Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1712 80. It's This Time, Why Are You Pretending? Give Me A Bounce!

Chapter 1712 80. It's this time, why are you pretending? Give me a bounce!

"The space storm that ravaged Antoran has subsided at midnight last night, and the disturbed front of the demons is rapidly filling up, but compared to the central plains of the Antoran Mountains, the number of demons in the eastern mountains is still rare.

This is our last chance. "

At the same time when the four Draenei spaceships were carrying the last batch of seriously wounded people out of Port Hope in the Antoran wasteland, in the headquarters of the Hall of Valor suspended above the mountains, the commanders of the fully armed Ashes Expeditionary Force were here Have one last short chat with High Command.

Seeing that even Ms. Tyrande has put on a set of priest armor for combat, it is clear that this sharp knife troop organized in the past few days is ready to break into Antorus Burning Throne to attack the demon base camp. Final preparations for the raid.

And Jarod Shadowsong, who was also wearing the elven battle armor, was wearing his own battle sword, and pointed to the sand table in front of the commanders in front of him and said:

"Illidan's Illidari and Lord Bu Laike's Uncrowned troops have set off early, and they will set up a landing on the ground for the Rainbow Bridge teleportation of the Hall of Valor.

The soldiers of the Holy Light Legion will escort Lord Ionar to the Burning Throne at the appointed time.

Lord Raiden also gathered all the energy of the Hall of Valor on this transmission, and we will send the Horn of the World together with the prepared members of the Ashes Expeditionary Army into the heart of the devil at once!

But the rest is up to you, warriors. "

Beside Jarod, the old orc warlord Eitrigg also said:

"We will rush out of Port of Hope 20 minutes before your departure, and launch a full-scale attack on the demons under the cover of the Iron Legion to attract their attention.

This battle is destined to be difficult.

But we will not take a step back until you bring back the news of your victory! "

The commanders of the Ashes Expeditionary Army in front of them nodded in unison, and there were not many farewell words. Everyone knew what they needed to do next.

However, the great knight of Bolvar, who was wearing the heroic armor, looked around, and asked in surprise:

"Where's Danas? Shouldn't he also be sitting here at this time, helping the two command the army?"

"General Danas went to Mac'Aree to sit in command, and he will assist Lord Velen to complete the deployment."

At this time, Garrod didn't hide any more, he said softly:

"Her Majesty Velen will launch an attack on the Burning Legion in Mac'Aree at the same time as we do, and that venerable prophet will undertake a very dangerous mission.

He will lure the Deceiver from his demon palace to the battlefield of Mac'Aree while you attack the Antoran Wastes, and your operations in Antorus will go much smoother without the Deceiver's interference.

The Old Prophet carried out this mission with a mortal determination, gentlemen.

Just like our state of mind at this time, the warriors who are still staying in the Antoran Wastes to fight against the demons at this time have put life and death aside. "

Garald coughed, put his elven battle helmet on his head, smiled, then put his left hand on his chest, thumped his breastplate, and said to everyone in front of him:

"If there will be no time in the future, may we die well."

"I never thought I'd say something like that to an elf one day, but..."

Princess Talanji, who also put on armor, was leaning on her Shadow Hunter Spear. She was a little ashamed, but she still straightened her waist and said to Jarod:

"While it may seem like death for us to storm the demon stronghold, you who stay here to attract attention are in real danger. May all spirits protect you, elf.

If you survive, the legend of your bravery will live forever in the realm of the Golden Dynasty. "

"We don't necessarily die, look at all of you unlucky ones."

Muradin, who was leaning on the ruler's hammer, whined and complained, causing Varian Wrynn to shake his head. The young human emperor held a sword in his hand and carried a sword on his back. The shape of "Double Swords" looks very fashionable and cool.

He glanced around, and was about to say something to boost morale, but he heard His Royal Highness Little Xingxing's voice behind him:

"Hey, warriors, before you set off, you need to leave a photo so that you can take it back to Azeroth as a promotion, hurry up! Arrange them according to size.

Muradin, you and your niece and son-in-law stand at the front, don't hide behind, don't you have a correct understanding of your height? Lady Tyrande stand back and see you stand beside the dwarves like a flagpole.

Lao Niu and Maraad stand at the back, you two heads are too high, yes, stand one to the left and one to the right.

Hey, Varian, Daelin, and Saurfang, leave a gap between the two of you, just enough for one person to stand, so that the photo will look better.

