Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1714 82. Naru, Who Caught The Shell In The Face, Is The Fiercest, But Can You Entrust Me Wit

Chapter 1714 82. Naru, who caught the shell in the face, is the fiercest, but can you entrust me with the wreckage after your death?

After receiving the signal, the Zenidar spacecraft carrying the Tree of Life jumped to the sky above Antorus Burning Throne, giving the coalition forces a "good start".

With a shot of holy light, the adjudicator blasted away the outer city wall of the demon fortress, and the ground shook under the scorching golden light beam, and the bricks and stones flew horizontally and the magic iron melted, easily opening a door for the follow-up troops to march on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Evil of the World, which appeared in the transmission of the Rainbow Bridge in the Hall of Valor, fell briefly under the blessing of four sets of gravity well engines and then stopped steadily in mid-air. They also flew out from the double-deck flight deck, followed by air troops of various races.

They're going to execute a dangerous ground bombardment to make a way for the Ash Crusade to rush in.

The Evil of This World did not hover in place as a troop carrier, it moved forward at a slow speed, and the pre-loaded bombs were dropped from the bomb opening in the lower belly of the hull like a torrential rain.

Then, large and small landing capsules were thrown to the ground.

All the procedures were arranged before, and the progress was extremely fast one after another. When the landing module where Varian Wrynn was was thrown to the ground and opened, what the human emperor saw in a brief dizziness was the old man. Niu Kane was holding a golden warhammer and leading the Tauren warriors hundreds of meters ahead to fight fiercely.

The elite demons who were stunned by a set were scattered by them, and turned into ashes under the subsequent solar bombardment of the Holy Light's liquidation triggered by the Holy Light Legion.

This scene looked extremely brutal.

There is even an illusion that the warriors of Azeroth are so powerful that the demons of the Burning Legion are not worth mentioning.

"Are we going to rush in like this?"

Varian glanced at Dai Lin beside him who was mentioning the Holy Light's Halberd, and he also pulled out the Ashbringer behind him with his backhand, and asked in a low voice.

Dai Lin, the old sea dog with a navy pipe in his mouth, glanced at him and said solemnly:

"No, we should charge in the opposite direction, leave behind these hopeless lunatic warriors, and flee to a safe place before the devil pinches us to death, my lord."

The joke made Varian laugh.

His Majesty the Emperor knew that he had asked a stupid question, so he didn't say any more, he strode forward with the holy light blade in his hands, and chopped down a dazed demon guard who was running around like a headless fly. land.

Hot ashes danced beneath the blade, and the holy sword felt the wielder's will to fight and a golden fire burned on it.

"Follow me! Follow me! Your highness will support you! For the glory of the dragon army and the survival of Azeroth! Follow me! My brave human servants."

But there are people who are faster than Varian and Lao Niu.

Amidst the ferocious roar of battle, the little star who turned into a thunder dragon flapped its wings dotted with flashes amidst the roar of the thunder, and poured its power towards the ground in the first place amidst the deep dragon roar.

She didn't want to be so fierce.

Helplessly, Fenna, who was standing on her head at this time, was very excited.

The demigod warrior was wearing a heroic armor decorated with a red cloak, holding the dragon horn of the little star and waving the elven long sword in his hand.

She also carried a bag of Holy Light throwing spears on her back. When she saw that there were many demons, she just threw a throwing spear there. Those holy fires are kindled on demons.

Not to mention, in a cruel war, there is such a tireless striker who leads the soldiers forward, and the morale bonus is immeasurably high.

As for her being an elf, the problem is not particularly serious. Except for the occasional complaint from the troll warriors, the warriors of other races have no complaints about it.

On the contrary, the morale of the lawbreakers and rangers of Quel'Thalas was boosted by Fenner's activity.

No matter what Fenna has done to her motherland in the past, at least on the battlefield at this moment, the "God of Courage" Fenna Golden Sword is the pride of Quel'Thalas.

Even Kael'thas Sunstrider could not deny this.

"I heard that Mrs. Jinjian once wanted to introduce her daughter to the young talents of Silvermoon City, but she drove away those nobles?"

This society is preparing a super-large teleportation magic with the mages of various races. The Dalaran archmage who wiped out the enemies in front of him at once, and Khadgar who was drying tofu at Cos whispered a gossip.

The virtuous Prince Kael'thas didn't intend to answer this question, but the Dalaran Lich Meri Winterwind beside him gave Khadgar a hard look.


"You really dare to ask any questions, not to mention that Bu Laike is staring at you, just say that if little Fenner gets angry, can your old bones stand it?"

"What am I afraid of?"

Khadgar rolled his eyes and said:

"Maybe I will die here in a while, I actually still have a lot of questions to ask.

