Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1715 83. Isn't This A Kind Of Ntr?

Chapter 1715 83. Isn't this a kind of NTR?

Bu Laike urged the main body of the Ashes Expeditionary Army to rush under the main building of the Demon Throne of Antorus, where they were fighting wildly with the demons, and the battle was very anxious.

In order to defend the supreme holy place of the fel realm, the demons went mad.

They poured out from everywhere, and fel portals opened in great numbers, calling upon their fierce and ugly brethren to fight against the audacious invaders.

But the demons appeared in all directions, and the attack from all directions seemed chaotic, very disorganized, just a swarm of swarms.

This objectively caused great trouble for the expeditionary army and plunged them into a bitter battle, but the demons who lacked effective dispatch appeared very blind in front of the warriors of all races who worked together to rush forward.

In things like war, especially in special terrain, it is not that the more people the better.

Especially after Garossi Destroyer smashed the wide stone bridge, the battlefield between the demons and the ashen warriors was just under the two-story city wall. The place was so big, and the result of the demons rushing over was a 100% army At most, only 30% can successfully enter the battlefield.

The rest were stuck in the pathways everywhere and trampled on each other.

It was like a sudden lack of traffic lights at a busy city intersection. In just ten minutes, there was a horrible traffic jam.

"It stands to reason that this shouldn't have happened. After all, the Burning Throne is home to the best eredar commanders in the history of the world of Argus, and their tactical talents have not been stretched to such an extent that the width of the battlefield is not even counted. "

On the Fang Ping stage in the back where Garossi Destroyer was raging, Bu Laike was holding a monocular for naval warfare in his hand. He pretended to observe the battlefield, and then said to himself in a long voice:

"So, what's going on with this terrible situation? Is Kil'jaeden's most powerful war machine fighting among himself at this critical moment?

Or are those damn demon generals terrified by the mighty strength of the Ashes Crusade? No way no way? Oh, why didn't a knowledgeable person jump out and explain it to me at this time? "


A shrill voice rang in the pirate's ear, with the treacherous laughter typical of dreadlords, and it announced to Bo Laike with a triumphant tone:

"At this critical moment, the weak and reckless Azeroth rebels stepped into the Fel Holy Land, and they should have been wiped out the moment they landed.

But the great and kind Nathrezim masters are kind-hearted. Seeing the brave rebels die at the hands of barbaric demons is not pity for their sad lives, but the meaning of their existence can be brought into play more.

You are all exquisite currency in the hands of the Great Emperor, and every copper coin spent must get the best return.

I've got you out of the biggest trouble of the trip, mortals.

At this critical moment, the Antoran Commander Council realized that they followed the Burning Legion all the way to a dark and bleak future, and they understood their end like enlightenment, so they ran away with oil on their feet.


Everyone who survived this battle owes us a big favor, Jie Jie Jie"

The dreadlord who came to report the news chuckled a few times, and said to Bu Laike, who was listening, in a very arrogant tone:

"We are undermining the Legion's chain of command in the Antoran Wastes, and we have paved the way for you puny fighters to an impossible and glorious victory.

Come on, warriors of Azeroth, give us loyal servants of the emperor a good look, and let us see the most shameful defeat of the mighty evil force today.

This would be the best opening from Death Force. "

"Very good! Apart from the fact that your beating tone makes me very unhappy, I am very grateful to the Nathrezim 'heroes' who have turned from darkness to light for all their secret efforts in today's war."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers in satisfaction, and he said to the hidden dreadlord:

"Say hello to His Excellency Balnazar for me, after I have completed the heavy mission entrusted to me by the Great Emperor, and when I receive the supreme award, I will say a few good words for you in front of that great man.

But now, you can go, before I strangle you. "

He waved his hands and said to the dreadlord in a more arrogant tone and gesture:

"Do what you have to do. In addition, considering that your shameless backstab at the critical moment will definitely anger Lord Sargeras and all the orthodox demons under his command, it will be difficult for the material stars to have a place for you.

So, I wish all of you bereaved dogs a smooth journey on your way back to the other side of the world.

We are destined to see you again. "


The dreadlord was obviously upset, but the "great mission" that Bo Laike kept saying made it impossible for him to say more obscenities to the pirates.

