Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1710 78. The Third Item Of The Investigation Into The Cause Of The Shipyard Tragedy: Isn&#03

Chapter 1710 78. The third item of the investigation into the cause of the shipyard tragedy: Isn't it common sense that there are three people among the two murderers?


The muffled sound echoed in the broken space of the entire terminal dock, and the shaking demons on the edge of the dock couldn't stand up one by one. The shock was not violent at first, and it subsided quickly.

The stupid fel guards and hell hounds had no idea what was going on, but a group of gan'erg demon artisans who were directing the firefighting screamed.

Only they have enough engineering wisdom to understand what the vibration just now represents.

These goblin-like gray-skinned demons played the role of engineers, tinkers, and miners in the Burning Legion. They have good brains but weak bodies. Most of them are servants and followers of Kingaros, the chief engineer of the Burning Legion.

It is a proper "technical talent".

Of course, in a group that speaks of violence like the Burning Legion, these smart guys don't have much say, so they seldom fight with the legion demons, and most of the time they are located in the terminal dock or the casting camp. Build and manipulate fel cannons or overhaul dangerous and powerful fel mechas for demon strikers.

The demons don't respect these weak Gan'erg, but in a place with a lot of black technology like the terminal dock, the demon guards have to accept the command of Gan'erg.

Without these smarts, most of the Legion's engineering creations would be difficult to start and maintain.

"Quick! Go to the control tower!"

A Gan'erga melter who transformed his body into a very large and bloated body, replaced his left hand with magic steel pliers, turned his right hand into a rotary chainsaw, and even transformed his eyes into red electronic eyes, frightened a group of people beside him. The trembling servants roared:

"Before the starship loses its traction and floats into outer space, turn on the force field restraint again! Damn it! There are intruders who have destroyed the control tower, go!"

Under its roar, a group of noisy Gangar engineers immediately howled and rushed towards the terminal dock control tower.

The demon guards cruising around to watch the excitement also quickly realized that something was wrong, and followed the group of weak Ganerge technicians to the control tower without the need for others to direct them.

Because they have seen changes throughout the terminal dock.

Not only they saw it, but also a group of uncrowned people, hidden hunters and watchers who were hiding on the cliff outside the terminal dock.

"Those boats!"

Nathanos threw himself a Eagle Eye spell, exclaiming:

"The demons' ships are starting to leave port!"

"It's not leaving Hong Kong, it's out of control! You pathetic ranger who is ignorant and ignorant."

Overspark, the master dwarf engineer who was in charge of the explosion part of the support operation, put down his binoculars, and the "intelligent" master dwarf corrected Nathanos' mistake with a beard and a stare.

He said very academically:

"As I said before, the dock built by the demons around the edge of the broken earth is a U-shaped structure. On the edge of the building, there is a force field restraint device made by Legion Technology to pull the incoming spaceship to stay in the "dock area".

Although those energy force fields cannot be seen, they are very important!

I suggested to the Wardens to attack those restrainers, but they overruled it, and it turns out I was right! Those things are the biggest weakness in this seemingly impenetrable dock! "

"You shameless dwarf! Don't blame us."

Ms. Nasa was upset, and she said to the dwarf master who compromised her responsibility:

"Didn't we escort you to see those machines up close? We gave up that plan because you said it was too difficult to destroy, and you've been trying to peek at my sisters changing clothes with your strange machines these days I haven't troubled you yet!"

"Okay, stop arguing."

Bu Laike waved his hand quite calmly.

He rubbed his chin and admired the chaos in the terminal dock in front of him. He looked around at a few companions who didn't know much about engineering and looked confused, and explained in concise language:

"The process that Overspark said is equivalent to the cables in the docks of Azeroth's ocean city. It is a truth that when ships dock, they need to be tied to the trestle bridge and anchored.

When the starship's mana engine is not working, the huge starship must rely on these tractors so as not to fall into the abyss of the broken earth under the influence of weak gravity.

But just now, these force field restraints were all turned off by the 'destroyers' we sent in an instant! look! The starships in the dock began to break away from the safe area, and drifted downwards or into outer space.

They are out of combat.

Brian Bronzebeard did in minutes what the Wardens hadn't done in days! He caused far more trouble for the demons than the few bombs that were detonated. "

The pirate smoked his pipe, glanced sideways at Maiev, and boasted:

"Facts have proved that my importance to him is justified, right? Certain arrogant commanders really need to review their understanding of 'power'.

