Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1711 79. Look, I Said That These Two Guys Could Destroy The World Together

Chapter 1711 79. Look, I said that these two guys could destroy the world together

"Back! Quick! Back!"

On the ladder made of magic steel in the terminal dock, Nathanos is pulling his elf girlfriend and running all the way backwards. While running, he is waving his arms at the companions beside him who are trying to assassinate the chaotic demons .

This would be somewhat unseemly for the ex-Ranger General, as if he was fleeing from some imminent danger.

He shouted to the assassins:

"Go into the house! There's a portal in the back that's been opened!"

The two orc assassins who were preparing to "work" below heard the warning from the human ranger, but the two guys dismissed it. Isn't it just a demon portal, isn't it just that some vicious demons will rush out of the gate? ?

What is there to be afraid of?

Argus lacks everything, except for these portals and fierce demons that can be opened anytime and anywhere, okay?

This Nathanos is Xun!

Chief Red is right, humans are cowards, hahahaha!

But in the next second, the two fierce and proud orc uncrowned knew they were wrong, and what Nathanos warned was not some damn demon portal.

Before their eyes, there was a flash of a green light point that was too bright to be ignored, and then a huge fel energy portal swirled open in the broken space of the terminal dock.

The size of that thing is so huge that it can swallow a mountain, almost hundreds of times larger than ordinary portals.

This is normal, such fel energy portals are used by demon fleets, and are often only used in those war missions that require fleets to be dispatched urgently and deployed quickly.

It can quickly send a demon fleet to the predetermined coordinate point of the stars, saving the time wasted by the fleet trekking among the stars.

Generally speaking, fleet portals with precise coordinates can be opened in both directions. There is not much risk in opening such a portal between two star ports. This has been mastered by the Burning Legion in tens of thousands of years of destruction. technology too.

But now this one is different!

Because Argus was pulled into the Dellano star field by Illidan with the Sagerite keystone, the connection between this demon world and other homeports of the Burning Legion was completely severed, and the original star map could not be used.

When the portal opened, there was no corresponding coordinates on the opposite side. It opened one-way at a coordinate where no one knew what the other side was.

This is an act of dereliction of duty that seriously violates the rules for manipulating the mechanical creations of the Burning Legion set by Lord Kingaros!

It did have pretty serious consequences, too.

It's a pity that there are no knowledgeable demons who can stop this dangerous behavior.

Nathanos had taken Shiva to hide in the nearest building, but the two of them could still feel a terrifying attraction being exerted throughout the dock.

Just like a giant whale devouring a school of fish in the sea, the invisible energy tide is pushing all the unfixed individuals in the dock to rush towards the opened fleet-level portal.

The two orc assassins screamed and were propelled into the air, like branches blown off in a storm and could only drift with the current.

One of them pinned their hands to the nearest felsteel railing, the other clutched at the leg of the previous guy and screamed harshly in the portal-swallowing wind.

Beside the two of them, the diminutive Ganerga Demon Technicians swirled like sand in the wind and were pulled towards the huge portal that opened behind while shouting in terror. Even the big and round Demon Guards were blown in uncontrollably. air.

The moment the huge chaotic portal was opened, it began to engulf everything around it, and the demons flying around the dock couldn't resist this attraction at all.

The moment it was blown up, it disappeared in the rotating portal.

The terrifying thing is still continuously absorbing the surrounding evil energy to expand rapidly, just like Zhang Tong's huge mouth of an abyss to an unknown place has been opened.

Those huge and out-of-control starships were pulled and submerged into it, like dark green trapezoidal chocolate being swallowed bit by bit by the big mouth of a bear child.

And the demon starship cruising nearby wanted to escape when they saw the situation was not good, but the thrust of the small starship couldn't resist the devouring traction of the fleet portal that suddenly opened.

Even Bo Laike, who was walking around the dock, could see that the spaceships were trying really hard, but they were still pulled into the rotating portal bit by bit in a difficult tug-of-war confrontation.

"Look, if our battle plan at midnight is successful, it should be like this."

Like taking root, the pirate standing firmly on the ground of the dock boasted to Maiev who tied himself and Bu Laike tightly with a chain:

"The space structure of this dock is too fragmented, and it is destined that once an out-of-control portal opens here, such a space storm will soon be triggered.

But what we need to use a demonic artifact and a group of star saints to help, two incomprehensible bastards can easily complete it with their own hands and their talents.

I just said it.

Any life in this world has its own use, we should have a pair of eyes that can discover outstanding talents. So, you have to apologize to my brilliant plan.

