Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1706 74. It Is The Captain's Fate To Sink With The Ship~ Sad~

Chapter 1706 74. It is the captain's fate to sink with the ship~ Sad~

"Although I once said that I am willing to fight side by side with you."

Varian Wrynn, who was huddled in the compartment of the torpedo launcher of the "Shadowsong" with five or six strong men from the Blade of Light in a very awkward position, sat in front of him with a strange tone. Dai Lin says:

"But I really didn't expect that the first time you invited me to the battlefield was in such a situation. To be honest, I don't think it's the right choice for us dozens of people to attack a demon starship.

The Light taught me bravery, but it didn't encourage me to die. "

"How can this be death?"

Dai Lin kept a war halberd forged from Zela fragments at hand, and because the place was really cramped, she had to carry her command saber behind her back.

He looked at the warriors of all races who were still squeezing into the small cabin, shrugged at Varian, and said:

"I didn't invite you to come with me, His Majesty the Emperor, you should stay on board and preside over the overall situation."

"What am I in charge of?"

Varian sighed and said:

"The battles I have fought since I was a child, even if I count the Crusader games I played with Alsace when I was a child, they are not as experienced as the commanders in the Hall of Valor.

In terms of military affairs, I can't make any suggestions at all. Shor and Bovar tried their best to stop me from attacking demons. If I didn't confirm that I came to Argus, I would have thought I had come for an outing.

You know, I didn't come here with the Emperor's Sword as a mascot. "

"But it's too strange for the emperor to charge into battle himself."

General Maraad, who curled up beside Varian to make room for others, murmured in a low voice:

"Are all the emperors of your human civilization so fierce?"

"That is."

Admiral Taylor, the commander of the Stormwind Navy who squeezed into the boat behind Dailin, boasted:

"Our last emperor was a true warrior who personally executed countless trolls, and now he is leading the heroic spirits to fight against demons on the ground.

His Majesty Varian must use his bravery to win the approval and favor of Emperor Thoradin.

His Majesty the Emperor is also under great pressure. "

"Hey, Your Majesty, put your feet away, there's still another dwarf in there!"

While these few people were chatting, Nagfar, the princess of the ghost outside the cabin door, waved her fist and shouted,

Varian curled up his feet with a blank face, and the next moment a pink-haired dwarf agent was thrown in, chewing gum.

This little guy wears engineering goggles, and carries two large backpacks, the front and the back, filled with titan explosives from Ulduar.

Once on board she screamed:

"Don't squeeze me, these explosives are not stable, once we die, we are all finished."

"You tauren don't come to join in the fun!"

Outside the cabin door, Nagfar, who had changed into the uniform of an ace pilot, screamed at several tauren warriors who were about to board the ship:

"We removed all the weapons and everything to install such a small number of people. You are as tall and heavy as three of you. There is really no room for you."

"Can't there be two landing pods on the shell hanger?"

Trixie reminded maliciously from the side:

"Put all these beef men in, at least six can be stuffed."

"Okay, then go in quickly!"

Nagfar beat and kicked several tauren to get into the black hexagonal landing pod. With their height, getting in was basically crowded.

I can only maintain a standing posture, and there is no room for movement.

Trixie directed the mechanical dwarf to hang up the landing pod, and took another look at Princess Mononoke who was struggling to pull the hatch of the flight pod that was already crowded with people. She looked around and reminded:

"After flying over, if the situation is not good, retreat back, don't be impulsive.

The energy shield of this ship can't stop the firing of the starship's main guns. I just pointed out the landing port of the demon starship for you. Send these guys there and you can return. "

"Yeah, I see."

Naglfar confidently opened the cockpit and got in, in which she gave Trixie a thumbs up.

As the lower hatch of the Evil of the World, which was maneuvering at high speed, slowly opened, Princess Mononoke let out a cheer, and pulling up the joystick, the Shadowsong flew out of the hangar like an arrow.

The ship's high speed made it miserable for a group of fighters who were crammed into the cabin and were almost human.

Dozens of people are squeezed into the assault spaceship that is fully loaded and designed to seat six people. Although various weapons and equipment have been removed to make room, this "seriously overloaded" situation is still very dangerous.

What's more, they are rushing towards a full-stacked demon starship. The dark green trapezoidal spaceship is filled with firing muzzles everywhere, and the scorching light beams are constantly cutting in the air, trying to break through the evil of this world. To the painful energy shield.

In this case, if you are a little careless, just a random bump will end in a shipwreck and death.

But because she is probably a ship, Princess Mononoke's "boating" technology is very good.

