gang fight!"

"Fight against a demon starship?"

Mechanical gnomes look at me and look at you.

This is obviously a crazy way that will never appear in their decision-making library, and this spacecraft was never designed with such a rough way of use at all.

"Don't you realize? Once we are driven out of the airspace, the demons will unleash fire from the sky to the ground. There will be no further retreat.

I also don't expect you less-than-plucky little ones to execute a suicide ram, just lean the boats over, or maneuver over them. "

Dai Lin grabbed the command knife at hand, moved her neck, stared at the mighty demon starship in front of her, and said:

"Let all the soldiers on the ship who can take up arms gather, and follow me to kill the demons."

"You guys are crazy!"

Trixie, the dwarf commander in the command pod, screamed.

But then the entire hull vibrated under the bombardment of the magic cannon. Seeing that the strength of the shield was declining rapidly, the dwarf who couldn't come up with any good solution gritted his teeth and said to Dai Lin:

"You can't jump directly, you will be targeted by the close-in defense guns of the Paraxis, I have a bold idea, the captain's mana assault ship is still in the lower cabin.

That ship was fast, and it was a Legion-style spaceship.

It can rush out undetected, and while its weapons can't do a devastating blow to a starship's armor, it can deliver you safely to that ship.

The evil horn of this world will help you draw fire. "

Seeing Dailin's eyes light up, Trixie sighed and said:

"You're right, once we exit the combat zone, air supremacy will be handed over, and I will be sent to the pirate court for it. I hope you crazy people can do the impossible and survive.

But we need someone who can fly that ship.

I declare in advance, I am timid, I will not go! "

"I come!"

Nagfar eagerly waved her fists, and she shouted:

"I know how to steer that ship. If you take off the weapons and everything and squeeze it, it's easy to pack a marines. Come with me, Crazy Grandpa, and let's fight the blood-stirring interstellar jump gang together." Let's fight!"

(end of this chapter)

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