Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1716 84. Who Says Greenskins In Wheelchairs Are Heroes?

Chapter 1716 84. Who says greenskins in wheelchairs are heroes?

Seeing that Mimiron had a strange smile and began to disassemble the head parts of Garoxi Destroyer with a weird attitude that had never been seen before, the pirate curled his lips and followed the scorching demon wind in front of him. He flew towards the opposite battlefield.

He thought that Mimiron looked crazy, but he didn't expect that he was also an NTR lover inside.

He said no, he talked about a good guardian character, but looking at the passionate movements and the lightning-like symbols that appeared in his weird electronic eyes from time to time, it doesn't mean that this guy has actually been convinced by Braike Yet?

Tsk tsk, these mechanical creations are really fun.

But contempt is contempt, but the Pirates of Scrap didn't say anything to ridicule.

This Mimiron was a genuine psycho, and he never concealed it himself. The pirate could taunt a normal person crazily because he could guess the reaction of a normal person, but he would not provoke a psycho.

Lian Gu Shendu can't predict what miraculous idea will come out of a neurotic brain in the next second, especially in the face of a neuropath who has the magical ability to blow up the continental shelf.

Now that the anti-magic alliance is advancing triumphantly, with the Eredar Commander Council and the Deceiver both running away, and the Dreadlord's aboveboard internal rebound, Braike needs Mimiron to contain the last of Antorus Burning Throne Mechanical legions with the ability to turn around and their masters.

As long as Mimiron can hold back the apocalypse engineer Kingaros, who possesses dangerous power, until the coalition forces break through the soul cell used to pollute the soul of the Titans, the war against Argus will be won by at least two-thirds .

Then the mortals exit, and the remaining third is Bo Laike's "trouble".

"Forward! Occupy the passage!"

On the outer cliffs leading to the inner palace of the Burning Throne, Va Locke Saurfang has slashed and killed with all his strength. This brave orc warlord holds the Axe Dragon left by his big brother, and the other hand also Carrying a gleaming golden ax of holy light, every time a whirlwind of flesh and blood is set off, several demons will fall around him.

He was almost stepping on the burning demon corpse, and while charging forward, he was still shouting loudly:

"Drive the demons down! Wait until the spaceship opens the channel for the second attack! This is the last battle, the heroic ending is calling, don't give up!"

"stand up!"

Beside Saurfang, Varian, who had activated his divine power, was also slashing and killing.

He rushed to a tauren warrior who had been cut down by a demon, pulled him up from the ground, waved a holy light to heal, and let the blazing holy flame pour into the ground under his feet, burning the approaching demons.

As far as the eye can see, everyone is desperate.

There are too many demons, and the villains stationed on the Burning Throne are the absolute elite of the Legion, which gives them an advantage in both quantity and quality.

Even with the bombing support from The Evil of This World and the thunderous breath from the little star to sweep the ground, in less than ten minutes, the Ashes Expeditionary Army suffered heavy losses.

But their efforts paid off.

They finally lasted until the second charge of the main gun of the Light Judge on the Zenidar ended.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

General Maraad, who slashed and slashed three demon lords with his own strength on the ground, saw the golden light beam used for alignment in the sky pass through the crowd and freeze on the magic steel wall of the main fortress of the Burning Throne in front. He immediately turned his head and yelled a warning to the soldiers fighting fiercely in the bombed area.

But it is not so easy for the warriors on this chaotic battlefield to evacuate. The demons who have already attacked will not allow these guys to flee the battlefield weakly.

The crazy people born from the fel energy field laughed and held the warriors in place, and the ferocious burning demons were not afraid of their own impending death at all.

Anyway, their lives are worthless, and they can be reborn in the Twisting Nether after death, but these delicious souls in front of them are great, even if they die together, they can make money.

"Mage! Where is the mage? Save me! Quick!"

Seeing that the main cannon of the Judgment of Light was about to be fired, Muradin, the dwarf warrior who was swinging the Hammer of Dominion, yelled and broke the hoof of the doomguard lord blocking the way in front of him with a hammer, and rushed forward when the latter fell to the ground There was a crushing blow, and the dwarf yelled in a broken voice over the bloody corpse.

But mages are also busy.

On this chaotic battlefield where the formation has been broken, it is undoubtedly embarrassing for them to face the dilemma of being besieged in melee combat and throwing precise teleportation.

But in the end it is the power of a group of high-level spellcasters, and the critical moment is really unambiguous.

Kael'thas held the Strike of Flame and threw the phoenix fire in all directions to melt and incinerate the approaching demons, and bought a few seconds for other spellcasters to cast spells.

Dean Lanyue and Meili, who maintained an elegant demeanor even in the fierce battle, jointly threw a large-scale teleportation to the point where the light cannon landed, sending the nearby warriors and demons to the other side of the cliff.

