Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1713 81. Goodbye To The Burning Legion. Although Everyone Got Along Very Happily In The Past

Chapter 1713 81. Goodbye to the Burning Legion. Although everyone got along very happily in the past, we quit

"not now!"

After Bu Laike conveyed the order to the Nathrezim to get out of the darkness in the name of Emperor Denathrius, Balnazar breathed heavily.

But the dreadlord lord who was most loyal to Emperor Denathrius did not lose his mind because of this.

It justifies:

"Kil'jaeden is still burning the throne, it firmly controls the demon legion of the entire Antoran Wastes, without its orders, we can't play tricks in it.

The fraudsters seem to realize something, and they have recently stepped up their monitoring of us. "

"Fraudsters? No no no, it won't be a problem."

Bo Laike calculated the time in his mind, and he said to Balnazar:

"You immediately go to see it with the legion communicator, and adjust the communication frequency to Mac'Aree's demon legion. I have arranged people there, which will definitely make the fraudster unwilling to wait even a minute.

Believe me, my dear Balnazar, the fraudsters you fear will thank me for my message. "

"Could it be that stupid?"

The Dreadlord disputed this, and Balnazar said:

"Even the most brainless devil would not abandon Antorus Fortress under such circumstances. Deceiver is not as easy to deceive as you think."

"Of course, the fraudsters know that this is a trap."

The pirate snorted, stood up, and said to the communicator in front of him:

"It knows.

It just doesn't care.

Let me ask you a question, dear Balnazar, do you know who is the most terrifying traitor in the Legion of Destruction that Lord Sargeras personally formed since the establishment of the Burning Legion?

Don't answer yes you, it will make me seriously doubt your IQ.

It's Kil'jaeden!

It's a fraud!

It has never been destroyed since it joined the Legion to dedicate its loyalty to the Dark Titan, and its purpose has never been the same as that of Lord Sargeras.

It has never dedicated its loyalty to its master in the slightest.

Fraudsters are the real traitors.

Because it has already belonged to it, and I, I am not destroying the great cause of Lord Sargeras, on the contrary, I am just helping the dark titan I admire in my heart eradicate the rebellion.

Believe me, everyone will thank me.


Do a good job, Revendreth's victory banquet will have an invitation letter for you Oh, I forgot, you low-brow Nath Rezim who can't be mentioned have never been overwhelmed by Revendreth's arrogance I put it in my eyes.

Those arrogant anima vampires wouldn't invite you mudlegs.

Such sad news. "

The pirate's long voice made a laugh that made the dreadlord extremely angry, but Balnazar understood what was important, so he didn't refute and just silently turned off the communicator.

In the grand and majestic, dark and hideous hall of Antorus Burning Throne, the Dreadlord rushed into the Deceiver's palace with a legion communicator in his arms.

Wouldn't this be a good time.

Kil'jaeden is working with the demon generals of his command council on a plan to wipe out the anti-magic alliance.

The tragedy at the Terminal Dockyard three days ago activated the Deceiver. Having lost its fleet advantage, it has already sensed that something is wrong. It decided to immediately end this cat-and-mouse game that had begun to spiral out of control.

But at this important moment, Balnazar broke in, which made the fraudster very dissatisfied.

It scolded:

"Get out! Come back later."

"No, fraudster, I know this is important, but you must listen to this message from Mac'Aree."

Balnazar made a respectful and humble gesture, and placed the communicator in his hand on the demon stone pillar in front of him. It said:

"If after listening to you you think I'm just wasting your time, then I'm willing to take any punishment."


The always cunning Dread Demon King actually said such words, which made the Deceiver feel a little surprised. It waved and paused the tactical explanations of the demon generals, and opened the communicator with its flaming claws.

The next moment, a voice that made Kil'jaeden's heart beat wildly came from the communicator:

"Kil'jaeden, my ancient and rebellious brother, you said we must end our feud on the land of our homeland. Here I come! In Mac'Aree.

The legions you have placed here have been routed by me and my warriors, and I stand in the ruins of the Seat of the Triumvirate, waiting for you in the hall where we once ruled the world together.

You are right.

The grievances between us are like our hometown Argus, which has already been cracked and filthy. It's time for us to put an end to it.

I will not run away this time, Kil'jaeden.

come on.