She cheered and twisted the joystick, allowing the swift Shadowsong to shuttle through the rain of bullets at super high speed, like a black bat flying in the flames.

The Evil of This World has stopped moving forward, as a living target to attract all kinds of firepower from the Paraxis, and the demon starship is also parked at a safe distance. The flagship of the demon fleet is activating their super-large caliber annihilation cannon Prepare to deal a fatal blow to this strange ship in front of you.

The size contrast between the two sides is too much.

The flagship of the Demon Fleet is several kilometers long, and the Evil of the World in front of it is not designed for Star Wars at all. It is like a stunted dwarf in front of the dark green trapezoidal spaceship.

"Stupid boat!"

In the bridge command cabin of the demon starship, the Eredar Commander Council Admiral Ms. Futhrax, wearing a neat Argus captain's uniform, picked up her elegant energy-absorbing black tea with a sneer.

She looked at the golden spaceship in front of her with a sarcasm, thinking that these invaders of Azeroth were indeed a group of barbarians, and they actually drove the warships on the sea to the stars.

Look at their flustered behavior in the face of an attack, like a piggy being chased by a tiger, making almost all the mistakes that can be made.

Isn't this courting death?

You pathetic Azeroth bastards, I advise you to go back and understand the concept of Star Wars, okay?

As a true admiral who has served as the fleet commander since the golden age of Argus, Ms. Futhrax couldn't lift her spirits in the face of such a ridiculous battle.

Although her current posture is also very embarrassing.

A loyal servant of Kil'jaeden, she was infused with fel energy and elevated to the mighty Valkyrie of Doom.

In addition to the body of the eredar demon, there is also a pair of demon wings that can fly, and with the dark and cool commander uniform, it should be evil and reveal a heroic appearance.

But in the previous war to support Krokuun, her spaceship was blown up by Braike's incarnation of the Balrog at the last moment, and she herself escaped from the death, rolling and crawling all the way back from the place where the spaceship exploded. , almost fell into the hands of the anti-magic coalition forces.

It was a shameful escape experience, which made the proud general taste the shame he had never experienced before.

Now, although he was holding the elegant evil black tea in his hand, he was almost paralyzed on his command chair. The previous injuries were too serious for the devil.

The wing was broken, and both legs were shattered, so he should have retreated to rest.

But the arrogant demon general couldn't swallow this breath in his heart. In order to avenge the barbarians of Azeroth, she dragged her sick body to command the war.

"The main gun is aimed! Since they don't plan to run, then we have enough time to slowly taste this sadistic revenge."

Taking a sip of the mellow fel black tea, Admiral Veslax sneered, and raised her finger to give orders to the Ganerg technicians beside her. As a result, this very cool action touched the wound and made her grin in pain.

"General! Our flagship has been invaded! One of the rear hatches was blown open!"

A few seconds later, an adjutant walked into the command room quickly and delivered bad news to the demon general, which made the demon general blink his eyes.

She froze for a few seconds, then laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, these savages are going to laugh at me to death! Ah, I can't laugh anymore, the wound hurts! Bastard! They are going to assassinate me in this way.

They were unable to attack our ship and resorted to backward and stupid gang fights? Don't they know I have an army in my ship?

How many did they come? "

"Less than a hundred, General."

The devil's adjutant also had an expression of being amused, and it tried hard to maintain a cold voice:

"Their courage is commendable, but they will soon be chopped to pieces by our warriors."

"Leave them alone! Keep attacking that ship!"

Admiral Veslax didn't care about this pathetic infiltration, her burning eyes were fixed on the Horn of the World, which was under fire but could only fight back with meager firepower.

She grinned grimly and said:

"I will take the wreck of this ship back to my palace to decorate my treasury. And their sailors and commanders. Well, our fleet has not been recruited for a long time.

Because of their courage, they are eligible to join the Legion's fleet as recruits. I will train them personally and send them as the first batch of pioneers to attack Azeroth.

This must be interesting. "

On the other side, after Kelsey Steelspark blasted open a hatch at the rear of the Paraxis with a precise and deadly explosion, a group of Azeroth hunks who followed Dailin in the "jump gang battle" They howled and rushed into the main body of this demon starship.

To be honest, when they first saw the size of this super-large spaceship, everyone knew that it would be a tough battle.

But after actually entering the interior of the demon starship, they realized that this raid had to face more than just the killing machines on the demon starship.

The elite demons pouring in from everywhere in front of them are enough to easily drown this lifeless assault force on their boat with the advantage of numbers.

It was like a group of rats bravely rushing into the cat kingdom. To say they were dying would be an understatement.


The Emperor's Sword was held in Varian Wrynn's hands, and the disciplinary aura from the paladin spread out from him, enveloping a group of fearless warriors behind him.