For example, I heard some snarky guy say that Lord Dath'Remar, the ancestor of the Sunstrider, is actually a well-known highborne prodigal son.

Seems to have had some trouble with that nasty and arrogant Mrs. Viper."


A poisonous arrow pierced into Khadgar's feet like a poisonous snake, interrupting all the mage's subsequent problems.

Ms. Vashki snorted as she twisted her water snake waist, and shot a doomsday guard in the head with a backhand arrow. During the whole process, her deadly eyes, Shendu, did not leave Khadgar, while the coquettish little snake in her head kept spitting snake letters at Khadgar, which made the old mage feel guilty.


Ten seconds later, the giant teleportation technique released by several archmages was thrown forward under the precise control of Meri Dongfeng. Covered by a teleportation spell, it was thrown casually into a magma pool in the Antoran wasteland.

The way forward is clear!

"go ahead!"

The old cow raised his burning hand and roared, and the elite ashes warriors behind him rushed towards the main body of the demon city, but soon there was a huge movement under the stone bridge leading to the main body of the demon fortress.

"Bring them back! Quick!"

The golden princess riding on the saddle of a triceratops seemed to have been guided and reminded by the God of Loa. She turned her head and shouted to the mages behind her:

"Something rushed out from below! It's a powerful thing! It's going to bury us!"

"No, send them directly to the opposite side!"

At this moment, Bu Laike, who appeared suddenly, flapped his wings and landed on the ground, modifying Talanji's warning, and the second team of mages commanded by Dean Lanyue cast spells immediately.

With the burst of light from a teleportation technique, before the stone bridge was completely broken, all the soldiers who had already stepped on the stone bridge were thrown under the second wall of the demon fortress.

As soon as they landed, they were surrounded by demons rushing from all directions, and a frenzied fight unfolded there.

"Defense! Defense!"

In the command cabin of the Evil of the World, which was slowly advancing above everyone's heads, the first officer, Long Seifer, gave an order decisively. Three seconds after the thick energy matrix was opened, a terrifying beam of magic energy shot from the stone bridge. It shot out from the abyss below, right in the middle of the spaceship in the sky, and was blocked by the ridiculously thick matrix of the Evil of This World.

However, the Zenidar, which was advancing with the Evil of This World, was not so lucky.

The second red light beam penetrated the matrix of the Holy Light Spaceship after only a few seconds of contact. When the deadly light beam was about to bombard the Tree of Life, Lord Eonar had already gathered branches and vines to prepare for defense. , a beam of off-white light suddenly appeared in front of the spaceship, she was like a shield, blocking all the magic energy beams hitting the life titan.

This heroic guy came very suddenly, and the curtain ended very suddenly.

The red beam of magic energy obviously had an impact effect. After resisting for a few seconds, the gray-white warrior fell from the sky as if hit by a heavy hammer.

With a loud bang, she passed Illidan, who was slaughtering demons in the air, and landed right at the feet of Bo Laike.

An impact crater appeared, the pirate stretched out his hand to shake the smoke and dust, and took a look at the edge of the crater. He looked at the gray Naaru lying on the bottom of the crater, whose whole body glowed red, and said in a drawn out voice:

"I said, you know that even if you don't show up, that demigod-level energy can't hurt Lord Eonar, right? Although he is a down-and-out Titan, he is still the strongest combat power on our side." .”

"I just wanted to get a taste of what Zela felt like on her deathbed so I could make arrangements for my funeral."

The gray-and-white Naruzlari, who was obviously thinking a little abnormally, said very reckless words in a nice voice, which made the pirates roll their eyes.

He couldn't help complaining:

"It's the first time I've seen Lord Naru who took the initiative to receive a light cannon with his face. Your bravery makes me ashamed, but after you are smashed in a reckless adventure, can you leave the work of disposing of your body to me?" ?

With your current style of acting, I think it will be a matter of time, um, sooner or later. "


Facing the malicious inquiries from the pirates, the gray naaru floated out of the pit, spun the crystal body to shake the dust off his body, and said to Bu Laike:

"You also want to make my remains into a weapon as powerful as Toure and Zela, and I also want to see that I can exercise justice after death."

"No problem, that's all."

The pirate happily reached a damned crazy agreement with the gray and white Naru, and while the two of them were exchanging this crazy topic, the bastard who broke the stone bridge and attacked the sky from below was finally shaken show up.

It was a huge magic armor.

Its shape is the same as the Garousi Destroyer launched by the Burning Legion in the Battle of Krokuun, but its size is obviously several times larger, and its body is full of deadly weapons.

From fel missiles and destroying torpedoes, to laser arrays and hand cannons big enough to fit a horse's black hole, the stacking of these weapons makes it a war killer capable of destroying small worlds.

And on this guy's shoulders, there are two cannons on the left and the right.