Just on the land of my hometown, I will completely end everything! I've let you down once, and this time, I won't let you and our world down.

I promise! "


The great demon suddenly got up from his throne.

Seeing this movement, the generals of the commanding council felt that something was wrong.

General Erodus waved his hands and shouted:

"Calm down! Trickster! This is a trap! Those cunning invaders are just trying to use Velen to lure you there! I'm sure they'll take this opportunity to attack Fort Antorus.

you can't go! "

"It is a vicious trap indeed, fraudster."

Bazanar also lowered his head to "persuade":

"Although the dreadlords under my command have confirmed that Velen has indeed appeared in Mac'Aree and is not some magical illusion, General Erodus is right.

It's part of a nefarious plan.

Their target is you.

Obviously, your presence frightens them, so they must let you off the battlefield. You should not be caught up in personal grievances at this time and ignore the important affairs of the Legion. "

"you shut up!"

The demon general turned around and lashed Bannazar with a whip. How could an old demon like him, who had fought all his life, fail to hear the malice in Bannazar's words?

This guy seems to persuade, but actually adds fuel to the fire.

But Balnazar, who was whipped, didn't resist, but retreated into the shadows bit by bit with a weird smile.

As for the fraudsters.

Kil'jaeden was in a strange state at this time.

While moving its shoulders, it said to the demon generals of the command council below:

"Yes, this is a trap, I know, I know they will use Velen against me one day, don't worry, everyone, I am calm.

From joining the Burning Legion to now, I have remained calm throughout countless executions of destruction.

The defense of the Antoran Wastes is then up to you. "

With that said, the Trickster, who claimed to be calm, strode down from the throne. The elite demons of his Kil'jaeden's hand had already assembled outside the palace.

"You can't go!"

General Erodus grabbed the big demon's wrist, and it shouted:

"It's a conspiracy! Are you blind? The dreadlords are helping! They're treacherous! You're gone and it's over!"

"Then it's over."

The fraudster glanced back at the demon general he trusted so much, with a calm light shining in its burning eyes, it said:

"Let me tell you one thing seriously, my dear Eludus, the victory and defeat of the Antoran wasteland, the legion's expedition among the stars, the glory and greatness of Sargeras, the souls of the titans

I don't give a shit!

I never cared.

You can do whatever you want, whether you resist or surrender, it's up to you.

Now, let me go!

Before I strangle you. "

"You're crazy!"

The daemon general was terrified by Kil'jaeden's behavior.

It took a few steps back and exclaimed:

"Don't be like this, Kil'jaeden, don't scare us, you're not the kind of person! Would you just watch us face a defeat, and then be annihilated by the Dark Titan in the abyss of fel energy?

Do not!

Don't give up on us! "

"Oh, you still don't understand."

The Trickster shook his head, waving his paws with a hint of disinterest, and said:

"Don't worry, Sargeras won't punish you, even if you lose the whole Argus, he won't care, he will even reward you, just like he rewarded me generously.

We have done for the Dark Titan all that He desires us to do.

Run, my dear generals.

He is waking up.

He doesn't need us anymore Burning Legion?

Hehe, do you really think that Sargeras regards us as his right-hand man?

No way?

You can't be so stupid, can you?

The only ending that a temporary sad substitute will have after the birth of the true master is to be ruthlessly abandoned! You are so stupid.

Just like Archimonde who is so simple that he only enjoys destruction and power. "

As Kil'jaeden walked towards the edge of the hall, he took off the demon emblem representing the Lord of the Legion from his paw, and threw it on the burning ground like trash.

Its distorted shadow gradually disappeared into the dead palace.

it says:

"What Sargeras needs is an invincible army, and we demons are just his dogs. The day the Black Pantheon is established is the moment when the Burning Legion ends.

I've been doing my best to delay the birth of Argus the Unmaker.

I left the damned naaru in Mac'Aree just to ensure that Argus would not wake up in this era. I told the elders, witches and witches of destruction, to slow down, the slower the better.

But you fools are eager to celebrate the emergence of another master, and you take the glory of Sargeras as your great cause.

You worship the Dark Titan, you love Sargeras, you see him as the only god of the demons.

But does he love you?

Tut tut.

What can I say in the face of such crazy self-destruction self-satisfied bastards?