Khadgar also snapped.

Cos dry tofu, he endured the pain of being stabbed by a demon assassin and completed the final replacement. Together with Drek'Thar who threw the astral teleportation beside him, he sent a group of wounded who fell to the ground back to the top of his head. On the evil name of this world.

The next moment, the scorching golden light cannon roared again.

Like the dazzling sword of holy light piercing, a crack was blasted out of the towering city wall of Antorus. Wherever the light cannon went, no matter how fierce the demons were, they turned into ashes in the light. Although several friendly soldiers were accidentally injured, this kind of case.

In short, this blow represented the anger of the Legion of the Holy Light towards the demons. The end of the golden streamer opened a gap in the thick magic steel wall that could accommodate a dozen people to pass side by side, and it was still exuding high temperature and scorching breath.

The road leading to the interior of the demon fortress has been opened, but the commanders are not overjoyed, because they can see clearly that when the light cannon fell, a group of demon hunters who were the strongest to seize the position could not escape.

Those fearless demon hunters may have turned to ashes

"Ha! What are you still doing in a daze? Go!"

At this moment, the pirate's voice rang out over the battlefield, and he waved his hand as he walked on the wind, and the demon hunters brought out from under the light cannon were all thrown to the ground by the strong wind.

It was obvious that the crumb pirates who had arrived at that moment had completed the final rescue, and finally these blind hunters did not die under the bombardment of their own people.

It would be a joke from hell if you can't dodge the shelling because you don't have eyes.

This scene made the soldiers below cheer, and Saurfang also grinned, lowered his head and charged towards the gap opened by the main cannon of the Holy Light.

On the scorching ground that still had a holy aura, it knocked away the demons that were rushing over, and rushed into the inner layer of Antorus Fortress first.

The others also fought and retreated, advancing towards the inside of the fortress while the demons were still swarming around.

As for how they should come out after entering, this is indeed a big problem, but after seeing the triangular beacons carried by several archmages of the Holy Light Legion, this doubt was resolved.

Obviously, they want to adopt the teleportation tactics that the Holy Light Legion is best at.

"Keep people outside!"

After Varian and the paladins rushed into the cave, Archbishop Mograine touched the blood on his face and shouted to the others:

"We must block the way for external demons to pursue us. There are too many of them. If this continues, we will be dragged to death here! You go! I stay here with the warriors of the Holy Light Legion.

Don't let our sacrifice go to waste. "

Under the current circumstances, although those who rushed into the throne would face dire danger, staying in this gap and intercepting the pursuers would definitely lead to death.

Seeing that Mograine took the initiative to undertake this important task, the two brothers Malfurion and Illidan who wanted to speak fell silent.

Even the benevolent archdruid didn't say much, just made an elf farewell ceremony to those paladins, and then led his troops to rush into the depths of the throne.

There is no time to grieve, the Cenarion Order has suffered heavy losses in previous battles, and those who survived are all suffocating.

They have come here, no one wants to fall before the last pass, that would be too shameful.

But before the warriors had time to confirm the next route, a group of "uninvited guests" that no one thought of suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Della promise! Kargath!"

Saurfang exclaimed, in front of his eyes, a group of orcs entwined with a ferocious aura suddenly rushed out from left and right from the passage inside the Burning Throne.

The leader is the former Shattered Hand chief Kargath Bladefist who "disappeared" after sneaking a boat to the Antoran wasteland.

It stands to reason that meeting "old friends" should be a good thing, but in the face of these orcs who suddenly appeared, the Ash Warriors raised their weapons one by one and looked at them with disgust.

"You drank the blood?"

Bu Laike in front of the crowd frowned and looked at the group of Shattered Hand orcs in front of him. After Grom Hellscream opened Mannoroth's head with an axe, the orcs' blood disease was cured from the source.

Although it will take some time for the whole race to recover, the energy of the orcs who have not been tortured by the blood disease has returned. This can be seen from the violent fighting posture of the orc soldiers commanded by Saurfang.

But these guys in front of me are different.

Their muscles are abnormally stretched, and their skin is red like a skinned monster. Their eyes are red like burning flames, and there are even devil-like bone spurs growing on their backs, arms, and necks.

All of them were violent and frantic, making no secret of their desire for destruction and destruction from the bottom of their hearts.

The orcs who drank the blood of the demon for the first time were polluted green, but the second time they drank the blood, they would turn red like before. Kargath Bladefist, who led the Shattered Hand orcs, was one of them. "Outstanding".

This orc "beautiful man" who used to have flowing black hair has now become an out-and-out "savage beast" monster. His flowing black hair has long since fallen off and replaced by a scalp full of grooves, and his body is so strong. Incredible, full of a sense of fallen power.

Facing the disgust and hostility of the people in front of him, as well as Bu Laike's inquiry, Kargath moved his neck and walked towards the coalition forces. This action made Tyrande immediately raise the moon bow in his hand.