The shape of the muzzle is a devil-style heavy cannon, but judging from the shape of the two energy shocks fired just now, it is very similar to the main cannon of the Holy Light Judge used by the Holy Light Legion.

Seeing this thing rushing out, the Holy Light Legion immediately dispatched their light-forged mechas, and the heroic spirits also dispatched thunder-cast warriors to help in the battle.

It is obviously unnecessary to use flesh and blood to fight against this kind of steel creation.

The mages bypassed the big man, and with the help of the ice guardian Hodir, they used magic ice to build a road leading to the main body of the castle on the other side of the broken bridge for the follow-up troops to quickly shuttle through.

For those with fear of heights, the warlocks under Commander Sakir thoughtfully created a huge demon gate connecting the two sides.

As long as you can withstand the mental pressure brought by the demonic spell, it is obviously faster to go from here, well, Varian and his paladins chose this method.

Of course, His Majesty the Emperor is not afraid of heights.

He just wanted to go faster to support the forwards of Commander Lao Niu, who were being besieged by demons a hundred times larger than him.

"Come back to me!"

Bu Laike grabbed the orc commander Va Locke Saurfang who was about to rush up to fight the giant robot. He pointed to the ice bridge connecting the two sides made by the mages next to him, and said:

"This kind of thing is only used here to delay time. It is meaningless to cut it. We will restrict it here. You continue to move forward. Remember not to go to the laboratory of the apocalypse engineer. There are all such magic machines over there.

A slaying king like you should lead the way. There is a demonic teleporter leading to the Burning Throne in this castle. Take it down and hold it, and don't let the demons destroy them.

Our task is not to kill all the demons here, we are here to save people, fast in and fast out is what we should do. "


The orc didn't argue about anything.

Holding the great ax of light forged from Zela's remains, he turned over, stepped on the warg and rushed towards the main body of the demon fortress. Other warriors also stepped on the cold ice bridge, and some druids simply turned into giant eagles to hang With a few soldiers flying directly over.

In the rear, Ranger troops, commanded by Mother Windrunner, cleared the airspace, and overhead, the Illidari fought demons in the air to keep the path safe.

The cowardly little Xingxing found out her usefulness, so she didn't fly forward at all, and stayed near the ice bridge, and a demon came to kill one.

With such a mighty Thunder Dragon standing guard here, the soldiers who quickly passed the ice bridge below felt a sense of security.

Driven by Bu Laike, the troops entrenched here were quickly sent to the front, and even Maiev was driven to the front fort by him to fight. Bu Laike said that he wanted to stay alone to deal with this destruction machine.

But Maiev certainly didn't believe it.

Before Ms. Shadowsong left, she asked one last question:

"Where is Xalatas? Why didn't I see her come with you?"

"Ah, I left her in Port Hope."

The pirate shrugged and said:

"The numerical superiority of the swarm should be used wisely, and only when Xal'atath sits there can their dark hearts be filled with rage and destruction.

It was a waste of precious power to have her here. "

"Are you afraid of her playing tricks?"

Maiev asked in a low voice, but the pirate pouted and did not answer.

He just pushed Maiev into the demon portal and sent her to the place where she was most needed.

After Maiev left, the pirate didn't go up to melee with the huge machine. Instead, he waited on the spot and watched the heroic warriors fight the giant robot, as if admiring a magical mecha fight.

Until more than ten seconds later, a sharp sound sounded from the breach in the rear.

"Ha! I don't need you to tell me. This is another deadly creation of the demon engineer Jingaros, and I can go away! Watch me use my astonishing Titan engineering to deal with it!"

Mimiron, the guardian of wisdom with a big round head and funny eyebrows, finally appeared.

This guy walked forward slowly, his gleaming eyes fixed on the huge robot in front of him, it could be seen that he was very interested in the destructive creation of Kingaros in front of him.

However, he still handed over the Scepter of Sargeras in his hand to Bu Laike in style, and then he was gearing up to show off his astonishing engineering skills.

"I said, do you have Odin's thinking core?"

Bu Laike asked.

Mimiron raised his iron eyebrows, and said:

"Take it, I originally wanted to resurrect my cruel and warlike brother before the battle, but I didn't find a thunder-forged body that matched his strength in the Hall of Valor, so I planned to bring it back to Ulduar and try again.

The light in your pirate eyes makes me feel the darkness. You must have a lot of weird ideas again, but let's not talk about it now, until I dismantle this third-rate robot in front of me.


Let me tell you quietly, I brought my most powerful invention here this time!

You'll take me to your damned demon friend Jingaros in a moment, and watch me beat him to the ground with my astonishing wisdom!

I will definitely let it convince me!

What the hell kind of shit is fucking demon engineering?

Only the astonishing Titan engineering represents the highest technology among the stars! "

(end of this chapter)

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