Tonight, cabin, I am waiting for you.

As a celebration of victory, my dear Maiev, dance me a passionate dance alone. "

Bragging so much, the Scrap Pirate raised his foot again, and ruthlessly rubbed against the paws of an angry guard who was holding on to the edge railing to prevent himself from being swallowed by the portal.

The vicious demon roared frantically at Bo Laike, but the pirate just stared at it with a "gentle and elegant" gaze, then twisted his feet, increasing the force of his boots.

A few seconds later, the demon loosened its claws in pain and swirled madly cursing Bu Laike, and was thrown in despair towards the ever-growing portal behind him.

It and many of its compatriots were like stones falling into the water, falling in the light curtain of the rotating fel energy portal, splashing dangerous ripples.

"The dock is over."

Ms. Maiev looked around, and said to the pirate beside her with a sense of ease that the task was completed:

"Even if a few ships managed to escape, they would not be able to deal a serious blow to the ground forces of the coalition forces. They lost their home port and could not get supplies. If they were destroyed, one ship would be missing.

But I always feel that Brian and Zhou Zhuo's sabotage went a little too smoothly. I still don't think that two explorers with no strength can do such a shocking thing under the eyes of tens of thousands of demons.

Are you secretly helping them?

Just to prove your vision to me? Just so I can dance you a victory dance alone tonight? "

"You are a real joker, my lady."

The pirate laughed, reached out and flicked Maiev's helmet, and said:

"It's all about talent for what they do, and I've played very little role in it, but it's safe to send these two guys back to Dellano on the next spaceship."

Bu Laike looked at the growing fel energy portal in front of him. After swallowing several starships in succession, the thing had expanded to the size of the entire dock.

The storm it caused in this broken place of space has already begun to affect the structure of the already unstable ground near the terminal dock. Large pieces of rubble were stripped from the mountain and pulled towards the main body of the portal as if weightless.

It is about to evolve from an uncontrollable chaotic portal to a dangerous fel space storm that is about to sweep through the small half of Antoran Wasteland.

The pirate assessed the destructive power of this thing, pouted and whispered:

"This dying world can't bear the damage caused by the two of them continuing to be demons, let us be merciful and give Argus one last chance to exit the scene with dignity.

Nothing to note here.

Place the last batch of bombs.

We withdraw! "

Bu Laike's orders were quickly given.

In the rapid evolution of dangerous out-of-control portals, the Uncrowned and Official Assassins and Hunters of all races are under pressure to plant Titan Bombs in every corner of the Terminal Dock.

Pirates and Maiev personally went to the control tower full of demons to pick up Brian, who was scared to death, and Zhou Zhuo, who was already unconscious, and blew up the huge control tower by the way, throwing all the demons into the spreading In space storm.

As the huge flame exploded in the space storm that swept across everything, the most important military installation of the Burning Legion in the Antoran Wasteland was destroyed.

But to be precise, before these bombs detonated, the demon fleet in Kil'jaeden's hands had already been thrown into the corner of the stars by the out-of-control space storm.

The end result of the assassins and hunters was to help them dispose of the shipyard body that no longer had any meaning, so that the Burning Legion could spend a lot of money to rebuild a new one in the future.

Those demon starships that were thrown into the stars were not seriously damaged, and the pilots and demon soldiers among them were not even injured.

They also have powerful combat capabilities.

But the problem is, by the time they trek back from the stars to Argus, the battle here has long since ended, and even the Burning Throne is estimated to be in ruins.

From this point of view, the extraordinary performance of Brian and Zhou Zhuo today saved the lives of these demons.

So come on! Demons!

Line up and say thank you to Brother Bu and Zhou, and by the way, buy some alien melon seeds for His Excellency Bu Laike Xiao who can feast his eyes tonight.


"clap clap"

When Zhou Zhuo, who was seriously injured, woke up from the coma, before he opened his eyes, he heard strange applause from the side.

Lorewalker feels pain all over his body, but the pain is a good thing.

This proves that he is still alive, and the dead probably cannot feel pain.

Zhou Zhuo also felt something wet licking his furry cheeks, he tried to open his eyes, and saw Mi Shi, who was wrapped in bandages lying beside him, blinking and staring at him.

And not far from the hospital bed, Bu Laike, the crumb pirate, was putting down his wine glass, sitting on a chair and applauding, and the trio of warlocks behind him also winked and applauded one after another.