And I will take a copy of the review to my cabin tonight and sincerely apologize to me. "

Maiev didn't have time to pay attention to the strange words of the pirates, she was seriously observing the chaotic shipyard in front of her.

The docked huge starships lost control and began to move irregularly. Several starships even collided, and large groups of winged demons flew over trying to enter these stalled spaceships.

And those starships that have not yet entered the port also realized that there was a problem in the dock.

They began to cruise outside the dock, but the lack of command tower dispatch made these demon spaceships fly around, looking extremely chaotic.

Now was a good time to pounce, but instead of acting immediately, Maiev resisted the urge and glanced at Laike, who was expecting more chaos.

Thinking about it, right now it's just Brian Bronzebeard's trouble, and Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo hasn't "shown his power".

"Let's go too!"

A few seconds later, the pirate waved his hand and said to the group behind him:

"Sneak in while you're in a mess, look for your target, and drop the bomb you're carrying on where you think it's important, but don't rush to detonate it, wait for my order.

If we're lucky, we'll be able to destroy the damned Demon Shipyard today. "

While the saboteur squads moved into action, the chaotic scene before them was a disaster for the Gangar demons responsible for maintaining the terminal dock.

Their millennia-long record of impeccable maintenance of the terminal docks ends today.

They must control this mess before things get worse, otherwise, once the deceived people know the chaos here, these guys will all be thrown into the soul forging furnace!

The Tricksters do not rule the Burning Legion with reason and kindness, and their masters will not spare them.

For Kingaros, the apocalyptic engineer with a high status in the legion, the pursuit of absolute brutal order and orderly production is an iron law that cannot be touched.

Once it knows that the terminal shipyard it designed is in such a mess, all the demons in the shipyard will have to extract magic energy and souls to forge Garossi Destroyer Mecha.

"You guys! Immediately go to the observatory and send a message to the outer starships, asking them to suspend entering the port and wait for guidance."

The big melter Ganerge, who is in charge of the order of the dock, will be so frightened that the chainsaw on his arm is turning counterclockwise. This big demon engineer, who is like a suture monster and still has traces of metal sutures on his body, looks at his trembling Ganer Technician Ge shouted:

"Let those dread demon idiots move, send our starship pilots to the out-of-control spaceship, let them start the engine and come over!"

"We are already restarting the restraint, my lord."

A Gangar engineer yelled:

"The chaos will be brought under control very quickly, there is absolutely no need for us to panic."

"You know what a fart!"

The leader of the molten demon roared and swung the heavy tongs in his left hand like a warhammer, smashing his servants into a ruthless flesh with one hammer. Howled in fear:

"The loss of control of the restraint is only the beginning of disaster, if those damn invaders activate the fleet teleporter again"

"But wasn't that thing moved away?"

Another gan'erg engineer screamed in confusion:

"Just after the world of Argus was pulled from its original location to this strange galaxy by the damned Illidan, Lord Kingaros ordered us to store the fleet transmitter separately from the dock console.

We put it in the basement, away from the podium, and the intruders would have no chance of finding it.

And this ghostly place has no coordinates leading to other legion worlds at all!

Especially after the Mardun Star, which was the transfer of stars, was destroyed, our fleet can no longer rely on large portals for interstellar leaps. "

"Fool! Do you think this is a good thing?"

The leader of Gan'erge Molten Demon glared at his talkative subordinate, and roared unluckily:

"Once the fleet-level portal with no specific coordinates is opened, these unmanned starships will be drawn into it and thrown to a god-knows-where destination.

Although it will not destroy the integrity of the starships, the time they fly back from the stars is enough for us to rebuild a fleet.

But you are right.

We moved that portal controller away from the conning tower, well, Lord Kingaros, the supremely wise, probably anticipated this damn situation.

Fortunately, there is still a chance to save everything!

But today's matter must be kept secret! "

This clever demon looked around at the Ganger demons beside him. It pointed to the unlucky one who was smashed by itself with a hammer just now, and said in a deep voice:

"If Kil'jaeden asks, just say that this idiot sucked too much evil energy and made an operation error, but we have already executed him."

"Boss is wise!"

A group of gan'erg demons who were as weak as kobolds and clever and cunning as goblins cheered.

But in the next moment, the demon engineer "Big Tech" remembered a very terrible question. It stared at the demon engineer who spoke before, and asked:

"When you moved the portal controller down, did you remove the most important control chip?"