But in the next moment, Bo Laike waved his hand, signaling Tyrande not to be impulsive.

He looked at Kargath, as if waiting for an explanation.

"Of course I drank magic blood, idiot."

Facing Saurfang's reprimand, Kargath didn't care.

The Shattered Hand orc chief with burning eyes grinned evilly, and the fangs that grew like animal teeth because of the devil's blood bared out of his lips, making this guy look even more terrifying and barbaric.

His vocal cords seemed to have been damaged by the second drink of blood, making his voice hoarse.

He said:

"Only those of us who drank the magic blood can convince the demons that we sincerely 'submit', but these idiots did not realize that after the death of Maronos, as long as we can control ourselves, the out-of-control magic blood is no longer Will lead us again into the abyss of madness.

Of course, I know that in the eyes of you heroes, we are still hopelessly degenerate bastards. It doesn't matter, I never care about the opinions of idiots.

Cloth Laike!

Master Uncrowned, do you think I'm a fallen one too? "

"No, no, no, I'm the same as you, Kargas, I won't be coerced by the crazy words of idiots, my way of looking at the world has always been different from others."

Bu Laike shook his head, he went to Kargath and said:

"But I also know that the results for a master assassin to make such a sacrifice must be quite amazing, then, tell me, Kargath.

What good news have you brought us these days at the price of the filth of your soul? "


A rolled up hide was thrown at Bo Laike.

The latter held it in his hand and opened it for a look, then laughed and threw the thing to Maiev behind him.

Madam Warden and Tyrande looked at the animal skin at the same time. It used quite professional techniques to draw the structure of several layers inside the Burning Throne, and also marked the detailed roads leading to different areas.

This thing made Tyrande look weird at Kargath.

this orc

He actually used this method to complete the impossible "reconnaissance" of the Holy Land of the Burning Legion.

"What you are looking for is on the third floor of the throne."

Kargath moved his terrifying fist blade with heavy breathing. He stared at Saurfang and the orc warriors in the crowd. He said:

"Those elder witches and witches of destruction are polluting the soul of the titan there, I couldn't get in there, but I'm sure you have to leave immediately.

The souls of those titans have already let out screams like motherfuckers.

They may be very powerful, but they who cannot enjoy the pain obviously cannot hold on.

Before I left there, I saw that the star sign on the highest level of the throne had been turned on, and that thing was a signal to guide Aggramar back to Argus.

Your time is running out, heroes. "

After finishing speaking, Chief Shattered Hand waved his hand, and a group of evil beasts behind him roared frantically and followed his chief to the crack in the city wall where they were fighting fiercely.

Under the silent and strange gaze of the warriors of the coalition forces, these "fallen ones" who drank the magic blood for the second time swaggered past them, and some orcs who understood solemnly raised their fists and hammered on the breastplate a few times .

This represents their farewell and respect to the Shattered Hand clan.

Kargath Bladefist, who has always been regarded as a madman and disappeared in the past few years, used this unique method that no one else dared to think of to justify his name.

"Hey, you have stored something with me for too long. Considering that you may die soon, I think it's better to return it to you."

Bu Laike called out to Kargath, and flicked something like a coin towards Chief Shattered Hand. The latter raised his hand and grabbed it without looking back, and the thing was cold in his hand.

Kargath put it in front of his eyes and looked at it.

It is a badge of the Uncrowned Master, and having it means that Bu Laike has acknowledged that Kargath is already a member of the Uncrowned,

It means that Bu Laike agrees that Kargath is also an assassin with a creed, and he is no longer a gladiator who is so dazed that he has no goals and no beliefs.

"You lunatic who drank the blood of the orcs after they were freed from its curse, certainly couldn't do something as great as Grom's."

Bu Laike picked up his pipe and said to Kargath, who had his back turned to him:

"But you gave up the freedom of your soul, and won the possibility of freedom and victory for your people, your world, and our world.

You, the orc gladiator who was once seen as a symbol of freedom, finally understand the true meaning of freedom. Congratulations, Kargath Bladefist, the shackles in your heart have been untied by yourself.

I knew you could do it.

You'll have a place in the sanctuary of the Uncrowned, if you survive, or we'll just build you a statue, and don't expect us to say anything nice about it. "

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Chief Shattered Hand grinned an extremely nasty smile, and said disdainfully:

"I drank the devil's blood just to have some fun fighting, don't think of me as a sadist too noble, go away, golden canned holy light."

Kargath yelled at Mograine who was guarding the gap in a vicious voice:

"Don't steal my fun! This is an arena guarded by me! Each of you must kill at least 100 demons to be eligible to leave from me!

Bo Laike, thanks to your care for so long, I allow you to owe me one.

get out!

Fight hard to please me. "

(end of this chapter)

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