Should the old wolf consider becoming a werewolf? A little more racial diversity, Kael'thas restrained his smile a little, you are so handsome, you make everyone else look so ugly.

Your Majesty Faol, don't stand there in a daze. If old Velen is not here, you can take the C position.

Everyone stand still, don't move, and smile.

Three, two, one! "


Before the countdown was completed, the little star wearing a dragon armor teleported to the center of the crowd with a whoosh, standing in the position specially reserved by a group of commanders.

She proudly stood beside the smiling Faol in a confident pose, with her left hand on Lady Tyrande's arm and her right on Muradin's shoulder.

It's as if the stars are holding the moon, and she specially highlights herself.

There was a light click.

The dwarf camera accurately recorded the scene before the expedition of the Ashes Expeditionary Army. Little Xingxing has already made up his mind to use this photo as the cover of his next autobiography.

This sales volume must be so good that it explodes!

And take this photo back to Azeroth, her fellow dragons will love this unique composition, as if the little star is representing the dragon leading the Ash Crusade.

Of course, this is the last happy moment.

After the photo was taken, everyone boarded the ship separately and prepared to go to war. At the final parting, Grand General Shandris Feather Moon held Garrod's hand and whispered with a look of reluctance.

And on the Evil of the World, Ms. Vashki is also directing two heroic spirits to place a huge box of souls in the hull. This strange magic item can contain the souls of the dead for preservation.

The battlefields that the Black Crows are good at are not raids, so among the death knights, only the high lord of Kurotas will follow the expeditionary force to attack the Burning Throne, and the rest of the death knights will stay behind to fight large-scale wars with the demons.

In this case, the box of souls made by Queen Azshara herself is very useful.

The mortal warriors are preparing, and the titan guardians inside the Hall of Valor are also preparing, especially the last batch of crazy Mimiron sent over, which is trying to reactivate Odin's thinking core.

On the battlefield where the final Titan Soul Salvation Battle takes place, the presence of Odin will definitely greatly enhance their combat effectiveness.

"Thorim, what are you doing?"

Raiden inspected the holy arsenal containing the Thunderforged bodies of the heroic warriors, but found Thorim the Storm Guardian here, and he found that Thorim was writing something.

He asked out of curiosity.

The Storm Guardian raised his head and said to Raiden:

"I'm writing a suicide note, don't laugh, Master Raiden, I'm not stupid to learn what mortals leave their last words, you know, the guardians are like brothers, there is nothing we can't say.

I just want to leave my apologies in the halls of Ulduar until my time as a Guardian is over. "

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Raiden asked in surprise:

"What does it mean that your guardian career is over?"

"Uh, that's right."

Thorim scratched his head, and said:

"If I can survive after this battle, I want to relieve the burden of the guardian, not because I want to escape, but because of those things in the past, those mistakes

Although everyone has forgiven me, I know that the end of the Age of Mythology is inseparable from the war I launched recklessly, and I must be punished for doing something wrong.

I've already spoken to His Excellency Bo Laike.

If we can go back to Azeroth, I will accept his curse of flesh and become a mortal.

I will continue to defend our world, I will go deep into those mortal civilizations and kingdoms, until I understand the essence of those lives, until I rely on my own pursuit to become the guardian of the storm again.

Just like Fenna Jinjian won the title of "King of Courage" with a mortal body, I have to undertake the same challenge.

Will you support my decision? Lord Lydon. "

"Why should I object?"

Raiden shook his head. He looked at the lightning-forged bodies all around him and said in a low voice:

"Facts have proved that the titan guardians have not been able to fulfill the mission that the titans entrusted to us. Perhaps the failure of the guardian system is not a bad thing. Since the age of mythology is over, don't pick it up from the trash.

Your approach has provided me with a good idea, maybe the Virgin of Purity will also be willing to try the life of a mortal with me.

Maybe we will have a child again, hehe, it is really a strange experience to think about it.

But first we have to survive. "

Raiden patted Thorim on the shoulder and said:

"Ready your weapons and perform one last holy service to our Creator."


"Here it is!"

Among the mountains of the Antoran wasteland, outside the demon palace completely covered by the fel magma gushing from the center of the earth, amidst the corpses all over the ground, Braike leaned on the Saramani battle sword, scrutinizing the infinite surroundings. The crowner and the demon hunter commanded:

"Go and guard around, and don't allow any demons to approach here until the teleportation is completed. Hey, Illidan, stop posing, come down quickly, and prepare to summon the Zenidar and the Hall of Valor.