That is the most important thing related to the promotion of the Great Emperor's great cause to the next stage. This moment of glory should have been promoted by the Nathrezim, but the Great Emperor chose a cunning pirate.

These loyal servants of the emperor dare not question the master's decision, so before the pirates complete the mission with their own hands, he is the master.

No matter how upset the demon kings were, they could only endure it.


At the same time that the dread demon king left without a sound, the enhanced Garossi World Destroyer that had been wreaking havoc on the edge of the platform also fell to the ground with a violent explosion.

This steel titan, which was around a hundred meters tall and covered in all kinds of destructive weapons, didn't fall down because it was defeated head-on.

In fact, until the moment it failed, its outer armor maintained over 90% of its integrity, and the destructive weapons on its body couldn't even pour out a third.

The only reason it failed was that Mimiron, the crazy guardian of wisdom, used the vicious thing of Titan engineering to forcibly disrupt the various data links inside its body, and took advantage of the chaos of the body to send an EMP The electromagnetic shock bomb was thrown on its forehead.

This is equivalent to Mimiron performing a prefrontal lobotomy on Kingaroth's destructive creation on the spot, making it "brain dead" while still fighting.

This scene made even Bo Laike, an engineering idiot, have to applaud and cheer for the triumphant Mimiron's astonishing engineering accomplishments.

He whistled to express his respect to the titan guardian who had proved himself on this dangerous battlefield, and then landed on the wreckage of the dark green giant robot that was forced to stop in front of him while his figure flickered, and stretched out his hand to grab it The iron wrist of Mimiron, who is about to summon his own mechanical aircraft to support the battlefield.

He rolled his eyes and said:

"You just left? Don't you collect the parts and weapons of this robot?"

"What do I want them for?"

Mimiron raised his funny iron eyebrows, and said to Bo Laike with an engineer's typical arrogance:

"Facts have proved that the so-called demon engineering is nothing more than that. It is a destructive creation made by my enemy. It has shouldered the evil mission of destroying the world since its birth. This thing is a chaotic creation. Every piece of it Every drop of oil in the armor is filled with the malice of the Burning Legion.

This runs counter to my idea of ​​amazing engineering.

If I wasn't pressed for time, I'd destroy it with a series of titan bombs in parallel, I don't need to use any part of this pathetic creation to strengthen my intelligence.

If you want it, you can find a way to get it away, find a few third-rate engineers to tinker with it, and it should still work. "

"No, no, you misunderstood me, my great and wise guardian."

Bu Laike winked and said to Mimiron:

"I'm not suggesting that you use it to strengthen yourself.

Look at your outstanding metal ball head and minimalist beggar-style body modeling art, it is obvious that in addition to your shocking engineering skills, you also have an unparalleled aesthetic sense that surpasses the stars and this ignorant era.

These tall, powerful, cool and violent demon mechs that can make every boy scream are obviously different from your holy body, and they should be thrown into the most stinky trash can in the galaxy with their villainous masters inside.

But what I mean is, we can't just leave something dangerous on the battlefield and give the demons a chance to restart it to wreak havoc on us.

I mean, aren't you just worried that you can't find a powerful body in the Hall of Valor that can carry the thinking core of the Lord of War? "

The pirate blinked, and pointed at the enhanced Garoxi Destroyer parked beside him.

He said to Mimiron:

"Although this thing is very bad in your eyes, you have to admit that its brute force and destructive power perfectly match the war priesthood of Odin, the king of war.

Of course, of course, I know it's somewhat unrefined and unseemly to have a titan guardian reborn on a demon-made destruction machine.

But we are at war now.

Ordinary people know that they can do whatever it takes to win. I believe this simple truth is not difficult for wise guardians like you to understand.

If Odin's mind could speak, he would be roaring now, too, wishing to rejoin the great war that was advancing for the glory of the Titans.

So, let's just 'reuse waste'. "

Bu Laike reached out and patted the outer armor of the Garousi Destroyer that had stopped, and said to Mimiron amidst the harsh sound of metal collisions:

"Come on, put Odin's core into this violent and powerful destruction machine, let him shine in this final battle!"

"This won't work!"