You guys.

Forget it, I don't have that much energy to save you anymore, and I can't protect you anymore, let alone command you. I'm tired, let everything be destroyed.

Only Velen

Only he is awake.

He has always been so awake, so fascinating that people can't extricate themselves.


My old brother, I'm here for an appointment

wait for me. "


The door to the Burning Hall was smashed by Kil'jaeden's kick.

Amidst the wild cheers of the demons in Kil'jaeden's hands, their only king led them onto Kil'jaeden's exclusive starship, left the battlefield when the final battle began, and headed towards Mackay. Lei's direction galloped away.

A group of demon generals looked at each other, and finally, when Erodus clenched his fist tremblingly and wanted to say something, they saw a group of golden streamers suddenly appearing in the sky beyond the Burning Throne.

The Zenidar carrying the Tree of Life has never been so close to the heart of the devil, and the life titan Ionar, who has already felt the suffering of the souls of the titans, issued a severe reprimand.

While the Rainbow Bridge in the Hall of Valor was running at its maximum horsepower, the Evil of the World, which was loaded with the Ashes Expeditionary Army, also appeared at the forefront of the Burning Throne.

"General! They are going to attack the city, what should we do?"

The rest of the High Council looked to General Erodus, the old fiend who had seen a dire future in Kil'jaeden's parting words.

Fraudsters are right!

Once Sargeras forms the Dark Pantheon, he will have the power to sweep away the material stars, and at that time, the Burning Legion and the like can only be reduced to dispensable tragedies.

The Dark Titan obviously trusted his former brothers more than the demons.

"let's go!"

The old demon general quickly figured out a line, and he decisively shouted to the other eredar commanders:

"Take your absolute elite and confidants of Eredar, leave from the still functioning portal, go to the front line, and grab those remaining starships!

Just as Velen led our people to flee twenty-five thousand years ago, we must go.

To hell with the greatness of Sargeras, since he trusted his titan brothers so much, let him and his brothers stand against these invaders. "


The old general slammed his fists on the table fiercely, and it roared angrily:

"The eredar left the Burning Legion today! We will not be buried with foolish demons."

After speaking, General Erodus took off the demonic logo on his military uniform and threw it aside. This action made other Eredar commanders look stupid.

They were incomprehensible for a while, and another female demon screamed:

"But where are we going? General, we who betrayed Sargeras have nowhere to go!"

"I don't know either, but I know where we're going next."

General Erodus narrowed his eyes.

Watching the Zenidar set up the Holy Light Judgment to smash the wall of the Burning Throne in the distance, it saw those golden warriors roaring and rushing into the demon's stronghold.

it says:

"We went to Mac'Aree, Kil'jaeden was going to settle all grievances with Velen, it thought it was going to be free, but it turned out that only it can lead us.

We're going to get our eredar king back, and then."

The demon general was silent for a moment.

It sighed and said:

"And then we went into exile, just like our brethren who fled their homes 25,000 years ago."

"Yo, I heard there are people here with nowhere to go?"

The sharp figure of Balnazzar rose from the darkness, and the dreadlord let out a shrill laugh as he flung a demon stone onto the table in the center of the eredar demons.

it says:

"Lucky you wretched ones who woke up at the last moment, take this stone, which records the location of some 'shelter' among the stars.

They are all ruins that have not been discovered by the Burning Legion under our control. They are not good places, but they are enough to save you demon exiles from the next wrath of the Dark Titan. "


General Elodus picked up the Demon Stone without hesitation. It frowned and looked at the fearful demon king with a wicked smile on his face. It said:

"Who are you serving?"

"Hehe, let's save this answer until the next meeting."

Bazanar waved his paws angrily, and it disappeared into the darkness, saying in a hoarse voice:

"For the sake of our happy cooperation in the past, dear eredar, I will bring you a letter of surrender for my master when we meet next time.

You do not understand.

It is true that Sargeras is the God of Darkness, but he is not the only god among the stars.

You have many choices.

Be patient.

There is always a way out for a tenacious life, hehehehehe, go and save your Eredar King, Kil'jaeden, who is determined to die, has not yet ended his duty to the people.

Dying in Velen's arms or something is not a good ending for a bastard like it. "

(end of this chapter)

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