Didn't you hear the thunderous shouts? I hope that Hong Kong will send troops. "

"Are you not afraid that I will go down and hack you to death?"

Illidan complained angrily.

He flapped the even bigger demonic bat wings and fell from the sky, the supreme blade in his hand moved, and it only took one surprise attack to pierce the sharp blade into the neck of the damned stinky pirate.

Brother Egg still remembered the bastard's showdown with Malfurion and Tyrande instead of him before without his permission.

But Brother Dan didn't make the cut in the end.

He just maintained the posture of Kugai and carefully checked the movement around him. Beside him and Bu Laike, several mechanical dwarf assassins were working with Dean Lanyue to quickly build a teleportation beacon platform.

The place that Boo Laike picked is really, really good.

The magic steel city wall close to the throne of Antorus, and because of the fel magma and the surrounding hills and mountains, it is not easy to be discovered by the demons patrolling around. It is simply the best choice for the old silver coins to be used by Yin people.

"Velen's side should also start. It will take some time for the news to spread, but Kil'jaeden will definitely take the bait. I can be sure of that."

Bo Laike was smoking his pipe, without the vigilance and seriousness of the other warriors at this time, it seemed that this fateful decisive battle to break into the Burning Throne was just a piece of cake for him.

Rubbing his chin, he said to Illidan:

"You stay here, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back in a while."

"Are you still going out at this time?"

The great demon hunter grinned a deep and dark smile, and he said meaningfully:

"To meet friends?"

"Well, friend."

The pirate nodded, and while hiding in the shadows, nodded and said:

"Very important friends, whether this big event can be accomplished depends on whether they are willing to help."

Before the words were finished, Bu Laike had disappeared.

After he left, Illidan squatted on a sharp stone. He took out the whetstone and sharpened the blade for the Supreme Blade, and said to Maiev who was holding the knife wheel in front of him and was adjusting:

"I guess, he went to see those 'friends', not just for the cause of the Legion of Resistance? Maiev."

"What are you implying, Illidan."

The warden lady said coldly:

"Put away your boring curiosity. You were not like this before. It seems that the acceptance of Malfurion and Tyrande has turned you back into the unlovable ADHD child."

"You've had too much contact with him, and it's so uncomfortable even talking."

Illidan laughed a few times.

He said:

"I don't think Bo Laike cares if the raid succeeds, even if we all die here, he has his plan to fight the demonic threat.

The reason he acted with us was just to make sure you didn't die at will.

Seriously, if you really love him, you should be honestly staying in Azeroth now, do you want him to break your heart for you so much? "

"My destiny is here."

Maiev didn't argue with Illidan.

She just pushed her battle helmet, looked at the burning demon throne in front of her, took a long breath, and said softly:

"I have to come here, not because I'm headstrong like the other girls, but I have to. Illidan, you don't understand the bond between me and Bo Laike.

You can't understand either.

In the words of my dear, if you can understand the way we get along, it won't be so long that you can't even take down Tyrande. "

"I'm ending this conversation."

Illidan snorted, and in the mocking laughter of the Supreme Blade, he said with a wooden face:

"I shouldn't have talked to you about this in the first place."

On the other side, in the devil's fortress not far from the assault point chosen by Bu Laike, the pirate kicked over the brain-dead nectar stationed there, and he carelessly pulled away the magic steel chair and sat on it.

When the smoke rose for the third time, the legion communicator in front of him was activated, and a sharp voice came from it:

"Connect at this time? Are you going to kill me? Stupid pirate!"

"Sorry to disturb your dedicated and loyal service to the Legion, my dear Lord Balnazar."

The pirate put his legs up on the table full of demon documents in a very unseemly slutty posture, and he said to the dreadlord on the other end of the communicator in a drawn out voice:

"But I really have something urgent to tell you. You should know what kind of important task the emperor has entrusted to me this time. I will officially inform you now, Bannazar!

From now on, all dreadlords in the Antoran Wastes are under my command!

Your dormant career counted for hundreds of thousands of years is over, and it's time to show the majesty of the Eternal among the stars!

I command you, loyal creations and shadow walkers of Emperor Denathrius, come out from behind the curtain, and proclaim the name of the Infinity Emperor to the foolish demons!

In the name of Emperor Denathrius, I order you to present the most shameful defeat of the Burning Legion as a gift to Lord Sargeras, the Dark Titan, as your "resignation" to the Burning Legion

Yes, starting with today's war.

Those titan souls, I want them!

But don't worry, I will personally deliver the portion that belongs to the emperor. "

(end of this chapter)

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