General Maraad lifted his Hammer of the Naaru, looked back at the loyal Draenei warriors who followed him, and said:

"For Argus!"

"For Argus!!!"

The garrison officers shouted in unison, and followed their leader to launch a surprise attack like a bustling demon army in front of them.

They want to win the last dignity for their dead hometown in this lost home land.

But Dai Lin, who was in charge of the gang-hopping raid, didn't immediately go forward to fight the demon. He looked at the internal structure of the demon starship, and turned his head to say something to Kelsey Steelspark, who was holding two coil guns behind him.

The latter nodded, and under the protection of the six tauren, he rushed towards the engine room of the demon starship. Looking at the bombs carried by the tauren, he knew what these guys were going to do.

"Tell me, Your Majesty Dai Lin, if I kill all the demons here, can I become an emperor loved by the people?"

Varian asked jokingly.

Dai Lin shook his head, touched the Heroic Commander rune on the back of his hand, and said:

"You think about that too simply, my emperor, how long did it take Lothar to make the people love him? But don't worry, you are still young.

You still have time. "

After finishing speaking, the admiral raised his hand and waved to the sky, and in the next moment, a rainbow bridge composed of colorful lights opened precisely inside the demon starship with him as the coordinates.

The scorching and bright rainbow bridge was falling among the demons, forcing back the slaughterers rushing in front of them like a knife, and then the shining storm sword swept across the surrounding demons with deadly power.

The core of thinking was brought back to the Hall of Valor, and Heimdall, who had just "resurrected", rushed out of the Rainbow Bridge with a group of angry spirits.

The story of the Lord of War's valor has spread throughout the Legion of Heroes, and now there is a simmering flame in the hearts of all Heroes that needs to be unleashed on this damned burning wasteland.

They rushed out of the Rainbow Bridge without any extra words, raised their weapons and launched an extremely sharp impact on the surrounding fel creations.

Before dying, Odin asked them to keep fighting!

Then let's fight!

For the glory of the king of war!

Under the silent and deadly attack of these Thunderbolts, the demons were beaten back steadily, and Dai Lin also raised his Naaru glorious battle halberd at this time,

He glanced at Varian and said:

"You don't really think I want to lead less than a hundred men into the demonic weapons of war and try to win? Little Varian, recklessness has always been a warrior's virtue, but death is not.

Then, Your Majesty, let me, the old king of the old age, pave the way for your great cause now. "


"Our shield! What's going on? Why did the energy supply stop?"

A few minutes later, on the command bridge of the Legion flagship Paraxis, Admiral Vothrax dropped the elegant fel black tea in his hand to the ground.

She slumped on her command chair and stared dumbfounded at the passively beaten Evil of the World using its "little water gun" rapid-fire cannon to bombard her own ship.

Groups of shells with insufficient power fell on the hull of the starship and exploded with flames, which made the devil admiral extremely angry.

She yelled at the panicked adjutant:

"Go and see the engine room! Go and recover the energy!"

"General, be careful!"

The other eredar guard beside her swooped down loyally, pushing the admiral from his command chair.

While the seriously injured General Veslaks fell to the ground in embarrassment, the watchtower in front of the command bridge was hit head-on by a mechanical torpedo with ridiculous skulls painted on it.

The huge explosion almost destroyed all the protective crystals in front of the watchtower, and the entire command cabin was flooded with flames. Fortunately, most demons are not afraid of the burning fire.

But this embarrassing scene also made the eredar fleet commander go crazy.

This is not the revenge she wants!

But in the end, there was a strange sharp sound in the smoke and dust of the explosion. While the demon general was being helped up, a small black bat-shaped assault spaceship plunged into the demon command cabin along the blasted watchtower.

When it landed at a slightly wrong angle, it crushed the eredar felguards in the command pod trying to resist on the spot.

Then the scissor-shaped hatch of the spaceship opened outwards, and a princess Mononoke with a silly flying helmet poked her head out of the smoke. When she saw the angry and weak demon general, she immediately let out a pleasant cheer. .

"Ha! You're the captain of this ship, aren't you?"

Nagfar jumped out, and in the smoke and dust of the explosion, he crossed his hips and shouted at Admiral Veslax who couldn't get up:

"Father said that the captain will sink with the ship, and that is your fate, hurry up! Get caught, female devil! I don't want to see you choose to commit suicide when your ship goes down.

That would be so boring.

My Naglfar also needs a few demon commanders who can fight naval battles, and I think you are quite suitable. Be good, come and sign a contract with me, I brought all the parchment. "

(end of this chapter)

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