Mimiron screamed:

"Putting the sacred heart of a titan's creation into a filthy diabolical engineering creation is a trample and a disgrace to the Guardian's philosophy.

This is like a villain who has done all kinds of evil and has a hero's heart. It is a fantasy that only exists in sad stories! "

"Uh, I feel like you're connoting me."

Bu Laike curled his lips. Seeing that Mimiron turned to leave, the pirate rolled his eyes and persuaded him in another way:

"But you're about to challenge the apocalypse engineer Jingaros, right? I know you brought your astonishing 'Flame King Kong', and you have full confidence in this competition of star engineering.

But what I want to tell you is that Kingaros is a shameful coward, and it has filled its laboratory with various types of Destroyer mechs.

That is to say, what you have to face is not only the evil wisdom of Jin'Garoth, but also its army of mechas. It will not try to resolve the conflict between the two sides with one-on-one justice like you.

That shameful rat is sure to employ dark gang-fighting tactics, and you'll need a sidekick that can help you deal with those pesky minions as you and Kin'garoth compete in engineering feats.

And we might as well consider the problem from a very evil angle. "

The crumb pirate lowered his voice and whispered to Mimiron:

"This enhanced World Destroyer is the proud creation of Kingaros, just like the child it made with its own hands, but you can humiliate it with Odin's rebirth!

Just imagine, with the core of your brother, paired with your astonishing engineering prowess, to turn the creation of the enemy into your own warrior.

The weapons of invincibility and destruction carefully designed by Kin'Garroth have become playthings in your hands. You can dismantle them and manipulate them, just like a powerful guy who conquers its evil enemies first. child, conquered its wife.

Ugh, I know it's nasty to say that.

But don't you think it's exciting?

Full of a depraved and dark taste.

The destructive power created by Kingaros is crying and struggling under your hands, but it can't escape your palm. It can only follow your thoughts, humiliating and crying against its creator. .


If I were Kingaros, when I saw my carefully crafted creation being treated as a 'toy' by another engineer, I would have collapsed before I even started fighting.

This is a good way to hit the enemy's confidence. "

"Shut up! Evil pirate! Fallen ancient god, don't instill your dirty thoughts in my pure mechanical heart!"

Mimiron scolded loudly:

"Such a nasty way of playing with other people's artifacts or something, Titans, this is just too exciting. Uh, I mean, this is so sacrilegious!

You are dishonoring the integrity and cleanliness of a titan guardian! "

"Ah, yes, yes, I am dirty, I am low!"

Bu Laike stretched out his hand and twitched his cheek lightly. He looked at Mimiron and said in a drawn out voice:

"But we're here to win.

You need to understand what Titan Soul means to the stars. If you can't stop Kin'garoth from launching a dangerous army of mechanical creations, then our efforts to save Titan Soul will definitely end in failure.

That is your creator.

Don't you hear the pitiful wailing of those titan souls in this demon fortress?

Are you such a hard-hearted guardian, just to maintain your moral purity and nobility, let your creators suffer the ending of falling into the abyss forever?

No way no way?

Is this something a Guardian can do? "

"Go, go! You evil bastard, you just want me to break my taboo, and you do it for fun."

Mimiron was undoubtedly wise enough to savor Bo Laike's sinister thoughts.

But after hesitating for a few seconds, he pulled out his extra-large ultra-precision engineering wrench from behind him, and took out Odin's dim thought core from his carry-on bag.

The ball-headed mad guardian glared at Laike. Seeing that Laike was still rolling up his sleeves to help, Mimiron immediately expelled him impatiently:

"Fuck, why don't you wrestle demons with those mortal warriors? The clumsy guy can only interfere with my great creation if he tries to help.

I mean, don't stay here and bother me!

I'm about to start the transformation of this Kin'garoth's favorite creation, and I'm going to carve my inscription on it, Hohohoho, to proclaim the supreme power of Titan's engineering.


What's with that damn smile on your face?

I warn you, things are not as nasty as you think."

"Yes, yes, you made the sacrifice for victory, I can understand, I will not disturb your transformation, remember to say hello to Kingaros for me later.

If you can steal some sleazy engineering blueprints from that bloody devil's bastard's lab in between the heat of battle, I'll definitely pay a premium for them. "

(end of this chapter)

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