It seems to be using this method to express gratitude and praise to His Excellency Zhou Zhuo, a great warrior who solved the demon fleet by himself.

"Oh, you old Zhou is so inferior, you slept for three full days after being rescued!"

Old Brian's broken voice sounded in front of Zhou Zhuo's head.

The old dwarf in hospital gown was sneaking away from those fierce little draenei nurses, leaning against the lore traveler's bed with a small flagon and winking at him.

He boasted, with all the arrogance expected of a dwarf:

"I just walked back on my own before I fell into a coma! After we teamed up and destroyed the demon's dock, I was greeted like a hero when I came back. They gave me a lot of wine, but unfortunately I can't drink it now.

Never mind, we'll have a good drink in Ironforge when you're well, my brother. "

While the old dwarf was bragging about himself, his monkey pet also lay on Brian's shoulder, squeaking at Zhou Zhuo, as if it also felt joy at Zhou Zhuo's awakening.

The monkey's tail was ridiculously covered with bandages, and it looked like it was seriously injured.

"Tsk tsk, who was the first person to hide and change his pants when he was rescued?"

Can't see other people's good Bu Laike picked up a glass of wine and said in a long voice:

"And who had a nightmare that night when you came back, and finally had to beg the little Draenei nurse to accompany you to sleep peacefully?

Ha, Brian, your embarrassing stories have been recorded by the little star, she will write all your embarrassing stories in her autobiography, and you will be famous all over the world. "

"Shut up, you are responsible for more than half of the fright I have received!"

The old dwarf blew his beard and stared and said:

"You bastard controlled the devil and hid to scare me. You said that I was not so scared when you were around. Hell, I'm an explorer, a qualified archaeologist and historian, no Your soldiers!

I will never help you do such a dangerous thing again. "

"Yes, yes, you are civilians and should not be involved in the war, although the two of you have done great things that require thousands of soldiers to die.

But I'm still happy to announce it to you.

Ahem, you two, your short service careers are over. "

Bu Laike took a sip of wine, stood up, took two boxes from Xieyan, threw them on Lao Zhou's hospital bed, and said:

"Now is the time of war, and there is no time to give you honors or anything, so go back with two medals first, and after the war is over, the high command will make up for you.

The Exodar will return to Dellano in a while, you two should go back to the rear with that ship, and you can go back to Azeroth directly with the wounded, no one will stop you.

After all, you are now well-known war heroes in the Legionfall.

But I guess the Burning Legion will place a high bounty on the two of you among the stars, so be careful no matter what you do in the future.

If bodyguard services are required, the Uncrowned are more than willing to take on the job. "


Brian picked up his medal made of magic steel and demon bones and looked at it carefully in front of his eyes. He said in surprise:

"Didn't the Uncrowned never take escort missions?"

"We don't accept it."

Bo Laike curled his lips and exhaled the smoke ring, he said:

"But we're willing to make an allowance for those special people, especially if we're monitoring you two not to mess around with something dangerous.

The energy spent on assigning a few old assassins who are about to retire to watch over you is much less than the manpower and material resources needed to deal with the mess you left behind.

This is what several commanders told me in private, and now they have an intuitive understanding of the 'destructive power' of the two of you.

Well, don't disturb the rest of the two heroes. "

The pirate quickly walked out of the field hospital in Port Hope with his three dog legs. After watching them leave, Brian smiled and threw his medal to his pet monkey.

He turned his head and said to Lao Zhou who was looking at him:

"Okay, people are starting to drive people away, we two 'dangerous people' should not stay in this dangerous place, and give the Burning Legion a chance.

Let's go back to Dellano.

I remember that there happened to be the ruins of the capital of the ogre empire there, and I heard that it was there that the pointed ears found great magical knowledge.

We should take a look there too.

Why do you keep staring at the wine in my hand? Hey, seriously injured people can't drink alcohol, I don't want to be reprimanded by those hoof sisters again. "

"One sip, just one sip! My throat is about to smoke. It's just a sip of wine. I am a war hero who destroyed the demons. I think I have this right."

Lao Zhou begged, Brian looked around, and carefully handed the flagon in his hand to Lao Zhou's mouth. A few seconds later, the door of the ward was kicked open by the fierce little nurse Delaney.

She wagged her tail and screamed:

"Brian! Zhou Zhuo! You two are drinking secretly again! How can two war heroes look like naughty children! Do you still want to be discharged from the hospital! Bastard.

Now, go back to your ward and pack your things, the two of you will be transferred. "

(end of this chapter)

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