Several Ganerge technicians looked at each other, and finally they swallowed their saliva in unison, screaming and swearing one by one:

"It's pulled out! It must have been pulled out. We must abide by the operating regulations set by Lord Kingaros. Don't worry, boss. We will send someone to confirm it."

After finishing speaking, a demon mechanic who was obviously green-skinned but would turn pale with fright rushed towards the control tower.

On the other side, in the elevator of the dock control tower, the devil elevator running below the ground opened with a bang, and Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo, who was covering the wound on his body, walked out of it trembling with a pale face.

After he and Brian separated, the two split up. He didn't know what was going on on Brian's side, but he seemed to be lucky. The path he chose ended in this elevator that led directly to the ground.

But Lao Zhou was not at all glad that he escaped the disaster of being killed by a demon.

His luck meant that the old dwarf might not have been so lucky, Brian might have been executed by the demons by now.

I lost a life and death friend.

This made You Xue feel very painful, and the injuries on his body couldn't bear it any longer. Lao Zhou felt dizzy before his eyes, which should be a sign of excessive blood loss.

He staggered into the basement in front of him, which seemed to be a basement where demons piled up sundries. There were all kinds of waste of demon engineering everywhere.

There was even a damaged head of a magic mecha thrown here, emitting a green light in the darkness, which looked very infiltrating.

Zhou Zhuo was going to rest for a while.

Xianglong Mishi, who had been placed in his arms all the time, also raised his head like a dying snake. This little thing was beaten up by demons in Mac'Aree to protect Zhou Zhuo before, and the injury he suffered was worse than Zhou Zhuo's. Much more serious.

The pandaren walked a few steps and felt that his legs were weak.

He tried hard to stay awake, but ended up sitting next to a large machine covered in rags, and he leaned against it to rest, panting.

But soon he had a strange feeling.

It's like accidentally triggering a mogu trap in the engine of Nalak'sha, like accidentally breaking into an ancient serpent pyramid in the desert of Vol'dun.

The dangerous instinct belonging to explorers is beating, as if telling Zhou Zhuo that there are some things that he can manipulate and press down.

The injured pandaren turned around in surprise, and saw the evil weave cloth of the demonic machine behind him fall down, revealing the complicated buttons and joysticks on the thing.

Although it was thrown in the debris pile, this thing is still in a state that can be activated.

This is also normal, the black technology of the Burning Legion allows them to travel across galaxies, and it is also very common to create some remote-controlled devices with internal energy.

"What kind of machine is this? It looks very sophisticated and important, but why did the demons put it here?"

Lao Zhou blinked his eyes in surprise.

He instinctively wanted to stay away from this delicate thing so that he wouldn't press something he shouldn't.

But when he thought that his good friend old Brian might have died at the hands of demons, the usually gentle Lorewalker suddenly felt a reckless anger.

Myself and Brian are just archaeologists and explorers, they are non-combatants, but these damn demons not only torture them but destroy their very meaningful archaeological enterprise.

The existence of these creatures that can only destroy exists in the stars is simply a cancer! Even a little bit of damage can delay their destruction of the good.

Lao Zhou stood up holding Master Mi, his eyes filled with determination.

If the console in front of you is broken, the demons will have to waste some time repairing it, right?

Although it looks like a prank played by a bear child, this is the last contribution he can make to the cause of the Anti-Magic Alliance as a lorewalker.

"I don't know which one to press?"

Lao Zhou stood tremblingly in front of the console, patted Master Mi on the head, grinned viciously, and said:

"So let's just press them all."

Zhou Zhuo raised his hand and quickly pressed all the keys on the console.

But nothing happened, which disappointed Lao Zhou.

Just when he was about to give up, the basement door behind him slammed open, and a panting Gan'erg Demon Technician ran over, and it saw at a glance that the damn bear man was touching the dangerous portal controller.

It subconsciously yelled:

"No! Don't touch that red button three times in a row! Don't touch it!"


Lao Zhou looked back at the goblin-like demon, a strange smile appeared on his weak face, and his blood-stained left paw slapped the red button three times in lightning speed.

There was such a loud bang that the vibration could be felt even in the basement.

At this moment, Lao Zhou fell to the ground with a thud. He leaned on the activated controller, waved his claws at the stunned Gangerge demon, and said:

"Thank you, my unknown good-hearted demon friend, we will give you a medal"

(end of this chapter)

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